Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015

French 9B

The students had time to finish their Glogsters on a favourite movie.  They are now due.


The students watched a classic Christmas story by O. Henry about sacrifice, gift giving, and the true meaning of love.  It was written in 1905 but is still relevant today - The Gift of the Magi.  We also watched the fun version made by Ernie and Bert of Sesame Street.

French 8B

Students received their formative evaluation on writing sentences describing hair, eyes, and clothing.  Then they had a chance to improve their Glogster on a favourite singer.  Presentations of the Glogs will start in the new year.

Have a wonderful, relaxing break over the

Christmas holidays!

See you next year!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

*Tomorrow is PJ Day, Early Dismissal at 2:30 & the movie for Telemiracle.  Bring $5 if you have not already done so.

French 9A

Students had time to finish their Glogster on a favourite movie in French.


 The students, individually, evaluated a fellow classmates persuasive essay about whether it is better to read the book or see the movie of "The Outsiders."  Students had time to edit and improve their essays before turning them in.

Next we discussed how to choose a topic for a persuasive essay from ideas in the following PowerPoint:

Choosing a Persuasive Essay Topic

 Students then had time to choose a topic and research it to outline their next essay.  We will continue working on research and writing the essay in the new year.


The students had time to continue writing their Persuasive Essay #2 on a topic of their own choice.
They could also work on their Outsiders Project or their French Glogster. Both will be due by the end of class tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

*Tomorrow is Mitten & Tuque Day!

French 8B

Students worked on their Glogster about a singer or musical group.  These are due for Friday's class.  No more class time will be given.


Students, in groups of four, spent two classes examining exemplers of persuasive writing by grade nine students.  Using rubrics they gave the writing a grade of 1 to 4 and we then discussed how they were actually graded and why.  At the end of this process each student individually evaluated one piece of writing and handed it in. Students must have a printed copy (for tomorrow's class) of their persuasive essay on why someone should choose to read the book or watch the movie of "The Outsiders."


Students had this class to work on researching the topic they have chosen for their second persuasive essay.  Many students have still not handed in their final project for "The Outsiders".  It must be handed in tomorrow.

*Remember to bring $5 for the Telemiracle movie afternoon on Friday.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

*Today was Santa's Workshop Day and tomorrow is Ugly Christmas Sweater Day!

French 8A

The class wrote the quiz on "er" verbes and started describing a person's hair, eyes, and clothing in French.

French 9B

Students had this class to work on their Glogster about a favourite movie.  Friday will be the last class time to finish up this project.

French 8B

Students had this class to work on their Glogster about a favourite singer and song.  Tomorrow will be the last class time to finish up this project.

French 7B

Students continued to work on their green screen films.  They will have one class after break to finish filming.  Please remember not to wear green!


Students had this class to finish their persuasive essay convincing someone to either read the book or watch the movie of "The Outsiders."  If you are not done please finish tonight and hand in a printed copy tomorrow.

*The 12 Days of Compliments continues until Friday.  To see the compliments already posted go to  @ActivateUCHS on Twitter.  :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

*Happy Red & Green Day!  Tomorrow is Santa Day so dig out your elf suit or reindeer antlers. * Don't forget to bring $5 on Friday for the TeleMiracle movie!

French 8A

The students practiced for their "er" verbe quiz tomorrow.  They need to be able to conjugate "er" verbs and translate French sentences, we've previously discussed, into English. If you are away tomorrow talk to Miss Riddell about an alternate time to write.

French 7B

Students found the last of their background pictures to use when filming their green screen "Mon Voyage" and some even started filming. Yeah! Please don't wear green for the next few classes or bring a hoodie of a different colour.


The students finished presenting the persuasive advertisement they found last class.  We reviewed the 7 strategies in persuasive writing:
  1. Claim - state a main point or stance
  2. Big names - mention experts and important people (sometimes celebrities) to support the argument
  3. Logos - use logic, numbers or facts to support the argument
  4. Pathos - appeal to the audience's emotions
  5. Ethos - try to build trust and credibility
  6. Kairos - build a sense of urgency for the cause
  7. Research - use studies and information to make the argument more convincing: this can be in the form of words, graphs, tables or illustrations
Together we read an article about Syrian Refugees and found almost all the traits were used.  Students then started work on their own persuasive essay where they are trying to convince someone to either read the book or watch the movie of "The Outsiders", assuming their audience can only do one.  The planning sheet should allow students to plan an introductory paragraph, three paragraphs giving reasons to support their argument, and a concluding paragraph.  This needs to be turned in on Google Classroom by Wednesday, December 15th and one copy printed out for me.

French 7A

Students continued practicing their vocabulary for body parts through a variety of activities.

French 9A

Students started work on their Glogster about a movie in French.  They need to include: a title, the date of release, the genre, the setting, the time period, 2 reasons they like the film, 2 starts from the movie (with descriptions of their hair, eyes, and 3 pieces of clothing/jewelry), and a French movie trailer.  Information should be presented in complete French sentences.
Students who were absent need to see me or check their e-mail for a login and password for Glogster.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015


Students received their Outsider Exam results.

The students, individually, evaluated one more exemplar of persuasive writing.  They then evaluated a fellow classmates persuasive essay about whether it is better to read the book or see the movie of "The Outsiders."  Students had time to edit and improve their essays before turning them in.

Next we discussed how to choose a topic for a persuasive essay from ideas in the following PowerPoint:

Choosing a Persuasive Essay Topic

Students then had time to choose a topic and research it to outline their next essay.

French 7A

We continued discussing and practicing body parts in French.


Students received their Outsider Exam results.

We began discussing the 7 traits of persuasive writing.


Monday - RED / GREEN Day
Tuesday - Santa's Workshop Day
Wednesday - Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Thursday - Mitt & Toque Day
Friday - PJ Day, Movie ($5 for Telemiracle) & Early Dismissal at 2:30 pm

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

It has been a busy week with Drama performances.  Great job by everyone involved!

French 9A & 9B

We finished discussing reasons to like movies and watched several more trailers for movies in French.  9B just started planning out a Glogster about their favourite movie and 9A will be starting this next class.

French 8B

This class also planned out a Glogster on their favourite singer and a song, which they enjoy.

French 7A

The students reviewed the verbe - avoir (to have) and their knowledge of body parts.  We are going to study a Quebec legend featuring a Loup Garou (werewolf) so we learned to describe one.


Many students are overdue in handing in their projects for "The Outsiders" which were due last Friday.  Please turn them in as soon as possible.  We are currently discussing persuasive writing.  The students looked at several exemplers of persuasive writing by grade 9 students and are going to use their skills to assess and improve their current persuasive writing piece.


"The Outsider" final projects are due tomorrow.  Please turn in charts on Google Classroom and e-mail me links for Fakebook and Glogsters.  Send me your iMovies through e-mail.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015

French 8A

We practiced "er" verbes for our quiz on Tuesday, December 15th.

"ER" verbes
1. Remove the er.
2. Add the correct endings:

JE ...E (I ...)                              NOUS ...ONS (We ...)
TU ...ES (You(s) ...)                 VOUS ...EZ (You (pl) ...)
IL ...E (He ...)                           ILS ... ENT (They (m)...)
ELLE ... E (She ...)                  ELLES ... ENT (They (f) ...)
ON ... E) (One ...)

French 9B

We discussed vocabulary about reasons to like a movie and discussed the formative assessment on describing a celebrities hair, eyes, and clothing.  We also watched and discussed a few more French movie trailers.

French 8B

We discussed the "er" verbe test and orally described a classmate.  Then students worked in pairs and took photo of their partner and described their hair, eyes and clothing in a French poster.

French 7B

Students searched for background pictures for their green screen projects and created a title and credit slide in PicCollage.


Last class to work on "The Outsider" projects, which are due Friday, December 11th.
Our test will be on Wednesday, December 9th.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

French 8A

We watched everyone's "ER" verbe videos, except for one. We also practiced conjugating "er" verbes for our quiz on Tuesday, December 15th.

French 7B

We practiced our sentences orally for green screening and then studied the verb "AVOIR" to have.


The students had 2 classes to work on their final projects.  The last working class will be Monday and projects will be due on Friday, December 11th.  Out test on "The Outsiders"  will be held on Wednesday, December 9th. Study outlines were handed out so see Miss Riddell if you were away and would like one.

French 7A

The students practiced using J'ai ... orally and on a written worksheet and crossword.

French 9A

We looked at the names for various genres of films in French, how to describe settings, and time frames.  We also practiced a reading activity to describe people. The students also watched three "Bandes Annonces" or movie trailers in French.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Fruit is in.  Please pick up your orders to deliver.


We discussed persuasive writing and examined several examples.   There are 7 strategies to use:
1. Claim - your main point
2. Big Names - celebrities, medical experts, other important people that support your side of the argument
3. Logos - not a picture logo but rather using logic, numbers, facts, and data to support your argument
4. Pathos - appealing to your audience's emotions
5. Ethos - making yourself seem trustworthy and believable
6. Kairos - building a sense of urgency, often used for sales - 1 day only 30% off
7. Research - using studies and information to make your argument more convincing, mays include words, graphs, tables, illustrations

When writing a persuasive piece start with an attention grabber, followed by your main thesis, supporting details, sometimes including the cons to your argument and refuting them, and a strong conclusion.

We read the following article and then looked to see how many strategies were used and where:
Why Canada Should Welcome Syrian Refugees A Lot More

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________


Take another look at the persuasive piece that you chose to share with the class from the Persuasion Is All Around You assignment. What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you? Read through each strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy. Persuasive Strategy
How the Author Used It
Claim – States the main
point or stance
Big Names – Mentions experts and important people to support the argument
Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or
facts to support the argument
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
Ethos – Tries to build trust and credibility
Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency
for the cause
Research – Uses studies and
information to make the
argument seem more convincing;
this can be in the form of words,
graphs, tables, or illustrations

French 7A

We went through our Mon Voyage Quizzes.  Then we practiced conjugating the verb Avoir.


Students continued work on their final project for "The Outsiders."  the last class day to work on the project will be Monday, December 7th and projects will be due Friday, December 11th.  Our test will be on Wednesday, December 9th.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015

French 8B

We continued to practice describing classmates hair, eyes, and clothing orally and started to look at how to write those sentences correctly.


Students had this class to finish up work on part one of the recast or soundtrack option and continue work on the Fakebook option.  Tomorrow students should be creating an iMovie trailer or a Glogster for their soundtrack.  Fakebook will continue on with their status posts. Their novel exam is on Wednesday and they all received a study outline today.


Students had two classes today to work on their "Outsiders" project and will continue work tomorrow.

*I'm at a workshop tomorrow and Mr. Herrick will be subbing for me.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

French 8A

Today was the last classtime to finish up our green screen "er" verbe movies. All movies must be e-mailed to me by Wednesday, December 2nd.  We also worked on an "er" verbe practice sheet. We will have a quiz on "er" verbes on Tuesday, December 15th.

French 9B

We orally described classmates and continued with a formative reading assessment.  Today's article was on "The Scorch Trials."

French 8B

Students wrote their quiz on "er" verbes and we started to discuss describing a person's appearance including:  hair, eyes, and clothing.

French 7B

Today we took our rough plan for a green screen movie on a trip and turned it into a Storyboard to use when filming.


Students chose one of the following three options for a final project for "The Outsiders" and started work.
a) recasting the movie and creating an updated movie trailer
b) creating a new soundtrack and making a Glogster of videos for the new songs
c) creating a Fakebook page of major story events with status posts and replies by the various characters

*Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

French 9B

We practiced orally describing classmate's hair, eyes, and clothing.  We read about Jennifer Lawrence and her movies in French.


The students had work time on their final "The Outsiders" project.  Students should have all their events and/or characters planned out and now be working on finding specific quotes, songs, actors, etc. They will have 2 work periods tomorrow.

French 8B

We practiced our "er" verbes for our quiz on Friday, November 27th.  We also listened to some music and discussed our favourite singers, groups and songs.

French 7A

Today was the last class time given for finishing up green screening and creating iMovies about our trips.  Three students still need to e-mail me their finished videos. We also introduced the verb AVOIR - to have and how it is conjugated.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

*NO SCHOOL MONDAY - due to a PD Day!

French 9A

We practiced describing someone's hair, eyes, and clothing orally.

Ex:  Elle a les cheveux blonds, longs, et raides.
       Elle a les yeux verts.
       Elle porte un t-shirt bleu.
       Elle porte un pantalon noir.
       Elle porte des chaussures de sport blanches et violettes.

We also read, in French, about Jennifer Lawrence and her films.


We continued working on our final projects for "The Outsiders". Students are either:
a) recasting the movie and creating an updated movie trailer
b) creating a new soundtrack and making a Glogster of videos for the new songs
c) creating a Fakebook page of major story events with status posts and replies by the various characters

Driver's Education continues next week.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

French 8B

We practiced conjugating "er" verbes.  We'll practice more next class (Tuesday) and our test will be on Friday, November 28th.

je - e  (I)
tu - es  (You (s))
il/elle/on/tout le monde/qui - e (He/she/one/everyone/who)
nous - ons * manger -> mangeons  & commencer -> commençons  (We)
vous - ez  (You (pl))
ils/elles - ent (They (m) / They (f))

* Study your verb sheet, remember you are responsible for the vocabulary on that sheet.


Students chose their final project from the following and received a planning sheet:
a) Recast the movie & create a new trailer
b) Pick current songs for a new soundtrack & create a Glogster
c) Make a Fakebook page with accounts for the main characters showing the main events in the novel through posts and comments.

* Students will have 5 classes to work on this project before writing a final exam on the novel "The Outsiders."


Students completed questions on chapters 9 & 10, which are to be handed in for evaluation.
Two more chapters and we are done the novel.  :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Student Led Conferences tonight 4:00-7:30 pm.

French 8A & 7A

Both classes are working  on green screen video projects.  If you were absent you may need to visit the library on your own time to finish green screening.

French 7B

We are continuing on with vocabulary structures for our unit on a trip. We also played Kahoot to practice our Canadian provinces and French greetings.

French 9A

We practiced describing our classmate's hair, eyes and clothing in French orally and then completed our written descriptions of a celebrity.


We practiced for our Student Led Conferences and read and watched chapter 8.  We also completed questions on chapters 7 & 8 and corrected.  We read part of chapter 9 as well.  Next class we'll finish reading chapter 9 & 10 and watch the video.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday, November 13, 3015

*ELA 9A & 9B need their SLC binder at school ASAP.

French 9B

Students created a celebrity poster on Google Classroom using descriptions of the celebrity's hair, eyes, clothing and jewelry.


We read chapters 11 & 12 of "The Outsiders" and watched chapters 9-12 of the movie.  Questions on chapters 11 & 12 are due Monday.

French 8B

Students finished up work on their "er" verb iMovies.  This was the last class period to work on them and I believe only one group is left to turn their movie in.  Good work!

French 7A

Students continued work on their "Mon Voyage" green screening.  Some students are now working in iMovie.  We'll continue this project next class.

*Have a great weekend!  :)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

* The Fruit Sale ended today but if you forgot any orders at home you can bring them to the office on Monday.

* I will be away Monday, Tuesday & Thursday and Mr. Herrick will be subbing for me.

French 8A

We practices conjugating "er" verbes.  Next week students will start storyboarding for a green screen video about an "er" verb.

French 7B

We missed French due to a presentation from the "Wounded Warriors".  American Staff Sergeant Bob Henline discussed his experiences during his four tours in Iraq, which ended when his Humvee was hit by a bomb.  He is now a comedian and motivational speaker and travels spreading his message of hope and living each moment of life fully. 


Today we corrected Chapter 6's questions.  Then students read "The Outsiders" chapter 7 themselves and answered questions about chapter 7.  We also finished up our rough drafts of our SLC paragraphs on strengths and challenges.  Later we watched chapter 6 and read part of it aloud.

French 7A

Students continued finding pictures for their green screen videos on "Mon Voyage" and some started filming.  We'll continue this next week.

French 9A

We practiced writing sentences to describe someone's hair, eyes, and clothing. Next week will have students putting this into action when they describe a celebrity.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

*The Fruit Sale ends tomorrow.

* Good Luck to all the Volleyball players at Districts!


We wrote our rough drafts of our SLC paragraphs on strengths and challenges.  Please have your SLC binders in class as soon as possible.
We also finished reading chapter 10 and watched chapter 9 & 10 of "The Outsiders." The chapter questions are due Friday to be handed in.  We also read chapter 11 and most of 12 aloud.

French 7A

We finished everyone's storyboards, except for one, for our green screen trip videos.  Students also searched up pictures for their stories and most are ready to start green screening tomorrow.


We also wrote our rough drafts of our SLC paragraphs on strengths and challenges. We'll have a bit of finish up time tomorrow. Please have your SLC binders in class as soon as possible.
"The Outsiders" chapter questions for chapter 6 are due Friday for discussion.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Two more days for the FRUIT SALE!

SLC (Student Led Conferences) are approaching and students need to have their binders and dividers at school.

French 9B

We reviewed when to use avoir and être.  We also reviewed "ER" verbs and practiced conjugating porter (to wear).


We finished up and discussed the questions for chapter 7 & 8. We then read chapter 9 & 10.  Those students gone for volleyball will need to get the questions for chapters 9 & 10 done on their own and hand them in by the end of the day Friday, November 6th.

French 8A & 7A

Both classes are working on green screen video projects.  Grade 7's who were gone for band will need to get their storyboard done tomorrow in class. Grade 8's who were absent will need to film their parts when we are filming again next week.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Fruit Sale ends Friday!

French 9A

We practiced using être & avoir. Remember in French you have hunger, thirst, and so many years of age.  We also reviewed "ER" verbs and worked with the verb - porter (to wear).


We watched and read chapter 6 of "The Outsiders."  We didn't have time to correct our questions so make sure they are done for Friday, November 6th.


Last class students read chapter 7 to themselves an answered questions.  Today we watched the video, I read the chapter aloud, and the students redid the questions.  Almost everyone improved their marks.  We also watched and read chapter 8.

We are having an issue with cellphones.  The policy is that the phones, if brought to class, are to go in a basket on the front table.  However, many students are keeping them in their pockets and then texting, and so on, during class.  Today SEVEN phones were confiscated and the students had to claim them from Mr. Parker at the front office at the end of the day.  Cellphones can be wonderful tools but students need to be using them appropriately. Please students be respectful, be responsible, and choose to learn.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

French 8B

The students did a great job of finding background pictures for their green screen videos.  We start filming next class.


The students did a Reading Survey and started planning for Student Led Conferences on November 17 & 18.  We also finished analyzing the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost and completed the chapter 5 questions and discussed them.  We just started to watch the video of chapter 6 of "The Outsiders."


Students read chapter seven of "The Outsiders" on their own and answered comprehension questions.

The Fruit Sale finishes on November 6th, so please sell some items!  :)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, Ocotber 29, 2015

Tomorrow is Costume Day, SADD is selling cupcakes at lunch, and We Scare Hunger is collecting food for the Food Bank.


We corrected the questions from Chapter 4, read and watched Chapter 5 of The Outsiders. Your character paragraph and self-assessment are now overdue.
We also did an SRA story so if you were absent please catch up.

French 7A

We started planning our trips, which we are going to turn into Green Screen videos.

French 7B

We finished up our review unit by practicing and using questions and answers.  Two students are left to present their partners next class.

French 8A

We are continuing our music unit and today discussed various types of music and instruments.

French 9A

We reviewed the verb être (to be) and various adjectives.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today was Twin Day at UCHS and tomorrow is Orange & Black Day.


We watched and read chapter 6 of The Outsiders and worked on the chapter questions as well as examples of similes and metaphors. 


Today we finished up our Remembrance Day poems and essays.  We also went through the rubic for our character paragraphs.  Then character paragraphs were typed into Google Classroom and students self- assessed their work.  No more classtime will be given for this so if you did not finish please do so as soon as possible.  Remember Google Classroom can be accessed from a home computer, a tablet or your smartphone.
CHARACTER PARAGRAPH RUBRIC   Name:  _______________________

  • Message is vague.
  • Explanation is unclear with incomplete ideas lacking detail.

  • Message is simplistic.
  • Explanation is clear with generally accurate ideas and detailed information.
  • Message is relevant.
  • Explanation has clear, complete ideas and detailed information.
  • Message is purposeful.
  • Explanation has comprehensive ideas and detailed information.
  • A missing or incomplete topic sentence or thesis.
  • Conclusion is missing or incomplete.
  • A general thesis or topic sentence.
  • Conclusion is simplistic and repeats the main ideas.

  • A coherent thesis or topic sentence.
  • A conclusion connects ideas and returns to the topic/thesis.
  • An insightful thesis or topic sentence.
  • An insightful conclusion that clarifies ideas and returns to the thesis.
  • Limited language and vocabulary not suited to audience.
  • Limited control of grammar, sentence and paragraph structure.
  • Limited control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)

  • Language and vocabulary generally suits the intended audience.
  • General control of grammar, sentences and paragraph structure.
  • General control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)
  • Language and vocabulary suits the intended audience.
  • Appropriate control of grammar, sentences and paragraph structure.
  • Appropriate control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)
  • Sophisticated language and vocabulary suits the intended audience.
  • Precise control of grammar, sentences and paragraph structure.
  • Comprehensive control of mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)

French 7A
Today we discussed various forms of transportation and watched the following video.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


We are working on a music unit and have been reviewing 'er' verbs such as écouter, aimer and porter.
Here are two fun videos to help you review the endings for these verbs.



Today we discussed Robert Frost's poem Nothing Gold Can Stay.  We also did questions on chapter 5 of The Outsiders.

French 7A

We discussed various sites we might wish to see in each Canadian province and territory.  This is to aid in recounting a trip the students have taken or imagined.

Tomorrow is Twin Day and there are Fear Factor activities at noon. Remember Fruit Sales are continuing.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

No school Monday due to a PD Day.  Tuesday is Pajama Day. 


We read chapter 5 of The Outsiders today and discussed the literary device of irony.  Students also completed an SRA card, so if you were absent please catch up on this.

French 9A

We reviewed the verb avoir (to have) and discussed how to describe hair, eyes, and some facial features.
AVOIR - to have
J'ai (I have)        
Tu as (You (s) have) *for one person or someone you know very well
Il a (He has)
Elle a (She has)
On a (One has)
Nous avons (We have)
Vous avez (You (pl) have) *for a group of people or someone you don't know or someone higher up then you, this is the politest form
Ils ont (They (m) have) *group of boys or group of boys and girls
Elles ont (They (f) have) *group of girls only


Due to a laptop misbooking we will now do our character paragraph good copy on Wednesday, October 28th.  Today we looked at the literary devices of point of view and characterization. We also finished reading Chapter 4 and worked on the questions for that chapter.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Today is the kick off for the Fruit Sale.  The money from this fundraiser goes to support school related projects and activities so it is important for you to do your part.  The sale will run from today until Friday, November 6th.  ALL orders must be in by Monday, November 9th
Incentives include:
  • The overall top seller will receive $60.00
  • The second overall top seller will receive $30.00
  • The top seller in each grade will receive $20.00
  • The second top seller in each grade will receive $10.00
  • The top seller in period 1 (ending Oct. 27) will receive $20.00
  • The top seller in period 2 (ending Nov. 2) will receive $15.00
  • The top seller in period 3 (ending Nov 6) will receive $10.00
Cheques should be made out to UCHS SPECIAL SERVICES.  The customer gets the white form, the school gets the yellow form, and the seller (student) keeps the pink form so they know who to deliver to when the products arrive. Completed orders and money can be turned into any teacher.
FYI - This year there will be no Magazine Drive and we will be doing a second Fruit Sale in the spring.

SPIRIT WEEK (Oct. 26 - Oct. 30)

Monday - No School due to PD DAY
Tuesday - Pajama Day
Wednesday - Twin or Fear Factor Day
Thursday - Orange & Black Day
Friday - Costume Parade


Friday, October 30th UCHS is collecting food for the We Scare Hunger Campaign.  You may send food items to school or students will be canvassing the town between 4-6 pm.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

We are working on the novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.  However, there are some students with outstanding assignments for the Legion's Remembrance Day Writing competition (due Oct. 16th) and the 15 Minutes of Fame writing piece (Due Oct. 5th).  Please get these in as soon as possible.

We are also working on the novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.  Remember the rough draft od your paragraph about one character is due tomorrow (Thursday, October 22nd),

French 7-9
Many of you still owe me a "Je dis merci pour..." poster.

Today is Back to the Future Day.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015

Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

ELA 9B Your rough drafts for Remembrance Day (poem or essay) are due on Tuesday.

All French classes on Tuesday need to bring markers or pencil crayons to class.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Thank-you to almost everyone in grade 9 for being at school and completing the CAT tests. It is so nice not having to schedule extra times.

ELA 9A - Your Remembrance Day poems or essays need to be completed in rough draft for tomorrow.

ELA 9B - We'll be finishing presenting our 15 minutes of fame articles next class.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

CAT testing will run, on Tuesday & Wednesday, for grade 9's. Students can't study for these tests but can prepare by getting a goodnight's sleep and eating a nutritious breakfast. If at all possible please try to be at school on these test days. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday, October 1, 2015

All classes received new seating plans today. Welcome October!


Today we had time to finish our Dennis Shappa slideshows.  They are now homework to be completed and turned in on Google Classroom.  This can be done from a computer, laptop, phone, tablet, etc.

We also continued reading "The Game" by Ken Dryden and brainstormed what our 15 Minutes of Fame would be like.  Tomorrow we will finish writing either a 10 question and answer interview or a 3-4 paragraph article about how we became famous and some of the perks and pitfalls this entails.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

This week Mrs. Snell joined us to help the students get set-up for SRA reading.  During SRA reading time students will read various stories at specific levels and take tests on comprehension and vocabulary.  This is a good way for the students to self-assess their reading abilities and create data to check their reading levels.  Students who have previously been at UCHS started SRA reading activities in grade 7.  We will be doing SRA reading approximately once in a six day cycle, as time allows.
Today we started to read an article by Ken Dryden on celebrities.  The class had a passionate discussion about whether professional athletes should be paid large salaries. Next week we will be starting the novel 'The Outsiders' by S. E. Hinton.

This class is also set-up for SRA reading.  Today we started our novel study of 'The Outsiders' by S. E. Hinton.

* As a note both grade 9 classes will be undergoing CAT testing on Tuesday, October 6 and Wednesday, October 7th.  It is very important that students be at school on these days as missed tests will have to be rescheduled, which is very inconvenient for all involved.  These tests can not be studied for but before a CAT testing day students should make sure they have a good night's sleep and the morning of a test students should eat a healthy breakfast. 

French 7-9
Most classes are wrapping up our review package and will be starting our first official units in the next few classes.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday was a gorgeous day for the Terry Fox Walk. Thanks to everyone who brought a loonie or two.

ELA 9B used Google Classroom to create a slide show today about Dennis Shappa's journey.

Friday is the last day of Welcome Week. It is School Colour Day (red & black). There will be a Pep Rally, a home football game, and the senior girls are hosting a volleyball tournament. Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today was full of camouflage and burgers.

Thursday is Jersey Day, the Terry Fox Walk and the Chili Cook Off. Everyone should bring $1 to donate to Terry Fox. If you wish to buy cups of all the chilies & a vote it costs $5. If you just want one bowl of chili it is $3.

French 7B, 8A & 8B need their dictionaries and colouring supplies tomorrow (Thursday) for French.

ELA 9B should have their slide show about Dennis Shappa planned out and ready to go for tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Those who wore their pajamas today looked cozy and breakfast was yummy!

ELA 9A did their first assignment using Google Classroom slides today.  It allowed both students to work on the same presentation at the same time.  The only glitch was some partners didn't start out in the assignment so couldn't turn in their finished project.  Remember to start out in the assignment in the future please.

French 7A & 9A need their dictionaries and colouring supplies tomorrow for French.
Tomorrow is Camo Day & there is a Burger Sale at lunch.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

No school for students today as the staff is exploring the world of video making during our PD Day.
The rest of this week is welcome week:

Tuesday - Pajama Day & Breakfast provided by the SCC

Wednesday - Camouflage Day & Burger Sale

Thursday - Jersey Day, Terry Fox Walk/Run & Chili Cook Off

Friday - School Colour Day (Red and Black), Pep Rally, Football Home Game & Senior Girls' Volleyball Home Tournament


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

In French 7-9 we've been doing some general review.  This week most classes have practiced days of the week, months of the year, and seasons.  Here are links to some songs on these topics:

Les jours de la semaine

Les mois de l'année

Les saisons

ELA 9A&B - Both classes have finished a new article based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding," which should now be turned in on Google Classroom.  We are currently looking at Robert Frost's poem 'The Road Not Taken' and the symbolism found therein.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

In French 7-9 we've been doing some general review.  This week most classes have practiced days of the week, months of the year, and seasons.  Here are links to some songs on these topics:

Les jours de la semaine

Les mois de l'année

Les saisons

ELA 9A&B - Both classes have finished a new article based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding," which should now be turned in on Google Classroom.  We are currently looking at Robert Frost's poem 'The Road Not Taken' and the symbolism found therein.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

ELA 9A & 9B did a self-assessment on their news articles based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding."  The students also described the theme of the story.  We watched a video of a trailer for the story and one version of the story created for YouTube.

The class also discussed the importance of being a good digital citizen and to THINK before you post on-line if it is:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is picture day at UCHS. Remember not to wear green. Bring your smiles! 
Wednesday ELA 9B will be typing out their final versions of the news articles they wrote based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding." Today we discussed and put into action a peer editing plan. More information can be found in the September 11th post on this blog.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

ELA 9B rough copies of the newspaper articles based on the story "On The Sidewalk Bleeding" are due tomorrow (Tuesday, period 6).  Remember you are a reporter answering the who, what, where, when, why and how questions. Also, include some quotations from the characters in the story.  You may add your own details such as names, exact location, and so on. Don't forget a headline.

Remember, school pictures are Wednesday, September 16th and all fees and forms are also due that day.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

ELA 9A has finished reading "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" and on Monday, September 14th the students' news articles, based on the story are due.  Each article should be turned in on Google Classroom, which may be done from school or home.  Today we peer edited using the strategies found in the following:

Peer Editing PowerPoint

The rubric for the article may be found here:

Newspaper Article Rubric

ELA 9B will begin the above assignment next week.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

In ELA 9 we watched the following video version of the poem 'Identity' by Julio Noboa Polanco.
Remember that the THEME of a piece of writing is the author's message to the reader. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

In French we have been reviewing the alphabet and numbers in all grades.  Here are two quick videos to help you practice:

September 1st and 2nd

Well the first two days are done and I have met the 9A, 9B, 8B and 7A classes.  Tomorrow I should meet everyone else.  We have spent time in class getting to know each other and reviewing expectations and course outlines.  Please find copies of the course outlines below:

Grade 7 Core French

Grade 8 Core French

Grade 9 Core French

Grade 9 ELA

ELA 9A - We are trying to get everyone set-up on Google classroom where students will be able to work on and turn in assignments from any computer or devise.  We had a few glitches today but will try again tomorrow. If you want to review the steps here is the video we saw in class:

Homework: 9A - In Search of Self Questions, Bio Poem
Good luck to all the football players tomorrow!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Welcome Back! Bienvenue!

Welcome to my blog.  I think this year will be an exciting one with lots of learning occurring in both ELA 9 and Core French.  I'm looking forward to meeting all my new students and reconnecting with ones from previous years.  :)