Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tomorrow is Pink Day in support of Breast Cancer Research!

French 7A

We reviewed the updated procedures for an Intruder Alert and then practiced with the new alarm.  Parent's should be receiving a letter from their child(ren) about new procedures for parents in  the case of a school incident.

In French the students reviewed "er" verbs and wrote sentences about three things they eat and three things a partner eats.

French 9B

Students finished watching the Leonardo DiCaprio version of Romeo + Juliet.

French 8A

Students practiced passé compose verbs using avoir and ending in "er", "ir" or "re".  On Thursday, March 3rd there will be a quiz on the verbs we have learned.


Students will be creating a Book Trailer so we watched a Prezi on Book Trailers.  Then students had a few minutes to look at some book trailers.


The students had a chance to proofread and print out a good copy of their news article on the deaths in Romeo and Juliet.  Anyone who did not finish today please complete tonight and hand in your printed copy and your rubric tomorrow.  We also did a Kahoot to practice for our exam on Romeo and Juliet, which has been moved to Monday, February 29th in period 2 and 3.  Remember to study!

French 10/20/30

The grade 10's had a presentation from Mr. Hauta about the Credit Union Board.  The remaining students continued work on their Activate projects.  Grade 10's has a few minutes to start a project when they returned to class.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

SPIRIT WEEK - Tomorrow is Jersey Day!

French 9A

The students got to express their artistic talents as they placed a narwhal in various places relative to a box.  They also wrote down the vocabulary for positions:

in front of - devant
behind - derrière
under - sous
on - sur
in - dans
above - au dessus de
between - entre _________ et _________
at the corner of - au coin de
to the left of - à gauche de
to the right of - à droite de
next to - à côté de

Il est dans la boîte.  He is in the box.

de la = de la
de le = du
de les = des


The students wrote their exam on Romeo and Juliet.  We also did a quick review of paragraph structure and they wrote a paragraph on an ELA goal they have for the rest of this year.  Goals may be concerning writing, reading, listening, viewing, representing, and/or speaking.

French 8A

Students  practiced using "re" verbs in past tense.  We also discussed the things they had done on their break in French.

French 8B

Students went over their pop quiz on AVOIR / ÊTRE.  Many students need to memorize these verbs to make using past tense easier.  We then worked with some Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs using ÊTRE  to put them in their past tense form.  This is also the form that must have agreement with the pronoun so some have e and s added to the endings.

French 10/20/30

Our theme of food continued with a discussion of what everyone planned to eat for dinner.  No one is having dessert.  :(
We then added some vocabulary terms to our food knowledge.



Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Students had time to proofread their news article on Romeo and Juliet and print out a final copy.  Their final copy and a rubric was due today and should be handed in as soon as possible.  They were also supposed to write their exam on Romeo and Juliet today but as so many were unprepared, even after the whole break to study, I moved the exam until tomorrow.  Be ready!

French 7A

Students practiced conjugating the 'ER' verbe MANGER - to eat.  It follows the regular pattern, except that Nous ends with eons because of the g.

French 7B

Students practiced their body vocabulary, wrote descriptive sentence for the Diavlo monster and played Kahoot.


This was the last class work time for their news article on Romeo and Juliet.  It will be due on Thursday, February 25th.  They will have a few minutes for proofreading before printing a final copy.  That class we will also review for their exam, which is on Friday, February 26th.  Study!

French 10/20/30

We practiced discussing lunches and worked with vocabulary for les fruits et les legumes.

SPIRIT WEEK - Tomorrow is Plaid Day!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Welcome back!

French 9B

The students continued watching Romeo + Juliet starring Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio.

French 7B

Students practiced body vocabulary and writing sentences describing a monster.


Students had time to work on their news article on deaths that occurred in Romeo and Juliet.  Final copies will be due on Thursday, February 25th.

French 10/20/30

We started a theme on eating and foods.  We practiced with breakfast or petit-dejeuner foods today, including a rousing game of Fruit Basket Upset.


Reminder - your exam on Romeo and Juliet is tomorrow in period 4.

Spirit Week!

Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Camo Day
Wednesday - Plaid Day
Thursday - Jersey Day
Friday - Pink Day

*Good luck to our curlers!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

* Have a wonderful break and if you haven't already - Sell Some Fruit!  :)


The students went through review questions for acts 2-5 for Romeo and Juliet and discussed what to study for the exam, which will be Tuesday, February 23rd in period 4. Study your notes and the review questions.
Topics to study:

a)     Identifying who said what quotes

b)    Explaining what quotes mean

c)     Identifying differences between the play and the movie

d)    Themes of fate and love

e)     A new but related story/ article to analyze

f)      A paragraph on a character

Students also had work time on their newspaper article about the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.  Students should have a complete first draft done on Google Classroom for Monday, February 22nd.


In groups the students wrote their Best Paragraph Ever to finish up our paragraph review.  They also did Kahoots about Acts 3-5.  Students also started their newspaper articles on Romeo and Juliet as outlined below.  They will have more class time after the break.

 Romeo and Juliet Summative Project

·        Write your essay in Google Classroom by creating a document under the assignment.

Task #1
Role – newspaper writer
Audience – people of Verona (the reading class)
Format – News article
Topic – Death in Verona, focus on Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, Paris
Strong Verb – INFORM (expository)
Write a one page article for the newspaper which summarizes the events leading to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, children of feuding families Capulet and Montague. Remember to use news article format (inverted pyramid) in which the most important information comes first and the details are filled in later. Include interviews with bystanders/characters who are still alive and were involved.
Include a catchy headline, byline, and lead. Photo and caption are optional.
Use 12 point font, Calibri or Times New Roman. Single space.

Name: _____________________________________________              Assessment: ____________
Newspaper Article Rubric


Article has a headline that captures the reader's attention and accurately describes the content.
Article has a headline that accurately describes the content.
Article has a headline that does not describe the content.
Article is missing headline.
Lead Sentence
Lead sentence grabs the reader's attention and focuses the reader on the topic. It adequately addresses who, what, when, and where.
Lead sentence tells most important details.
Lead sentence is not clearly connected to the article.
There is no clear lead sentence in the article.
Supporting Details
The details in the article are clear and supportive of the topic. This adequately explains the how and why.
The details in the article are clear but need to be developed more. Some details may not fit in with the topic.
Most details in the article are clear. Article does not focus on the topic well.
The details article are neither clear nor related to the topic.
There is a conclusion strongly stated that relates back to the lead sentence.
There is a conclusion that relates back to the lead sentence.
There is a conclusion that weakly relates back to the lead sentence.
There is no clear conclusion.
Contains interesting quotes from witnesses that add to the how and why.
Contains quotes from witnesses that add to the how and why.
Contains basic quotes from witnesses that add to the how and why.
Contains no quotes from witnesses.
Spelling and Grammar
No spelling or grammar errors.
No more than a couple of spelling or grammar errors.
Several spelling or grammar errors.
Many spelling or grammar errors.


French 8A

The students got back a formative assessment on passé compose using AVOIR  for "er" verbs.  We also practiced "ir" verbs. We concluded with a Kahoot to practice.

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students present completed their summative oral evaluations of families and had their last class time to work on their written summative assessments (family posters).  Anyone who is absent will complete hers when she returns from break.








Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

French 7A

We had a pop quiz to see who knew their pronouns.  Some students need to get these memorized. Then the students practiced conjugating the "ER" verbe AIMER - to like or to love.  We finished class by e-mailing Dawson some Well Wishes at RUH.  You may go to this site: if you wish to send greetings of your own.  :)

French 9B

We watched the start of Juliet and Romeo starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.

French 8A

The students finished Glogster presentations and then practiced using "er" verbes with avoir to form passé composé.  Some students need to memorize their AVOIR conjugation to be better at this task.

ELA 9A & 9B

Both classes reviewed the parts of a good paragraph. We then examined some paragraphs written by grade 10's and assessed them.


French 10/20/30

The students practiced orally presenting a family member.  They also began work on their poster.  Their poster must include themselves and 3 other family members (stick figures are allowed) and pets.  For each person they must include a paragraph, which includes information on:  hair, eyes, name, age, birthday, job, likes and dislikes.  (Grade 11's and 12's must add extra likes and dislikes).  The students will have more work time to finish this on Friday.  Tomorrow afternoon are our Anti-Anxiety Workshops so we won't have French class.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Don't forget to sell some fruit for our fundraising campaign!


We had a triple class today.  First we finished watching the Leonardo DiCaprio movie version.  Then the students completed a chart comparing the original play, the 1996 movie and imagining a current 2016 version. 

We also played Kahoot to review Act 4 & 5.  Then the students had time to start planning their first summative task, which is writing a news article on the deaths in Verona.

Name: _____________________________________________              Assessment: ____________
Newspaper Article Rubric


Article has a headline that captures the reader's attention and accurately describes the content.
Article has a headline that accurately describes the content.
Article has a headline that does not describe the content.
Article is missing headline.
Lead Sentence
Lead sentence grabs the reader's attention and focuses the reader on the topic. It adequately addresses who, what, when, and where.
Lead sentence tells most important details.
Lead sentence is not clearly connected to the article.
There is no clear lead sentence in the article.
Supporting Details
The details in the article are clear and supportive of the topic. This adequately explains the how and why.
The details in the article are clear but need to be developed more. Some details may not fit in with the topic.
Most details in the article are clear. Article does not focus on the topic well.
The details article are neither clear nor related to the topic.
There is a conclusion strongly stated that relates back to the lead sentence.
There is a conclusion that relates back to the lead sentence.
There is a conclusion that weakly relates back to the lead sentence.
There is no clear conclusion.
Contains interesting quotes from witnesses that add to the how and why.
Contains quotes from witnesses that add to the how and why.
Contains basic quotes from witnesses that add to the how and why.
Contains no quotes from witnesses.
Spelling and Grammar
No spelling or grammar errors.
No more than a couple of spelling or grammar errors.
Several spelling or grammar errors.
Many spelling or grammar errors.




Romeo and Juliet Summative Project


·        Write your essay in Google Classroom by creating a document under the assignment.

Task #1
Role – newspaper writer
Audience – people of Verona (the reading class)
Format – News article
Topic – Death in Verona, focus on Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, Paris
Strong Verb – INFORM (expository)
Write a one page article for the newspaper which summarizes the events leading to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, children of feuding families Capulet and Montague. Remember to use news article format (inverted pyramid) in which the most important information comes first and the details are filled in later. Include interviews with bystanders/characters who are still alive and were involved.
Include a catchy headline, byline, and lead. Photo and caption are optional.
Use 12 point font, Calibri or Times New Roman. Single space.

French 8A

We finished up Glogster presentations, except for 2 who will need to be done for tomorrow.  We also reviewed the verb AVOIR in preparation for passé compose, past tense.

French 8B

We has a pop quiz on AVOIR and ETRE.  Then we practiced etre and had a chance to add to our quiz.  These two verbs need to be memorized.

French 10/20/30

We orally discussed our family.  Discussed/reviewed aimer (er verbes) and how to use them with an infinitive.  We also watched a couple of videos including this favourite:


Monday, February 8, 2016

Friday, February 5, 2016

No school Monday due to a PD Day!


We are watching the Leonardo DiCaprio version of Romeo & Juliet as a prelude to our final summative task and exam.

French 7A

We reviewed our pronouns in French and discussed how to conjugate an "er" verbe in 2 easy steps.
1.  Remove the "er" from the infinitive.
2.  Add the proper ending to go with the pronoun.
* This works with regular "er" verbs such as:
jouer - to play
aimer - to like or love
regarder - to watch
chanter - to sing
*manger - to eat ( a tiny irregularity)


Je _____ e                     Nous ________ ons
Tu _____ es                  Vous ________ ez
Il ______ e                    Ils __________ ent
Elle ____ e                    Elles ________ ent
On _____ e

French 7B

We had our quiz on the "Mon Voyage" theme.  We also discussed les loups-garous and various body parts.


We finished reading Romeo and Juliet and did the final questions for ACT V, Scene 3.  We also did general review questions for Acts 2 -5, due Tuesday if you didn't get them done in class.

French 10/20/30

We discussed a member of our family orally.  We went through our written descriptions of a family member and did a sheet on Avoir vs Etre.  We also had time for a couple of number games.

Have a lovely long weekend & good luck to all the basketball teams!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day 6

French 9A

Students wrote 2 paragraphs today. One was on what they had learned about Carnavals in general and the second was on what they thought of our Carnaval.  For example: the best part, the worst part, and suggestions for future Carnavals.  We also started discussing our next unit, which will involve designing their own dream room.


We finished watching Act IV & V of Romeo and Juliet and then read Act V, Scenes 1 & 2 aloud and answered questions about them.

French 8A

We continued to watch students presentations on their favourite musical groups and singers.  All Glogsters must be complete by Friday for marking.  We will finish presentations on Tueday.


We finished up questions on Act V, Scene 3 and then did a sheet on overall questions for Act IV & V.

French 10/20/30

The students wrote a paragraph on a family member.  They also shared orally about one member of their family.  They also set a time of 3:37 for the number game.  Only 9B has a quicker time so far.

Skiing trip tomorrow for grades 7-10.  Remember to dress appropriately and bring money or a packed lunch.  Attendance will be taken in the Senior Gym before students depart.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Fruit Sale Version 2.0 starts today and will run until February 22nd.  Remember your participation supports our extra-curricular activities.

French 7B

The students practiced provinces and territories for our quiz on Friday, February 5th.  They should know the correct spellings of the provinces and territories in French and the general story of "Mon Voyage," of which they all made a green screen version.


We finished reading Romeo & Juliet today but have a few questions to finish up.

French 8B

We discussed the formative quiz they had on passé composé verbes using AVOIR.  Then we practiced the AVOIR verb.


We finished reading Act IV of Romeo and Juliet and will start the final act tomorrow.

French 10/20/30

We discussed members of our families and today's focus was birthdays.

Example:  L'anniversaire de ma soeur est le treize décembre.
Son anniversaire est le treize décembre.

Recommended dictionary app is Word Reference.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016

Welcome to a new term!

French 7A

This class is starting a unit on "MES AMIS" or my friends.  We discussed some things we know about our friends such as: what they look like, what they like to do, what they like to do with us, and good qualities for our friends to possess.  We also practiced our pronouns:

Je (I)                  Nous (We)
Tu (You (s))      Vous (You (pl))
* singular           * plural
*informal           * formal
Il (He)                Ils (They (m)) * a group of boys or a group of boys and girls
Elle (She)           Elles (They (f))  * a group of just girls
On (One)

French 9B

We did a wrap-up on our Carnaval and started discussing our next unit, which is on our perfect bedroom.

French 8A

Students started presenting their Glogsters on a singer or musical group.  Remember all edits must be done by Friday.


We continued on with Romeo and Juliet, discussing Act 5, Scene 1 & 2.


We started Act 4 of Romeo and Juliet.

FRENCH 10/20/30

We did a getting to know you sheet, discussed classroom routines, etc.  Then we started discussing our families, in French.  We finished with a game to practice/review our numbers.