Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday, December 20, 2018 (Day 1)


The students finished up working on their Animal Comparison posters today.  Tomorrow everyone, who is participating, needs to bring their Secret Santa gifts.  Reece, Adam, and Jared please submit your travel videos ASAP.


The students read for ten minutes.  We corrected the chapter 11 & 12 questions for "The Outsiders" and then started to watch the video.


Three students were in our Chaise Chaud today, discussing L'Hiver (winter).  Then we practiced using ER verbs with various sports.  If you were absent please have your sheet done for the new year.  We also played a Kahoot to practice.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we continued watching "The Outsiders" movie.


Three students were in our Chaise Chaud today, discussing L'Hiver (winter).  Then we introduced using ER verbs with various sports.  We also played a Kahoot to practice.

*Tomorrow is Cozy & Hat Day.  Bring $1 to wear a hat unless it is a Christmas one and $5 for the Telemiracle Movie.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 (Day 6)


The students had time to work on their posters about Animal Comparisons.  They will be due at the start of class on Friday. Don't forget your Secret Santa gift for Friday.


The students received a new set of Chaise Chaud questions on music.  They also did an interview about their favourite types of music.  They interviewed a partner and will be interviewing an adult over the break. We also went over some vocabulary for instruments.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We corrected chapter 11 & 12 questions for "The Outsiders."  Then we started watching the movie.


The students finished discussing technological changes that may affect work in the future.  They also predicted what they will do, like, be good at, and value when they are 30 years old.  Finally they got ready to do an interview activity.  They are going to interview someone over 60 about changes they have experienced in their careers and lives.  Interviews will be due next class - Thursday, January 10th.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We finished reading chapter 12 (from page 169).  The students than had time to complete the qyestions from Chpaters 11 & 12.  We'll correct tomorrow in period 2.  On Friday in period 3 you will go skating for PE with Mr. Melnyk.

*Thursday is ORNAMENT DAY! There will be a Human Christmas tree activity in the foyer at lunch.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018 (Day 5)


We went through our Pronoun Object Quizzes.  There is a re-assessment Thursday at noon for those who feel they need to re-assess.  We also discussed using "le pire" for the worst.
Example:  Fred est le pire chanteur du monde.  (Fred is the worst singer in the world.)
Then the students had time to plan out their final poster project. The final project is a poster comparing animals.  It will include:
*3 comparisons using plus 
*3 comparisons using moins
*3 comparisons using aussi
*1 bon/meilleur/le meilleur
*1 bien/mieux/le mieux
Include pictures to illustrate your sentences.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we corrected a cross-word on sports.  Finally we introduced the ER verb family.

1. Remove the ER  parler--> parl (this is your root)
2. Look at the pronoun
3. Add the correct ending.
PARLER (to talk)
Je parle (I talk)
Tu parles (You (s) talk)
Il parle (He talks)
Elle parle (She talks)
On parle (One talks)
Nous parlons (We talk)
Vous parlez (You (pl) talk)
Ils parlent (They (m) talk)
Elles parlent (They (f) talk)


The students read for ten minutes.  We finished reading "The Outsiders."  The students had time to complete the last set of questions.  We will correct tomorrow.


The students read for ten minutes.  They had ten minutes to finish the questions for Chapter 9 & 10 before we corrected. Answers are posted on Google Classroom if you were absent.  Then we read to page 169.  We'll finish reading chapter 12 tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Christmas Sweater Day and the staff is hosting our 2nd annual Christmas Kindness lunch. Bring your appetite!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday, December 17, 2018 (Day 4)


The students continued working with some vocabulary to describe animals as we are starting a poster project tomorrow.  Thanks to those who helped return the Carol Festival Christmas decorations to the storage area.  I really appreciate your assistance.


The students read for ten minutes. Then we read chapters 9 and 10 of "The Outsiders."  Please read the chapters if you were absent.  The students had a few minutes to work on the questions and will have some class time to finish them tomorrow before we correct.


The students read for ten minutes.  They had ten minutes to finish up the questions from Friday for Chapters 9 and 10.  We corrected Chapter 9 and 10. You can find the answers posted in Google Classroom if you were absent.  We read to page 173 of chapter 12.  Please read if you were absent.


The class started a new Chaise Chaud on l'hiver (winter).  Then they worked on a sports crossword, which we corrected.  We finished up with a number game.

*Tomorrow's Spirit Day is Christmas Spirit. Show yours!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday, December 14, 2018 (Day 3)


The students helped move the decorations down to the gym for Sunday's Carol Festival.  Merci beaucoup!  Then we finished correcting our bon, meilleur, le meilleur and bien, mieux, le mieux sheet.  Finally the students completed some animal crosswords to develop some vocabulary for their upcoming project.


The students finished discussing technological changes that may affect work in the future.  They also predicted what they will do, like, be good at, and value when they are 30 years old.  Finally they got ready to do an interview activity.  They are going to interview someone over 60 about changes they have experienced in their careers and lives.  Interviews will be due next class - Monday, January 7th.


The students read silently for ten minutes and then we finished reading chapters 9 and 10 of "The Outsiders." The students received questions for chapters 9 and 10 and had some time to work on them.  We'll finish up on Monday and correct.


Six students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students worked in partners to survey each other about the role music pays in their lives.  They also had a word-find to complete.


The students read for ten minutes, worked on finishing up their chapter 7&8 questions, which we then corrected.  We'll read chapter 9 & 10 next week.

Next week's Spirit Days are:

Monday - Santa Day
Tuesday - Christmas Spirit Day
Wednesday - Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Thursday - Ornament Day
Friday - Cozy and Hat Day
Dress up and get points for your house!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Wednesday, December 12 & Thursday, Dec 13, 2018 (Day 1 & 2)


We are practicing using bon, meilleur, le meilleur (good, better, best) to compare people or items, and  bien, mieux, le mieux (well, better, best) to compare actions/verbs.

Le bonbon est bon. (The candy is good.)
La crème glacée est meilleure. (The ice cream is better.)
Le chocolat est le meilleur. (The chocolate is the best.)

Blake Shelton chante bien.  (Blake Shelton sings well.)
Carrie Underwood chante mieux.  (Carrie Underwood sings better.)
Kelly Clarkson chant le mieux.  (Kelly Clarkson sings the best.)


The class started a new Chaise Chaud on l'hiver (winter).  Then they worked on a sports crossword.


Four students were in the Chaise Chaud.  They had the rest of the class to finish their French cartoons.  Cartoons must include: a story, 2 x ER verbs, 2 x IR verbs, 2 x RE verbs, and should be coloured.  You may add avoir, être, faire or aller to make your story better but these are bonus verbs. Cartoons will be due at the start of next class.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we finished reading chapter 7 and did a Summative activity.  We read chapter 8 and students received questions for chapters 7 & 8, which they started.


The students read for ten minutes.  They had ten minutes to finish up the chapter 7&8 questions, which we corrected.  We read chapter 9 to page 139.


Seven people were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students did a partner interview activity about the role music plays in their lives.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday, December 11, 2018 (Day 6)


We continued working with comparison and superlatives.

Elles sont plus actives.  They (f) are more active.
Elles sont les plus actives.  They (f) are the most active.

Ce pain est moins délicieux.  This bread is less delicious.
Ce pain est le moins délicieux.  This bread is the least delicious.

Ma soeur est aussi grande que moi.  My sister is as tall as me.

L'auto le plus vite du Canada.  The car is the fastest in Canada.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students continued work on their cartoons.
Cartoons must have:
a) a story
b) 2 x ER verbs, 2 x IR verbs, and 2 x RE verbs
c) may use avoir, être, faire and aller (as bonus)
d) draw pictures
e) colour
*Posters are due at the start of next class - Thursday, December 13th.


The students read for ten minutes.  They did a Summative activity on chapter 7.  We read chapter 8 and then they started the questions for chapter 7 & 8. 


The students did some thinking about change of technologies and changes in themselves over time.  They then looked at how this applies to the world of work.  We will finish this activity next class.  If you were absent please see Miss Riddell for the sheets.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we corrected chapter 6 and read chapter 7 to page 114.  Thursday there will be a Summative activity on chapter 7 so make sure you have read it (to the bottom paragraph of page 114) before then if you were absent.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday, December 10, 2018 (Day 5)


Today we started working on comparisons and superlatives.

grand  -  plus grand  - le plus grand
tall      -  taller           - tallest
              (more tall)

petit     - moins petit  - le moins petit
small   - less small     - smallest
bon      - meilleur       - le meilleur
good    - better           - best

Tristan est plus grand que Monica.  (Tristan is taller than Monica.)

Kylie est moins fatiguée que Sarina.
Kylie is less tired than Sarina.

Adam est aussi content qu'Emma.
Adam is as happy as Emma.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we watched a video - Chez Mimi - Episode 1 and did some questions.  If you were absent there is a link to the video and the questions are posted on Google Classroom.  At the end of class and over lunch the grade 7's had the task of unloading the Fruit Sale products.  Good work!


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we corrected the chapter 6 questions and read chapter 7.  If you were absent read chapter 7 for tomorrow (we are doing a summative on that chapter) and do the corrections for chapter 6 (there is a link of Google Classroom).
You can read the book here if your novel is at school:The Outsiders online


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read chapter six and started the questions. You can read chapter 6 here if you were absent: The Outsiders online

Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday, December 7, 2018 (Day 4)


The class made a lovely Christmas mural. We also listened to some Christmas Carols and shared some Christmas plans.


The students read for ten minutes.  They had twenty minutes to finish up their chapter five questions and then we corrected.  The answers to the questions are posted on Google Classroom if you missed them.


The students read for ten minutes.  We read chapter six of "The Outsiders" and the class did questions on the chapter.  We will correct on Monday.  


Four students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We then watched Chez Mimi (episode one). You can watch below if you were absent or want to review.  The questions are posted on Google Classroom.

*Monday is a COZY Spirit Day!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday, December 6, 2018 (Day 3)


The students wrote an open book quiz on using the Pronoun Objects "y" and "en."  Remember colouring implements for tomorrow.


The students did some thinking about change of technologies and changes in themselves over time.  They then looked at how this applies to the world of work.  We will finish this activity next class.  If you were absent please see Miss Riddell for the sheets.


The students read for ten minutes.  They had time to finish the Chapter 5 questions, which we then corrected.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed the basic verb families or ER, IR, and RE verbs.  Then they used their knowledge to create a cartoon using ER verbs x2, IR verbs x2, and RE verbs x2.  They could also use the irregular verbs they know:  avoir, être, faire or aller.

PRONOUNS   ER         IR         RE
Je                      e           is            s
Tu                     es         is            s
Il/Elle/On       e           it            _
Nous                ons       issons    ons
Vous                ez          issez       ez
Ils/Elles           ent       issent     ent


The students read for ten minutes, Then we finished reading Chapter 5 of "The Outsiders."  The students completed an activity on the poem from the chapter and then started working on Chapter 5 questions. 

*Tomorrow is HAT DAY.  It costs $1 unless you have a Christmas Hat and then it is free.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 (Day 2)


The students finished correcting yesterday's EN sentences.  Then they did one sheet, which combined using Y and EN to replace places and items, respectively.

Marie travaille en ville. --> Marie y travaille.
Marie works in the city.  --> Marie works there.

On veut fumer des cigarettes.  --> On veut y fumer.
On wants to smoke cigarettes.  --> One wants to smoke (some).

We will be having an open book quiz tomorrow.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students ER and IR sentences were due.  Then we reviewed RE verbs and did a practice sheet.


The students read for ten minutes.   Then we corrected chapter 4 of "The Outsiders."  If you were absent the answers can be found on Google Classroom.  We started to read Chapter 5 and made it to page 80.


The students read for ten minutes, Then we finished reading Chapter 5 of "The Outsiders."  The students completed an activity on the poem from the chapter and then started working on Chapter 5 questions. 


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed all three verb families:

PRONOUNS   ER         IR         RE
Je                      e            is            s
Tu                     es          is            s
Il/Elle/On         e            it            _
Nous                ons        issons     ons
Vous                 ez          issez       ez
Ils/Elles            ent         issent     ent

The students then started to create a cartoon using verbs from each of the three families and avoir and être (if they fit.)

*Tomorrow is RED & GREEN Day!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday, December 4, 2018 (Day 1)


The class finished up using "y" to replace a location.  Then we practiced using "en" to replace a thing or an amount of a thing with some or any.

Il mange du chocolat. --> Il en mange.
He eats some chocolate. -->  He eats some. (of it)

Il achète cinq autos.  --> Il en achète cinq.
He buys five cars. -->  He buys five. (of them)

Elle mange trop de bonbons.  -->  Elle en mange trop.
She eats too much candy. -->  She eats too much (of it)

Louis n'en boit pas. (In front of present tense verb.)

Jim en a vu.  (In front of avoir or être in passé composé.)

Paul va en manger.  (In front of the infinitive verb when there are two verbs.)

En avez-vous bu? (In front of inverted passé composé avoir or être.)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed the irregular verbs: avoir, être, faire, and aller.  Together we placed them in sentences.  Then the students wrote 2 sentences, using each verb, about themselves.


The students read for ten minutes Then they completed parts A, B & C for Lesson 5 of their vocabulary.

*Tomorrow's Spirit Day is Santa's Workshop Day!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday, December 3, 2018 (Day 6)


The students started practicing using "y" a pronoun (meaning there) used to replace a location or place in a sentence.
Je vais à Saskatoon.  --> J'y vais.
I go to Saskatoon.  --> I go there.

Je suis allé dans la salle de classe.  --> J'y suis allé.
I went in the classroom.  -->  I wen there.

Je vais aller en France.  --> Je vais y aller.
I am going to go to France. --> I am going to go there.


The students practiced their Chaise Chaud.  Then they reviewed RE verbs with a video and a practice sheet. They ended the class with a game of Fruit Basket Upset.


The students read for ten minutes.  We corrected the questions about Chapter 4 of "The Outsiders"  before reading to the letter in Chapter 5.


The class added items to the many areas that are part of a person's career.  A career is more than a job but rather the sum and total of a person's life events.  The origin of the word career comes from the Latin word carrusmeaning cart. Over time, the word also came to mean “the track the cart follows.”  So your career is both the cart carrying the events of your life and the track you’re following. William Bridges said, “Think of your career as a journey that includes all the events in your life.”
We also discussed how many events in your career start from an early age.  The students listed 5 things they like, 5 things they do well, and 5 things that are important to them.  They began to think of how these items might affect their futures.  They finished by listing up to 5 credentials, experiences and accomplishments that they already have and will make them better qualified to do a job in the future.


The students read for ten minutes.  We read Chapter 4 of "The Outsiders"  and the students had time to work on the questions, which we'll correct next class.

*Tomorrow is Candy Cane Spirit Day!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Friday, November 30th, 2018 (Day 5)


We did our exchange of names for Secret Santa.  The maximum amount to spend is $15.  Then we watched the various travel videos that the students made for countries where French is spoken.  


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed the 4 irregular verbs we've covered:  être, avoir, aller, and faire. Including videos, a chart, and some Kahoots.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we read chapter 4 of "The Outsiders" and students had time to work on the questions.  They are due next class.  They are posted on Google Classroom if you were absent.
Missing Character Paragraphs (due yesterday):  John Paul, Kaylee, Ethan, Jarret, Denim, James, and Liam.


The students read for ten minutes.  They watched 3 videos on: character types, point of view for narration, and characterization.  If you missed them they are posted on Google Classroom and I have notes for you.   The students then had time to finish typing their good copy.  They also did a self-assessment on the rubric provided and handed in:
  • rough draft
  • good copy
  • rubric
This is due today.