Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019 (Day 2)


The students had five minutes to review and then they wrote their exam.  If you were gone for Track and Field make plans to write your exam at a noon or during Warrior Time.


Students continued work on designing their Perfect Country.  They need to include ideas about:
Families                    Economy
Religion                    Sports
Architecture              Media
Celebrities                Type of Government
Arts & Music            Laws & Punishment
They should also think about the principles of: Equality, Justice and Freedom
*Posters should be pretty and use attractive headings and pictures when all the information is included.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and signed out a copy of "The Hill" from Mrs. L'Heureux.  Next they designed a cover for their novel using PicCollage on the iPads.  Each cover needs to include a title, the author, a picture and a background.  Once done e-mail to Miss Riddell and she will print it for you.  Finally students had time to plan out a Book Talk on their novel. A planning sheet is located on Google Classroom if you didn't grab one last class.


The students did three surveys on the type of volunteer and volunteering they would be suited for and then took screen shots of their results to post to Google Classroom.  They also made a list of 5 things they could volunteer at now or in the future.  Anyone who got done early had time to work on their resume.  The following resumes are now overdue:
Gracen, Raegan, Ryder, Parker, Nic, McKenzie, Wesley, Tanner, Taelyn, Layne, Weston, Alyssa, Carter, Dahlia, Vinson, Adam, Daylan, Tyeisha, Tristin, Kristina, Shea, Kristen, Addison, Kelsey, Owen, Brayden, Logan, Denise, Bronson, Ashlyn, Kaden,  Charlie, Kyle, Jaydon

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 (Day 1)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud to finish up the theme of Les Printemps (the spring).  Then we reviewed body part vocabulary before two students presented their monsters.  We then spent time practicing the body parts and numbers while drawing some monsters in preparation for the quiz tomorrow, Wednesday, May 29th. If you are absent due to Track & Field make other arrangements to write your exam ASAP.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we practiced using Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs.  Next class, Friday, May 31st, the students will do their Summative, which will be an open book quiz.


The students read for ten minutes.  We corrected Lesson 6 in vocabulary and students had time to make sure their notes were complete in preparation for their final open book vocabulary quiz on Thursday, June 6th.  Some students also had time to work on their novel.


We watched a video about one person's idea of a "Perfect Country."  Everyone had 5 minutes to brainstorm their "Perfect Country."  Then on Google Classroom the students started to create a poster about their country, using the document set up in GC. 
Include important information about:
Art and Music
What type of government exists in your perfect country?
Do you have any specific laws and punishments?
Students will have time to work on this project on Wednesday and Thursday.  It is due Friday.  If you're gone for T & F make sure to do some at home.


your running shoes, your jersey, your sunscreen, a hat, your bug spray, your water bottle, and money or a lunch.
Be at school by 7:45 am.  Have fun!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Monday, May 27, 2019 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for eight minutes. Then they had time to continue working on their novels.  
* Party Program permission forms are due on or before May 31st.
Overdue assignments:
Outsiders Project (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra,  Mercedez
Character Description (due Apr 17) - Mercedez, Allen
Inquiry Blog (due May 11) - Kyra, Mercedez,  Allen, Kayden, Ethan, Dallan, Jarret, Danae, Denim


Tthe students finished their monster posters.  They will present next class.  We finished up with some time to study the body parts vocabulary as a test will be coming up soon.


The students did a Jigsaw activity on their current knowledge of:  equality, justice, freedom, and representation.  Then we discussed their knowledge and added to it by reading pages 154-156.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had ten minutes to read and then the rest of the time to continue writing their novels.
Overdue Assignments:
Overdue assignments:
Outsiders Project (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra, Quinn, Mercedez
Character Description (due Apr 17) - Mercedez, Allen
Inquiry Blog (due May 11) - Kyra, Mercedez,  Allen, Kayden, Pearson, Ethan, Dallan, Jarret, Danae, Denim


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Today students did their summative for Dr & Mrs Vandrtramp verbs using être.
Then they had a chance to choose a Famous French Canadian upon who they will be creating a presentation using Google Slides.  They had time to start some research.  All information is located on Google Classroom.


The students finished their chart and questions from yesterday on Japan, South and North Korea and the various types of governments that have existed over time. We then started to discuss the types of government we have in Canada.


The students had time to complete their Resumes and assemble their good copies.  This is now overdue.
They need to hand-in in plastic sleeves, in their SLC binder:
a) their resume
b) their Young Workers Readiness Certificate (I have if they completed)
c) artifacts (certificates for courses completed, championships won, prizes won, honor roll, etc.)
This is due for 8A & 8B Monday at 3:15 pm.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019 (Day 4)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  They had the rest of the class to work on their novels.

Overdue assignments:
Outsiders Project (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra, Quinn, Mercedez, Xander, Quinn
Character Description (due Apr 17) - Kyra, Mercedez, Allen, Xander, Aiden
Inquiry Blog (due May 11) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Mercedez, Quinn, Allen, Kayden, Braden, Pearson, Kaylee, Ashton, Ethan, Dallan, Jarret, Danae, Denim


We finished reading pages 144-48.  The students received a page with a chart and 3 questions to complete about the power structures, governments, and how they changed in Japan, South Korea and North Korea.  We'll finish up tomorrow.


Five students were in the Chaise Chaud to wrap up the topic of  Le Printemps (spring).  Then we reviewed body parts before the students started to design a monster.  Once complete they will write:
a) 10 sentences describing its body parts - Il / Elle a _________ ____________.
                                                                                         #              body part
b) 3 sentences about what the monster does using an ER, IR or RE verb
* We'll finish these up next day.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed the verb être and the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs.  We completed some questions together and the student did some on their own.
We also had time to play a kahoot.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday, May 22, 2019 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs.   Then we practiced using these verbs # 1-10 Varie-verbs avec etre (paint brush).  We'll use this sheet as our summative next class. You may use your books. We also watched this blast from the past video. 

ELA 9B & 9A

The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had time to continue work on their novel.  We discussed how much should be typed each day and how the Version History can be used to keep track.


The students watched two videos to review Shogunate and the Meiji Restoration in Ancient Japan.  Then we finished reading about the histories of North Korea, South Korea, and Japan.  The students did questions #1, 2, 4, and 5 on page 143.

We also watched the rest of strange customs in Japan, including mayonnaise flavoured ice cream.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 (Day 2)


We postponed the Chaise Chaud until next class as two out of the three students who need to complete this were absent.  Instead the students had 5 minutes to study the body part vocabulary.  Then the students presented their monsters.  This was accomplished by three students asking a question about the number of body parts the monster had and the owner answering.
Combien de ___jambes________ a ton monstre?
Il a six jambes.

The students then played a kahoot to further practice the body part vocabulary.  The exam for this unit will be on Wednesday, May 29th.  If you are going to Division T & F that day plan to write it at noon on the Tuesday, the day before. CHOOSE TO LEARN!


The students defined power (p-134), oligarchy (p-137), protectorate (p-140), democracy (p-141) , and dictatorship (p-142).  Then we read about Japan and Korea and the power shifts in these countries.  We read pages 134-142.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we reviewed how to write dialogue in the correct form.  They then had the rest of the class to work on their novels. 
*Outstanding assignments may not allow some students to attend Division T & F.  Please get them done so you can attend.

Overdue assignments ELA 9A:
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra, Quinn, Mercedez, Xander
Character Description (due Apr 17) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Baedon, Quinn, Mercedez, Allen, Xander
Inquiry Blog (due May 11) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Jesse, Alexis, Quinn, Allen, Kayden, Hunter, Xander, Braden, Mercedez

Overdue assignments ELA 9B:
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Dallan
Character Description (due Apr 17) - Jarret, Sharri, Aiden
Inquiry Blog (due May 11) - John Paul, Pearson, Megan, Jax, Kaylee, Ashton, Ethan, Dallan, Jarret, Danae, Denim, James


The students had time to complete their Resumes and assemble their good copies.  This is now overdue.
They need to hand-in in plastic sleeves, in their SLC binder:
a) their resume
b) their Young Workers Readiness Certificate (I have if they completed)
c) artifacts (certificates for courses completed, championships won, prizes won, honor roll, etc.)

Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday, May 17, 2019 (Day 1)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students then had time to finish their Monster posters, complete with a picture, 10 sentences describing their body parts, and 3 sentences using a verb to describe something they do.  Next class, Tuesday, the students will be presenting their monsters to the class.  Then we will practice vocabulary and verbs for our quiz on Wednesday, May 29th. This is a division T & F day so if you will be absent you need to make alternate arrangements for your quiz.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students then finished their notes on the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs.  We discussed agreement with examples.  The students worked on a practice sheet.

Il est allé au magasin. (He went to the store.)
Elle est allée au magasin. (She went to the store.)
Nous sommes allé(e)s au magains. (We went to the store.) 
Ils sont allés au magasin.  (They (m) went to the store.)
Elles sont allées au magasin.  (They (f) went to the store.)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we corrected parts B & C from lesson 5.  The students had time to work on lesson 6.  They'll have one more class to finish up B & C.  We'll correct and then there will be an open book exam for lessons 4, 5 and 6.


We read pages 126-133 and did questions #1, 3, 4, and 5 on page 133.  We also watched the following videos:


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019 (Day 6)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had the rest of the class to start writing their novel.
Overdue assignments:
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra, Quinn, Mercedez, Xander
Character Description (due Apr 17) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Baedon, Quinn, Mercedez, Allen, Xander
Inquiry Blog (due May 11) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Jesse, Alexis, Quinn, Allen, Kayden, Hunter, Xander, Braden, Mercedez


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students reviewed body part vocabulary and wrote sentences describing Diavlo as a formative activity.  Then we watched episode 4 of Chez Mimi.


The students read pages 120-125 (about Asuka who lives in Japan) and pages 150-153 (about Alyssa, an Inuk, who lives in Ontario).  They discussed questions #1 and 2 on pages 125 and 153.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read several examples of how to start a novel. Students had time to get started writing their own novel.
Overdue assignments:
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Dallan
Character Description (due Apr 17) - Kaylee, Ashton, Jarret, Sharri, Aiden
Inquiry Blog (due May 11) - John Paul, Pearson, Megan, Jax, Kaylee, Ashton, Ethan, Dallan, JArret, Danae, Denim, James

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 (Day 5)


The students read for ten minutes.  We finished up the mini presentations on Inquiry projects.  Then we read some novel beginnings to get ideas on how to start a novel.  Tomorrow students will start to work on their novels.


The students read for ten minutes.  We finished up the mini presentations on Inquiry projects.  


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud answering questions about their homes.  Then we corrected the last 4 questions from last day using Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs and être.
Ex: L'enfant est tombé(e) de sa bicyclette.
      Ma soeur est arrivée à l'heure.
      Nous sommes parti(e)s.
The students then completed another practice sheet and with a partner handed in their best version.  We also played a kahoot to practice.


The students started a new unit by researching Japan and North Korea.


Today we reviewed parts of a resume and the students chose a format for their Resume from the templates in Google Docs.  They typed out their resume and attached it to the Google Classroom.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday, May 13, 2019 (Day 3)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we started presentations on the Inquiry projects. Students presented their Essential question and the answer(s) they found.  Two students then asked questions about the answers/topic.  If you did not present today be prepared to go on Wednesday.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students received some formative feedback on their Vandertramp verb sentences from last day.  We continued on with students completing the Sports sheet.  We corrected from 1-15.  We'll finish up the last 6 next class.


The students had this class to finish up their charts on Globalization, which we started on Friday and any other overdue questions and assignments.


Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019 (Day 2)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students went through the corrections on their Diavlo sentences.  Then they received a sheet on which to design their own monster.  Each monster must have at least 10 body parts.  When the monsters are complete students are to write ten sentences describing their body parts and three sentences describing things they do.  Finally the monsters need to be coloured, which we'll finish up next class.


Today we discussed Globalization and its affects on 
a) the environment
b) culture
c) technology
by reading pages 48-54.
The students then did a chart on what they had learned about Globalization and Trade, the Environment, and Culture. Information and pros and cons for each topic. We will finish this up on Monday.
* If you were absent the chart to fill in is available on Google Classroom if you'd like to get started.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Today they wrapped up their Inquiry by typing three good paragraphs answering their Essential Question.  They did this in a final post.  Those finished early had time to work on other homework.  On Monday the students will start presenting their information in short oral presentations to the class.

Overdue ELA Assignments:
The Outsiders (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due April 12) - Kyra, Mercedez, Quinn, Braden, Xander, Dallan
Character Description (due April 17) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Braedon, Quinn, Allen, Xander, Mercedez, Kaylee, Ashton, Jarret, Sharri, Aiden


Today we reviewed parts of a resume and the students chose a format for their Resume from the templates in Google Docs.  They typed out their resume and attached it to the Google Classroom.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019 (Day 1)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students reviewed body parts vocabulary and the verb avoir.  They practiced describing and drawing a monster.  They described Diablo and handed him in as a formative assessment.


Charlie finished up the last Chaise Chaud.  Then the students prepared for the next one on "Chez Toi" (your place).  Next we started to discuss Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs by reading the story below.  Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs use être as their helping verb instead of avoir.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they had time to complete Lesson 5.  We corrected the vocabulary and will correct parts B & C next Day 1.  Some students had time to work on their Inquiry research.


The students played a trading game and discovered how difficult or easy it is to trade if your country is richer/poorer.  After discussing what they students learned we read about trade, specifically in Southeast Asia (pages 43-46).  We also started to watch a video about "Illicit - The Dark Trade."

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday, May 5, 2019 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and then continued on their last day of researching for their Inquiry Project.  On Friday the students need to have 3 sources of information (websites, videos, articles, and so on) as they will be putting together an answer to their Essential Question.  


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we watched episode 3 of Chez Mimi and did a summative assessment.  Finally we reviewed body parts, in French, and did a couple of kahoots.


We continued reading and discussing the text from pages 38-42.  The students did questions 1, 3, 5 and 6 as a task.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had ten minutes of silent reading.  Then the students had time to continue researching their answers to the Essential Questions that they have developed.  Tomorrow will be their last day to research.  On Thursday ELA 9A has a vocabulary class and on Friday they will do a summary for their final answer.  Next week students will do a short presentation on what they learned.


The students got ready for a new Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed passé composé using the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs with être and agreement.

Example:  Elle est allée.  Tu es arrivé(e).  Il est parti.  Nous sommes allé(e)s.  
Vous êtes descendu(e)(s).  Ils sont nés.  Elles sont mortes.


We read pages 30-37 in the text. We learned about a Minangkabau wedding in Indonesia.  We also discussed planting rice, how technology has changed, trade routes in Southeast Asia, and the Ring of Fire. 


The students went through what they need on a resume and planned out a rough draft.  For next class they need two references and some evidence/artifacts to include in their resumes.

Monday, May 6, 2019 (Day 4)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had ten minutes of silent reading and then time to research for their Inquiry project.


The students finished their letters to their pen pals.


Both grade 7 classes participated in "The Blanket Exercise" with Sherron Burns and Jenny Spyglass.  This role playing activity examines indigenous way of life from thousands of years ago to the present.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Wednesday-Friday, May 1-3, 2019 (Days 1-3)


The students practiced their Chaise Chaud quesitons and watched two episodes of Chez Mimi this week.  If you were absent make arrangements to watch the episodes next week.


The students are ready for a new Chaise Chaud.  They watched episode 2 of Extra en Français.  If you were absent make arrangements to watch the episodes next week.


Today six people were in the Chaise Chaud. We started to discuss Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs using être and played a kahoot to practice.

Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp Explanation website

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes each class.  This week they started a blog and began posting to their blog as they researched for their Inquiry topic. Students need to do separate posts for their Essential Question, and each website/video from which they collect information. By the end of next week they should have at least three good sources of information from which they can draw a conclusion and answer their question.  The following week they will eventually be doing a short presentation on what they learned.


The students worked on vocabulary and corrected Lesson 4 part B and C. They had time to do the definitions for Lesson 5.


The students went through what to include in a resume and started drafting out their information.  For next class they need to bring certificates they wish to include and references.


The students read pages 18-25, which discussed colonialism and how Indigenous peoples way of life have changed as a result. Today we finished reading from page 26-28, which discussed cooperation among various countries through organizations such as the United Nations.