Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 1

French 7B

The students wrote their "ir" verb quizzes and we started learning about "re" verbs.

French 10/20/30

The students are working on clothing, so they described each others outfits orally.  We added three new vocabulary terms today:
le coupe-vent (a windbreaker)
le débardeur (a tank top)
les jambières (leggings)
We also practised the verbs porter and aller as we start to some work in future tense.
Ex: Demain, Drew va porter un sourtien-gorge.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016

Day 5

French 7B

The students went through their "er" verb re-assessments and their reading assessment.  They then reviewed "ir" verbs in preparation for our quiz on Tuesday, May 31st.

Je ---- IS (I)
Tu ----IS (You(s))
Il ------IT (He)                     * le, la, un, use, son, mon, Fred, Anne would also end in IT
Elle---IT (She)
On ----IT (One)
Nous ------ISSONS (We)
Vous ------ISSEZ (You (pl))
Ils ---------ISSENT (They (m))   *les, des, ses, mes, Sam et Frank,  would also end in ISSENT
Elles ------ISSENT (They (f))

If you were absent see Miss Riddell on Monday for the practice sheet.


Students silent read and then wrote three paragraphs to answer the question:  How can I prepare myself to follow my career choice?  The suggested format was an introductory paragraph about the chosen career (tasks, hours, general information), a body (education and skills that you need, have or need to work on), and a conclusion that ties it all together.  This needs to be in the form of a Google Document created in the assignment on Google Classroom.

French 8B

The students have until midnight tonight to complete any corrections in their Famous French Canadian Google Slide Shows.  Today the students reviewed the knowledge needed to use passé composé for their test, which will be on Monday, June 6th.

J'ai          Nous avons
Tu as      Vous avez
Il a          Ils ont
Elle a      Elles ont
On a
* This verb is used as an auxillary for the regular er, ir, and re verbs and many irregular verbs.

Regular Verb Examples:
(jouer)  J'ai joué au hockey. (I played hockey.) er-->é
(finir)   Tu as fini tes devoirs. (You (s) finished your homework.)  ir-->i
(attendre) Il a attendu l'autobus.  (He waited for the bus.)  re-->u

Irregular Verb Examples:
(avoir) Elle a eu trois enfants.  (She had three children.) avoir--> eu
(être) On a été un rhume.  (One had a cold.)  être-->été
(faire)  Nous avons fait du shopping.  (We went shopping.) faire-->fait (Can also mean made or did)
(vouloir) Vous avez voulu le chocolat.  (You (pl) wanted chocolate.)  vouloir-->voulu
(prendre) Ils ont pris le train.  (They(m) took the train.) prendre-->pris
apprendre--> appris (to learn) comprendre-->compris (to understand)
(lire) Elles ont lu le livre.  (They(f) read a book.)  lire--> lu
(devoir-->dû - to have to, must) (voir-->vu - to see) (pouvoir--> pu - to be able to, can)

Je suis                 Nous sommes
Tu es                   Vous êtes
Il est                      Ils sont
Elle est                  Elles sont
On est
*This verb is used as an auxillary for the DR & MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs.
*You need to add an extra E (if the pronoun is feminine) and an extra S (if the pronoun is plural.)

Devenir -->devenu        Je suis devenu(e) un professor.  (I became a teacher)
Rester --> resté            Tu es resté(e) à la maison. (You(s) stayed at the house.)
Monter --> monté        Il est monté l'arbre. (He climbed up the tree.)
Revenir --> revenue    Elle est revenue la salle de classe. (She came back to the classroom.)
Sortir --> sorti             On est sorti(e) quand il y a un feu. (One exited when there was a fire.)

Venir --> venu             Nous sommes venu(e)s à huit heures. (We came at 8 o'clock.)
Aller --> allé                Vous êtes allé(e)(s) chez moi.  (You (pl) went to my place.)
Naitre--> né                 Ils sont nés en 1969.  (They(m) were born in 1969.)
Descendre--> descendu      Elles sont descendues les escaliers. (They (f) went down the stairs.)
Entrer --> entré
Retourner --> retourné
Tomber --> tombé
Rentrer --> rentré
Arriver --> arrive
Mourir --> mort
Partir --> parti

 If you were absent today see me for the sheet your missed.


The students continued on with their career presentations.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced asking and answering questions.  We also had a few students model and we described their outfits.  We added some vocabulary for accessories and hair.

des bijoux (jewelry) (m)
des boucles d'oreille (earrings)
un collier (necklace)
un bracelet (bracelet)
une montre (watch)
une bague (ring)
une alliance (wedding ring)
une bague de fiançailles (engagement ring)
un piercing
un tatouage (tattoo)
les cheveux (hair)
courts (short)
moyens (medium)
longs (long)
raides (straight)
ondulés (wavy)
frisés,  bouclés (curly)
roux (red hair)


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

*Day 4

French 7A

The students went through their "er" verb re-assessments and reading quizzes.  They then reviewed the ending for "ir" verbs and practiced using a finir sheet.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell for that sheet.

French 9B

The students storyboarded their Mon Voyage scripts and started to find pictures.  The final Photostories will de due Wednesday, June 8th.

French 8A

The students went through their passé composé quizzes and many will choose to reassess for a 3. 


The final career presentation was completed and students now need to reflect on their career and write a 3 paragraph (at least) answer to:  How can I prepare myself to follow my career choice?  There will be at least one more class to work on this in Google Classroom.


The students continued career presentations.  Everyone should be ready to go tomorrow if they are not already!

French 10/20/30

The students practiced formatively asking and answering questions in French.  We then went through some clothing vocabulary.  All Book Trailers should now be finished.

*Tomorrow is Hat Day. $2 and the proceeds go to Fort McMurray.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

*Day 3

French 9A

The students, who were not at track, had this class to:
1. finish their storyboards
2. find pictures
3. start a PhotoStory or Movie Maker on Mon Voyage using passé composé

*If you were away have your Mon Voyage storyboard finished.
*This project will be due on Tuesday, June 7th.


The students silent read and we continued with Career Presentations.

French 8A

The students watched the following Episode of Extra en Francais and we discussed the 4 main characters:  Sasha, Annie, Nico and Sam and the main idea of this episode.

French 8B

The students finished presenting their Famous French Canadians and we discussed the most common errors:
  • Il est né le # month year, à city, province.
  • Girls add an extra e to Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs.
  • Elle a aimé ...
  • Elle n'a pas aimé ...
  • Il a gagné trois Coupes de Stanley.
  • Il a épousé à nom.
  • Elle est morte.
  • Elle n'est pas morte.
The students then had time to do any final correction before turning in their Famous French Canadian slideshows.  If you were absent all corrections must be submitted by Friday, May 27th at 5:00 pm.

French 10/20/30

The students discussed their weekend activities in French.  A few students finished up Book Trailers.  Most students played a fashion board game and created some outfits for spring.

*Talent Show tonight at 7:00 pm in the UCHS Senior Gym with proceeds going to Fort McMurray relief effort.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 2


The students presented their Career Inquiry slideshows.  If you have not presented be ready for Wednesday.  If you are gone for track be ready to present the first day you are back.

French 7A

The students had a chance to reassess their "er" verbs if they did not receive a 3 on the first quiz.  Everyone also completed a reading assessment.  The students also practiced "ir" verbes.

French 7B

The students did a pop quiz on "ir" verbs.  They also watched Episode 3 of Chez Mimi and made a summary of the episode.  We finished the class with a rousing game of Fruit Basket upset.  If you were absent you will need to do this at a lunch hour next week.


The students started presenting their Career Inquiry slide shows.  If you have not presented be ready for Wednesday.  If you are gone for track be ready to present the first day you are back.

French 10/20/30

The students had a final class to finish up their Book Trailers.  We will be sharing them next week.  Many students started on the vocabulary sheets for our next unit on clothing.

*NO SCHOOL MONDAY or TUESDAY for students.  :)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

*Tomorrow is Hat Day.  Pay $2 and support Fort McMurray.

French 9B

The students finished correcting a passé composé sheet and then started planning their "Mon Voyage" Photostory. This will be about a trip they have taken or wished they had taken so they may use their knowledge of passé composé.

French 7B

The students finished corrections on their "ir" verb sheet and we practiced further, in partners, with a Kahoot.


The students had two classes to complete work on their Career Inquiry for ELA.

French 10/20/30

The students had time to work on their Book Trailers and to impress Mr. Parker with their French skills.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 6

French 9A

The students did some oral practice with passé composé.  Then we finished going through the verbs useful for discussing travel and the students planned their trip (either one they have taken or one they wished they had taken.)  They planned by answering a series of questions and filling out a storyboard.
Next class the students will start creating a PhotoStory video of their trip.


The students had two classes to continue creating a Google Slideshow on their chosen career inquiry.

French 8A

The students wrote their passé composé exam and did 2 lies and a truth.


The students started presentations on the career of their choice.

French 10/20/30

The students asked each other questions orally and then had time to work on their Book Trailers.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

*Day 5

French 7B

The students had a chance to reassess their LK outcome and assess their CS. 3 (reading outcome).  The students then started to learn the endings for "ir" verbes.


Many students needed to spend one more class on their Career Inquiry Slideshows so today was that chance. Presentations will start tomorrow.

French 8B

The students were at the Talking to Youth Live Event so next class, Wed. May25th they will have a chance to correct their slide shows on Famous French Canadians before they are summatively assessed.


The students worked on their Career Inquiry Slideshows .

French 10/20/30

The students did a Kahoot on verbs (er, ir, and re) and then worked on their Book Trailer videos.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 4 - Today is an early dismissal day.

French 7A

The students received their quizzes on "er" verbs back.  On Friday, May 20th those choosing to reassess may do so and everyone will be doing a short reading quiz on "Les Amis".  The students also learned how to conjugate "ir" verbs. They did a practice sheet, which we will correct after our quiz next class.


French 9B

The students played 2 truths and a lie using events from their weekend in passé composé.  They then finished and corrected their review of passé composé verbs using avoir and etre. Next class we will start planning our final project using passé composé.

French 8A

The students practiced using passé composé with avoir and etre. They will be writing their exam on this topic on Wednesday, May 18th.


The students worked on their Google Slide presentations about the career that they researched.  Presentations will begin on Wednesday.  Students will have one more class to work on presentations tomorrow.


The students viewed some tips on powerful presentations.  They then began work on their Google Slide presentations about the career that they researched.  Students will have three more classes to work on presentations before they present.

French 10/20/30

They students asked each other questions in French orally.  Then they continued work on their Book Trailers.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Day 3

French 9A/8A/8B

All three classes reviewed passé composé, remembering the following guidelines:

a) Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs (coming and going verbs) such as

Devenir (devenu)
Rester (resté)
Mourir (mort)
Retourner (retourné)
Sortir (sorti)

need to be conjugated with ÊTRE and an extra E or S if the pronoun is Feminine or Plural.
ex: Elle est allée. (an extra e because she is feminine)
Ils sont allés. (an extra s because they are plural, but no e because this they is masculine)
b) Other verbs both regular
Jouer (joué)
Finir (fini)
Attendre (attendu)
and irregular verbs
Faire (fait)
Lire (lu)
Prendre (pris)
Etre (été)
Avoir (eu)
need to be conjugated with AVOIR.
ex: J'ai joué

French 8A

This class should submit final copies of their Famous French Canadian slide shows today as they were given more time to make edits and are now due by 3:30pm. We will have a review class on Monday and then our quiz will be Wednesday, May 18th.

French 8B

This class will have one more class to make corrections on their Famous French Canadian slide shows before they are summatively assessed. Their quiz will be on Thursday, June 2nd.


The students had a review on how to make powerful slide shows and had the rest of class time today to work on their Career Inquiry Slide Show. The slide show of tips is available on Google Classroom. I will be giving them one more class on Monday to work on this project.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced asking questions in French and continued working on their French Book Trailers. We sang "Bonne Fete" to Tanner.  :)

*Good luck to all the dancers tonight and tomorrow night!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 2


The students had 2 classes today to finish their interview and research questions.  They should be ready, with all their information, to start a final project tomorrow.

French 7A

The students had their quiz on "er" verbs.  We also watched Epsiode 2 of "Chez Mimi" and did some questions about the episode as part of a viewing and listening outcome.

French 7B

The students practiced their "er" verbs in preparation for their re-evaluation quiz, which will be Tuesday, May 17th.


The students had 1 class today to finish their interview and research questions.  They should be ready, with all their information, to start a final project on Monday.

French 10/20/30

The students continued work on their Book Trailers in French.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Day 1

French 7A has a quiz on Thursday, May 11th on "er" verbs.

French 8B should be finished their Famous French Canadian slideshows for Friday, May 12th.

French 9B

The students received their formative passé composé quizzes back and most discovered they need to do some memorization of past participles.  We went through the exam and did a further practice sheet.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell about checking your answers.

French 7B

The students received their "er verbe" quizzes back and most people will need to reassess.
We reviewed the following pronouns and endings WHICH students NEED to MEMORIZE.

I  = Je  and the ending is E ex: J'aime or Je joue
You(s) = Tu and the ending is ES ex: Tu adores
He = Il and the ending is E ex: Il regarde
She = Elle and the ending is E ex: Elle mange
One = On and the ending is E ex: On habite
We = Nous and the ending is ONS ex: Nous jouons *** Manger --> Nous MangEons
You (pl) = Vous and the ending is EZ ex: Vous regardez
They (m) = Ils and the ending is ENT ex: Ils aiment
They (f) = Elles and the ending is ENT ex: Elles adorent

NEGATIVE -->  Je NE joue PAS.    or  Vous N'aimez PAS.

We also went to a website to help us practice, although unless you're on an iPad it is difficult to do the accents.



The students had 2 classes to research their career questions and try to get a hold of someone in this career field to interview.  They should have answers to all the questions by Monday, May 16th as they will be working on presentations at that time.  The questions are all posted on Google Classroom.

French 10/20/30

The students continued to plan and storyboard their French Book Trailers. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 6

Junior Track & Field meet took up most of today.  A bit windy but I think everyone had fun.

French 10/20/30

The students had Mrs. Robertson as their sub.  They started to plan a book trailer in French.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

*Day 5

*Junior T&F tomorrow.  Dress appropriately and be able to say YES or NO to competing at districts on May 25 & 26th if you place in the top 2 tomorrow.

French 7B

The students played 2 truths and a lie, in French, and we finished watching Chez Mimi, episode 2 to meet the viewing outcome.


The students had this class to work on researching information on the career of their choice.  They are starting to interview people in the various fields in which they are interested.  This week they will finish up answering the questions they chose as a class, through research on the web and interviewing their expert.  Then this information will be put into a Google Slideshow, which they will present for a presentation outcome, a written/inquiry outcome, and a career outcome as well.

French 8B

The students continued to present their slideshows on Famous French Canadians and receive formative feedback from both myself and their classmates.  Quite a few students are not finished their presentations but will have until Friday to catch up before they present.  Once all presentations are done they will have a class to make corrections before a summative evaluation is done.


The students had this class to work on researching information on the career of their choice.  They also began to contact people to interview in the various fields in which they are interested.  This week they will finish up answering the questions they chose as a class, through research on the web and interviewing their expert.  Then this information will be put into a Google Slideshow, which they will present for a presentation outcome, a written/inquiry outcome, and a career outcome as well.

French 10/20/30

The students continued to discuss favourite books they have read with their classmates.  They are going to put the information about one of their favourite books into a French Book Trailer int he next few classes.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Day 4

French 7A

The students played 2 truths and a lie in French,  they watched the rest of the "Mon Ami" videos, and they practiced (using Kahoot) for their exam on Thursday, May 12th.  Students should know the endings fro conjugating "er" verbs and how to say the vocabulary we've been using in English and French.

French 9B

All the grade 9B students completed their Tell Them From Me surveys for this term. Then we played 2 truths and a lie using passé composé and we started a sheet using verbs that need either avoir or etre as their auxiliary.

French 8A

The students played 2 truths and a lie using passé composé and had some time to correct any errors in their Famous French Canadian slideshows.  Final slideshows should be done for Monday when they will be summatively marked.  Next class we will prepare for a summative quiz on passé composé.


The students had time to locate an expert on their career to interview next week.  They also had time to continue their research around their chosen career.


The students finished the questions on Career Values.  I added those questions to your Google Doc if you were absent.  Please answer the last two questions and submit your work.  The class also heard the last two oral presentations and brainstormed important questions to ask an expert about their career choices.

French 10/20/30

The students spent most of class discussing a book they liked.  They included information on the main characters, the plot, the setting, and why they liked that book.  Next week we will be creating French Book Trailers.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

*We are collecting items to be sent to Fort McMurray's evacuees by 3:30 Friday.

French 9A

The students practiced using passé composé orally.  We discussed the difference between verbs conjugated with etre (Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs)  and those with avoir (er, ir, and re verbs).


The students completed their Tell Them From Me surveys for the spring term.  They also worked on researching their chosen career. 

French 8A

We finished up presentations on Famous French Canadians.  Next class there will be time to make corrections before the assignment is turned in for a summative assessment.

French 8B

The students started their Famous French Canadian presentations and received formative assessment feedback.

French 10/20/30

The students continued to discuss books and authors. We also discussed relevant vocabulary.


Author – écrivain(e), l’auteur de

Character – le personnage

Plot – l’intrigue (f)

Setting – l’action (f), le cadre

Book – un roman (novel), un livre (book)

Adventure – l’aventure  (f)                                        

Thriller – un roman à suspense

Science-Fiction – la science-fiction, la SF

Horror – la horreur, la terreur

Biography – la biographie

Romance novel – le roman d’amour

Real life – la réalité

Fiction – la fiction

Non-fiction – la non-romanesque

Based on a true story  – être tiré d’un histoire vrai

Medieval – du Moyen Âge, médiéval

Historical – historique

Fantasy – le fantastique

Futuristic – futuriste

Comic books – la bande dessinée

Lire – to read

Je lis

Tu lis

Il, Elle, On lit

Nous lisons

Vous lisez

Ils, Elles lisent

Passé Composé – avoir + lu

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Day 2


The students silent read and then answered 10 questions about values and their future career paths.  They next brainstormed questions to ask someone, who is in the career, in which they are interested.  We are in the process of combining these lists to create one final set of interview questions.
Also, the last 2 presentations on career choices were presented.

French 7A

The students played 2 truths and a lie using "er" verbs.  The students also corrected the sheet on the verb "commencer" (to order) to prepare for their upcoming quiz, which will be on Thursday, May 12th.  We also watched some more "Mon Ami(e)" videos.

French 7B

The students played 2 truths and a lie using "er" verbs.  The students also completed their quiz on "er" verbs.  We discussed Episode 1 or "Chez Mimi" and also watched almost all of  Episode 2 of "Chez Mimi." We'll finish up next class.


The students silent read and then started to answer 10 questions about values and their future career paths. We will complete this activity next class.  The students who were absent yesterday need to watch the following video and then write a paragraph about what the message was and what they thought of the message.

French 10/20/30

The students and I headed outside to enjoy a discussion of favourite books (in French) in the sunshine.  We were interrupted by a fire drill but, after finishing up both activities, we headed to the library for some time to work on corrections on the passé composé vs imparfait stories.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day 1 *I'm away today at a conference.

French 9B

The students had a quiz on passé composé verbs using etre.  They also watched Episode 1 of Extra en France and answered some questions about the episode.

French 7B

The students are watching the first episode of Chez Mimi and answering questions about it.  They also have a sheet on activities and action verbs.


The students did their presentations on a career they are interested in and watched a video.  They also wrote a paragraph about the message of the video and how they felt about that message. The video is below if you were absent.

 French 10/20/30

Today the students watched Episode 4 of Extra en France and summarized it.  Tomorrow they will be correcting/editing their slide show stories.