Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017 (Day 6)


The students read for 10 minutes.  We corrected the vocabulary lesson 3 and went through "The Outsiders" exam they wrote last week.  We watched a few minutes of "Ernie and Bert's Christmas" a version of "The Gifts of the Magi"  before heading to the gym for our Kindness Christmas Lunch hosted by the UCHS staff.
*Owen, Micheal, Miquiella, Abby, Olivia, Anika, Ethan, Adam, Preston, Zion and Jarrett need to turn in their Outsiders Final Projects ASAP.


The students reviewed ER verbs and we finished correcting our practice sheet.  We then played a kahoot to practice and a Christmas kahoot too.


The students had time to finish up their jot notes on Computer Security and Internet Privacy.  We started correcting and will finish up next class.


The students read for ten minutes and we corrected vocabulary lessons 2 and 3.   
* Piper, Jessica, Averie, Torrence, Nolan, Dawson, Blaise, Lola, Reece, Jayden, James, Pierce, Austin, and Kaylie J. 
need to turn in their Outsiders Final Projects ASAP.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017 (day 5)


We finished up our Music Poster presentations except for Ethan.  The students had a chance to correct their clothing sentences.  Then we did the answers for a new Chaise Chaud on Le Noel.  We also finished correcting the IR verb sheet from last day and I took it in to correct the last 10 answers as a formative assessment.


Six students were in the Chaise Chaud today as we finished up "Presente-Toi!"  We reviewed how to conjugate and ER verb and did a practice sheet.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had their last class to work on their final projects for "The Outsiders."  Overdue projects need to be completed tonight.  We are correcting vocabulary Lesson 3 tomorrow so that is also due.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017 (Day 4)


The students read for ten minutes and then had the rest of the class to work on their final project for "The Outsiders."  You will have one more work class and then at the end of tomorrow this project is due.  If you were absent I e-mailed you a link to the PDF for the novel.  You can also find it here:
Make sure to finish your chart on Google Classroom.
For Fakebook - when you are finished attach the link and turn in your chart on GC.
For the recast - when finished attach the link to you YouTube trailer and turn in your chart on GC.
For the soundtrack - make a PUBLIC playlist on YouTube, attach a link and turn in your chart on GC.


The students continued presenting their Music posters today.  Kendra, Colbey and Ethan are left to present.  We also reviewed the IR verbs and did a practice sheet, which is due tomorrow.

IR Verbes

Je finIS
Tu finIS
Il/Elle/On finIT

Nous finISSONS
Vous finISSEZ
Ils/Elles finISSENT

1. Drop the IR to find the root FINIR--> FIN
2. Look at the pronoun 
3. Add the correct ending


The students started work on Jot Notes on Privacy and Security on the Internet.  If you were absent go to Google Classroom and do the assignment.


The students read for ten minutes and then had the rest of the class to work on their final project for "The Outsiders."  You will have one more work class and then at the end of tomorrow this project is due.  If you were absent I e-mailed you a link to the PDF for the novel.  You can also find it here:
Make sure to finish your chart on Google Classroom.
For Fakebook - when you are finished attach the link and turn in your chart on GC.
For the recast - when finished attach the link to you YouTube trailer and turn in your chart on GC.
For the soundtrack - make a PUBLIC playlist on YouTube, attach a link and turn in your chart on GC.
We had a second ELA class today and the students did Lesson 3 in their Vocabulary booklets.  

Friday, December 15, 2017

Friday, December 15, 2017 (Day 3)


The students started presenting their Music Posters today.  If you are NOT finished your poster it needs to be done for next class so please come and get it from Miss Riddell.

ELA 9B & 9A

The students had today's class to continue working on their final projects for "The Outsiders." Projects are due at the end of class on Monday so if you have a lot of work left do some work this weekend please!


Most of the students reassessed their Avoir and Etre tests.  We also had time to work on a Christmas booklet.

*Today was an alternate day so that we could have a Pep Rally at 2:15 pm.  Good luck to all the Basketball teams playing this weekend! 

* Remember Monday is another PJ Day!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017 (Day 2)


Today we did a second Mini Search.  Make sure to include:
a) What terms you searched
b) The url that you found
c) The answer
d) The verification (repeat above)

We also watched a presentation on how Scratch works.  Please watch if you were absent.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we set-up Fakebook for those using that option for their Final Project.  The rest if the class was work time on their final projects on "The Outsiders."  I have extended the due date to Monday, December 18th.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we watched Wrecking Verbs and discussed how ER verbes are conjugated:
a) Drop the ER ending to get the root -->  PARLER --> parl
b) Look at the pronoun
c) Add the correct ending
PARLER (to speak)

JE parlE         NOUS parlONS
TU parlES     VOUS parlEZ
IL parlE         ILS parlENT
ELLE parlE   ELLES parlENT
ON parlE


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we set-up Fakebook for those using that option for their Final Project.  The rest if the class was work time on their final projects on "The Outsiders."  I have extended the due date to Monday, December 18th. We also did Lesson 3 in our vocabulary booklets for our second class, which we'll correct next week.  It is homework if not done.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 (Day 1)


The students wrote their exam on "The Outsiders" and some had time to read at the end. We'll continue final projects tomorrow.


The students reviewed searching strategies for the Internet.  Did a searching questionnaire and a mini search.


We finished up the old Chaise Chaud and started a new one on "Presente-Toi."  Students received their Etre/Avoir quizzes back and if they are re-assessing thy are to come at lunch tomorrow and I will give class time on Friday to re-write.  We also continued working on our song activity with "Comment y aller?"


The students wrote their exam on "The Outsiders" and some had time to read at the end. We'll continue final projects tomorrow.

*Thursday is Sock Day!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 (Day 6)


The students read for ten minutes and then had time to continue working on their final project for "The Outsiders."  Tomorrow is the novel exam.


We watched the student Drama performances during these classes.


The students  had time to continue working on their final project for "The Outsiders."  Tomorrow is the novel exam.

*Tomorrow is Warm & Fuzzy Wednesday Spirit Day!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday, December 11, 2017 (Day 5)


The students had the whole class to finish up their Music posters.  We'll start presenting net class.  If you are not done take some after-school, before-school or lunch time to finish your poster.  
Then hand it in to Miss Riddell.  Posters will be in the library.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we finished discussing the names of the provinces and territories in French.  We did a kahoot to practice.  Then we reviewed the verb ALLER and did another kahoot to practice.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students finished up their Driver's Ed classes today.  Some of the students who are already 15 are writing a test on Thursday for their Learner's License.  They need to be at school by 8:15 am.  In ELA the students had the class to work on their final project for "The Outsiders."  Their novel exam is on Wednesday!

*Tomorrow is a SPIRIT DAY where students are encouraged to DRESS LIKE A TEACHER!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017 (Day 4)


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected our vocabulary lesson from Wednesday.  The students will have an exam on "The Outsiders" on Wednesday, December 13th.  We also discussed the three possible final projects for the novel.  If you were absent please look at the choices and have an idea of what you'd like to do for Monday.  They are posted on Google Classroom.


We had the last four students in the Chaise Chaud for this theme.  Then we headed to the library for work time on the Music Posters.  Posters will be due at the end of class on Monday and presentations will be the following week.  I am missing clothing posters from:  Colbey, Ethan and Destiny.


The new PAA rotations started today.  We went through expectations and the course outline, both of which can be found on my page of the school website.  We also reviewed general computer usage.  The students did the K and W of a KWL chart telling what they KNOW about computers and what they WANT to learn.  We also created accounts on SCRATCH, which will be used for programming.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed the final projects for "The Outsiders."  Everyone had time to begin work on their project.  In our second ELA class we did Lesson 2 in our vocabulary workbooks, parts A, B, and C.  We will correct next week.

*Thanks to those who have picked up their Fruit Sale products.  Please make arrangements to do this if you have not done so.

*Monday is PJ DAY again!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thursday, December 7, 2017 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students started to plan out their final music project - a poster on one of their favourite musicians or groups.  Each student was given a planning sheet to complete and then a piece of bristle board on which to create their poster. We'll have two more classes to work on this before it is due at the end of Monday, December 11th's class.


The students had Driver's Ed during this time.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed Avoir and Être before their quiz.  Then we started discussing how everyone gets to school.


The students read for ten minutes.  We watched the remainder of the movie version of "The Outsiders."  Our novel test will be on Wednesday, December 13th.  The students then had time to choose and start brainstorming one of three final projects for our novel study:
a) a movie recast, with explanations as to why actors were chosen, and a new trailer 
b) a Fakebook account of the novel's events, with quotes and events from the novel
c) a new soundtrack of the movie, with explanations of why the songs were chosen and a YouTube playlist of the songs



Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 (Day 2)


Today was our last computer class.  The students had time to:
a) work on unfinished summatives, including the last SCRATCH game
b) re-assess summatives that were below a 3
c) complete the L in the KWL chart
d) play some Minecraft quietly

*All summatives should be in by Friday, December 8, 2017 at 3:15 pm.


The students went to Driver's Ed for this class.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed Avoir, Être, Aller and Faire.  The students did one sheet to show they know how and where to use them.  Here is a playlist of all 4 verb songs:


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected the questions for chapters 11 & 12 and watched the rest of the movie "The Outsiders."  For our second ELA class we worked on lesson 2 of the vocabulary booklet, which will be due for correcting on Friday.

*The Fruit Sale product is arriving tomorrow.  Please make arrangements to pick up and deliver your sales as soon as possible.  We’ll start distribution at noon on Thursday!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tuesday, December 5, 2017 (Day 1)


The students read for 10 minutes and had some time to complete their Chapter 11 and 12 questions for "The Outsiders."  Then we corrected those questions.


The students had this class to:
a) complete their game in Scratch
b) finish unfinished summative assignments
c) re-assess summative assignments
Tomorrow is our last Computer class as PAA sections rotate on Thursday.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We went through the students ÊTRE exams.  The students reviewed ÊTRE and AVOIR using the following videos, a pop quiz, and a Kahoot.  On Thursday, December 7th they will be having their ÊTRE/AVOIR quiz so please study!


The students read for ten minutes and we finished reading "The Outsiders."  The students got a final set of questions to work on, which are due for correcting tomorrow.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday, December 4, 2017 (Day 6)


The class had their first session for Driver's Ed with Mr. Soloski today.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We then learned about the verb FAIRE (to do or to make), which is an irregular verb and is conjugated as follows:

JE FAIS (I do/make)                      NOUS FAISONS (We do/make)
TU FAIS (You (s) do/make)           VOUS FIATES (You (pl) do/make)
IL FAIT (He does/makes)                   ILS FONT (They (m) do/make)
ELLE FAIT ( She does/makes)          ELLES FONT (They (f) do/make)
ON FAIT (One does/makes)

*Many sports are done rather than played in French for example:  curling, skating, swimming, skiing, and horseback riding.  We watched the following video and did #1-15 of a practice sheet.


The students had this class to continue working on their last Scratch programming project of making a game.  We have 2 classes left before we rotate to new PAA groups.  Students will have time to finish their game and re-submit any outcomes that they did not get a 3 on.


The students read for ten minutes and we finished reading "The Outsiders."  The students got a final set of questions to work on

*Tomorrow is Touque Tuesday!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017 (Day 5)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students completed some questions on an article about Indila, a French singer.  We also introduced and practiced three irregular verbs:  vouloir, devoir, and pouvoir.  The students then watched an Indila music video.  We did a close activity and talked about the lyrics in English.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We then learned about the verb ALLER (to go), which is an irregular verb and is conjugated as follows:

JE VAIS (I go)                      NOUS ALLONS (We go)
TU VAS (You (s) go)           VOUS ALLEZ (You (pl) go)
IL VA (He goes)                   ILS VONT (They (m) go)
ELLE VA ( She goes)          ELLES VONT (They (f) go)
ON VA (One goes)

We watched the following video and did a practice sheet.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we corrected the vocabulary words and exercises from yesterday.  Next we corrected the answers for chapters 9 and 10 of "The Outsiders."  We also read to page 163 of chapter 11.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then after some work time we corrected the answers for chapters 9 and 10 of "The Outsiders."  We also read to page 173 of chapter 12.

*Drivers Education starts on Monday through period 3, lunch and period 4 in the library.  It will also run Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and next Monday at the same time.  Make sure you have your SGI customer number and have activated your on-line account prior to Monday's class.

*Monday is PJ Day!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017 (Day 4)


The students who have their SGI customer numbers had a chance to practice logging in on a school computer.  If you don't have a customer number yet it is important to set-up and activate your account at home.  Remember your user name and password and test it at school prior to Monday.  We found out it is not always as easy at it seems but after a couple of phone calls to SGI we got most people sorted out.

We also read chapter 9 and 10 of "The Outsiders."  Students have questions on those chapters, which we'll have some more time to work on next class.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We discussed the Song Analysis they did last day.  The students also had a chance to see their ER verb quiz. There won't be a reassessment for this quiz as there will be a cumulative quiz of ER, IR, and RE verbs at the end of this term.  We also did a reading activity.  We reviewed the following strategies to help you read in French:
1.  Look for words that are similar to English.
2.  Look for words that you already know.
3.  Pictures
4.  Say the words aloud.
5.  Does it make sense with the topic.


The students read for 10 minutes.  The students who have their SGI customer numbers had a chance to practice logging in on a school computer.  If you don't have a customer number yet it is important to set-up and activate your account at home.  Remember your user name and password and test it at school prior to Monday.  We found out it is not always as easy at it seems.

Next the students used to find definitions for 16 words.  Then they did activities to confirm the meaning of each word and we corrected.  From now on we will be doing this task once in each six day cycle to improve students' knowledge and usage of vocabulary.  We are correcting Lesson 1 tomorrow so it is homework if not done today.  Most students also had time to update their websites.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we went through the vocabulary used to write a song analysis. Then students did an analysis of the following song.  If you were absent see me for help.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we corrected the vocabulary activity from yesterday.  We also had time to start reading chapter 9 of "The Outsiders." 


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Next we finished discussing various adjectives found on the pink face sheet.  The students reviewed AVOIR (to have) / ÊTRE (to be) and we did a practice sheet.  We will be having a quiz on AVOIR (to have) / ÊTRE (to be) on Thursday, December 7th.


The students silent read for 10 minutes.  Then we finished reading chapter 9 and read chapter 10.  Links to read or listen to these chapters can be found near the top right hand corner of the blog. The students received chapter questions which we will complete next class.

*Grade 9's on Thursday I have booked computers to give you a chance to login at school with your SGI number.  Please bring it to school on Thursday.  You should also make sure it works on your home computer. Driver's Education classes will start next Monday, December 4th and will run through period 3, lunch and period 4, so make sure you bring a lunch.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 (Day 2)


The students are working on a final game project, which will include points, winning and losing messages, and a challenge of some sort.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we corrected the chapter 7 & 8 questions for "The Outsiders."  We also had time to start reading chapter 9, we go to page 138.


The students started a new Chaise Chaud theme on themselves.  We went through their Avoir/Etre quizzes.  If students wish to re-write they need to attend extra help at noon on Wednesday and will then re-write next Wednesday at noon.  We also watched a video on various modes of transportation and practiced that vocabulary with a crossword.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we headed to the Computer Lab where students used to find definitions for 16 words.  Then they did activities to confirm the meaning of each word and we corrected.  From now on we will be doing this task once in each six day cycle to improve students' knowledge and usage of vocabulary.  We are correcting Lesson 1 tomorrow so it is homework if not done today.  Most students also had time to update their websites.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday, November 7, 2017 (Day 1)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we watched a short video on hyperbole.  You can view it on Google Classroom if you missed it.  The rest of the class was work time on questions for chapter 7 & 8, which we'll correct next class. If you were absent I e-mailed you the questions. 


The students had time to finish their storyboards for their paragraphs.  They also had time to explore adding points to a game, which we'll be using in our last programming project.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed the verb ÃŠTRE and then the students wrote their quiz. *If you were absent see Miss Riddell to write your quiz ASAP. We then discussed AVOIR and ÃŠTRE and when there are exceptions to how you use them.
For examples in French:
You have thirst and hunger.  Tu as soif.  or Tu as faim.
You have so many years.  Tu as quatorze ans.
You have hot or cold.  Tu as chaud. or Tu as froid.
Where as in English we say You are thirsty or hungry.  You are 14 years old.  You are hot or cold.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected the chapter 7 & 8 questions from last day.  If you were absent you can hand them in for me to correct or get the answers from a classmate. We also had an interesting discussion on the various degrees of murder charges. 

*Early dismissal today at 2:15 pm!

*Grade 9's remember to get your SGI number ASAP.  On Thursday we will do a test login so bring your number to school that day.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Friday, November 24, 2017 (Day 6)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we finished watching chapter 8 from the movie of "The Outsiders."  The students then had time to work on questions from chapters 7 & 8, which are due Monday.  I e-mailed a copy to those who were absent.


The last four students for this theme were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we discussed viewing strategies and watched a video called "L'Aventure en Route."  The students worked together on the first scene and then completed individual story summaries for the rest of the video.


The students started to storyboard their paragraphs.  These will be due at the end of class on Monday.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then the students completed the questions for chapter 7, which I took in to assess.  Then we read chapter 8 of "The Outsiders" and watched the video.

*OVERDUE - The Outsider Character Paragraphs - Torrence, Jessica, Kaylie J., Pierce, Nolan, Averie, Preston. If you do not hand in first thing Monday be prepared to be in my room at lunch working.

*Grade 9's remember to go to SGI and get your number for Driver's Ed Classes.

*Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017 (Day 5)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed adjectives noting the changes for masculine, feminine, and plural endings.  The students then wrote practice sentences comparing two singers or bands.
Lady Gaga est plus étrange que Katy Perry.
Lady Gaga is more strange (stranger) than Katy Perry.

Bryan Adams est moins agressif que Hedley.
Bryan Adams is less agressive than Hedley.

Gordon Lightfoot est aussi canadien que  Bryan Adams.
Gordon Lightfoot is as Canadian as Bryan Adams.

*If you were absent please get the notes from Miss Riddell.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed a tiny bit before our Avoir/Être quiz.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell to write the quiz ASAP.  We then discussed how we get to school, in French.  Je vais à l’école ....


The students read for 10 minutes.  We enjoyed a fire drill in the sunshine.  Then we read chapter 7 of "The Outsiders" and had time to watch some of the movie version.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then the students completed the questions for chapter 7, which I took in to assess.  Then we read chapter 8 of "The Outsiders" and watched the video.

*OVERDUE - The Outsider Character Paragraphs - Torrence, Jessica, Kaylie J., Pierce, Nolan, Averie, Preston.

*Grade 9's remember to go to SGI and get your number for Driver's Ed Classes.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wednesday, November 22, 2017 (Day 4)


*The students received very important letters about Drivers' Education.  They must get an SGI number, which requires a trip to SGI.  Please do this as soon as possible.
Today in ELA the students silent read and then we read Chapter 7 together.  Afterwards we watched the movie version of "The Outsiders" for chapter 6 and 7.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for our new topic on music.  Then we reviewed the ER verb conjugations and students wrote their quiz.  Students then had some time to work on their clothing poster, which is now overdue and some had a chance to earn free rice for hungry people at


The students received their UP storyboards back and we discussed what was missing from some.  Then students, after finishing their paragraph from last day, then developed a shot list of at least 15 shots, with shot types and brief explanations of each shot.  These should be finished for next class.  Read the example on Google Classroom for more information.


*The students received very important letters about Drivers' Education.  They must get an SGI number, which requires a trip to SGI.  Please do this as soon as possible.
Today in ELA the students silent read and then we corrected the questions for Chapter 6.  We also watched chapter five & six of the movie "The Outsiders." In last class all the grade 9's had a presentation by members of the leadership class about ACTIVATE and brainstormed a project for this year.

*ELA 9's OVERDUE CHARACTER PARAGRAPH (Due Nov. 15th) - Makayla, Torrence, Jessica, Jared, Kaylie J, Pierce, Nolan, Ashton S., Averie, Andrew, Preston, and Garin *Please print out two copies and hand in as soon as possible!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017 (Day 3)


The students went through a new Chaise Chaud sheet today with a focus on "La Musique."  We also reviewed ER verbs in preparation for our QUIZ TOMORROW. Please study!

1.  Drop the ER to create a root.  Example:  JOUER --> jou
2.  Look at the pronoun.
3.  Add the correct ending.

JOUER (to play)

JE jouE (I play)                             NOUS jouONS (We play)
TU jouES (You(s) play)                VOUS jouEZ (You (pl) play)
IL jouE (He plays)                        ILS jouENT (They (m) play)
ELLE jouE (She plays)                 ELLES jouENT (They (f) play)
ON jouE (One plays)


The students read for ten minutes then we finished reading chapter 6 of "The Outsiders."  The students worked on questions about chapter 6 and we corrected.  You can read "The Outsiders" here: The-outsiders_se_hinton.pdf


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We then reviewed the verb ÃŠTRE for our quiz on Monday, November 27th.  Remember to study!

ÊTRE - to be
Je suis (I am)
Tu es (You(s) are)
Il/Elle.On est (He/She/One is)
Nous sommes (We are)
Vous êtes (You (pl) are)
Ils/Elles sont (They (m)/They (f) are)


The students read and then we corrected the questions about the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay."  Then we read chapter 6 and started work on the questions, which we'll correct tomorrow.  You can listen to "The Outsiders" here: Audio+The+Outsiders

Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017 (Day 2)


The students had time to finish their storyboards of the first minute of "UP."  They then had time to write a short one paragraph story, which they will storyboard.


The students read for ten minutes and did their weekly tally of pages read.  As of November 5th the ELA 9A class had read 22931 pages.  Today we watched a video on "Irony," which you can view on Google Classroom if you were absent.  We also corrected the questions for chapter 5 and started to analyze the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" also from chapter 5.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed the verbs Avoir and ÃŠtre for our QUIZ on Thursday, November 23rd.  You can study at home using the following videos, your notes and the practice sheets.
AVOIR - to have
J'ai (I have)
Tu as (You(s) have)
Il/Elle.On a (He/She/One has)
Nous avons (We have)
Vous avez (You (pl) have)
Ils/Elles ont (They (m)/They (f) have)

ÊTRE - to be
Je suis (I am)
Tu es (You(s) are)
Il/Elle.On est (He/She/One is)
Nous sommes (We are)
Vous êtes (You (pl) are)
Ils/Elles sont (They (m)/They (f) are)


The students read for ten minutes and did their weekly tally of pages read.  As of November 5th the ELA 9A class had read 13741 pages.  Today we watched a video on "Irony," which you can view on Google Classroom if you were absent.  We also corrected the questions for chapter 5 and started to analyze the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" also from chapter 5.  As we had a double class today we also corrected these questions and then watched the video for chapter 5 and started reading chapter 6.  We got to page 96.
I've e-mailed the poem questions to those who were absent today.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017 (Day 1)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we finished correcting chapter 4 before reading chapter 5 of "The Outsiders."  We also started on questions for chapter 5. You can listen to any chapter at this website:  Audio+The+Outsiders  You can read any chapter here:  the-outsiders_se_hinton.pdf
I will e-mail you the questions for chapter 4 & 5 if you were absent.

Reading Survey (on Google Classroom Due Oct. 20th): Trevor, Miquiella, Alijah, Austin, Torrence, Jessica, Kaylie J, Pierce, Nolan, Ashton S, & Averie
Character Paragraph (on Google Classroom Due Nov. 15th):  Mark, Andrew, Larissa, Preston, Garin, Miquiella, Paige T, Makayla, Austin, Torrence, Jessica, Jayden, Reece, Brooklyn, Jared, Kaylie J, Pierce, Nolan, Ashton S., & Averie


The students worked on creating a storyboard for the first minute of the following video.  They needed to include a drawing of each shot, the type of shot being used and arrows to show character or camera movement.  If you were absent I e-mailed you the storyboard sheets and a link to the video.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed the verb ÊTRE and corrected the sheet we did last day.  Students also had some time to finish up their AVOIR posters, which are now due.

*Have a great weekend and stay warm!  Remember we are collecting gently used winter clothing for the UCRC starting on Monday.

*UCHS school clothing order forms are available at the front office.  All orders are due by next Friday, November 24th.  Clothing will be here before Christmas.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2016 (Day 6)

ELA 9B & 9A

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we watched "The Outsiders" movie for chapters 3 and 4.  The students then had time to work on questions for chapter 4, which we corrected.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we went through the ETRE tests.  On Thursday, November 23rd we will be having an AVOIR / ETRE quiz.  We practiced for this by doing a Kahoot.


The students watched three short videos on storyboarding and shot types.  Then as a class we watched the first minute of "The Lion King" and we made a storyboard for it.  This took us 20 shots to accomplish.

*Buses were cancelled for this afternoon and WILL NOT be running tomorrow.  Please make alternate transportation arrangements.  School will be on as usual.  *SLCs will continue tonight from 4:30-7:30 pm.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 (Day 5)


The students received the formative assessments they obtained on their description of Homer Simpson.  They are now using this knowledge to create a poster in Word.
1. Open a Word Document
2. Find a picture of a singer or a musician (who is wearing at least 4 pieces of clothing.)
3. Type out at least 4 sentences describing the person's clothing, including colours.  Make sure they agree with the piece of clothing.  Accents can be added by using the Insert key and then the Symbols bar at the right of the ribbon.
Example:  Elle porte une robe bleue et blanche. (She is wearing a blue and white dress).
4. Type 2 sentences describing the person's hair and eyes.
Example:  Elle a les cheveux noirs, moyens, et raids. (She had black, medium, and straight hair.)
5.  Type your name at the bottom.
6. Print a copy for Miss Riddell and turn in.
*There will be no more class time for this assignment so it is now homework.
*Remember we have a quiz on ER verbs on Wednesday, November 22nd.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed the verb ETRE before our quiz.
We also went through the avoir/etre sheet. * Remember in French you HAVE thirst, HAVE hunger and HAVE so many years instead of in English where you ARE thirsty, ARE hungry, and ARE so many years old.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected the questions for Chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" and we read chapter 4.  You can listen to the chapter here is you were absent:

*Student Led Conferences are from 4:30 - 8:00 pm tonight and 4:30 - 7:30 pm tomorrow.  See you there!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday, November 10, 2017 (Day 4)


The students read for ten minutes then we assembled our SLC binders for Student Led Conferences on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.  They collected evidence for their binders and planned what they will talk about with their parents. We will be correcting chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" on Wednesday.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we finished correcting the ER / GER verb sheet.  We then practiced writing sentences describing the Simpsons characters hair and clothing.


We discussed the various camera shots. angles and compositions that students researched last class.


We read chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" and then students had some time to work on the answers.  Students also had more time to type out their SLC paragraphs, their character paragraphs, and to finish their Book Surveys.  Students assembled their SLC binders for Student Led Conferences on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.  They collected evidence for their binders and planned what they will talk about with their parents. We will be correcting chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" on Wednesday.

*NO SCHOOL for students Monday or Tuesday.  Remember to thank a veteran!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed "ER" verbs with a GER or a CER at the end.  Both of these verbs are written differently for NOUS.
Regular ER verb -->  NOUS parlONS (We talk)
GER verb --> NOUS mangEONS (We eat)
CER verb --> NOUS commenÇONS (We start)


Today we read chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" and the students were given questions to complete.  There was also some time to finish typing our SLC paragraphs, the character paragraph, and to complete the Reading Survey.  SLC paragraphs are due tomorrow.  They are now homework for Trevor, Adam and Miquiella.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students were introduced to the verb ÊTRE, which we practiced with a sheet and a video.

ÊTRE (to be)
Je suis ( I am)          Nous sommes (We are)
Tu es (You (s) are)  Vous êtes (You (pl) are)
Il est (He is)            Ils sont (They (m) are)
Elle est (She is)       Elles sont (They (f) are)
The students also had a bit of time to complete their AVOIR posters which are now due.  We'll have part of one more class to finish up.  


The students read and then completed their character paragraphs from yesterday.  They then typed out their SLC paragraphs, and their character paragraphs, and if not done did their Book Surveys. 

*Remember tomorrow is our Remembrance Day Service.  It is a Formal Day so dress appropriately.  Poppies will be available for a donation.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 (Day 2)


The students did some research on various camera framing, camera movement, and camera composition.  They needed to find a short explanation and a picture example for each term.


The students silent read for 10 minutes.  Then we finished correcting chapter 1 & 2 questions for "The Outsiders."  This included character webs made by the class for each of the main characters as found below:


Darryl “Darry” Curtis
Dark brown hair with a cowlick, cold green-blue eyes, 6’2” height, muscular
Football, skiing
Roofer, works full time
Had a football scholarship but stopped to look after brothers when his parents died
Oldest brother, and oldest in the gang
Expects a lot from Pony
Dark-gold hair, dark brown eyes, tall and slim
Rodeos, drag races
Dropped out of school, works at a gas station
Middle brother, everyone likes him, doesn’t drink,
Has a girlfriend named Sandy
Light-brown almost red hair, gray greenish-gray eyes, longer hair (p-1) good build
Reading, watching movies, school
Smart, skipped a grade,
Youngest brother, orphan, thinks Darry hates him
Beaten up by the Socs

Dallas “Dally” Winston
White blond hair (no oil), blue eyes, elfish face (p-10)
Fighting, beating up little kids, drink, smokes
Tough, mean, fearless
From New York, has been in jail, rough background (has seen a lot of violence)
Steve Randle
Thick greasy hair, tall and lean (p-9)
Cars, girls
Cars (fixing, stealing and driving)
Soda’s best friend
Thinks Pony is a tag-along
Two-Bit Matthews
Rusty coloured sideburns, 6 feet tall, stocky build (p-9)
Joking around, getting the last word
Drinks a lot
Still in gr 11
Likes school
Johnny Cade
Black eyes, dark tanned skin, jet-black hair (with bangs), small for this age, scar on his face
Carries a switchblade
Brave (stood up to Dally)
Gang’s pet
Abused at home (dad beats him, mom yells at him),
Nervous, jittery

Sherri (Cherry)
Long red hair, pretty (p-21)
Movies, doesn’t like drunks
Sassy (isn’t a push over), stands up for herself
Students then wrote a good paragraph about a character they chose.  Paragraphs will be typed out and edited on Google Classroom.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we went through the various adjectives that can be used with etre.  Example:  Je suis heureuse. (I am happy.)  We also reviewed the verb ETRE for our quiz on Wednesday, November 15th.


The students completed the same chart as ELA 9A (found above).  In addition, because they had a double class, they had time to type out their SLC paragraphs in Google Classroom and to start (and in some cases) finish typing out their Character Paragraphs.