Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 (Day 4)


FRENCH 10/20

Today we went over expectations for Senior French and did a n introduction sheet.  Our first theme will be family and we started by introducing a member of our family.
Elle/Il s'appelle ______________.
Elle/Il a les cheveux _____________, ______________ et ______________.  (Couleur - bruns, blonds, roux, gris, noirs, Taille - courts, moyens, longs, Style - frisés, ondulés et raides)
Elle/Il aime _____________.
Elle/Il joue _____________.

We also reviewed numbers and practiced with a game.


The students started preparing and practicing a brief oral presentation on the results of their Inquiry.  Presentations should include:

a)  an explanation of you topic and why you chose it
b)  three to five interesting things your found when researching
c)  your essential question
d)  the answer to your essential question

*Alijah, Makayla, Austin, Joe, Jayden, Reece, Kaylie J., Pierce, James, Nolan, Emily, Ashton S., Averie and Blaise need to finish their final Inquiry blog post and publish it.  We will begin presentations tomorrow.


We started preparing for a new Chaise Chaud on the topic of our class.  Then we introduced how to conjugate ER verbs:

1.  Remove the ER  Example:   parler --> parl
2.  Look at the pronouns
3.  Add the correct ending.

JE parlE (I talk)                    NOUS parlONS  (We talk)
TU parlES (You (s) talk)      VOUS parlEZ (You (pl) talk)
IL parlE (He talks)                ILS parlENT (They (m) talk)
ELLE parlE (She talks)         ELLES parlENT (They (f) talk)
ON parlE (One talks)

Here is a video that introduces the ER verb endings:


The students started preparing and practicing a brief oral presentation on the results of their Inquiry.  Presentations should include:

a)  an explanation of you topic and why you chose it
b)  three to five interesting things your found when researching
c)  your essential question
d)  the answer to your essential question

*Ashton B., Ethan, Larissa, Preston, Owen, Zion, Trevor, Adam, Miquiella, and Paige T. need to finish their final Inquiry blog post and publish it.  We will begin presentations tomorrow.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed the provinces and territories for our quiz next class on Tuesday, February 6th.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018 (Day 2)


The students read for ten minutes.  We corrected Vocabulary Lesson 5.  The students then had some final class time to complete the Last Inquiry Blog Post, which explained their topic, shared the information they had found, and answered their Essential Question as completely as possible.  This is due for Wednesday's class.  


The grade 7's watched everyone's green-screen videos and discussed ways that they were great and ways they could be improved.  If you'd like to watch the videos there is a link to the playlist below:
We also practiced our new Chaise Chaud questions about common words and expressions in French.


The students read for ten minutes.  We corrected Vocabulary Lesson 5.  The students then had some final class time to complete the Last Inquiry Blog Post, which explained their topic, shared the information they had found, and answered their Essential Question as completely as possible.  This is due for Wednesday's class.  
This was 9B's double class day so the students also had time to complete Lesson 6 in their Vocabulary duotangs.  We will be having a quiz on lesson's 4-6 next vocabulary class so make sure those lessons are complete and ready to use as a resource on your quiz.

*Due to the cold weather forecast the SKI TRIP is POSTPONED from February 1st to a date to be determined.

*Junior Exams are tomorrow.  Students received recommends or a list of exams to be written on Friday.  Good luck everyone!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018 (Day 1)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and then wrapped up their Inquiry projects by doing the following:

1.  Give your post a title.
2.  Introduce your topic and the general questions you wanted to answer. (1 paragraph)
3.  Summarize the general information you found about your topic. (3 or more paragraphs)
4.  Explain your Essential question and answer it as completely as possible. (1 or more paragraphs)

*This should be written as an essay with transitions between paragraphs.  Do not number your paragraphs.  The essay must be at least five paragraphs in length.  You may choose to write more depending on the depth of research that you completed.  When your response is finished then publish it.  You will have some class time on Monday to finish but we are correcting Lesson 5 Vocabulary so it will not be the whole time.


The students continued working on programming their names in SCRATCH.  They will have one more class to complete this project.


Four people were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed strategies for watching a video or show in French.
1.  Listen for words that you know.
2.  Listen for words that sound like English.
3.  Watch the actors actions.
4.  Watch the surroundings setting.
Then we watched a video "L'Aventure en Route" and the class summarized the plot.  If you were absent please be prepared to watch this at lunch on Monday,

*Grade 7-9 exam schedules (for Tuesday) and timetables (for term two) were handed out at the end of period 6 today.  It would be a good idea to do some studying this weekend.  

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018 (Day 6)

ELA 9B & 9A

The students had time to read for ten minutes.  They then had the remainder of the class to finish up their research on their Essential question.  Tomorrow they will be drafting a response to their Essential question in preparation for a short oral presentation to the class. Anyone who does not have at least three websites, with jot notes, posted to their blog in separate posts (one per website) has to do some homework tonight.
*Vocabulary Lesson 5 Due Monday
*Preston & Austin I need your Character Sketches ASAP


The students assembled their iMovies today using their green-screen videos and Pic Collage.  Those that were finished helped out their classmates or went on DuoLingo and Wordament.  Anyone who has not finished green-screening or creating their iMovie is now responsible for finishing it up on their own time.  I am around most lunches if you need help.  Bring me your iPad when you are done.


The class is busy figuring out the coordinates of the letters in their name to create a Scratch program, which spells out their name.

UCHS program in Scratch

*Junior exam schedules will be handed out in period 6 tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 (Day 5)


We finished our introduction of passé composé using avoir.  We corrected the 10 from yesterday and then the students did the rest of the sheet for a summative assessment, including translating 5 into English.  Then we watched most of Episode 2 of Extra en Français.


Four people were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students had this class to finish up their green-screen filming.  If they are not done they must get finished at a noon hour or after school now.  Some of the students also learned how to assemble their iMovies and how to create Pic Collages for their opening and closing credits.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and then they had the rest of the class to continue their Inquiry research.  On Friday they will be composing a response to their Essential Question, which will be presented orally to the class next week.


Character Sketches - Preston & Austin

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 (Day 4)


The students had ten minutes of silent reading and then had the rest of the class to work on their Inquiry projects.  Each student has found an Essential question on a topic related to their novel.  They are now researching multiple websites and blogging jot notes on each site as they work towards formulating an answer.


The students reviewed using Passé Composé with the verb AVOIR as the helping verb.

J'ai mangé la pizza.  I have eaten the pizza. or I ate the pizza.   ER-->É

Tu as fini tes devoirs.  You (s) have finished your homework.  IR-->I

Il a attendu l'autobus.  He has waited for the bus.  RE-->U

We also discussed some irregular verbs.

Example:  FAIRE --> FAIT              COMPRENDRE --> COMPRIS         AVOIR --> EU

Nous avons fait du gâteau.  We have made some cake.

Vous avez compris le leçon.  You (pl) have understood the lesson.

Ils ont eu un chien.  They (m) had had a dog.

We also reviewed negatives where the NE and PAS go around AVOIR.


Elle N'a PAS joué le basketball.  She had NOT played basketball.

Elles N'ont PAS vu l'arc en ciel.   They (f) have NOT seen the rainbow.


Today students had time to finish their WORD versions of their Security/Privacy Plans.  Most were moving on to their first programming task by graphing out coordinated on an x and y plane to spell out their names.  An example of  a similar project is found at this link:


The students had ten minutes of silent reading and then had the rest of the class to work on their Inquiry projects.  Each student has found an Essential question on a topic related to their novel.  They are now researching multiple websites and blogging jot notes on each site as they work towards formulating an answer. 
As today was our double class the students also had time to work on Lesson 5 in their Vocabulary booklets.  We will be correcting next Monday.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018 (Day 3)


The last 4 students were in the Chaise Chaud  for the topic of Christmas.  We reviewed the formation of Passé Composé (past tense) using AVOIR as the auxiliary verb:
I have eaten. (or I ate.)  J'AI MANGÉ.          (ER verbs - manger--> mangé)
You(s) have finished.    TU AS FINI             (IR verbs - finir--> fini)
He has waited.               IL A ATTENDU      (RE verbs - attendre--> attendu)

We also reviewed how to change a Passé Composé sentence to negative:

I haven't eaten.  Je N'ai PAS mangé,   *The NE and PAS go around the AVOIR.
The following video reviews what we've learned so far.


The students read for 10 minutes and then had time to work on their Inquiry research.  A post of their Essential questions and related questions should now be posted and they should be working on their first website jot notes.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We then practiced saying and locating the provinces and territories in French.  
*Places that are masculine will be prefaced by AU.
Example: Je vais au Québec.

*Places that are masculine or start with a vowel will be prefaced by EN.
Example:  Je vais en Nouvelle-Écosse.

*Cities are always prefaced by À.
Example:  Je vais à Saskatoon.


The students read for 10 minutes and then had time to work on their Inquiry research.  A post of their Essential questions and related questions should now be posted and they should be working on their first website jot notes.


CHARACTER SKETCH:  Preston, Averie & Austin
ESSENTIAL QUESTION BLOG POST:  Torrence, Pierce, Ashton S., Averie, Ethan, and Preston (who only needs supplementary questions)

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018 (Day 2)


The students had a few things to work on this class:
1. They finished their posters on the Winter Olympics
2. They had a chance to re-assess their privacy/security plans 
3. They changed their privacy/security plans into a Word document
4.  Some had time to start graphing their names for an upcoming Scratch project


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected Lesson 4 in our vocabulary.  (Averie, Jayden, Austin,Pierce, and Kaylie J.  need to turn theirs in on Monday and I'll correct it.)  We also discussed how the Blog should be set-up.  See here for an example:  Miss Riddell's Novel Blog
*Everyone should have their Essential Question Post posted by Monday (Currently missing:  Torrence, Jayden, Kaylie J., Pierce, Ashton S., Monica, and Blaise)


Three people were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we continued to green-screen.  I learned something new, in that you can shrink someone when filming them so they better fit in their background.
Before filming, in the camera setting, adjust the size of the person by squeezing or spreading your fingers.  We'll have one more class to finish green-screening.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected Lesson 4 in our vocabulary.  (  If you were absent and your book is with you, please turn it in on Monday and I'll correct it.)  We also discussed how the Blog should be set-up.  See here for an example:  Miss Riddell's Novel Blog
*Everyone should have their Essential Question Post posted by Monday.  (Currently missing:  Andrew, Ethan, Larissa, Preston, Owen, Anika, Zion, Olivia, Kailey S., Miquiella)
We had two classes today so the students had time to work on their Lesson 5 Vocabulary words.  

We also left class a few minutes early to cheer on the Junior Boy's Basketball game.  Good luck this weekend!  Good luck to the Robotics Team tomorrow!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018 (Day 1)

Computers 8

The students continued work on their Word posters about the Winter Olympics.  Some also had time to show me their Word skills on their Privacy/Security Plans.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed the four irregular verbs we have learned:  AVOIR, ÊTRE, FAIRE and ALLER and then they did a summative using their knowledge. We also started to review transportation vocabulary.

ELA 9A & 9B

We read silently for ten minutes.  The students then had time to refine their Essential Question and  start researching their Inquiry topics.



*Tomorrow is Hat Day! Wear your favourite hat for a loonie!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we continued on with our Inquiry questions.  By the end of class today students should have had their Essential Question and 4-5 supplementary questions posted on their blog and have started to find up to three (or more) useful websites.

OVERDUE OUTSIDER'S PROJECTS (due Dec. 19):  Averie, Austin & Pierce

OVERDUE CHARACTER SKETCHES (Due Jan. 10):  Preston, Averie, Austin, Torrence, Pierce, Ashton S (rough draft and planning sheet)


The students had the entire class to video with the green-screen.  They should have six clips when they are finished.


The students worked on  creating a poster using WORD about the upcoming Winter Olympics today.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 (Day 5)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed how to do Passé Composé using AVOIR and the past participles.
Example:  I have eaten the pizza.                          
                 (J'ai mangé la pizza.)
                 You (s) have finished your homework.  
                 (Tu as fini tes devoirs.)
                 We have lost the game.
                 (Nous avons perdu le match.)
*If you were absent (or want to review) watch the following video:


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we introduced/reviewed how to green-screen using the app Do Ink on the iPads.  The students had this class to start filming their green-screen clips. We'll continue next day.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we moved to the library/room 104 where students worked on the following:
1.  Finishing plot diagrams (these are now overdue)
2.  Finishing Essential Questions (these should have been completed today)
3.  Starting to research their Essential Questions 
4.  First post to their blogs (tell the Essential Questions and 4-5 related questions)
We will continue researching tomorrow.

OVERDUE OUTSIDER'S PROJECTS:  Austin, Averie and Pierce

OVERDUE CHARACTER SKETCHES:  Averie, Austin, Torrence, Pierce, Preston, Trevor (planning sheet/rough draft) & Ashton S.(planning sheet, rough draft)

OVERDUE PLOT DIAGRAMS:  Austin, Torrence, Ashton S., Trevor

Monday, January 15, 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018 (Day 4)

*Alternate timetable today with classes ending at 2:15 pm.


The students read for ten minutes.  Next each student set-up a blog to record the Inquiry information for his/her novel.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed for our quiz by playing Kahoot.  Next the students wrote their RE verb quiz.  We also introduced Passé Composé which involves using AVOIR and a past participle.

J'ai                   Nous avons
Tu as               Vous avez
Il/Elle/On a     Ils/Elles ont


ER --> É  (examples:  mangé,  regardé,  joué)

IR --> I (example:  fini,  applaudi,  choisi)

RE-->U (example:  vendu,  rendu,  attendu)

I have watched tv.  J'ai regardé la télévision.
You(s) have finished your homework.   Tu as fini tes devoirs.
He had sold his car.  Il a vendu sa voiture.


The students discussed the various items that can be used in Word and where to find them.  We started a practice document.


The students read for ten minutes.  Next each student set-up a blog to record the Inquiry information for his/her novel.  This class also completed Lesson 4 of their Vocabulary booklet.


OUTSIDER'S FINAL PROJECT: Averie, Austin, Jessica, and Pierce

CHARACTER SKETCH:  Austin, Torrence, Pierce, Averie, Preston

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We continued to review RE verbs and finished our practice sheet.  The students also played a kahoot to practice for their QUIZ on Monday, January 15, 2018.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes.  Students had time to finish their plot diagram.  It should now be mostly done.  Then we discussed Essential Questions, which are question thats provoke deep thought, solicit information, evaluate data, result in an original answer, may not have a definitive answer, encourage critical thinking and problem solving.

Good Essential Question starters are:
Which one?
What if?
For more information check out the slideshow below:
OVERDUE OUTSIDERS PROJECTS: Austin, Averie, Jessica, Pierce, & Kaylie J.
OVERDUE CHARACTER SKETCHES:  Mark, Trevor, Shayne, Adam, Preston, Owen, Averie,                                                                      Austin, Torrence, Jessica, & Pierce


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We finished our practice conjugating FAIRE.  Then we started to do an assessment using AVOIR, ETRE, ALLER and FAIRE.  We'll finish this next class.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018 (Day 2)


We discussed what the students found when googling themselves and others.  It is important that what you find on the Internet casts you in a positive light.
Next the students did an exercise on what they know about Microsoft Word and handed it in.


The students read for ten minutes.  The students then had time to work on their plot diagrams for their novels. The novels will have a minimum of ten chapters, including:

Chapter 1 - Exposition (setting, situation, characters)
Chapter 2 - Conflict (man vs himself, man vs man, man vs nature)
Chapter 3 -7 - Rising Action
Chapter 8 - Climax (high point in the novel)
Chapter 9 - Falling Action
Chapter 10 - Resolution (should have resolved the conflict)
The outline is available on Google Classroom.

Some students also had time to start thinking about their Essential Questions in regards to a topic they will be researching for their novel.

OVERDUE CHARACTER SKETCHES:  Alijah, Austin, Torrence, Jessica, Jayden, Brooklyn, Kaylie J., Pierce, James, Piper, Nolan, Ashton S., Monica, Averie

OVERDUE OUTSIDER'S FINAL PROJECT:  Austin, Averie, Jessica, Pierce, Kaylie J.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we continued getting ready to make a green-screen about a trip somewhere in Canada.  I proofread the storyboards and the students worked to find appropriate background images.  We should almost be ready to begin shooting next class.


The students read for ten minutes.  The students then had time to work on their plot diagrams for their novels. The novels will have a minimum of ten chapters, including:

Chapter 1 - Exposition (setting, situation, characters)
Chapter 2 - Conflict (man vs himself, man vs man, man vs nature)
Chapter 3 -7 - Rising Action
Chapter 8 - Climax (high point in the novel)
Chapter 9 - Falling Action
Chapter 10 - Resolution (should have resolved the conflict)
The outline is available on Google Classroom.

Some students also had time to start thinking about their Essential Questions in regards to a topic they will be researching for their novel.

We had a second class today where students completed the Lesson 4 in our Vocabulary booklet.

OVERDUE CHARACTER SKETCHES:  Mark, Micheal, Shayne, Preston, Owen, Olivia, Trevor, Adam

OVERDUE OUTSIDER'S FINAL PROJECT:  Micheal, Ethan, Preston, Miquiella

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 (Day 1)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Students had a last class to work on their character sketch (4-5 paragraphs including information on physical description, family, hobbies/skills, likes/dislikes, and environment if other than the norm).  The character sketch is due today.  Some people who were finished early started to work on plotting their novel.  The novels will have a minimum of ten chapters, including:

Chapter 1 - Exposition (setting, situation, characters)
Chapter 2 - Conflict (man vs himself, man vs man, man vs nature)
Chapter 3 -7 - Rising Action
Chapter 8 - Climax (high point in the novel)
Chapter 9 - Falling Action
Chapter 10 - Resolution (should have resolved the conflict)
The outline is available on Google Classroom.

*People working in pairs will need 20 chapters and trios will need 30 chapters.  These plans should have chapters written by alternating authors. Pairs & trios MUST be approved by me.

*OVERDUE Outsider's Project - Micheal, Ethan, Preston, Miquiella, Austin, Averie, Jessica, Pierce, and Kaylie J.


The students discussed how a digital footprint is difficult if not impossible to delete.  We read the following article:
Next students googled themselves, and an adult they know, to see what is easily found about themselves on the Internet.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed and finished practicing the verb ALLER.  Next the students had an introduction to FAIRE, which is another irregular verb and started a sheet to practice.  The sheet should be finished for next class.

FAIRE (to do  or to make)
Je FAIS (I do/make)                    Nous FAISONS (We do/make)
Tu FAIS (You (s) do/make)         Vous FAITES (You (pl) do/make)
Il FAIT (He does/makes)             Ils FONT (They (m) do/make)
Elle FAIT (She does/makes)        Elles FONT (They (f) do/make)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had time to edit and start typing a good copy of their Novel Character Sketch on Google Classroom.  They should have 4-5 paragraphs including information on:  physical description, family background, hobbies/skills, likes/dislikes, and environment if different than the norm.  The students will have one more class to work on this.
*OVERDUE OUTSIDER'S FINAL PROJECT:  Micheal, Ethan, Preston, Miquiella, Austin, Jessica, Jayden, KAylie J., Pierce, Ashton S., and Averie


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.   The students then finished planning their storyboard for their trip somewhere in Canada.  Their storyboard includes:  location (province), means of transportation, near or far in relation to Saskatchewan, who they are travelling with, and three activities they will do on their trip.  Students had time to start finding background images for green-screening their trips.


The class had one final class to work on their Privacy/Security Plan for using social media and other on-line platforms.  Those who were finished early had time to further explore programming in Scratch.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018 (Day 5)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud answering questions about Christmas.  The students then reviewed and wrote their IR verb quiz.  Next we reviewed the RE verbs and did a sheet to practice them.
VENDRE (to sell)
a) Remove the RE to get the root --> vendre --> VEND
b) Look at the pronoun
c) Add the proper ending

Je VENDs  (I sell)                            Nous VENDons  (We sell)
Tu VENDs (You (s) sell)                 Vous VENDez (You (pl) sell)
Il VEND (He sells)                          Ils VENDent (They (m) sell)
Elle VEND (She sells)                     Elles VENDent (They (f) sell)
On VEND (One sells)
*Note:  Il, elle and on have NO ending. They just use the root.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud answering questions about their class.  The students then reviewed and wrote their ER verb quiz.  We brainstormed a list of activities one could do on a trip and started to plan a trip to a province in Canada.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and tallied last week's minutes.  The students then worked on the rough draft of their main character outline.  They are writing 4-5 paragraphs, which describe their character's physical appearance, family background, hobbies and skills, likes and dislikes, and background on their world (if it is not the one we live in).  Students should have a rough draft for tomorrow's class as they will then have time to edit their writing with a partner.


The following students have still not completed their Final Projects for The Outsiders.  This may result in them losing their extra-curricular privileges if they do not get them finished.
ELA 9A - Austin, Torrence, Jessica, Jayden, Kaylie J, Pierce, James, Ashton S., Averie & Paige T.
ELA 9B - Micheal, Ethan. Preston, Adam & Miquiella

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018 (Day 4)


The students read for 10 minutes and re-calculated the number of pages for their reading goal.  Students should be reading 20 minutes a day, 7 days a week.  
The students then had time to further brainstorm their main novel character.  They have an outline to plan from before they start writing a 4-5 paragraph character sketch.  The character sketch should have paragraphs on the character's:
  • physical description
  • family
  • hobbies and skills
  • likes and dislikes
  • background on their world, especially if they are from another planet or anime
We will be writing the character sketch next week, editing, and posting it.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We had our last music presentation.  Then the students continued to review IR verbs before their quiz on Monday, January 8th.


The students had this class to work on their Security/Privacy plan for the Internet.  They were to include information on all the items from our jot notes, pictures, and links to their information.  They will have one more class to finish this.


The students read for 10 minutes and re-calculated the number of pages for their reading goal.  Students should be reading 20 minutes a day, 7 days a week.  
The students then had time to further brainstorm their main novel character.  They have an outline to plan from before they start writing a 4-5 paragraph character sketch.  The character sketch should have paragraphs on the character's:
  • physical description
  • family
  • hobbies and skills
  • likes and dislikes
  • background on their world, especially if they are from another planet or anime
We will be writing the character sketch next week, editing, and posting it. 
This was today's double English class and in the second class the students wrote an open-book  vocabulary quiz on lessons 1, 2, and 3.

* ELA 9 Remember all finish-ups for The Outsiders Final Project are due Monday.  If you are not done then you will be in the Learning Lab at noon. Micheal, Ethan, Preston, Anika, Zion, Adam, Miquiella, Austin, Torrence, Jessica, Jayden, Kaylie J., Pierce, James, Ashton S., Averie & Paige T.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for our new topic on le Noel.  The students then reviewed the IR verb conjugation and we corrected a sheet from before Christmas and did some new examples.  There will be a quiz on IR verbs on Monday, January 8th.


The students read for 10 minutes (and set a new goal).  Then we continued discussing what makes a good character.  Students began to brainstorm an idea for a character of their own.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for Prrsente-toi,  Then we learned how to conjugate the verb ALLER (to go) and practiced with a work sheet, which is to be finished for next class.
Aller (to go)
Je vais (I go)                      Nous allons (We go)
Tu vas (You (s) go)            Vous allez (You (pl) go)
Il va (He goes)                   Ils vont (They (m) go)
Elle va (She goes)              Elles vont (They (f) go)
On va (One goes)


The students read for 10 minutes (and set a new goal).  Then we continued discussing what makes a good character.  Students began to brainstorm an idea for a character of their own.

ELA 9A & 9B

Remember you have until Monday, January 8th to resubmit your finished Outsider Final Projects on Google Classroom.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wednesday, January 3, 2018 (Day 2)


Today the students did a Kahoot on Internet Safety, Privacy and Security.  Then they had a few minutes to explore Scratch.


I presented 5 book talks to the students and they had a chance to visit the library and get a new book to read.  We also began discussing what makes a good character using the following site:


We went through a new set of Chaise Chaud questions, which we'll start next day.  We also reviewed ER verbs and did a practice sheet using manger (to eat). We will be having a quiz on ER verbs on Monday, January 8th.


a) Drop the ER ending to get the root -->  PARLER --> parl
b) Look at the pronoun
c) Add the correct ending
PARLER (to speak)

JE parlE         NOUS parlONS  *mangEONS  * commeÇONS
TU parlES     VOUS parlEZ
IL parlE         ILS parlENT
ELLE parlE   ELLES parlENT
ON parlE


I presented 5 book talks to the students and they had a chance to visit the library and get a new book to read.  We also began discussing what makes a good character using the following site:
In the second class of the day the students did an open book Vocabulary quiz based on lessons 1, 2, & 3, which were completed before Christmas.  Anyone with time to spare had some extra reading time.

ELA 9A & 9B Final Projects for THE OUTSIDERS

These projects were due on Tuesday, December 19th and have now been marked.  However, the following people were not finished and need to complete for a re-assessment by Monday, January 8th:
Micheal, Ethan, Preston, Anika, Zion, Adam, Miquiella, Austin, Torrence, Jessica, Jayden, Kaylie J., Pierce, James, Nolan, Ashton S., Averie, Paige T.