Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8 Red

The students had this class to finish up their shot type notes.  Next class they will discuss what they found out about shot types.

French 7B

The students wrote their French quiz today on body parts and monsters. Danae still owes me her verb cartoon.

French 10/20/30

The students had time to work on their house posters, which we'll finish up on Friday and present Monday.

*Today the grade 9's went to work with their parents or a guardian.

*Tomorrow will be an alternate timetable day as there is a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) presentation at 2:10pm.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Day 6

French 8B

The students had this class to take their researched information, on a Famous Francophone, and put it into a Google Slides presentation.  The code to join the Google French 8B class is gsmi7h  In Google Classroom please complete your slide show.  Each slide should have one sentence and one image.  Be prepared to next class:  

French 10/20/30

The students discussed past experiences and then watched Extra en Francais episode 9 and summarized it.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for 10 minutes,  They then had this class to work on their presentations for their Passion Projects, which will start on Monday, June 5th.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017 - Day 5


The students had 10 minutes to silent read.  Then they had work time to prepare an oral presentation on their Passion Projects.  Presentations will begin on Monday, June 5th and students will have class time this week to prepare.
Outstanding Assignments:
Romeo & Juliet Act 2 Video Comparison Paragraph Due March 31st - Lilleanne, Shaun, Sam, Madison
Romeo & Juliet Act 4 Headlines and Summaries Due April 25th - Taylor, Sam, Eric, Madison
Romeo & Juliet Final Essays  Due May 15th - Rachel, Lilleanne, Seth, Tyson, Eric, Logan, Sam, Madison
Book Talks Due May 26th - Rachel, Lilleanne, Khevin, Luke, Tristan, Logan, Sam, Madison, Shaun, Jillian, Tanner, Sarina, Taylor, Alexis, Brandon, Ryelee
*Many also have a Canada 150 article due - 150 words on what Canada Means to Me

French 10/20/30

The students discussed the cultural appropriation or Canadization of poutine.  We also viewed several properties for sale in France.  Students are now choosing a property with at least all the main rooms furnished.  They will print out pictures and then make a poster about the property and orally present it on Friday or Monday.

French 7B

Two students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The rest of the class presented their monsters to the class.  We practiced body parts.  The students have a quiz on body parts and describing monsters next class Wednesday, May 31st.  Please study!

*Wednesday is Take Your Student to Work Day for the grade 9 students!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017 - Day 4

Computers 8 Red

The students started to research various types of camera shot used in film making.  They needed to find a definition and an image to explain each shot type.  We'll finish this up and discuss next class.

French 10/20/30

The students spent class describing a room or house to a partner who had to then draw it from the description.  We found the directions useful in this activity.
Nord - North  
Sud - South  
Ouest - West 
Est - East


The students silently read for 10 minutes.  Then they finished up their Book Talks (these are now homework if not done) or worked on their Canada 150 articles.  The following students have outstanding assignments:
Romeo & Juliet Act 2 Video Comparisons Paragraph - Lilleanne
Romeo & Juliet Act 4 Headlines & Summary - Taylor & Brandon
Romeo & Juliet Final Essay: Rachel, Lilleanne, Seth, Tyson
Book Talks (video, qr code, poster): Khevin, Luke, Jillian, Lilleanne, Tanner, Sarina, Taylor, Alexis, Rachel, Brandon


The students silently read for 10 minutes.  Then they finished up their Book Talks (these are now homework if not done) or worked on their Canada 150 articles.  The following students have outstanding assignments:
Romeo & Juliet Act 2 Video Comparisons Paragraph - Shaun, Sam, Madison
Romeo & Juliet Act 4 Headlines & Summary - Sam, Madison, Eric
Romeo & Juliet Final Essay: Tadd, Eric, Tristan, Logan, Sam, Madison
Book Talks (video, qr code, poster): Madison, Sam, Ryelee, Tristan, Logan, Shaun 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday, May 25, 2016 - Day 3

* Good luck to our track athletes. Stay warm and dry and have fun!

Computers 8 Red

The students had time to finish their media production comparisons in Google Classroom.  We'll be starting a new topic tomorrow.


The students silent read twice today.  They had time to finish their Book Talks.  If you were at track you should be done your green-screening. We'll have time for editing, uploading to YouTube, creating a QR code, and making a poster tomorrow.  The students also had time to start 150 words about what Canada means to them.  If you owe me any Romeo & Juliet assignments get them in ASAP.


The student silent read and had time to work on their Book Talks.  All green-screening should be done but we'll have time for editing, uploading to YouTube, creating a QR code, and making a poster tomorrow.  If you owe me any Romeo & Juliet assignments get them in ASAP.

French 10/20/30

The students finished notes on furniture in different rooms.  Then they described rooms and others drew them.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students had time to research their Famous Canadian Francophone.  Information needs to be found and the questions answered in complete French sentences.  We will  be creating a slideshow in Google Sheets with a sentence and a picture on each slide next class.  You can join our French 8B Google Classroom using the following code:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017 - Day 2

*Good luck to everyone participating at District Track & Field!

Computers 8 Red

The students had this class to work on their Comparison of Production Processes summative assignment.  It is posted on Google Classroom but you need to do it in Word and attach to turn it in.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students silent read for 10 minutes then worked on their Book Talks.  All green-screening should be done by the end of class tomorrow.  Once your green-screening is done edit it in iMovie.  Then upload to YouTube.  Create a QR code of your video's url and add to the the picture I've mailed to you. Then e-mail the finished result to me.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students presented their monsters to the class. Each student was asked Combien de _______ a ton monstre? and they answered.  If you were absent for track you'll present next class.  We also played a Kahoot to practice body parts.

French 10/20/30

The students added vocabulary for furniture and fixtures to various rooms found in houses.  I have a handout if you were absent.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday, May 19, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8 Red

The class discussed what they discovered on Pre-production, Production, and Post-production in Movies, TV/Webisodes and Radio/Music.  Next class the students will be doing a summative task comparing production processes.  The document with everyone's notes has been shared with everyone.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students finished their monster posters and studied the body parts.  We played a Kahoot to practice.


The students silent read twice and had time to greenscreen their Book Talks.  All track athletes should have their greenscreening done today.  Once your greenscreening is done then transfer to iMovie and edit.  Also, add a title screen and a credits screen.  Then upload to YouTube.  Watch the blog next week for the next steps.

French 10/20/30

Today we watched Episode 8 and did a few more 20 questions. Please do the summary if you were absent  I e-mailed you a sheet.


The students silent read and had time to greenscreen their Book Talks.  All track athletes should have their greenscreening done today.  Once your greenscreening is done then transfer to iMovie and edit.  Also, add a title screen and a credits screen.  Then upload to YouTube.  Watch the blog next week for the next steps.

*I saw some very sharp dressed students for Formal Day today!  No School Monday or Tuesday for students.  Enjoy your long weekend!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Thursday, May 18, 2017 - Day 6

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Each student received a well known French 
Canadian to do some research on in preparation for preparing a powerpoint/google slides in Google Classroom.  We also read a few more letters from our pen pals from France.

French 10/20/30

The students played 20 questions to practice their questioning skills.


The students silent read and then had time to work on their Book Talks to celebrate our school libraries.


The students silent read and then started writing 150 words on what Canada means to them for Canada's 150th birthday.

*Tomorrow is Formal Friday to finish up our Spirit Week!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 - Day 4

Computers 8 Red

The students, working in pairs, started researching two areas from (pre-production, production and post-production) for two areas from (movies, tv/webisodes, or radio/music).  Next class we'll be comparing processes for the various productions.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced using Imparfait and Passe Compose orally and then we did a written practice sheet in preparation for our second quiz tomorrow.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students silent read and then began planning a book talk.  The book talks are to celebrate school libraries and will involve:
a) choosing  book
b) planning a book talk
c) videoing their book talk and putting it on YouTube
d) making a poster with a QR code link to their video

*Tomorrow is Western Wednesday for Spirit Week!  Yee haw!!!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017 - Day 3

Computers 8 Red

The students watched a video on the making of the "Old Spice" commercials. The students then decided what was need in the planning, shooting and editing phases of making that commercial.  They worked alone, in a small group, and then as the whole class to create a comprehensive list.


The students silent read twice and then had two classes to edit their rough copies and print out a good copy of their final Romeo and Juliet essay.  If students did not get done today it is due at the start of class tomorrow.   Students who have outstanding assignments may not be able to attend District Track & Field so get your work done.  

French 10/20/30

The students spoke in passe compose and imparfait abou their weekends.  Then we went through the Imparfait vs Passe Compose tests they did last week.  We are going to re-write these exams on Wednesday, May 17th.


The students silent read and then finished up their final edits and good copies of their Romeo and Juliet essays.   If students did not get done today it is due at the start of class tomorrow.   Students who have outstanding assignments may not be able to attend District Track & Field so get your work done.  

French 8B

The students started a new Chaise Chaud on sports.  They went through their passe compose exams.  Their pen pal letters arrived from France and Larissa and Andrew received theirs and shared with the class.

*Tomorrow is Tie dye Tuesday! Get groovy!

*UCHS Travel Club is meeting on Tuesday, May 16th at 7pm in the library to discuss information for the 2019 Easter Trip.  If you are in grade 9 or 10 this year and are interested please attend the meeting!


Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017 - Day 2

Computers 8 Red

Today was the last class time to work on your Summative Assessment for Spreadsheets and to reassess the first three summatives.  Next week we are moving on to a new topic.


The students silent read,  We discussed inserting quotes to use as evidence of their position, not just putting in quotes for their own sake.  Then they had to time to start editing and finish their good copy.  They will have one more class on Monday to get their good copy finished and printed.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students then finished a practice description of a Loup Garou (Werewolf).  The students then had time to create and colour their own monster (each monster must have at least 8 different body parts and take up most of an 8.5 by 11 page.) The monster is due next class and Demin and Danae owe me verb cartoons from before Easter.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced orally describing their week.  Then we watched Episode 7 of Extra en Francais and did a written summary.


The students silent read,  We discussed inserting quotes to use as evidence of their position, not just putting in quotes for their own sake.  Then they had time to finish their rough draft and if time start editing.  They will have two more classes on Monday to finish editing and get their good copy finished and printed.

*Monday is an alternate day with early dismissal at 2:15 pm and it is Pajama Day!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8 Red

The students had time to finish their Spreadsheet Summative assignment and many had time to reassess their previous 3 Summative Assessments (Searching, Security Plan, Word Skills.)

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for our new topic "Mes Ami(e)s" My Friends.  Then we reviewed body parts and worked on describing a few monsters bodies.  To describe we used the sentence:  Il/Elle/On a deux bras.  He/She/One has two arms.  Please finish the Loup Garou description for next day.


The students had time to read and then two classes to work on their rough draft.  Tomorrow we are going to edit so please have your rough draft done for then.

French 10/20/30

The students did some Imparfait review and then we had our Imparfait quiz.


The students  had time to read and then the first of two classes to work on their rough draft. Tomorrow will be their second class to finish up their rough draft and perhaps start editing.

Spirit Week Next Week

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - Day 6

Congratulations to everyone who competed or worked at Track & Field today!

French 10/20/30

Today we did a review of Imparfait vs Passe Compose for our test tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - Day 5

*Junior Track & Field is tomorrow - Wednesday!  Be prepared!

French 10/20/30

The students discussed their weekends orally.  Then we reviewed how to conjugate and when to use Imparfait.  We will have our quiz on Thursday, May 11th.  We also completed our cartoon using Imparfait and watched the following videos.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students silent read and then continued work on their final Romeo & Juliet essay.  For this essay the students must convince the reader who is responsible for Romeo and Juliet's deaths and use 3 quotes to back up their opinion.  Essays will be due next Monday, May 15th. Planning sheets should be done for Thursday's class.

French 7B

The students went through their verb quizzes.  Then we started a new set of Chaise Chaud questions before continuing work on parts of the bodies.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017 - Day 4

Computers 8 Red

The students practiced using formulas in spreadsheets with a counting grasshoppers activity.  Then they started their summative spreadsheet project, which we will finish next day.

French 10/20/30

The students enjoyed a sunshine class.  We finished and corrected the Imparfait crossword and sheets 78 & 80.  On Tuesday students will create three cartoons using Imparfait.  On Wednesday we will be having a quick quiz on Imparfait.  Study endings and when to use imparfait vs passe compose.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had silent reading time.  Then we went through the students essays on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet where they compared two video versions.  We discussed proper use of quotes, which some students omitted altogether. Then the students started planning a final essay on who they think is most responsible for Romeo & Juliet's deaths.

*Monday is a PD Day for teacher so there is NO SCHOOL for students.  See you Tuesday when students in grades 7, 8 and 9 should be prepared for their Junior Track & Field Meet.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017 - Day 3

Computers 8 Red

The students made a spreadsheet today and practiced using formulas to calculate totals and averages.

Formulas always start with an equal sign and use the value of cells, which are represented by a letter and a number (example: A2).
Sum part or all of a column or row
Average of part or all of  row or column


The students silent read and then we finished watching Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Lurhmann's version.  We also watched the Carlei version and West Side Story.  The class discussed the differences found in each version compared to the original play.


The students silent read and then we finished watching Romeo and Juliet Act 5 the Carlei version and West Side Story.  The class discussed the differences found in each version compared to the original play.

French 10/20/30

We discussed what we did yesterday in French.  Then we continued practicing with Imparfait completing sheet 76, 77, and did the crossword.

French 8B

The students wrote their Passe Compose quiz.  Then we played Fruit Basket upset.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - Day 3

Computers 8 Red

Today the students watched 2 videos on Spreadsheets and we did an introductory activity.  If you were absent please watch the videos in Google Classroom.


The students read silently and then we finished watching Act 5 of the Baz Lurhmann version and watched Act 5 of the Carlei version of Romeo and Juliet.

French 7B

Two students finished up the Ma Classe Chaise Chaud and then we introduced body part names in French.  The students will be using this vocabulary to create a monster eventually.

French 10/20/30

The students discussed their activities yesterday.  Then we listened to a song using Imparfait and did two more practice sheets using Imparfait conjugations.


The students read silently and then we watched Act 5 of the Zeffirelli version and started watching Act 5 of the Baz Lurhmann version of Romeo and Juliet.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8 Red

The students had this class to finish up their summative assessment on Word.  Next class we begin working with Spreadsheets.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students wrote their verb quiz.  Next we watched a French Legend set in Quebec and discussed it.


The students silent read and then we finished the final scene of Romeo and Juliet, did the questions and corrected.  The final answers can be found here:  SlideShare
Then we watched the final Act of the Zeffirelli version and started to watch the Lurhmann version.

French 10/20/30

The students discussed what they did yesterday and then practiced conjugating Imparfait verbs.
1.  Find the nous form, example:   jouer (je) ---> nous jouons
2.  Drop the ons, example: jou
3.  Add the ending for the pronoun, example:  Je jouais  (I played)

Example:  Choisir (vous)
1. nous choisissons
2. choisiss
3. Vous choisissiez  (You (pl) chose)

We also read example of where to use imparfait versus passe compose.


The students silent read and then we finished the final scene of Romeo and Juliet, did the questions and corrected.  The final answers can be found here:  SlideShare

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017 - Day 6

French 8B

The students reviewed passe compose for their test on Thursday, May 4th.

1.  Look at the pronoun.
Example:  JE

2.  Determine if you need to use ETRE (the verb is a Dr. & Mrs. Vandertamp / a coming or going verb) or else use AVOIR
Example: (aller)  JE SUIS      or  (manger) J'AI

3.  Add the correct past participle  ER-É  ,   IR - I  and RE - U for regular verbs.
Example:  JE SUIS ALLÉ   or J'AI MANGÉ

4.  If it is a Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp make sure it agrees with the pronoun
Example:  JE SUIS ALLÉE (extra e for a girl)  or JE SUIS ALLÉ (no extra e for a boy)

*Remember to study your AVOIR and ETRE conjugaitons.  Memorize the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs and the irregular verbs we studied.

French 10/20/30

The students orally described what they did on the weekend using passe compose.  Then we discussed using Imparfait as an alternative for past tense.  Imparfait can be used when an action is continued over time ( a week, several hours,etc.) or is habitual (happens everyday).  We did one practice sheet today.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then we read, answered questions, and corrected Romeo and Juliet, Act 5 Scene 2 and started reading Scene 3.