Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday, October 6, 2017 (Day 5)


We had 3 students in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed ÊTRE.  We will have our quiz on this verb next class, which is Friday, October 13th.  Then we discussed looking up words in the dictionary.  For example: 
If I am looking for the word combine as in the machine used at harvest I find the above.  The first choice "combiner" is a verb (vt, vi).  Then "association" is a noun (n). The correct choice is "moissonneuse-batteuse (-lieuse)" f.  The f means it is feminine so when you use it in a sentence you will need an une or a la. 
Example:  Il a une moissonneuse-batteuse. (He has a combine.)  
*Remember you need to include an une or a la when it is a feminine noun.

If I am looking for the word cat I will find n "chat" m.  This means cat is a noun and is masculine so when I use it in a sentence I will need an un or a le.
Example:  J'ai un chat.  (I have one cat.)  if I had 2 cats then the sentence would be J'ai deux chats.
*Remember you need to include an un or a le when it is a masculine noun.
If I am looking for the word glasses I will find npl (spectacles) luneetes (fpl).  This lets me know the word is a plural noun (npl) and it is a feminine one (fpl) sp when I use it in a sentence I need to use les or des and add an s to show it is plural.
Elle a des lunettes.  (She has glasses.)
*Remember you need les or des and an s when it is a plural noun.
If I am looking for the word happy I will find adj heureux(-euse).    This means happy is an adjective (adj) and it can be masculine heureux (before the brackets) or feminine heureuse ( by changing the ending to what is in the brackets.
Example:  Il est heureux.  (He is happy.)  OR Elle est heureuse. (She is happy.)
Note:  Some adjectives are the same for both feminine and masculine and won't change.  
Example:  Il est triste.  (he is sad.)  Elle est triste. (She is sad.)
For homework the students had to find 5 nouns to complete the sentence:  J'ai (un/une/le/la) _______.  and 5 adjectives or nouns tom complete:  Je suis __________.  or Je suis (un/une/le/la) _______.
*We also discussed how to say a lot of something.  
Example:  J'ai beaucoup de chiens.  I have a lot of dogs.


We practiced our Chaise Chaud questions and had our first three students in the Hot Seat.  Then we reviewed pronouns and practiced them with some card games before having a quick quiz.


Today the students read for 10 minutes.  Then they had time to work on their Raven stanza which follows the following plan:

Line 1 internal rhyme (example: dreary, weary)    16 syllables external rhyme A
Line 2                                                                      15 syllables external rhyme B  (lore)
Line 3 internal rhyme (example: napping,tapping)16 syllables external rhyme C
Line 4 internal 1/2 rhyme (example:  rapping)       15 syllables external rhyme B (door)
Line 5                                                                      15 syllables external rhyme B (door)
Line 6                                                                        7 syllables  external rhyme B  (more)

and some students also had time to complete any poetry cards they had not already done.  Remember you can go on Google Classroom to view the Prezi we watched about the poem in class yesterday.

*Remember there is NO SCHOOL Monday due the the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

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