Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Last Day of Classes

The grade 7, 8 and 9 students finished up envelopes and letters for patients at the cancer clinic.  We also went over some exam review and most classes played a Kahoot on Would You Rather?  Summer Edition, 

Would you rather eat as much ice cream as you wanted everyday but only vanilla OR would you rather only eat ice cream three times but get any kind you wanted?

The senior French class worked on their dating profile videos before we did a locker clean-up.


Grade 7 French - 9:00 am (Thursday, June 23, 2016)
Grade 8 French - 12:45 pm (Thursday, June 23, 2016)
Grade 9 English - 12:45 pm (Thursday, June 23, 2016)
Grade 9 French - 9:00 am (Tuesday, June 28, 2016)

Outstanding Assignments

French Mon Voyage Photostories - Wyatt, Jordan A, Ramani, and Kaitlyn

Finding Forrester Posters - Jordan A, Lymbert, Megan, Jaxon, Wyatt, Dawson J, Tyson, Dillon, Brayden, Marco, and Dawson W, (I do have 3 with no names)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Monday & Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 4 *First Day of Summer!

French 9A & 9B

Both classes watched an episode of Extra en Francais and received their exam outlines.
I am missing Mon Voyage projects from: Jordan A, Wyatt, Kaitlyn, and Ramani.  They are now very overdue.


The students worked on their poster project for "Finding Forrester" and wrote Cheer Up letters, which will be delivered to the Saskatoon Cancer Clinic this summer.


The students wrote Cheer Up letters, which will be delivered to the Saskatoon Cancer Clinic this summer.

French 8A & B

Both classes received their exam outlines and watched one final episode of Extra en Francais.  The 8A's finished up their Cheer Up letters and the 8B's will do theirs tomorrow.

French 7A

The students finished up their Cheer Up letters and we reviewed for the final exam and discussed summer plans in French.

French 10/20/30

The students made yummy crepes today and will have part of tomorrow to wrap up their final video project, profiles for a dating website.

*Remember tomorrow is Formal Day for the last day of school!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Day 3


The students got to watch the Collective performance by 9B.  They also finished up their Finding Forrester questions, which are due Monday.  Those who were finished early started a final project of creating a poster about 4 choices faced by one of the main characters.

French 7A & 7B

The students received their final exam outlines and will find out if they have received a recommend at the end of the day on Monday.  The students then wrote a Cheer Up letter, which will be delivered to cancer patients in Saskatoon this summer.


The class finished watching "Finding Forrester" today.  They'll be doing a short poster assignment next class.

French 10/20/30

The students continued working on their dating profiles and some even began green screening for their final project.

*Thanks to all those who shared birthday wishes and songs with me today!  It was a lovely day!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Wednesday, June 15 & Thursday, June 17, 2016

Day 6 & 1

French 9A & 9B

Both classes wrote their passé composé exams.  I am missing Mon Voyage photo stories from:
Kaitlyn, Jordan A., Wyatt, Dawson J., Morgan, Marco & Thomas W.  They are due at 9:00 am on Friday.


The students finished up "Consorting with Frogs" and then started watching "Finding Forrester.  This movie features characters who undergo many challenges and conflicts.


The students finished watching "Finding Forrester" and are now doing some wrap-up questions.

French 8A

The students did a quick writing assessment and then worked on Cheer Up letters for patients at the Cancer Clinic.  We'll finish them up next class.

French 7B

The students finished up their Chaise Chaud activity from last class and then they played a Kahoot to practice ER, IR and RE verbes.

French 10/20/30

The students are working on creating a dating  profile, which they will turn into a video on Friday and Monday's classes. We also chose ingredients to bring for making crepes during our last class on Wednesday, June 22nd.  Here is Episode 5 for those who are missing it:

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 5

French 7B

Today the students started a "Chaise Chaud" activity or "In the Hot Seat."  We went through ten common French questions and discussed how to answer them in French.  The students practiced asking and answering the questions and then we chose people to be in the "Chaise Chaud" where they were asked three questions by classmates.  We'll finish up those people who didn't get a chance to participate next day.


The students Silent Read and then we watched almost to the end of "Finding Forrester."  If you have outstanding assingments they must be handed in by Friday, June 17th.

French 8B

The students wrote their re-assessment for passé composé verbs.  We did some orale assessment as well.


The students silent read and then we read and discussed the story "Consorting with Frogs" by Farley Mowat.  We also viewed two videos about the teenager cheerleader from Texas who hunted endangered animals in Africa.  The students need to agree or disagree with Kendall's choice and write a paragraph about their stand on the issue.

French 10/20/30

The students are continuing practicing question asking and answering.  The students also finished sheets reviewing avoir (for describing hair, eyes, and facial features) and etre for characteristics.  We also shared our phone numbers in French.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 4

French 7A

The students wrote their "RE" verb quiz.  We also watched Episode 3 of Chez Mimi.  If you were absent you need to come Thursday at lunch to write the quiz and watch the video.

French 9B

The students watched their "Mon Voyage" videos.  If you are not done it is now overdue.  Put your video in the hand-in folder and hand-in your planning sheets as soon as possible.  The passé composé quiz will be Thursday, June 16th.  We also watched Episode 2 of Extra en Francais.

French 8A

The students did a quick oral description of three things they did this weekend.  Then we watched Episode 3 of Extra en Francais.


The students did some review questions on the first part of "Finding Forrester" and then we continued watching the film.  A few students have outstanding assignments.  Please get them in as soon as possible.


The students silent read, completed questions on "Babysitting Helen" and started preparing to read "Consorting with Frogs."  I have a few students who owe me past stories and Career Reflection essays.  Please get those done as soon as possible.

French 10/20/30

The students continued asking and answering questions.  We also learned some vocabulary to start our final project, which will be making a video of a dating profile (as themselves or a character.)

Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

Day 3

French 9A

The students Mon Voyage Photostories are now overdue.  Today we watched those that were finished and reviewed passé composé for the test,which will be on Wednesday, June 15th.


The students watched part of the movie Finding Forrester today.  It deals with the issues in our current unit about  making choices and dealing with conflict.

French 8A

The students went through their re-assessments for the passé composé did an oral assessment.

French 8B

The students went through their passé composé exam results and we reviewed the concepts as many will be re-assessing on Tuesday, June 14th.

French 10/20/30

The students continued working on questioning and answering in French.  We finished reading about French vacations.  Then the students wrote a paragraph on why they like French or why French is important in French.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday, June 9, 2016

*Day 2


The students discussed the pros and cons of hunting.  We read Farley Mowat's "Consorting with Frogs" about the authour's turning point on his views on hunting.  We also read an article and watched 2 videos (posted on Google Classroom) about the Texas Cheerleader Kendall Jones who went big game hunting in Africa.  Questions and opinion paragraph due tomorrow.

French 7A

The students went through their "IR" verb quizzes and reviewed "RE" verbs for their quiz on Monday, June 13th.  We also reviewed pronouns and their English meanings.

French 7B

The students found out their marks for the "RE" quiz and we went through their marks for viewing assessments.  We then watched Chez Mimi Episode 4 so a few students could reassess for a 3.


The students silent read and then read the story "Babysitting Helen."  We also started to answer the questions.

French 10/20/30

The students continued asking and answering questions in French and follow-up questions.
The students finished a discussion on the Francophone culture in Gabon, Africa and vacations by the numbers. We also did some discussion of how the French take their vacations.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

*Day 2

French 9B

The students had their last work day for their Mon Voyage Photostories.  They must be in the Hand-in folder before next French class and the students need to hand in their question sheet and storyboard for assessment.

French 7B

The students wrote their "RE" verb quiz and then we practiced ER, IR, and RE verbs by playing kahoot.


The students read, discussed and wrote about "The Lucky Winner Is . . . " which asked the question is it ever okay to cheat?

French 10/20/30

The class continued practicing asking and answering questions in French.  We also read about a dance group in the country of Gabon which had an 80% francophone population.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Day 6

*I was away yesterday so will incorporate yesterday's news into today's post.

French 9A

The students had a last day to work on their Mon Voyage Photostories.  When they are done students should put them in the hand-in folder (with their name in the file name) and hand in their questions sheet and storyboard for assessment.  Next class we will be watching the finished products so they should be done before then.


Several students now have overdue Career Reflection Essays, please print out a copy and hand in ASAP.  Paragraphs on the Dress for Success video should also be turned in on Google Classroom.
The students are starting a new unit on Conflicts & Choices.  The first story we read and discussed, was actually a script based on O. Henry's short story "The Last Leaf."  If you were absent please get the questions done and hand-in as soon as possible.  Today we also watched a video version, that you can see below:

French 7B

The students reviewed "RE" verbes for their quiz on Wednesday, June 8th.  See Miss Riddell if you were absent for missed sheets.  Study!


The students read and did questions on the story "Babysitting Helen."  These questions took longer than anticipated on Monday so the students were given a second work class on Tuesday.  Anyone who is away should have them ready to hand in on Wednesday. 

French 8B

The students wrote their passé composé quiz.

French 8A

The students re-assessed their passé composé quiz.  If you were absent be prepared to write it tomorrow at noon.

French 10/20/30

On Monday the students watched and summarized Episode 5 of Extra en Francais.  Please get a sheet and do on your own if you were absent. Today we practiced asking and answering questions and brainstormed reasons for learning French.

*Awards Night tonight at 7:00 pm.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day 3

French 9A

The students had a class to work on their "Mon Voyage" PhotoStories. They need to:
a) finish their storyboard
b) find appropriate Creative Commons photos and save the credit
c) create the PhotoStory
        - each slide should have a picture and a credit (no types sentences)
        - record themselves saying the sentence
        - add a title screen (Mon Voyage en Japon par ___), credits (if not on photos), and add
           music at 1/3 volume
d) when it is all finished put it into the Hand In folder
e) turn in their storyboard and question sheet
These projects will be due on Tuesday, June 7th.


The students finished the story "The Last Leaf" and answered the final questions.  We started to watch a video version.  It can be viewed below:

French 8A

The students continued to review passé composé verbs and will be able to re-assess their knowledge on Tuesday, June 8, 2016.

French 8B

The students had a chance to see their assessments for their Famous French Canadian Slide Shows and do their corrections.  We also finished correcting the verbs with etre passé composé review sheet. This class will be writing their passé composé quiz on Monday, June 6th.  They need to know the verbs AVOIR and ETRE, the VANDERTRAMP verbs, and the regular and irregular verbs we covered in class for the test.

French 10/20/30

The students described each other's clothing orally and then started a Pic Collage of the clothing they would wear in a specific place or situation.  They added their photos to the picture they chose and wrote a description using future tense.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 2


The students had a chance to finish their Career Reflection Essay and print it out, and to also finish their paragraph reflection on the video "Dress for Success."  Both are now overdue.  The students also reflected on some rights, responsibilities, and freedoms that they enjoy and how they might handle conflicts when they arise.  We then read the first act of the adaptation of "The Last Leaf" based on an O. Henry short story and did some predicting and analyzing.

French 7A

The students continued working with "IR" verbs and will have their quiz on Friday, June 3rd.

French 7B

The students continued working with "RE" verbs and will have a quiz on these verbs on Wednesday, June 8th.


The students had time to complete their Career Reflection essays on Google Classroom.  They should be ready to print out during Friday's class or Monday if you are away Friday.

French 10/20/30

The students continued working with clothing and describing clothing.  Today we reviewed making the adjectives agree with the nouns.
Ex:  Je porte une jupe violette. (feminine)
        Je porte un chandail violet. (masculine)
        Je porte des bottes violettes. (fem. & plural)
        Je porte des souliers violets.  (masc. & plural)