Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday, September 30, 2016 - Day 2

French 7 & 8

Each class today discussed the strategies for reading French and the list they made included:
  • looking for words you already know (ex: bonjour = hello)
  • looking for cognates or mots amis, words that sound similar to English (ex: danse = dance)
  • looking at the pictures
  • making connections to what you know about the topic
  • seeing if what you read makes sense
  • using a dictionary to look up words that you don't know
Then together the students read a French version of Phyllis's story.
L'Histoire de Phyllis

The class discussed residential schools and then watched the following videos before writing a message to residential school survivors.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes and then did two assignments on Google Classroom.  Firstly, they entered their reading data for the last three weeks. Secondly, they did an assignment for Orange Shirt Day, which required reading the story "Moose."  Students who were absent can do both assignments on-line and turn them in on Google Classroom.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - Day 6

*Orange Shirt Day is this Friday!

Computers 8

The students completed part 2 of using Word.  Today they created a Word document using the information found in Google Classroom and then practiced the following things:
  • Changing the title so it was a size 20 readable font, centered and highlighted with a colour such as yellow
  • Adding bullets to the list of smartest dogs (note: their are several styles of bullets to choose from)
  • Spacing the list so it was double spaced
  • Using the shapes and auto shapes to make a picture
  • Adding a text box and moving it forward if needed
  • Adding a table
They handed in the following document:
  • a 3 column, 11 row table (created by using insert table, found under table)
  • with the headings:  ranking, breed, and picture (in the first row)
  • filled with information about the ten smartest dog breeds
  • formatted with clear bold font
  • table boxes filled with colour
  • a title at the top
  • if possible fit on one page


The students read and then had their last class time to finish up their Bio Poem videos, which are due on Friday (at the latest).  They then did a pre-reading activity about opinions we hold for professional athletes before reading Ken Dryden's "The Game."


The students read. Yesterday was their last class time to finish up their Bio Poem videos, which are due on Friday (at the latest).  They then did a pre-reading activity about opinions we hold for professional athletes before reading Ken Dryden's "The Game."

French 7A

Three students were in la Chaise Chaud.  They then learned to conjugate the verb "etre" and we practiced this skill.

*French 8B has their "er" verb quiz tomorrow so please study! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 - Day 5

* This Friday is Orange Shirt Day to reflect on Residential School Survivors.  Please find an orange shirt to wear.


The students read and tallied their reading minutes to see if they had met their goals for last week.  They then had time to work on their Bio Poem videos.  They will have one more class to work tomorrow and if they are not finished will need to finish up on their own time.  Videos will be due Friday at the latest.


The students read and tallied their reading minutes to see if they had met their goals for last week.  They then had time to work on their Bio Poem videos.  If they are not finished will need to finish up on their own time.  Videos will be due Friday at the latest.

Computers 8

The students copied a poem from Google classroom into a Word document and then we discussed the following items and students made changes to the poem and submitted it in Google Classroom:
1. Page Layout - we left the page rotation in portrait but we changed the margins to 2" on all sides
2. Font - Choose a new font for the poem, make it size 14, and then bold, italicize, and underline the title and make it at least 18
3. Alignment (also called justification) centre all the lines of the poem
4. Headers/footers  (all the title to the header and the source to the footer)
5. Delete the first 2 lines
6.  Find all the I's and replace with You (be careful of using replace all)
7. Change the a's in the authour's name at the bottom to a's with accents
8. Add a photo that goes with the theme of the poem

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016 - Day 3

Computers 8

The students did a reflection for the last unit on searching the Internet and privacy.  They then began the next unit by showing what they already know about using Microsoft Word.  This assignment is available on Google Classroom and is due Tuesday.

French 7B

The students answered some questions in French and then continued the review by discussing meals and activities that occur at different times of the day.  They finished up by taking some notes on French questions words.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud and others asked them questions.  Then we finished discussing "er" verbs.  Next class Thursday, September 29th there will be a quiz on "er" verbs.  We then started a review of "ir" verbs using the popular Mexican Hat Dance video.


The students read for 10 minutes and then continued working on their Bio Poem videos.
*I am still missing 5 newspaper articles.


The students read for 10 minutes and then made their Bio Poems into a storyboard.  They will be creating videos similar to the one below that I made for a character in a story we read. Their videos will be about themselves.
* I still have 6 overdue newspaper articles from this class.

I will be away tomorrow.  Mrs. Poitras will be in for me and both ELA 9 classes will be continuing work on their Bio Poem iMovies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 - Day 2

French 8A

The students answered Chaise Chaud (Hot Seat)  questions about themselves and then practiced with a partner asking and answering the questions.  They also completed a Kahoot on dates and holidays.

French 7A

The students practiced with a partner asking and answering the Chaise Chaud (Hot Seat) questions and three people were in the Chaise Chaud.  The class also completed a Kahoot on dates and holidays.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud and then the class continued a review of "er" verbs.  We went over the two main exceptions - ger and cer verbs.  For example:  manger (to eat) when conjugated with nous becomes mangeons with an extra e and commencer (to start) when conjugated with nous becomes commençons with a cedille accent on the second c --> ç.

French 7B

This class the students reviewed seasons, weather, and numbers.


The students began storyboarding their Bio Poems to turn them into a video similar to this but about themselves.


The class discussed the poem "The Road Not Taken" and watched three video versions.  They chose a favourite and wrote a few sentences describing why they chose that particular version.

Video 1

Video 2

  Video 3

If you were absent please watch the videos and do the evaluation.

* Newspaper articles for both ELA 9 classes are now past due.  Get them in ASAP please.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - Day 1

Computers 8

The students completed their Privacy plans and worked on the Final Searching project, both of which are summative tasks and are due at the start of class on Thursday.

French 8A

The students discussed meals, times of the day, and activities.  Next day they'll be focusing on asking questions.

French 8B

The students practiced their Chaise Chaud (Hot Seat) questions and we had our first 3 students in the hot seat.  We also continued on our review of "er verbes."


The class read and then we went over the answers to questions about "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.  We also watched 3 video adaptations of the poem and the students looked at the style of each in preparation for making their own videos of their Bio Poems.  Make sure your bio poem is done for tomorrow's class and also that your new articles are printed out and turned in.

French 7A

The students answered some basic questions and then reviewed or learned about the question words in French. Next they answered the first set of Chaise Chaud (Hot Seat) questions, which they will be answering in upcoming classes.
News articles are due tomorrow. Please turn in on Google Classroom and hand in a printed copy.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016 - Day 6

Computers 8

The students had this class to complete their security plan with goals, examples and pictures of ways to stay private and safe on Social Media, personal devices, computers, and on-line accounts.  This is a summative task due next class, tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20th.

French 7A

The students practiced numbers and saying their birthdays orally and then did notes on meals and the day.


The students read and did their weekly reading goal calculations and then peered edited two other classmate's news articles, did their edits, and turned in and printed a good copy.
Peer Editing Slideshow
If they were not quite finished during class time the news articles are due at the start of class on Wednesday, September 21st.  The students then watched a video on the literary term "symbolism."  Watch the video below if you were absent:   Symbolism
The class then read and discussed "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.  There are questions to complete for next class.  See Miss Riddell for the sheets if you were absent.


The students read and did their weekly reading goal calculations and then watched a video on the literary term "symbolism."  Watch the video below if you were absent:  Symbolism
The class then read and discussed "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.  There are questions to complete for next class.  See Miss Riddell for the sheets if you were absent. 
*News articles are now past due.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016 - Day 5

*Warrior Spirit Day - Go Warriors!

Computers 8

This class we finished discussing our privacy jot notes and took a privacy quiz.  We also discussed the steps taken to find an answer for the Mini Search #2.  The students then had time to start developing an on-line security plan, which includes a plan with examples for using Social Media sites, mobile devices, computers, and other online accounts.  The plans should include the topics covered in our privacy jot notes (example: passwords).  Students will have one more class to work on this summative task.


The students had time to read and we reviewed the steps to writing a newspaper as shown below:
Students also received the rubric for this assignment and had time to type their article into Google Classroom.  The student's rough drafts should be completed for next class, Monday, so they can be edited.


The students had time to read and to finish typing the rough draft of their newspaper article.  We then discussed peer editing techniques and the students had two other students edit their story.  Good copies need to be finished, turned in on Google Classroom, and a printed copy submitted to Miss Riddell by the start of class on Monday.
Peer Editing Slideshow

* Today was an alternate day and we had all 6 periods but shortened to 42 minutes so our Pep Rally could start at 2:15pm. Tonight is FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS - game starts at 8:00 pm!

*Monday is an early dismissal day so we will once again be on the alternate bell schedule:


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016 - Day 4

*A beautiful day, the Terry Fox Walk, and the Chili Cook-off at lunch.  Who could ask for more?

*Friday is Warrior Day so wear red & black to show your school pride! Remember to bring an item for the Food Bank!



The students read for 10 minutes and then continued work on their newspaper article.  We reviewed the steps needed to write a good article using the following video:
Students will have another class to work on their articles, which will be due Monday.


The students read for 10 minutes and then created a story arc for "On the Sidewalk Bleeding."  They then discussed writing a newspaper article using the inverted paragraph method and started planning an article based on the aforementioned story.


Friday, September 16th


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - Day 3

* Tomorrow is the TERRY FOX Walk/Run so please bring a loonie.  It is also JERSEY DAY and the CHILI COOK OFF!


Computers 8

Today we discussed everyone's jot notes and added any missing points to the discussion on Privacy.  We have 2 points to finish up next class.

French 7B

Today the class did notes on colours and their agreements, days of the week, and months of the year.  The students also played a Kahoot to practice their numbers.

French 8B

The students discussed the questions and answers for the first Chaise Chaud questions set.  We also reviewed "er" verbes.


The students read and then made a story arc for the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding."  The class then discussed how to use an inverted pyramid to plan a newspaper article.  Students then planned out their article following this plan:
LEAD - Who? What? When? Where?
FACTS - More Why? & How?
Start general and get more specific in presenting the information.  Include some quotes from the characters.  Tomorrow the students will start writing their articles based on the plans.


The students read their books and then did the analysis and reflection on 2 trailers and 3 movie versions.  Choosing a favourite of each and justifying their choice.
Trailer #1
Trailer #2
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3

 *If you can donate food for the Food Bank remember to put your item(s) in the box labeled with your house colour.



Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday, Spetember 13, 2016 - Day 2

Loved everyone who rocked their plaid today!

Tomorrow is School Picture Day!  Remember NO green!

* Please bring some food for the Food Bank and earn points for your house.  Collection bins are in the front foyer.


French 8A

The students discussed the seasons and special weather, food, sports and celebrations associated with each.  They also reviewed weather terms. Students did a great job answering "Quand est ton anniversaire?"

French 7A

The students discussed the seasons and special weather, food, sports and celebrations associated with each.  They also reviewed weather terms. Students did a great job answering "Quand est ton anniversaire?"

French 8B

The students practiced questions such as "Quel est ton animal/sport/couleur/nourriture prefere(e)?"  Then we discussed vocabulary for different meals and times of day.  We also reviewed the question words and then each student asked me a question.

French 7B

This class finished up the number notes from 60 to 1,000,000,000.  Students need to memorize the numbers on their sheet and then they should be able to make most numbers in French.  We also played part of a Kahoot to practice but due to slow Internet we'll have to try this again another class.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we watched two trailers for "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" and three video adaptations.  Students needed to analyze what they watched and pick a favourite from each type and state why they chose it.  Consideration of characters, plot, setting, music, and style should all be taken into consideration.  If you were absent get the sheet from Miss Riddell and you can watch the videos below:
Trailer #1

Trailer #2
Video #1

Video #2
Video #3
* Remember to finish up your Identity paragraph on Google Classroom and your "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" questions if you have not handed them in already.


The students tallied their week's reading pages and over half found they need to read more, at least 20 minutes, a day to reach their goal.   They then got 10 minutes of reading time to work towards this week's goal.  We then finished reading the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter and did 5 response questions to the reading.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell for the story and the questions.
* Remember to finish up your Identity paragraph on Google Classroom and your "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" questions if you have not handed them in already.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016 - Day 1

Today was PJ Day & I send a big THANK-YOU to the Coop for breakfast!

Tuesday is Plaid Day and the Grade 12's are hosting a Burger Sale at Lunch!

Computers 8

Today the students worked on an assignment about on-line privacy.  They had a comic to read, a discussion guide of questions, and then needed to make jot notes on 11 important topics.  This is due for the start of class Wednesday.

French 8A

Today the class reviewed colours and their agreements, days of the week, and months of the year.  We also played a Kahoot to practice numbers.

French 8B

The students practiced answering the question:  "Quand est ton anniversaire?"  They added noted on seasons and weather and played a Kahoot to practice numbers.


The students added up their first week of reading minutes and compared it to their goal.  Out of 25 students 11 met their goal, so a few of them need to read more, especially their 10 minutes at home each week day and 20 minutes on weekend days.  They should be reading 20 minutes a day.  They will almost always get 10 minutes in class each school day.  The class also finished reading "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter and responded to the story questions.

French 7A

The students reviewed colours and their agreements, days of the week, and months of the year.  They then practiced answering the question:  "Quand est ton anniversaire?" and played a Kahoot on dates and holidays.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016 - Day 6

Computers 8

Today we did a search engine comparison activity and a second mini search challenge.  Check Google Classroom for the assignments if you were away.  Both are due Monday.


The class had reading time and I did a book talk on I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson.  We finished analyzing the poem "Identity" by Julio Palanco and completed M.U.G. #1 and #2 proofreading activities.  We then watched a lesson on Story Arcs and took down some notes.  Next we started to read the short story "As I Lay Bleeding" by Evan Hunter.  We'll finish this up on Monday.


The class had reading time and I did a book talk on I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson.  We then watched a lesson on Story Arcs and took down some notes.  Next we started to read the short story "As I Lay Bleeding" by Evan Hunter.  We'll finish this up on Monday.

French 7A

The students reviewed numbers 1 to 50 and we took down notes on numbers 60-1000.  Then we had a chance to practice the numbers by playing a Kahoot.


Monday - PJ Day

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016 - Day 5

We had an assembly to welcome new staff:  Miss Samborski (teacher), Ms. Neufeldt (E.A.), and Miss Silljer (intern) and all the new students to UCHS.  The grades also had a yelling contest and the grade 8's won.(I think.)  Next week is Welcome Week so watch for updates on each day's special events.


We had a double class today and students read for 20 minutes total.  The students also had time to finish their Bio Poems, which are due Monday.  We also watched a video on  Literary Themes that can be viewed here.  See Miss Riddell for notes if you were away for football.  The students then started to analyze the poem "Identity" by Julio Noboa Polanco.


We had a double class today and students read for 20 minutes total.  They also had time to finish their Bio Poems, which are due Monday.  We also watched a video on  Literary Themes that can be viewed here. The students then analyzed the poem "Identity" by Julio Noboa Polanco.

The students also completed 2 M.U.G. (mechanics, usage and grammar) worksheets.  If you left early for football you'll need to get the sheet for #2.

Computers 8

Today the students filled out a questionnaire about their Searching Habits and Knowledge.  We then did a search for how ancients spears are made and discussed:
  • narrowing down search terms
  • using - or ""
  • evaluating the information we find
They also watched a video on Searching Tips:

Students then completed a mini search challenge and some had time to work on Hour of Code.

Good luck to the football team!  GO WARRIORS!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - Day 4


Today the students read for ten minutes and recorded their progress towards their reading goal.  The goal was determined by how many pages could be read in 10 minutes and multiplying that number by 14 for a weekly total of pages.  This makes the assumption  that students will read for at least 20 minutes per day.  We also discussed the topic of identity and how our identities are composed of many parts, only some of which will be shown when we are part of a community.  Students also began to write a bio poem based on their personal identity.
Identity paragraphs from earlier this week are due on Friday.


Today students set a weekly page goal for reading.  This was accomplished by reading for ten minutes and then multiplying the number of pages read, in that time frame, by 14.  This makes the assumption  that students will read for at least 20 minutes per day.  The students also all logged onto the school computers and Google Classroom for ELA.  They had time to write a paragraph on an aspect of their identity, which is due Friday. 
I also sent home a note for parents about our reading program, please ask your child for your letter or read below. 

Hello parents of ELA 9 students,

A central goal of reading in ELA 9 is to establish a reading habit in the busy lives of

our students. I am hoping we can work together to recapture the pleasure and passion

of readers. This letter is long, but the assumptions it rests upon are too important to be

treated in a superficial manner. Please take the time to read this and know what you’re

signing before you do.

The best books challenge our beliefs by helping us see through different eyes —to live
a different life. For example, Ninetee n Minutes by Jodi Picoult was wildly popular last

year, but it is about a school shooting and I think we’d all rather believe that couldn’t

happen here and don’t want to live the details. Yet reading allows us to confront our

worst fears and live through them. Students love this book and I recommend it to them.

I won’t know the details of every book students read and refer to this semester, and I 
won’t remember the details of all the books I recommend to students. What I seek for all

of my students is a compulsion to read—for pleasure— for knowledge—for a passion

for story or information that will keep them into the pages of a book past our assigned

time for reading. This has tremendous benefits. Here are a few:
Reading relieves stress . School is stressful. Reading takes you out of the present and

into another place and time; it is a perfect escape.
Reading builds stamina to prepare students for future pursuits. Reading for an hour or

two in one sitting is a basic expectation in most postsecondary.

In this class we will

exercise muscles soon to be strained in the coming years. Reading for fluency and

stamina has been proven to improve the reading rate for students. Fast reading

develops confidence and an appetite for books as well as teaching vocabulary in
context, which improves writing, but it only happens when students find books they want

to read. But the truth is some of those books might make you uncomfortable.

There is a lot of talk in the media that ‘students today won’t read,’ but I believe students

substitute all of those other distractions (the internet, TV, etc.) if they feel no passion for

the book assigned to them. In my experience, students who haven’t been readers since
elementary school will suddenly become quite passionate about reading with the right

book in their hands. But those books might challenge your values. Is that okay with

you? Can your c hild choose to rea d Crank by Ellen Hopkins , which delves into a

teenager’s drug addiction? I believe we have to trust these young adults more. We have
to trust that books won’t corrupt them anymore than the movies The Dark Knight or Mad

Max: Fury Road might. It is more important that they’re reading! So you may pick up a

book left behind on a nightstand and open to a passage with the details of a group of
child soldiers in Sudan mercilessly slaughtering an entire village ( A Long Way Gone:

Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah) and wonder why reading it is a homework

assignment, and I will answer, “Your son or daughter chose it.” I might have

recommended it because I read it and loved it, or the book may be unfamiliar to me

because your child borrowed it from another student. The bottom line: I will not place a

tight filter on what is read in this class and I’m asking for your support in this. I hope you

will talk to your child about what he/she is reading this semester. I suggest you get a

copy of a book and read it if you’re concerned about the content. If you want to know

more about a book your children is reading, call or email me—I’ll tell you what I know.

Because I respect your role as parents and the traditions you hold sacred, if you want

me to more closely monitor your child’s choices this semester, by all means, contact me

and we’ll work out a plan that we can both contribute to.
If I don’t hear from you, it means you understand books won’t be banned in

my classroom and your child will be allowed to choose what he/she reads.
Thanks for your support,

Miss Riddell
P.S. Our classroom benefits every year from cast offs. Please send books you no

longer need to our library, especially ones you’ve loved, if you can bear to part with

them. Better yet… come to class and share a book with us. Share your passion for

reading; get to know these amazing students at UCHS. I would love to have you join us

some class.

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday, September 6th (Day 3)

I hope everyone had a good long weekend!

Computers 8

Today we met and went through expectations and the course outline.  From now on we will meet in Room 104.  Students also logged onto their school account using their student number as a temporary password.  The class also signed onto Google Classroom and did their first assignment, which is a KWL chart about what they know and wish to know in Computers this year.

French 7B

The students reviewed O Canada, the French alphabet and numbers to 50.  Next day we will continue to 100.

French 8B

The students reviewed the French alphabet and numbers.  We also discussed colours, days of the week and months of the year.


Students set a reading goal based on how many pages they read during a ten minute period.  They will try to read 10 minutes in class and 10 minutes out of class, so 20 minutes daily.  I also sent home a note for parents about our program, please ask your child for your letter or read below.  Today we also logged into the computers for the first time and wrote an identity paragraph on Google Classroom.

Hello parents of ELA 9 students,
A central goal of reading in ELA 9 is to establish a reading habit in the busy lives of

our students. I am hoping we can work together to recapture the pleasure and passion

of readers. This letter is long, but the assumptions it rests upon are too important to be

treated in a superficial manner. Please take the time to read this and know what you’re

signing before you do.

The best books challenge our beliefs by helping us see through different eyes —to live
a different life. For example, Ninetee n Minutes by Jodi Picoult was wildly popular last

year, but it is about a school shooting and I think we’d all rather believe that couldn’t

happen here and don’t want to live the details. Yet reading allows us to confront our

worst fears and live through them. Students love this book and I recommend it to them.

I won’t know the details of every book students read and refer to this semester, and I
wo n’t remember the details of all the books I recommend to students. What I seek for all

of my students is a compulsion to read—for pleasure— for knowledge—for a passion

for story or information that will keep them into the pages of a book past our assigned

time for reading. This has tremendous benefits. Here are a few:
Reading relieves stress . School is stressful. Reading takes you out of the present and

into another place and time; it is a perfect escape.
Reading builds stamina to prepare students for future pursuits. Reading for an hour or

two in one sitting is a basic expectation in most postsecondary.

In this class we will

exercise muscles soon to be strained in the coming years. Reading for fluency and

stamina has been proven to improve the reading rate for students. Fast reading

develops confidence and an appetite for books as well as teaching vocabulary in
context, which improves writing, but it only happens when students find books they want

to read. But the truth is some of those books might make you uncomfortable.

There is a lot of talk in the media that ‘students today won’t read,’ but I believe students

substitute all of those other distractions (the internet, TV, etc.) if they feel no passion for

the book assigned to them. In my experience, students who haven’t been readers since
elementary school will suddenly become quite passionate about reading with the right

book in their hands. But those books might challenge your values. Is that okay with

you? Can your c hild choose to rea d Crank by Ellen Hopkins , which delves into a

teenager’s drug addiction? I believe we have to trust these young adults more. We have
to trust that books won’t corrupt them anymore than the movies The Dark Knight or Mad

Max: Fury Road might. It is more important that they’re reading! So you may pick up a

book left behind on a nightstand and open to a passage with the details of a group of
child soldiers in Sudan mercilessly slaughtering an entire village ( A Long Way Gone:

Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah) and wonder why reading it is a homework

assignment, and I will answer, “Your son or daughter chose it.” I might have

recommended it because I read it and loved it, or the book may be unfamiliar to me

because your child borrowed it from another student. The bottom line: I will not place a

tight filter on what is read in this class and I’m asking for your support in this. I hope you

will talk to your child about what he/she is reading this semester. I suggest you get a

copy of a book and read it if you’re concerned about the content. If you want to know

more about a book your children is reading, call or email me—I’ll tell you what I know.

Because I respect your role as parents and the traditions you hold sacred, if you want

me to more closely monitor your child’s choices this semester, by all means, contact me

and we’ll work out a plan that we can both contribute to.
If I don’t hear from you, it means you understand books won’t be banned in

my classroom and your child will be allowed to choose what he/she reads.
Thanks for your support,

Miss Riddell
P.S. Our classroom benefits every year from cast offs. Please send books you no

longer need to our library, especially ones you’ve loved, if you can bear to part with

them. Better yet… come to class and share a book with us. Share your passion for

reading; get to know these amazing students at UCHS. I would love to have you join us

some class.

Thank you.


Today the students filled out a "getting to know me" sheet, listened to another book talk and had a chance to sign out a book for daily reading in class and at home.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Thursday, September 1st and Friday, September 2nd


It is great to be starting another new year at UCHS and welcoming new faces and catching up with returning students.  This year I am teaching grade 7 and 8 French classes, grade 8 computers, grade 9 ELA, and the senior French for grades 10, 11, and 12.  On this blog I will continue to post daily events in class, upcoming assignments and tests, due dates, and other relevant information.

ELA 9A & 9B

Students have received my class expectations and their course outlines.  We've been discussing books and I've done book talks on several novels (An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hatfield, The Raven Boys (Book 1) by Maggie Stiefvater, The Firm by John Grisham, and Before I Fall  by Lauren Oliver.)  Students will be setting reading goals and be expected to have a book for reading both inside and outside of class.

French 7A & 7B

It is great getting to know these new students, although many I've taught at UPS.  As a class we've gone over my class expectations and their course outlines. We've also started a basic review commencing with the French Alphabet:

French 8A & 8B

It is great getting reacquainted with these students and hearing a bit about their summers..  As a class we've gone over my class expectations and their course outlines. We've also started a basic review commencing with the French Alphabet, O Canada, and moving onto numbers.