Thursday, March 29, 2018


Today the students had time to finish their jot notes on Security & Privacy on the Internet.  We will be taking these up after the break so if you are not done please do so over the break.  The students who were finished had time to challenge 3 mini searches.  Some also had time to go on Scratch.


The following students still owe me work from last section.
Storyboards: Zya and Braden
Production Processes:  Colbey, Jarret, Destiny, Zya, Braden, Ralf, and Allen
*Please get these done over the break as Report Cards are coming and you will have incomplete outcomes if you do not get them done.

FRENCH 10/20

The students practiced their Music Festival poems.  Then we discussed what we did yesterday adding as much detail as possible.  Then we read an article on a French soccer family.  We also enjoyed some KinderEgg treats.  Joyeux Pâques!


The students practiced their Music Festival poems and read for 10 minutes.   Then we read and discussed the Prologue and Scene 1 & half of Scene 2 for Act 2.
*The following students owe me their Romeo & Juliet pre-writing, which was due March 12th: Austin, Ashton S., and Torrence
*I am also missing the film paragraphs from: Ashton S., Austin & Jayden


The students practiced their Music Festival poems and read for 10 minutes.  We corrected Lesson 8 of our vocabulary. The students also had time to work on the questions for Act 2 Scene 1 & Scene 2 to #5.
* The following students owe me their Romeo & Juliet pre-writing, which was due March 12th: Miquiella & Trevor
* I am also missing the film paragraphs from: Owen & Garin


*Have a lovely, relaxing Easter Break!  See you Monday, April 9th!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wednesday, March 28, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival and then we discussed last night's activities in French.  We practiced using irregular past participles with Avoir and played the number game.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we re-read the story "Le Diable et Les Loups-Garous."  We practiced describing a monster together and then the students described one on their own for formative feedback.  The students received Easter Treats as this is their last class before the break.


The students practiced their Music Festival selections.  Then we finished watching Act 1 of West Side Story.  We discussed the comparison between the 2 versions of Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet.  The students then wrote a good paragraph telling which version they preferred.  Paragraphs should include an introduction, at least 3 reasons, and a conclusion.  They are due at the start of class tomorrow.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we studied for a few minutes before writing our Mon Voyage Quizzes.  I am still missing videos from:  Tanner, Addison, Parker, Tristin & Wesley.  We also had time to start introducing the vocabulary for Les Corps (the body),   The students received Easter Treats as this is their last class before the break.


The students practiced their Music Festival selections and silently read for 10 minutes.  We then read and discussed the Prologue for Act 2 and Scene 1 and most of Scene 2.  Overdue movie comparison paragraphs needed from Owen and Garin.

FRENCH 7 Missing Assessments:  Parker (IR verb quiz & Chez Mimi), Tanner (IR verb quiz and Mon Voyage quiz)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 (Day 6)

Computers 8 Red

We reviewed the mini-search that the students did yesterday. The proper format should look something like this:
*What day of the week will Drake’s birthday be in 2028?

1.What day of the week will Drake’s birthday be in 2028?
  1. No result
2.Drake’s birthday?
b) Oct 24
3. 2028 calendar
  1. Drake’s birthday?
b) Oct. 24
2. Calendar 2028
b) Tuesday

The answer to what day will Drake’s birthday be in 2028 is on a Tuesday, October 24th

Then students started to work on learning about Privacy & Security On-line.  The assignment is posted on Google Classroom and includes:  reading a comic, researching 11 topics using a website, and making jot notes on those 11 topics.  Each jot note should include 3 or more points. We will continue work on this next class and will correct and discuss after the Easter Break.

FRENCH 10/20

The students shared what they did last night in passé composé.  We practiced our poems for Music Festival and finished correcting and discussing the film "La Guerre des Tuques" and the students handed in the last 3 questions for me to assess. They also reviewed some irregular verb past participles.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  We will be performing on Wednesday, April 18th so please try to be at school that day.  If you are absent it will mean someone else will have to cover for you, which is not very responsible on your part.  This is also covering an outcome and will be assessed. After practicing the poems the students finished watching Act 1 of the Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  We will be performing on Wednesday, April 18th so please try to be at school that day.  If you are absent it will mean someone else will have to cover for you, which is not very responsible on your part.  This is also covering an outcome and will be assessed. After practicing the poems the students finished watching Act 1 of West Side Story.
The students then wrote a paragraph stating their favourite version.  They wrote the paragraph on looseleaf, including an introduction, 3 reasons for their choice, and a conclusion.

We will correct lesson 9 vocabulary on Thursday so make sure you are finished.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We watched the Mon Voyage videos that have been handed in and will be having a quiz on them next class. Study the provinces and territories for tomorrow.  We also practiced for our quiz with a Kahoot and hangman.

FRENCH 7 Missing Assessments

*IR Verb Quiz tomorrow (Wednesday) at lunch for those who missed on Friday - Shea, Parker, Layne, Tristin, Tanner, Alyssa, Thomas
*Tristin, Kristina & Parker did not come at lunch today to do the assessment that they missed on Friday.  They will need to see me to organize an alternate time.

COMPUTERS 8 YELLOW Missing Assessments

Storyboard - Zya & Braden 

Production Processes - Colbey, Destiny, Jarret, Allen, Zya, Ralf, Braden

Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday, March 26, 2018 (Day 5)

Computers 8 (Red)

The students reviewed searching techniques and then did a worksheet on their personal searching skills and habits.  Then they did a mini search, which we'll take up tomorrow and set-up a Scratch account.

French 10/20

We practiced our poems for Music Festival (Wednesday, April 18th), discussed what we did on the weekend in French.  Then we finished viewing La Guerre des Tuques, which we'll discuss tomorrow.  Pen pal letters also need to be done for tomorrow.


The students practiced our poems for Music Festival (Wednesday, April 18th) and watched the first part of the Zefferelli version of Romeo & Juliet.  We'll finish it up next class.


The students practiced our poems for Music Festival (Wednesday, April 18th) and watched the first part of West Side Story, a version of Romeo & Juliet.  We'll finish it up next class.  We also did our Lesson 9 for Vocabulary.

*Spirit Week - Tomorrow is Pastel Day!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 (Day 2)


The students and I reviewed expectations and following the three beliefs:  Respect, Responsibility, and Choosing to Learn.  They all signed up for our Google Classroom, where almost all work will be posted.  Next the students completed a KWL chart on what they know about computers and what they hope to learn.  We finished with a few minutes exploring SCRATCH, a coding site.

FRENCH 10/20

We continued watching "La Guerre des Tuques" and finished some more discussion questions.  The students also received back their rough pen pal letter drafts, with corrections, if they were handed in.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we finished reading and discussing Act 1, Scene 5 of Romeo & Juliet.  The students also received copies of the poems that we are presenting for Music Festival on Wednesday, April 19th.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we watched Act 1 of Romeo & Juliet from the 1968 movie directed by Franco Zeffirelli and started analyzing this version.

*Tomorrow is the Ski Trip for grades 7-10.  We are leaving at 9:00 am and should return by 5:30 pm at the latest.  Please dress appropriately.  If you are not coming on the Ski Trip then you need to be in Room 103 at the first bell.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

Today we finished discussing questions about the first part of "La Guerre des Tuques."  Then we continued watching the movie. Your rough draft of your pen pal letter is now overdue.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed body part vocabulary and wrote sentences to describe the body of a werewolf.  Next we read a story about "Le Diable et Les Loups-Garou."


The students read for 10 minutes and then we continued listening to and discussing Romeo & Juliet.  We finished Act 1, Scene 3 & 4.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we finished correcting our IR verb sheet from last day.  We also played a Kahoot to practice IR verbs.  Our IR verb quiz will be on Friday, March 23rd or at lunch on Wednesday, March 28th if you are absent on Friday.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we continued listening to and discussing Romeo & Juliet.  We finished Act 1, Scene 4 & 5.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018 (Day 6)


Well we were off to a confusing start as the new sections were supposed to start today but we had 2 subs and unclear instructions so the Red Section will start Computers Monday and some extra IA time today.  The Yellow Section got some bonus computer time and the Blues started Home Ec.

FRENCH 10/20

We had an enormous class of 4 as everyone else was headed off for Basketball.  Go Warriors!  The people in class finished up the rough drafts of their pen pal letters and had time to work on other subjects.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We corrected Lesson 8 in our vocabulary booklets.  Then we listened to and corrected Act 1, Scene 2 and started listening to Scene 3.


The students had a work period to work on their 15 minute presentations on a Social Issue.  Some chose to use their time more effectively than others.


The students read for 10 minutes. Then we listened to Romeo & Juliet  Act 1, Scene 2 & 3 & 4 and discussed and corrected Scene 2 & 3.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We discussed the video they watched last class "Chez Mimi."  Then we started practicing the IR verbs.

FINIR - to play
a) drop the IR  FINIR--> FIN
b) look at the pronoun
c) add the proper ending

JE finIS        (I finish)               NOUS finISSONS    (We finish)
TU finIS      (You (s) finish)     VOUSfinISSEZ        (You (pl) finish)
IL finIT        (He finish)            ILS finISSENT         (They (m) finish)
ELLE finIT  (She finish)          ELLES finISSENT    (They (f) finish)

*NO SCHOOL Monday due to a PD Day.  Enjoy your long weekend!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018 (Day 5)


Today was our last class.  If you are not done the following summative assignments you need to do them for homework and turn them into me by Wednesday of next week at the latest.
MAZE GAME - Colbey the link you turned in is broken, please turn in the correct one.  Make sure your game is public.
PRODUCTION PROCESSES - Raicky, Colbey, Jarret, Isabella, Destiny, Allen, Graden, Selena, Zya, Ralf, Braden (you'll need to turn this in on Google Classroom)
STORYBOARD for UP - Jarret, Isabella, Allen, Braden, Zya (you'll need to hand in your papers when done)

FRENCH 10/20

The students did a summative assignment on clothing for both written and oral today. I also took in the rough copies of the pen pal letters to give some feedback on.  If you were absent please be prepared to do your clothing summatives at lunch on Tuesday, March 20th.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we continued discussing Romeo & Juliet Act 1, Scene 1.  
Plus we looked at vocabulary for insults:
"Thou art a loathsome wax-eared dullard!"
or flattery:
"Thou art an angelic doe-eyed goddess!"
 We will be correcting vocabulary lesson 8 tomorrow so make sure you are done.

SNOLYMPICS took up the afternoon!  Fun was had by all!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 (Day 4)

FRENCH 10/20

The students started watching a classic Quebecois film called "La Guerre des Tuques."

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes.  Then they had time to work on:
a) Their Romeo & Juliet pre-writing activity, which was due Monday, March 12th
b) Their novel


The students watched an episode of Chez Mimi and did a viewing activity.  The following students need to finish their green-screen videos (on their own time) and bring their iPads to me by Friday:
Tanner, Addison, Parker, Tristin, Wesley and Cameron


The students watched an episode of Chez Mimi and did a viewing activity. If you missed it please get the sheet from me and watch the video below.  The following students need to finish their green-screen videos (on their own time) and bring their iPads to me by Friday:
Tanner, Addison, Parker, Tristin, Wesley and Cameron


The students had their RE verb quiz today.  If you were absent be prepared to write this exam on Tuesday at noon.
The students also watched an episode of Chez Mimi and did a viewing activity. If you missed it please get the sheet from me and watch the video below.  The following student needs to finish his green-screen video (on his own time) and bring his iPad to me by Friday: Owen

*SNOLYMPICS tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018 (Day 3)


We have two classes left including today so if you were absent see me ASAP to get your homework.  Today we started (and some finished) story-boarding the first minute of a scene from the movie UP.  We did the first three scenes together and then students continued on from there.  Each scene needs a drawing, the type of shot (wide, medium, 3/4, close-up, extreme close-up) and the movement/action in the shot (zooming, panning, etc).  The movement should also be shown with arrows on your picture. I handed out sheets to storyboard on and the video clip or UP and the notes on shot types are both posted on Google Classroom.

FRENCH 10/20

Today we continued to practice describing orally classmate's outfits.  Then we went through our poems for Music Festival.  The students also had time to work on their pen-pal letter rough drafts, which I will take in on Friday and correct over the weekend.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we began reading and discussing Romeo and Juliet.  Everyone should have their R&J book in class from now on.  This was a double English day so we also did lesson 8 in our Vocabulary booklets.  We will correct on Friday.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we finished discussing Romeo & Juliet Act 1, Scene 1. Plus we looked at vocabulary for insults:
"Thou art a loathsome wax-eared dullard!"
or flattery:
"Thou art an angelic doe-eyed goddess!"

*Today was an alternate day and then during period 7 everyone got a chance to watch the Festival Drama performance of "Lose Not Thy Head!"  They will also be performing for the public tonight and tomorrow at 7 pm in the Senior Gym.  Cost is $4 at the door.  

Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018 (Day 2)


The students watched videos about story boarding and shot types.  We also discussed shot types in the categories of camera framing (establishing shots, long shots, medium shots, close-ups), camera movements (zooming, panning, dolly shots, tracking, tilting), and composition (bird's eye view, high angle, neutral, low, worm's view).  Students had a few minutes to work on their Production Processes assignment, which is now due.  If you were absent today go to Google Classroom and watch the videos.

FRENCH 10/20

The students, once again, described each other's outfits.  We did some planning for our Music Festival poems.  The students also continued working on the rough draft of their pen pal letters.


We discussed Elizabethan English and some common words used by Shakespeare.  Example:  Whither art thou eating dinner?  --> Where are you eating dinner?
and did some quick translations.  The students then signed out their copies of Romeo and Juliet.  They also had ten minutes of silent reading time.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we started to read Romeo and Juliet.  We listened to the Prologue and Act 1, Scene 1 and started discussing them.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

The students described clothing that someone else was wearing and we did a writing activity as a formative task today.  Next week we'll have summative tasks for both of these.  We also chose pen pals who live in France and started our letters to them by writing in French an introduction, which includes:  name, gender, age, birthday and family information.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed RE verbs and the students completed and corrected their practice sheet.  They will be having a quiz on Wednesday, March 14th.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We corrected our last vocabulary lesson and the students had time to finish up their pre-writing activity for Romeo and Juliet.  It will be due Monday.  If you, and your vocabulary booklet, were both absent please hand in your vocabulary lesson and I will mark it.


The students were shown how to assemble their green-screen clips in iMovie.  They had the class to assemble their iMovies.  We also prepared for our next Chaise Chaud topic. Videos are due for next class.  Please bring me your iPad when you are finished.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We corrected our last vocabulary lesson and the students had time to finish up their pre-writing activity for Romeo and Juliet.  It will be due Monday.

*Have a good weekend!  Good luck to the basketball and badminton players!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018 (Day 6)


We finished discussing the researched information for pre-production, production, and post-production and the students started a summative task on comparing the various stages in two medias.

FRENCH 10/20

The students had an assembly in the gym where UCHS and UPS were officially presented with a copy of the Apology made by the Canadian Government to the First Nations for Residential Schools.  We also received a copy of the Treaty 6 document.  We continue to move towards reconciliation, to a time when all people feel valued.


The students read and then finished discussing some pre-reading questions for Romeo and Juliet.  Then they all chose a writing prompt and started to write a first person story based on the chosen prompt.  We will continue this writing tomorrow.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed Elizabethan English and some common words used by Shakespeare.  Example:  Whither art thou eating dinner?  --> Where are you eating dinner?
and did some quick translations.  The students then signed out their copies of Romeo and Juliet.  

*ELA 9 - We are correcting Vocabulary tomorrow (Friday) so make sure you are done your lesson.

French 7B

Today was the student's last day to green-screen.  If they are not finished then they will need to take some time at noon or after school in the library.  Tomorrow we will discuss how to assemble our iMovies.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wednesday, March 7, 2018 (Day 5)


Today we discussed what the students found out about pre-production, production, and post-production for tv/webisodes, movies/films, and radio/Cds.

FRENCH 10/20

The students described other's outfits.  We then finished watching Extra en Français (Episode 2) and discussed it.


In this class we had a planning session for the upcoming Snoylmpics, which will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, March 15th.  The theme is movies and it promises to be a lot of fun.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then they started a pre-writing activity for Romeo and Juliet.  As it was a double class the students also did Lesson 8 in their vocabulary booklets.

*Tomorrow is Formal Day so please where your fancy duds but remember to follow the school dress code.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 (Day 4)

FRENCH 10/20

The students described a fellow classmate's clothing orally today.  Then we added in some new vocabulary for future discussions.  Kahoots should now be finished.  We also started to watch Extra en Francais Epsiode 2.


The students read.  We did some pre-reading discussion for Romeo and Juliet.  Then we got prepared for our Activate Buddy Lunch with the grade 6's.


The students continued Green-screening.  Most should be getting close to finishing their green-screen video clips.  We'll have one more class for filming.


The students read.  We did some pre-reading discussion for Romeo and Juliet.


We discussed and planned for our new Chaise Chaud questions on "Les Chiffres" (numbers).  We also did an introduction to RE verbs and practiced them.

RE Verbs  

1.  Remove the RE   attendre--> attend
2.  Look at the pronoun
3.  Add the proper ending

JE attendS
TU attendS
IL/ELLE/ ON attend (no ending)
NOUS attendONS
VOUS attendEZ

*Great job GRADE 9's on your ACTIVATE BUDDY LUNCH!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Monday, March 5, 2018 (Day 3)


The students, working in partners, researched the pre-production, production, and post-production stages for making:  films/movies, tv/webisodes, and music/radio.

FRENCH 10/20

We played the last verb Kahoot and students has a few minutes to make corrections on their Kahoots.  We are discussing clothing this week and went through relevant vocabulary and the colours.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed the things that need to be prepared for tomorrow's Activate project.  The students also watched a PowerPoint on Shakespeare and one on the Globe Theatre  in preparation for reading Romeo and Juliet.
As this was a double English class the students also completed Lesson 7 in their vocabulary booklets.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed the things that need to be prepared for tomorrow's Activate project.  The students also watched a PowerPoint on Shakespeare and one on the Globe Theatre in preparation for reading Romeo and Juliet.

*Grade 9 ACTIVATE Buddy Lunch with the Grade 6's is tomorrow.  Please remember to bring your lunch.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Friday, March 2, 2018 (Day 2)


The students discussed what happens during Pre-Production for filming in terms of things in the Planning stage (writing the script, hiring the actors) the Shooting Stage (camera angles, stunts), and the Editing Stage (adding green-screen backgrounds, adding music).  Students had time to update their own lists and then finish their MAZE games in SCRATCH.  Some also had time to investigate more Scratch programming techniques such as how to add points to a game.


This class the students participated in The Blanket Exercise, which is a simulation of how Residential Schools affected the First Nations communities in Canada.


This class experienced the Blanket Exercise this morning.  During ELA the students read for 10 minutes.  Then they continued working on their novels.

ELA 9 - Students should plan to have a lunch at school on Tuesday as we will be doing our ACTIVATE PROJECT over the noon hour.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

Today the students started presenting their Kahoots on verbs and received formative feedback.  We'll finish this up tomorrow.


Two students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed body parts and completed a crossword.  We also discussed various body parts specific to animals.  See Miss Riddell for the notes if you were absent.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes and then we planned out our Activate Project. We are doing a Buddy Lunch to introduce the grade 6's to UCHS. The 9B's also corrected lesson 7 in their Vocabulary books.


The students had this class to continue green-screening their trips to places in Canada.