Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

Both classes watched "Gnomeo and Juliet" to review for the final exam, which is MONDAY at 9 am.  ELA 9A also had time to do a few kahoots.


The students had one last class to finish up their posters on a Famous Parisian landmark.  


We finished watching "The Breadwinner," which tied into many of the outcomes we covered this year.


Outstanding assignments:  Resume (due May 27) - Parker, Charlie
Volunteer Poster (due June 20) - Daylan
The final exam is WEDNESDAY at 9 am.  Study!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019 (Day 4)


I am happy to report that as of now in 9A there are no outstanding assignments.  The students watched "Gnomeo and Juliet" to prepare for their final, which will be written at 9 am on Monday, June 24th.


The students finished presenting their Famous French Canadians.  They are all finished other than Parker.


We finished reading "The Hill" and did a plot diagram.  The students also received an outline for the final exam.   The students also started to watch "Gnomeo and Juliet" to prepare for their final, which will be written at 9 am on Monday, June 24th.
Outstanding Assignment:  Book Talk - Jarret


The students began watching "The Breadwinner."


The students finished up their Volunteer Posters and reviewed the Young Workers Readiness Course in preparation for their final on Wednesday, June 26th at 9 am.
Outstanding assignments:  Resume (due May 27) - Parker & Vinson
Volunteer Poster (due June 12) - Dahlia, Taelyn, Daylan


Outstanding Assignments: Resume (due May 27) - Bronson, Charlie
Volunteer Poster (due June 17) - Kelsey, Logan, Jaydon, Tristin, Kyle, Bronson, Owen, Denise, Logan, Charlie, Addison, Thomas, Emma

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 (Day 4)


The students finished reading "The Hill." We then made a story plot diagram and discussed it.  The students received their ELA Final outlines.  Lastly we started to watch "Gnomeo and Juliet."
Outstanding assignments:
Book Talks (due June 5) - Zya, Braden


The students wrote their Government exam.  If they got done early they had time to read or work on homework.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell ASAP to arrange a time to write.


The students worked on their poster about a Famous Parisian Monument.  We will finish these up in our last French class on Friday.


The students continued to read "The Hill" from page 210 - 248
Outstanding assignments:
Book Talks (due June 5) - Jarret


The students finished presenting on their Famous French Canadian and had one last chance to make any necessary corrections. We also finished up the last Chaise Chaud theme. Tristin needs to complete his slideshow and present to me tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 (Day 3)


The students who were finished presented their Famous French Canadian and received some formative feedback.  They had the remainder of the class to finish up their slide show, correct their slide show, work on their last Careers assignment, study for their Careers Final. 
*All slideshows must be done for our last class on Thursday, June 20th.


The students reviewed for their exam tomorrow.  We watched the following videos and then played a couple of kahoots.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students continued reading "The Hill."  ELA 9A read from page 209-246 and ELA 9B read from page 172-210.
Outstanding Assignments:  Book Talks (June 5th) - Kyra, Kendra, Zya, Braden, Mercedez, John Paul, Sharri, Ralf, Dallan, Jarret

Friday, June 14 & Monday, June 17 (Day 1 & 2)


The students had two classes to complete their posters about a Famous Parisian Monument.  They were due at the end of class on Monday.


The students worked on definitions about Canadian Government, and corrected them, in preparation for their last summative test, which will be on Wednesday, June 19th.
The test will cover:  
Government Roles PM, Premier, GG, etc
Political parties
Rights & Responsibilities
Federal, Provincial & Municipal Services
Forms of Government - democracy, oligarchy and dictatorship


The students started presentations on  their Famous French Canadian and received formative feedback on their sentences.  A number used Google Translate and need to fix this to reflect what they know from what we did in class. Final presentations will be finished up on Wednesday, June 19th in class.


The students continued on with the novel "The Hill."  They read pages 148-187 on Friday and pages 187 - 209 on Monday.
Outstanding assignments:
Romeo and Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra
Book Talks (due June 5th) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Kendra, Maryana, Mercedez, Zya, Braden


The students continued on with the novel "The Hill."  They read pages 144 - 172.
Outstanding assignments:
Book Talks (due June 5th) - John Paul, Ralf, Dallan, Jarret, Sharri


The students received their Final Exam Outline.  They all will be writing this exam.  
Outstanding assignments:
Resumes (due May 27):  Shea, Logan, Charlie, Bronson
Volunteer Poster (due June 17):  Shea, Owen, Ashlyn, Kristina, Kelsey, Denise. Logan, Charlie, Jaydon, Carrie, Addison, Tristin, Thomas, Kyle, Emma, Bronson

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students each read aloud today as we continued reading "The Hill."  ELA 9A finished to page 148 (Chapter 15) and ELA 9B finished to page 144.
Outstanding summatives:
The Outsiders (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet (due Apr 12) - Kyra
Book trailers (due June 5) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Kendra, Jesse, Maryana, Colbey, Mercedez, Kayden, Hunter,Zya, Braden, John Paul, Pearson, Jax, Ralf, Dallan, Jarret, Danae, Sharri, Denim 


The students, working in partners, had this class to research a famous Parisian monument.  They will be creating a poster with the information they have found.  Last work day and due date will be Wednesday, June 19th.  If you are absent make sure to coordinate with your partner to get your share done.


Yesterday the students presented their Reader's Theatre on Federal, Provincial, Municipal and Types of Governments.  Today we finished making some notes on these and started working on some key vocabulary.  We will be having an exam on this information on Tuesday, June 18th.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 (Day 4)

ELA 9A & 9B

We reviewed what happened in the first two chapters of "The Hill" and read as follows - ELA 9A p -34 - 68 and ELA 9B p -35 - 71.  If you were absent please get the reading done before tomorrow's class.  Remember the final will be partially based on this novel.
Overdue Assignments:
The Outsiders Final Project (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra
Book Talks (due June 5) - Kyra, Kerrigna, Kendra, Braedon, Jesse, Maryana, Alexis, Colbey, Mercedez, Kayden, Hunter, Zya, Braden, John Paul, Pearson, Jax, Ralf, Dallan, Jarret, Danae, Sharri, Denim


The students practiced their Reader's Theatre and will perform tomorrow.  We also discussed what Pages are and what their responsibilities are in the House of Commons in Ottawa.  We also started to look at different levels of government and their responsibilities.


The students had ten minutes to review and then they wrote their exam on body parts and monsters.  Then everyone chose a partner and a famous landmark in Paris, which they are going to create a poster about. If you were absent be prepared to write at lunch tomorrow.


The students had the class to finish their slideshow on a Famous French Canadians.  They should include a title slide with their name, your name, and a picture and a slide for each question asked on the planning sheet with the answer and a picture.  Some students had time to work on Careers as well.  Resumes are now overdue (due May 27) 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019 (Day 2)


The students chose a monument in Paris and began researching information about it.  They are working in partners (and one group of three) to produce poster on their chosen monument.  They will have today and two more classes to complete this task.


The students are working in groups of six to present a Reader's Theatre on an aspect of Canadian government.  Today they chose the roles they will read and did a read through. They also started to plan for the props they will need.

ELA 9A & 9B

Students read for ten minutes and recorded their progress.  Then we began the novel "The Hill."  The students are responsible for keeping notes on the characters.  They must have their copies of "The Hill" for every class now until we are done. If you were absent have pages 1 - 34 and (ELA 9A) pages 1 - 35 (ELA 9B)  read for Monday.


The students, using their results from last class, chose a volunteer organization they are interested in and did some research on it to create a poster.  This will be a one page information sheet which includes the elements listed on the assignment in Google Classroom.  They will have part of our last class to finish up after we have reviewed and they have received an outline for the final exam.

Missing or incomplete resumes (due May 27):
Gracen, Raegan, Parker, Nic. McKenzie, Wesley, Tanner, Taelyn, Weston, Carter, Dahlia, Vinson, Adam, Daylan, Tyeisha
Tristin, Kristina, Shea, Addison, Kelsey, Owen, Logan, Bronson, Ashlyn, Kaden, Charlie, Kyle, Jaydon

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019 (Day 1)


The students chose their seating plan for June.  Then we reviewed endings for ER/IR/RE verbs.  Students had a chance to improve three sentences they had written about their monster using these verbs.

                              ER verbs                      IR verbs                           RE verbs
JE                            E                                        IS                                          S
TU                           ES                                      IS                                         S
IL/ELLE/ON           E                                        IT
NOUS                     ONS                                 ISSONS                                 ONS
VOUS                     EZ                                    ISSEZ                                    EZ
ILS/ELLES             ENT                                 ISSENT                                 ENT
*Manger -->  nous mangEons
*Commencer --> nous commençons


The students had this class to continue working on their Famous French Canadian slideshows.  They will have one more class to complete before they will be presenting.


The grade 7 classes had a great day.  They watched a movie, enjoyed a pizza lunch, and the weather was perfect for an ice cream treat in the park and swimming.  Thanks to 2nd Avenue Cinema, Bluez, and Shaynah at the pool.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wednesday, June 5, 2019 (Day 6)


The students had 5 minutes to study the various body parts vocabulary before they presented their monsters to the class.  They will have a test on body part vocabulary and monsters next class Tuesday, June 11th.  Remember to study!


Today we discussed the 75th anniversary of D-Day, when Canadian Soldiers landed on Juno Beach on June 6, 1944.  We read about Canada House, which still stands on the beach today and watched a video of some veterans reminiscing about that day.

Grade 9s were off to the PARTY PROGRAM in North Battleford today!


You will be writing your open book Vocabulary test on Lessons 4-6 tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had ten minutes to read.  Then they had the remainder of the class to finish their Book Talks.  These include:
a) creating a book cover and e-mailing a copy to me
b) planning out their talk
c) Green-screening themselves introducing their book
d) recording themselves reading a passage from their book or record over a picture of the book cover 
e) creating an iMovie with (opening screen from PicCollage (My Book Talk by ...), video of them in front of green-screen, and video of them reading)
f) Final product uploaded to YouTube, made public, and link put on Google Classroom
Any extra time was used to continue writing their novel


Four students were in the last Chaise Chaud of the year.  Then they had the remainder of the class to work on their Famous French Canadian slideshow.  They will have one more class of work time before presentations.  Slideshows need to have one piece of information on each slide (in a past tense sentence) and a picture.


The students finished discussing rights and responsibilities of being a Canadian citizen.  Then we did a kahoot to practice reviewing which rights fall under which category.


The students discussed what volunteering is and where it may occur.  Then they did three quizzes to determine the kind of volunteering for which they would be most suitable. After doing the three quizzes then they made a list of 5 volunteering opportunities which they would like to try in the future.  The quizzes are available on Google Classroom if you were absent.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Thursday, May 30th & Friday, May 31st (Days 3 & 4)

ELA 9A & 9B

Students silent read and then worked on a Book Talk for their novel.  This involved:
a) creating a book cover and e-mailing a copy to me
b) planning out their talk
c) Green-screening themselves introducing their book
d) recording themselves reading a passage from their book
e) creating an iMovie with (opening screen from PicCollage (My Book Talk by ...), video of them in front of green-screen, and video of them reading)
f) Final product uploaded to YouTube, made public, and link put on Google Classroom
Any extra time was used to continue writing their novel


The students finished up their posters on "My Perfect Country" and turned them in on Google Classroom.  They read pages 158-161 and did some notes on rights and responsibilities, which we'll finish on Tuesday.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then they had the class to continue researching their Famous French Canadian.


The students spent the class reviewing body part vocabulary in preparation for their test on Tuesday, June 11th.


The students completed a Summative on using passé composé with the Dr & Mrs Vandertramp venrs and être.  Then they chose their Famous French Canadian from a list and started to research them.

NO SCHOOL Monday due to a PD Day!