Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday, September 28, 2018 (Day 6)


Make a Powtoon account (link below). Write a story which includes the following verbs:  appeller, avoir, etre, ER, IR, RE, aller and Fr 10 - 3 irregular verbs, Fr 10 - 4 irregular verbs, Fr 30 - 5 irregular verbs. Add backgrounds, characters, speech bubbles with your verb sentences, music.  When done save your Powtoon and then attach the URL to this assignment and turn it in.


The students went through the questions and possible answers for our first Chaise Chaud (hot seat) questions.  Then we reviewed AVOIR by practicing with two Kahoots.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read and discussed the story "Moose" by Paul McLaughlin and how it relates to Residential Schools and Orange Shirt Day.  


The students had time to finish writing their reflections on what they discovered about themselves through the Interest Inventory, Multiple Intelligences Survey, and Learning Styles questionnaire.  Then they all signed up for The Young Workers Readiness Certificate, which we will be spending the next few classes completing.  If you did not finish signing up please be ready to go next class.  Use this link:  Young Workers Readiness Certificate Course
**You will also need headphones for these classes. 


Today we had a fire drill and time to work on homework.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read and discussed the story "Moose" by Paul McLaughlin and how it relates to Residential Schools and Orange Shirt Day.  We also discussed the Moose Hide Campaign to end violence against women and children.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018 (Day 5)


Today we continued reviewing irregular verbs.


Today we discussed pronouns in French.  Then we practiced them.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they worked on writing the following types of poems.


The students started their new rotation.  I am working on ELA and general homework with some students in grades 7-9.


The students read fro ten minutes.  Then they had the rest of the class to finish their Sonnet and then turn it in on Google Classroom.  It is due tomorrow if they did not get finished during class time.

*Remember tomorrow is ORANGE SHIRT DAY and HAT DAY!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 (Day 4)


We are working on reviewing various verbs.




The students read for 10 minutes.  Then everyone chose a topic for their Sonnet.  They had 20 minutes to brainstorm ideas and rhyming words on their topics and then they started to write them.  We will finish this up tomorrow.


The students read for 10 minutes. The they created their own metaphor for the Seven Ages of Man.  We had video games, clothing, food, nature and lots of other great ideas.  If you were absent this is question 7 on your sheet.  Please do and be prepared to share.  The students all need one of their notebooks for next class.  Today we started looking at some other types of poems and they had time to write an ABC poem.  4 or more lines starting with sequential letters in the alphabet and then a question.


Students learned their next sessions, which will begin tomorrow.  They then had some work time.


The students learned about Pronouns today and took notes.  Below is a helpful video to explain if you wish to review. They also had time to finish typing out their Colour Poems on Google Classroom.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 (Day 3)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students finished up their paragraphs on a character from "Belle et Sébastian," which are due today.  We also reviewed IR verbs:
Je _ is
Tu _ is
Il/Elle/On _ it
Nous _ issons
Vous _ issez
Ils/Elles _ issent


The students wrote a paragraph telling what they learned about themselves from the three surveys that they did (Interest Sorter, Multiple Intelligences, and Learning Styles). They also reflected on if they were surprised by what they learned and how accurate a reflection of them it was.  The students also signed up for the Young Workers Readiness Certificate Course.  For the next few classes they will need headphones. If you were absent use the following link to sign up using your lskysd e-mail:  Young Workers Readiness Course


The students read for ten minutes and tallied their pages form last week.  Then the students read and annotated "The Seven Ages of Man" by William Shakespeare.  Next we discussed the first 6 questions. The following students Sonnets (to be turned in on Google Classroom) are now overdue:  John Paul, Jax, Jace, Ashton, Ethan, Dallan, Danae, Sharri, Aiden, Ralf, and Liam


The students went through the questions and answers for our first Chaise Chaud (hot seat), which is all about them.  Then they played a Kahoot to practice the verb Avoir and a Kahoot to practice numbers.


For our last day we did some light painting.  We had to fiddle a bit with setting and ended up finding we were successful in a dark gym on Manual at Shutter Speed 10", F-stop 4.5 ISO 100, lighting - tungsten, and manual focus.  We got some cool results.


The students read for ten minutes and tallied their pages form last week. Then we corrected questions about Break Even and Sonnet 30.  I took in number 7 and 8.  Please hand in if you were absent. We watched a Prezi on Sonnets.  It is posted on Google Classroom if you were absent.  Then we did an example together on the topic of School Lunches.  First we brainstormed words about school lunches and then rhyming words for those words and wrote the first four lines.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018 (Day 2)


The students completed 2 wrap up activities for "Belle et Sébastian."  The first was a short write-up on the "Secrets" found within the movie.  In English students summarized the various character's secrets such as Sébastian, who kept Belle's existence a secret from César both because Belle was his friend and then because she wasn't killed by the hunters.  Then they wrote a short review of the secrets and what they added to the movie's plot and the overall movie.
Secondly the students looked over their paragraphs about themselves and then they started to write a new paragraph about one of the movie's characters:  Belle, Sébastian, Guillaume, Angelina, César or Peter. These will be finished, in Google Classroom next class as a document including the write up, a title and a picture.


The students did a review of the pronouns in French and then a review of the verb Avoir (to have).  You'll need to get the sheet from Miss Riddell if you were absent.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had time to complete the questions on the poems "Break Even" and "Sonnet 30."  We'll discuss on Tuesday.  They are homework if you were absent or are not done.


The students read for ten minutes. Then they had time to finish up their rough draft of their Sonnet.  It is now homework and due on Tuesday.  The good copy must be turned in on Google Classroom and  must contain a title, 14 lines, with 10 syllables per line, and a rhyme scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG, and a picture.

WARRIOR TIME - Photography

The students looked at a few shots they've taken and then had time to do some action photography.


The students did a review of the pronouns in French and then a review of the verb Avoir (to have).  You'll need to get the sheet from Miss Riddell if you were absent.  Then we headed to the gym to watch some of the Senior Girls Opening Volleyball Game.

*Have a great weekend!  Remember there is NO SCHOOL on Monday due to a PD Day!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018 (Day 1)


Today we re-watched the third part of "Belle et Sébastian".  Then we discussed the answers to the questions for Part III.  Tomorrow we will do a project about the movie.


I taught this class for Mr. Melnyk and the students did a variety of warm ups, practiced rallying with a partner, and also serving.  Then they played a game of "Bounce" volleyball.  A special thank-you to Devyn and Maryana, who even thought they were injured, acted as refs for the game.


The class finished finding their 7 colour words in the dictionary and then used them to write a poem.  They then signed up for our Google Classroom and typed out a good copy of their poem.  This project is now due.  Please turn it in on Google Classroom as soon as possible.


The students read for ten mintues and we discussed how to tally our reading logs.  Students need to make sure they record the last page when they finish a book so we have an accurate tally.  If a student is absent they are expected to do their reading at home (20 minutes per day).  Then we did some more work on our first vocabulary lesson.  The students used the words we defined from last class to finish sentences.  If you were absent this is homework.  See Miss Riddell for your duotangs.

WARRIOR TIME - Photography

The students made arrangements of  Art, French, Science, and Sports equipment and then photographed these as still lifes or close ups.


The class finished finding their 7 colour words in the dictionary and then used them to write a poem.  They then signed up for our Google Classroom and typed out a good copy of their poem.  We will have a few minutes to finish this up next class as we lost a few minutes today due to the Golf Provincial run through.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 (Day 6)

Senior French

The students watched part three of "Belle et Sébastian."

French 8B

The students has time to finish and post their colour poems to Google Classroom.
These poems are now due.


The students worked on their Sonnets and will have time to continue working on them on Friday.

Careers 8A

The students did a survey on Multiple Intelligences and on Learning Styles.

Warrior Time

The 11B's signed up for the next round of Warrior Time Sessions.  I fyou were absent please see Miss Riddell to record your choices.


The students worked on "Sonnet 30" and are now working on the questions comparing and contrasting Break Even and Sonnet 30.  We'll finish up these questions next class (Friday).

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday, September 18th (Day 5)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students continued to watch the French movie "Belle et Sébastian."


The students did a review of colours.  If you were absent and missed the notes they can by found here:  Colours Powerpoint Notes

The students then chose a colour and thought of 7 items that come in that colour.
Brown (football, chocolate, owl, eagle, dog, earth, bear)
They then used their dictionary to find the words in French and add LE (if they are masculine), LA (if they are feminine), or L' (if they start with a vowel - a, e, i, o, u, and h).
football - le football
earth - la terre
eagle - l'aigle
owl - l'hibou
They will use these words next day to write a poem.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they were given a topic and began writing a Sonnet.  They brainstormed ideas and words about their topic and then followed the traditional Sonnet pattern of 14 lines, with 10 syllables in each line and a rhyme scheme of (ABAB CDCD EFEF GG).  They should have a rough draft by tomorrow.

WARRIOR TIME Photography

The group worked with Mr. Herrick to learn some tips for shooting action photos.


The students silently read for ten minutes.  Then they read and annotated a new song "Break Even" and a poem "Sonnet 30."

* Remember tomorrow is School Picture Day!  Say cheese! 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday, September 17th (Day 4)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students began watching a French movie "Belle et Sébastian."


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then they read and annotated the song “Stereo Hearts” and the poem “A Red, Red Rose.” 


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then they read, annotated and discussed "Sonnet 30."  They also watched a Prezi on writing a Sonnet, which is posted to Google Classroom for those who missed it.


The students did a review of colours.  If you were absent and missed the notes they can by found here:  Colours Powerfpoint Notes

The students then chose a colour and thought of 7 items that come in that colour.
Brown (football, chocolate, owl, eagle, dog, earth, bear)
They then used their dictionary to find the words in French and add LE (if they are masculine), LA (if they are feminine), or L' (if they start with a vowel - a, e, i, o, u, and h).
football - le football
earth - la terre
eagle - l'aigle
owl - l'hibou
They will use these words next day to write a poem.

*Early dismissal today at 2:15 pm.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Friday, September 14 (Day 3)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students had the class to work on their C'est Moi posters.  They should be turned in on Google Classroom today.  The students also did an oral presentation on themselves as a Summative Assessment.


The students learned that we all have Multiple Intelligences or Ways of Knowing.  They took a survey to determine which of their intelligences were the strongest and we watched the following video.  Next we took a survey on different learning styles and discussed activities that helped each type of learner learn the best.  Students started to write a paragraph about themselves and the things they discovered in the three surveys, which we have completed - Interests, Miltiple Intelligences, Learning Styles.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we finished discussing the song "Stereo Hearts" and the poem "A Red, Red Rose."  I took in questions 7 & 8 to assess.  Students had time to read and annotate the song "Breakeven" and we discussed it.  We'll look at Sonnet 10 next class.


We discussed and took notes on Seasons and Weather.  Then the students finished their colour poems and posted them to Google Classroom.  If you were absent these are due Monday and I sent you an e-mail with more information and the Google Classroom code.


Today in photography we discussed the Rule of Thirds and then we then took some pictures to try it out.

Here are some examples of rule of thirds.  Note if it is a portrait one of the vertical thirds is the person and one of the horizontal thirds is the eyes.  With animals have the open two thrids be where the animal is looking or the action is heading.


The students read for tenminutes then we discussed "How to Read a Poem".  You can find the Prezi on Google Classroom if you were absent.  We also went through some poetry vocabulary words and terms.

*HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!  Good luck to our Volleyball Players!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday, September 13th (Day 2)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students worked on a poster about themselves.  It should include:
  • name
  • description (hair, eyes)
  • family (how many, names & relationships)
  • age & birthday
  • 10's - 3 likes, 1 dislike
  • 20's - 5 likes, 2 dislikes
  • 30's - 7 likes, 3 dislikes
  • and a picture of you.


Today the students took notes on the colours as part of our review.  You may find the notes at this link: Couleur Notes

We also chose a colour, picked 8 words of things that come in that colour, and found those words in our dictionaries.  Make sure to put a LE (if the word is masculine) a LA (if the word is feminine) or and L' (if the word starts with a vowel A,E,I,O, U or H).

ex:  BRUN

1. dog - le chien
2. eagle - l'aigle
3. earth - la terre
4. owl - l'hibou


The students read for 10 minutes and then they started a sheet on poetry term definitions before we did the Terry Fox Walk/Run.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read and compared a song and a poem. Stereohearts by Gym Class Heroes (2011) and A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns (1794).


Today was the first session of photography,  We discussed safety and respect plus brainstormed exactly what everyone wanted to learn about.


The students took notes on the days of the week and the months of the year, which you can find at this link if you were absent: Days and Months

We also chose a colour, picked 8 words of things that come in that colour, and found those words in our dictionaries.  Make sure to put a LE (if the word is masculine) a LA (if the word is feminine) or and L' (if the word starts with a vowel A,E,I,O, U or H).

ex:  BRUN

1. dog - le chien
2. eagle - l'aigle
3. earth - la terre
4. owl - l'hibou

*Tomorrow is Plaid Day and the last day of Welcome Week. We will be doing BYOBanana. Please bring a loonie and you can make a banana split or an ice cream sundae. If the weather is nice we will also be having Lunch on the Lawn with a variety of activities.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday, September 12 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students reviewed "ER" verbs.  We discussed Préférer (to prefer) as the accents change:
JE préfèrE
TU préfèrES
IL/ELLE/ON préfèrE
NOUS préférONS
VOUS préférEZ
The students then practiced using sentences with the first verb being conjugated and the second verb as an infinitive.

J'aime faire du ski alpin. (I like to do/go downhill skiing.)
Tu adores lire.  (You (s) adore to read.)
Mon père  préfère faire de la chasse. (My dad prefers to do/go hunting.)
Nous n'aimons pas jouer au football. (We don't like to play football.)
Aimez-vous jouer au basketball?  (Do you (pl) like to play basketball?)
Mes oncles aiment regarder la télévision.  (My uncles like to watch tv.)
Mes tantes adorent écouter de la musique.  (My aunts adore listening to music.)


The students continued with their review.  We did numbers upto 1000, days of the week, months of the year and how to say our birthdays.
Mon anniversaire est le _____ (#) __________ (mois).


The class read for 10 minutes and then we started our first Vocabulary lesson.  We are using a program called Words Are Important.  The students worked together to define the words in a way that made sense to them and then matched the words to appropriate sentences.


Today we had our first Lock Down Drill and then the students learned their first session, which will begin tomorrow and continue for the next two weeks.  The rest of the time was available for study or reading.

*Tomorrow's SPIRIT DAY is JERSEY DAY.  We are also having our TERRY FOX WALK/RUN (please bring a loonie or a toonie) and our CHILI COOK OFF ( $3 for a bowl or $5 for a taste of all the chilis and a vote.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 11th (Day 6)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students finished watching Monsieur Haricot (from 11:00 to the end) and describing various people and places using adjectives.  Then they shared orally about another family member using at least one adjective.


The students continued reviewing the alphabet, numbers to 100, and the colours.  Colours are adjectives and must agree with the gender/number of what they are describing:
* un t-shirt bleu (masculine)
* une jupe bleue (feminine)
* des souliers bleus (masculine plural)
* des bottes bleues (feminine plural)


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we discussed how to read a poem.  If you were absent you may watch the Prezi on Google Classroom.  We then did some defining of terms which are useful when studying poetry.


Today we went through expectations and outcomes for this year.  As we only have Careers class once every six days please try not to miss.  We also read a story about Jake (a teenager questioning where he fits in)and did an interest inventory.


Today we reviewed Lock Down and Fire Drill procedures in preparation for our first drill tomorrow.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we finished discussing what the students do and don't have control over in their lives.  The students registered for Google Classroom and started thinking about some of the goals they have for this year and how they will attain them.  They also wrote a paragraph describing these goals as their first writing assignment.

*Tomorrow's Spirit Day is CAMOUFLAGE.  We'll be having a "Just Dance" in the Senior Gym at lunch.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, September 10th (Day 5)

FRENCH 10/20/30

Today we finished discussing various adjectives used to describe people, places, and things.  Then we watched the first 11 minutes of the following Monsieur Haricot video and used our adjectives.


I spent some time learning about band saws and drill presses as I covered for Mr. Poirier who was away at Senior Golf Districts.


The students started some review, which included discussing O Canada, the alphabet and numbers 1-15.


The students read for 10 minutes and set their goals for the near future.  Each week they are expected to read 10 minutes in class and 10 minutes at home, plus 20 minutes every day on the weekends.  They will record the pages read and try to meet their goals. Students received a letter explaining the program to take home to their parents. You may view the letter at the bottom of this post.
We also finished our discussion of control over things in the students' lives.  Then the students signed up for Google Classroom and typed a paragraph outlining some goals they have for this year and how they plan to attain them. 


Today students had a chance to sign up for their first two week session.  Each student was allowed to pick 2 sessions from those available.  On Wednesday they will find out what session they were placed in. If you are in 11B and were absent see Miss Riddell tomorrow morning to sign up. 


The students read for 10 minutes and set their goals for the near future.  Each week they are expected to read 10 minutes in class and 10 minutes at home, plus 20 minutes every day on the weekends.  They will record the pages read and try to meet their goals. Students received a letter explaining the program to take home to their parents. You may view the letter at the bottom of this post.
The students also discussed the video we saw on Mindset last class and made a list of things they can control and those things, which they cannot control.

*Tomorrow is TWIN DAY and the grade 12's are having a BURGER SALE for Telemiracle.

Hello parents of ELA 9 students,
A central goal of reading in ELA 9 is to establish a reading habit in the busy lives of our students. I am hoping we can work together to recapture the pleasure and passion of readers. This letter is long, but the assumptions it rests upon are too important to be treated in a superficial manner.   Please take the time to read this and know what you’re signing before you do. The best books challenge our beliefs by helping us see through different eyes to live a different life.  For example, Shooter by Caroline Pignat was popular last year, but it is about a school shooting and I think we’d all rather believe that couldn’t happen here and don’t want to live the details. Yet, reading allows us to confront our worst fears and live through them. Students love this book and I recommend it to them.
I won’t know the details of every book students read and refer to this semester, and I won’t remember the details of all the books I recommend to students. What I seek for all of my students is a compulsion to read—for pleasure— for knowledge—for a passion for story or information that will keep them into the pages of a book past our assigned  time for reading. This has tremendous benefits. Here are a few:
Reading relieves stress. School is stressful. Reading takes you out of the present and into another place and time; it is a perfect escape.
Reading builds stamina to prepare students for future pursuits. Reading for an hour or two in one sitting is a basic expectation in most post­secondary. In this class we will exercise muscles soon to be strained in the coming years.
Reading for fluency and stamina has been proven to improve the reading rate for students. Fast reading develops confidence and an appetite for books as well as teaching vocabulary in context, which improves writing, but it only happens when students find books they want  to read.
But the truth is some of those books might make you uncomfortable. There is a lot of talk in the media that ‘students today won’t read,’ but I believe students substitute all of those other distractions (the internet, TV, etc.) if they feel no passion for the book assigned to them. In my experience, students who haven’t been readers since elementary school will suddenly become quite passionate about reading with the right book in their hands. But those books might challenge your values. Is that okay with you? Can your child choose to read Crank by Ellen Hopkins, which delves into a teenager’s drug addiction? I believe we have to trust these young adults more. We have to trust that books won’t corrupt them anymore than the movies The Dark Knight or Mad Max: Fury Road might. It is more important that they’re reading!
So you may pick up a book left behind on a nightstand and open to a passage with the details of a 12 year old girl being attacked by rebel soldiers in Sierra Leone  (The Bite of the Mango by Mariatu Kamara) and wonder why reading it is a homework assignment, and I will answer, “Your son or daughter chose it.” I might have recommended it because I read it and loved it, or the book may be unfamiliar to me because your child borrowed it from another student. The bottom line: I will not place a tight filter on what is read in this class and I’m asking for your support in this.
I hope you will talk to your child about what he/she is reading this semester. I suggest you get a copy of a book and read it if you’re concerned about the content. If you want to know more about a book your children is reading, call or email me—I’ll tell you what I know. Because I respect your role as parents and the traditions you hold sacred, if you want me to more closely monitor your child’s choices this semester, by all means, contact me and we’ll work out a plan that we can both contribute to.
If I don’t hear from you, it means you understand books won’t be banned in my classroom and your child will be allowed to choose what he/she reads.
Thanks for your support,
Miss Riddell
P.S. I started a classroom library this year from my own book collection and some books I purchased. Please send books you no longer need for this library, especially ones you’ve loved, if you can bear to part with them. Better yet… come to class and share a book with us. Share your passion for reading; get to know these amazing students at UCHS. I would love to have you join us some class. Thank you.
I have read and agree to the contents of this letter.
student’s name          _________________________________________                                                 
parent’s signature ________________________________________