Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020 (Day 4)


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Even though the Festival has been canceled we are meeting a curricular outcome so we will continue to practice and the students will be evaluated.  Then we corrected the definitions for Lesson 2 in Vocabulary and the students had time to finish up parts B & C of the lesson.  Anyone who was done early had some time to silent read.


Today the students had time to finish the mapping activity using scale from Friday.  We also started to work on a review sheet for our exam on Wednesday, March 18th.  The students also played a Kahoot to practice for their test on maps. Students also signed up for Google Classroom using the classroom code: 7xwbaro   IF YOU WENT HOME BEFORE WE DID THIS PLEASE JOIN OUR CLASSROOM.


The students silent read for ten minutes.  We were going to practice their poems for Music Festival but due to low numbers we read instead.  Even though the Festival has been canceled we are meeting a curricular outcome so we will continue to practice and the students will be evaluated when school resumes. The students then completed their 3rd SRA reading activity. Anyone who was done early had some more time to silent read.


Today was our first class in Computers.  We went through expectations. Then students joined Google Classroom using the code:  cyf2gnj.  IF YOU WENT HOME AT NOON PLEASE JOIN OUR CLASSROOM. Next in Google Classroom the students completed a KTW chart about what they already KNOW about computers, what they THINK they know about computers, and what they WANT to know about computers.  We also watched a short video on Hour of Code and the students created an account for Hour of Code using their e-mail and the password they use to log on to computers at school.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, March 13, 2020 (Day 3)


The students did some more practice using scale.
a) Find your two points on a map
b) Place a paper on the map and mark the two places.
c) Match the paper to the scale.
d) Calculate the distance between the two points.
We practiced using a map of Australia.
Then the students did an activity where they planned a band trip across Canada and calculated the distances between 7 cities on the tour.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then we finished watching Act 3 of Romeo + Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.  Then we started to watch Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet with Hailee Steinfield and Douglas Booth. The students are looking for the style of filming (music, sets, costumes) and how the versions differ from the original play (which we are reading) and each other.  They are completing a summative viewing activity.


We have quite a few things in various stages of completion.  The following are due next class or overdue:
Career Poster (research a career of choice based on your Xello matchmaker results) Due Feb 7 - Jared, Danielle, Daphne, Chris, Morgan, Tobi, Steyn, Layne, Mikael, Deacon, Krislynn, Molly, Easton
Resume (typed out on Google Classroom and printed for their Portfolio binder) Due Mar 13 - Jared, Danielle, Camara, Daphne, Chris, Morgan, David, Jorja, Spencer, Grace H, Tobi, Layne, Mikael, Deacon,  Krislynn, Molly, Bree, Carter, Nic, Easton
Everyone needs three artifacts for next class and a one inch binder and plastic sleeves.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  We finished reading and discussing "Wesakejack and the Flood."  Then we discussed Greek heroes and made our own definitions of heroes and gave examples of real life heroes such as: Terry Fox, Firefighters, Mother Teresa,  Olympic athletes, and so on.  We started to read the story of  "Danaus, Perseus and the Gorgon," which we'll finish on Monday.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday, March 12, 2020 (Day 2)


The students did an activity on how to use the scale on a map.  We practiced using a map of Australia.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Today we discussed Heroes, Monsters and Tricksters in First Nations and Ancient Greek stories.  Then we read the story "Glooscap Fights the Water Monster," discussed it, and answered questions. We also read the first two pages of "Wisakechak and the Flood" and summarized them.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  They had time to complete the questions on Act 3, Scenes 4 and 5, which we then corrected. The comparisons they did on the film versions for Act 1 and Act 2 were returned and discussed and we started to watch the Baz Luhrman version of Romeo + Juliet - Act 3.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 (Day 1)

ELA 9A & 9B

Today we practiced our poems for Music Festival.  Then we read Romeo and Juliet, Act 3 Scenes 4 and 5. 9B has a little bit left to read. We'll work on the questions for these scenes tomorrow.


Today we practiced our poems for Music Festival.  The students had time to complete their reading and before/during/after activities for Prometheus.  When they were finished they had time to work on any outstanding summatives or silent read.
Bifocal Final Project (Jan 24) - Morgan, Madison, Christian, Kaden, Jayce
Creation Story Before-During-After (Feb 5) - Phoenix, Morgan
Representing Creation Myth (Feb 7) - Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Christian
Perfect Landscape Writing (Mar 3) -  Shawn, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Jayce, Christian
Pandora Story (Mar 6) - Morgan, Madison
Prometheus Story (Mar 11) - Madison, Phoenix, Jade


Today we went to a presentation by MADD for the SADD Club's Week of Awareness about NOT Driving while Drunk, High or Distracted.


Today was the last day of our rotation for this session of PAA.  The students had some time to finish up the coding of their name project and any other outstanding summatives. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages read for last week.  We also got organized for Music Festival.  We are reciting two poems on April 1st (no joke) and today we assigned lines and practiced presenting.  This activity not only supports the local Music Festival but also meets a curricular outcome:

Use oral language intentionally to express a range of information and ideas in formal and informal situations including dramatic readings of poems, monologues, scenes from plays, and stories and presenting reasoned arguments of opposing viewpoints.
We also finished up and corrected the questions for Act 3, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet.


Today the students worked to complete the coding project that spells out their name using the Scratch programming site.  We have one final day in this PAA rotation.  
Overdue assignments:
Security Plan:   John
Hardware Quiz:  Jagr


The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages read for last week.  We also got organized for Music Festival.  We are reciting two poems on April 1st (no joke) and today we assigned lines and practiced presenting.  This activity not only supports the local Music Festival but also meets a curricular outcome:

Use oral language to effectively express information and ideas of complexity in formal and informal situations (e.g., to debate a point, to participate in a meeting, to give a dramatic reading of a poem or play excerpt).
The students had time to read the next story about Prometheus and start the Before-During-After activities. 
Bifocal Final Project (Jan 24) - Morgan, Madison, Christian, Kaden, Jack, Jayce
Creation Story Before-During-After (Feb 5) - Phoenix, Morgan
Representing Creation Myth (Feb 7) - Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Christian
Perfect Landscape Writing (Mar 3) -  Shawn, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Jayce, Christian
Pandora Story (Mar 6) - Kaden, Jack. Morgan, Sydney,.Quinn, Madison, Christian


Today we corrected the labeling of Alberta.  The together we labeled British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.  Finally, the students labeled the Yukon map as a summative assessment.  Those that finished before the end of class had some time to work on their Google Scavenger Hunt or Free Rice. com.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we organised how we will stand to present our poems at Music Festival.  Next we corrected Act 3, Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet and read Act 3, Scene 3. Students had some time to work on questions and we'll correct on Tuesday.


We corrected the labeling of the Manitoba map and Saskatchewan maps. The students then labeled the Alberta map.  Those that were done early had a chance to continue with their Google Maps Scavenger Hunt and to earn some Free Rice with geography questions.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we organised how we will stand to present our poems at Music Festival. We finished discussing the stories about Athena and Apollo from Wednesday and we read a story about Pandora.  The students have activities to do Before, During, and After for this story.

NO SCHOOL Monday due to a PD Day!.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020 (Day 4)


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they worked on Lesson 2 in their vocabulary books.  Definitions for part A are due next Day 4 - Monday, March 16th.
Vocab Lesson 5 (Jan 21) - Kaden, Parker
Outsiders Final Project (Jan 24) - Tristin, Weston, Kaden, Taelyn
R&J Writing Prompt (Jan 28) - Tristin, Nic, Owen, Erika, Layne, 


Today we corrected the map of Ontario and students worked on labeling the maps of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Island Map (Feb 10) - Jeramiah, Kaybree Z


The students read silently for ten minutes. Then they completed a second card from the SRA (reading program) box.  If they had extra time they could work on their overdue summatives including:
Bifocal Final Project (Jan 24) - Cory, Morgan, Madison, Phoenix
Before/During/After FN Creation Story (Feb 5) - Morgan, Phoenix
Representing Creation Story (Feb 7) - Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Christian
Perfect Landscapes (Mar 3) - Kaden (good copy), Cory, Shawn, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Brenna (rubric), Jayce,  Christian


Today the students started programming their first Scratch program.  They coded a program to write out their name, nickname or a word using the pen tool.
Computer Parts Kahoot (Dec) - Jagr

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 (Day 3)


The students finished labeling Quebec and corrected.  Tomorrow we'll work on the map of Ontario.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  They then read Act 3, Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet, discussed, and did the questions.  We'll correct on Friday.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  The students read two stories about Zeus' Children:  The Story of Arachne and Athena and Apollo and Daphne. They did a before and a during activity.  We'l finish up the after activitiy on Friday.


The students had time to work on the good copy of their resume.  If finished they also worked on their artifacts.  Next day we'll finish this up.  You MUST have your artifacts in class next day 3, Friday, March 13th.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 (Day 2)


Today we corrected the student's labeling of the map of the Atlantic Provinces and they started work on labeling the map of Quebec. Tomorrow we will correct Quebec. I did not copy the list of places to label for Quebec and Ontario so if you are missing them, check in Google Classroom.


The students read for ten minutes. Then they had time to continue working on their Perfect Landscape piece of writing.  After creating a rough copy they typed out a good copy on Google Classroom and printed one copy to turn in.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then they completed reading Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, discussed it, did the questions, and corrected.   

Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday, March 2, 2020 (Day 1)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and tallied their pages read last week.  Then we finished watching the Broadway production of Romeo and Juliet, Act 2.  The students finished their comparisons of the movie and play versions of Romeo and Juliet and handed them in.  Then we discussed our upcoming Activate Project, a Buddy Lunch with the grade sixes from UPS and St. Peters.  Finally we started reading Act 3, Scene 1. 


The students read for ten minutes and tallied their pages read last week.  Then they had this class to finish the rough draft of their perfect landscape.  All information about this assignment is posted on Google Classroom.  It will be due at the end of class tomorrow.


Today the students finished discussing grids on maps and they used their atlas to label the map of the Atlantic Provinces.  This map is due tomorrow.


Today the students finished planning/plotting out their names using coordinates (x,y) so that we can program in SCRATCH to write out their names.  Students also had a chance to create an account in Scratch for this project and others.