Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019 (Day 2)


We had one last person in the Chaise Chaud.  We'll start a new topic next class.  Then we finished our review of ER, IR, and RE verbs.  We corrected the rest of the sheet we started last class and played a kahoot.  Our EXAM is next FRIDAY, APRIL 5th.  You may practice using the Kahoot.  There is a link on Google Classroom.


Today we read over pages 78-81 and discussed why natural resources and political environments cause people to be relocated.  We also discussed Climate Changes and Global Warming.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minuets.  Then we practiced our Music Festival poems.  Poem parts need to be memorized for Monday. We finished correcting Act V questions for Romeo and Juliet.  The answers are posted on Google Classroom, if you were absent.  We started to watch the first version (Zeffirelli) of Acts IV & V.  I'll replay Monday at lunch.  Plan to be there if you were absent.


The Outsiders Film Analysis (Jan 10) - Ethan, Allen  

The Outsiders Final Project (Jan 23)  - Ethan, Jarret  

Romeo & Juliet Pre-Writing (Jan 25)  Quinn, Xander, Allen  


Today we discussed MAC goals (Measurable, Achievable, Concrete, and Scheduled).  The students re-wrote some goals to make sure they met the MACS.  We also watched a video about SMART goals and compared this to MACS.  If you were absent get the sheet from Miss Riddell or print a copy off of Google Classroom.


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019 (Day 1)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed the endings for ER, IR, and RE verb conjugations.  We also went through a list of verbs, and their meanings, for each family.  Lstly, we started a practice sheet.  
*We will be having our verb test on Friday, April 5th.  Make sure to study!


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for the new theme of "saisons."  We went through RE verbs both regular and irregular. We did some practice questions and played a kahoot.
Regular RE verbs:  ATTENDRE --> ATTENDU   RE-->U

Irregular RE verbs:  
PRENDRE --> PRIS (to take)
COMPRENDRE --> COMPRIS (to understand)
APPRENDRE --> APPRIS (to learn)
METTRE --> MIS (to put on or to place)

LIRE --> LU (to read)
BOIRE --> BU (to drink)
VOIR --> VU (to see)
DEVOIR --> DÛ (to have to, must)
VOULOIR --> VOULU (to wish, to want)
POUVOIR --> PU (to be able, can)

FAIRE --> FAIT (to do, to make)
AVOIR --> EU (to have)
ÊTRE --> ÉTÉ (to be)


The students practiced their Music Festival poems.  Parts must be memorized for Monday. Then they wrote their "open book" Vocabulary exam on lessons 1, 2 and 3.  If they finished early they had time to read.


Today we started to read and discuss how the environment affects people's lives, renewable versus non-renewable resources. We took some notes which I'll post on Google Classroom.  We watched the following video and also played a kahoot.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then they practiced their Music Festival poems.  Poem parts need to be memorized for next Monday.  The students then had time to complete the questions on Act V of Romeo and Juliet and we started to correct.  We'll finish on Friday.

*ELA 9A will be having their open book Vocabulary exam tomorrow.  Make sure you have lessons 1 to 3 done so you can use them for the test.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we finished correcting the RE verb sheet.  We started a review of verbs from ER.  We tried a kahoot but our internet was flaky.


The students discussed last day's questions.  We reviewed that it is important:
a) to look for key words
b) to read the whole question
c) to answer all parts of the question

The students then did a wrap up set of questions for this section.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  We practiced our poems and finished reading Act V of Romeo and Juliet. The students had time to start the questions for the last act and we'll finish them tomorrow.


We prepared for a new Chaise Chaud on seasons.  We reviewed how to set up past tense and looked at past participles for regular RE verbs and various irregular verbs.

Regular RE verbs:  ATTENDRE --> ATTENDU   RE-->U

Irregular RE verbs:  
PRENDRE --> PRIS (to take)
COMPRENDRE --> COMPRIS (to understand)
APPRENDRE --> APPRIS (to learn)
METTRE --> MIS (to put on or to place)

LIRE --> LU (to read)
BOIRE --> BU (to drink)
VOIR --> VU (to see)
DEVOIR --> DÛ (to have to, must)
VOULOIR --> VOULU (to wish, to want)
POUVOIR --> PU (to be able, can)

FAIRE --> FAIT (to do, to make)
AVOIR --> EU (to have)
ÊTRE --> ÉTÉ (to be)


The students finished up their questions from yesterday and we watched several videos on life in the Arctic in both Russia and Canada.


Today we started talking about goal setting.  We started by discussing jobs the students wouldn't want, why they wouldn't wan them, strengths/skills they have that wouldn't fit those jobs and the jobs they would fit.  If you were absent get the handout from Miss Riddell.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019 (Day 4)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we practiced our poems for Music Festival.  Words need to be memorized for next week.  We then continued reading and discussing Act V of Romeo and Juliet.  We almost finished page 126.


We reviewed how to read and answer questions.  Look for:
  • key words
  • what the questions asks
  • make sure to do all parts
We went through our questions from last day.  Then we read pages 71-75.  The students started to work on the Map Skills questions on pages 72 & 73.  Copy the questions and answer them fully.  We'll finish up tomorrow.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we introduced RE verbs with the following video and practiced on a sheet (to question 14) and with a kahoot.


We prepared for a new Chaise Chaud on Les Saisons.  Then we reviewed passé composé and wrote five sentences using IR verbs. We finished up with a kahoot.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019 (Day 3)


Two students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed passé composé with the video below. The students then wrote 5 IR verb sentences of their own. We played a kahoot.


The students read for ten minutes and practiced our Music Festival poems.  We played Kahoots to review Acts I through IV.  If you were absent you may play the Kahoots on Google Classroom.


The students practiced our Music Festival poems and then we watched the live streaming of the Senior Boys at Hoopla.


If you haven't done your interview with someone over 60 please get it done this weekend!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019 (Day 2)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We continued our verb work.  We watched the RE video and practiced with a Kahoot.  Then we practiced all three families ER, IR and RE including GER and CER verbs, followed by a pop quiz.  If you were absent or would like to play again you may do so here:
Verb Kahoot          Challenge Pin:  0955227


We discussed the Inquiry Questions from yesterday about political, social and natural changes and how they might effect us now and in the future.
We also read pages 64-69 about Russia Geography.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  We got organized to present our poems for Music Festival in April and started to read Act V of Romeo and Juliet.


We continued discussing goals setting and the students did a summary of their career goals so far.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (Day 1)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed all three verb families and how to conjugate them.  We played Kahoots for ER and IR verbs.

1. Drop the ending ER, IR, and RE.
2. Look at the pronoun.
3.  Add the correct ending.

PRONOUN       ER         IR        RE
Je                        e            is           s
Tu                       es          is           s
Il/Elle/On           e            it           -
Nous                  ons      issons     ons   * GER --> eons    CER --> çons
Vous                   ez        issez       ez
Ils/Elles             ent       issent     ent


The last two students were in this theme's Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed passé composé using ER verbs.
1. Conjugate the helper verb AVOIR.
2. Use the past participle of ER by dropping the ER and adding an É.
Je joue au football. (I play football.) -->  J'ai joué au football. (I have played football.)

* To make it negative add a n' and pas.
Je n'ai pas joué au football.  (I have not played football.)

We finished up with a Kahoot to practice.


The students read for ten minutes silently.  Then we corrected the definitions for Lesson 3 in our vocabulary booklets.  The students will have an open book exam next Day 1, Thursday, March 28th.  If your answers are not complete get them finished before then.


* Remember to bring your lunch tomorrow if you need to write your test from Friday.

 Today we went through our researched information on Canada and Russia.  We then read pages 60 - 63 in the textbook and did the 3 Inquiring Minds questions (p 63) on loose leaf.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes. The students finished reading Act IV and started to complete the questions on Friday.  Today they had more time to finish up the questions and we corrected.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we continued working with IR verbs.
Je ___is
Tu __is
Il/Elle/On ___ it
Nous ___ issons
Vous ___ issez
Ils/Elles ___ issent


The students started to look at the relationship between Canada and Russia.  The students did a KWL chart (what they KNOW, what they WANT to know, and what they will LEARN). They also did a comparison chart, which we'll correct tomorrow.  
We also singed up for Google Classroom.  If you were absent the code is 4scrpls.
*If you missed the exam on Friday we will be writing at Thursday over noon, bring your lunch.


On Friday the students reviewed passé composé using AVOIR and ER verbs.
J'ai joué au soccer.  (I have played soccer.)
Nous avons parlé en français.  (We have talked in French.)
The students praticed using IR verbs where the pat participle removes the ir and add i.
Il a fini ses devoirs.  (He has finished his homework.)


On Friday the students had this class to finish up their slideshow on a job, which interests them.  Slideshows are now overdue.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019 (Day 4)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we had a vocabulary day.  The students worked alone or with a partner to do the definitions and comprehension activities for Lesson 3.


The students continued reviewing for their test tomorrow on maps.  We finished up useful definitions and did a review of coordinates before practicing with a Kahoot.  Those who are absent tomorrow will be writing next Tuesday.  You may play the kahoot here: Maps Review
Challenge Pin:  0913541


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed what we learned about IR verbs last class.  We started our practice sheet and played a kahoot.

This afternoon the grades 7-9 had SNOLYMPCS in the gym.  It was a fun time! Congrats to the winners - Moto Moto!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed Passé Composé with the video below and did some of a practice package.  We focused on ER verbs and negatives.
J'ai joué au soccer. (I have played soccer.)
Je n'ai pas joué de soccer.  (I have not played soccer.)

ELA 9B & 9A

The students read for ten minutes.  We started to read Act IV of Romeo and Juliet.  ELA 9A will be working on Vocabulary in tomorrow's class.


The students worked on a review sheet.  We corrected the first side.  Then we practiced using scale to find the distance between places on a map.  We'll finish our review tomorrow and the test is on Friday.  Those missing on Friday will write next week on Tuesday.


We signed up for the next sessions and then had some work time in homerooms and Snolympic teams.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019 (Dy 2)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We introduced RE verbs. Remember:
a) remove the RE to get the root vendre --> vend
b) look at the pronoun
c) add the correct ending

Je vendS (I sell)               Nous vendONS (We sell)
Tu vendS (You (s) sell)   Vous vendEZ (You (pl) sell)
Il vend (He sells)             Ils vendENT (They (m) sell)
Elle vend (She sells)       Elles vendENT (They (f) sell)
On vend (One sells)

*Note:  il, elle, on have NO ending

We did some practice sentences and played a Kahoot.

*Shawn, Kaden and Jenai need to finish their Mon Voyage videos.


Today the students had work-time to finish the last few maps and then we corrected:  Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.  We discussed some of the items that will be on Friday's exam and we played some hangman.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  We watched the second version of Act Three Romeo and Juliet.  The students finished their analysis of the two videos.  If you were absent make arrangements with Miss Riddell to watch the video.


Today we started talking about goal setting.  We started by discussing jobs the students wouldn't want, why they wouldn't wan them, strengths/skills they have that wouldn't fit those jobs and the jobs they would fit.  If you were absent get the handout form Miss Riddell.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019 (Day 1)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed conjugating IR verbs.  Then the students finished their practice sheet and we corrected.  We finished up with a Kahoot.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed simple Passé Composé using avoir as the auxiliary verb and changing ER--> É, IR-->I and RE--> U to create the past participle.  We also looked at making the sentences negative:
Examples:  J'ai regardé la télévision.  (I have watched telelvision,)
                   Je n'ai pas regardé la télévision. (I have not watched television.)


The students read for ten minutes and we corrected Lesson Two in our vocabulary booklets "Words Are Important." The students had 18 minutes to work on definitions for Lesson 3.  Tomorrow we will continue watching "Romeo and Juliet" Act Three version 2.


Today the students continued working on locating and labeling oceans and countries on maps of Central America, South America, Asia, Sotheast Asia, and Oceania.  We will continue this tomorrow and will be reviewing on Wednesday and Thursday.  We will have our map quiz on Friday, March 11th.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes as part of their daily 20 minutes.  The 9B's finished correcting Act Three questions.  If you missed the answers they are posted to classroom or found below:
Then we watched version one of Act Three, which was directed by Baz Luhrman and features Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes as the title characters.  If you were absent be prepared to watch it at lunch on Monday.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We watched the finished Mon Voyage videos and started to learn about IR verbs.  The following students still need to submit their Mon Voyage videos:  Cassey, Camara, Brenna, Layne, Bree, and Madison


Today we discussed topographic maps. We also looked at political maps.  If you were absent please have questions 9, 10, and 11 on page 22 done for Monday. Use the map below for question 10.
We also watched this video:

*Monday is an alternate schedule with an early dismissal at 2:15 pm.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019 (day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  They then had some time to finish up the questions for Act Three before we started to correct Act 3.  9A finished correcting and 9B has 3 questions left. 


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We continued presentations of the Music posters.  Posters are now overdue and should be done for next class Tuesday, March 12th.  We also reviewed Avoir and started to practice using the past tense.
pronoun + Avoir conjugated + past participle

ER --> É   jouer --> joué

Je joue au basketball. PRESENT - I play basketball.
J'ai joué au basketball. PAST I have played basketball.

IR --> I  finir --> fini

Je finis mes devoirs. PRESENT - I finish my homework.
J'ai fini mes devoirs.  PAST - I finished my homework.

RE --> U   attendre --> attendu

J'attends l'autobus.  PRESENT - I wait for the bus.
J'ai attendu.              PAST - I waited for the bus.

We played a Kahoot to practice.


Today we discussed population maps and how the populations of Canada and the United States compare. We looked at choropleth maps (using colour to share information) and dot density maps (using dots to represent so many people per square kilometre.)

Here is a quick video on how empty Canada really is: Video and Article


The students had this class to continue work on their slideshow about a job of their choice.  They will have one more class to work on this and then it will be due.

We had a SADD presentation at the end of the day. If you'd like to take the pledge to stop Impaired Driving look for the following on Social Media #missionTBK

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 (Day 4)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we finished Act Three of Romeo and Juliet and are now working on questions.  We'll finish the questions tomorrow and then correct.
Yesterday we had some questions raised about the use of the word "gun".  The following discussion group addresses why Shakespeare would use the term but not the weapon:  Gun use in Shakespeare


Today we went through the map for the United States of America.  Then we created a weather map for certain areas using colours.


The students went through the new Chaise Chaud questions on Les Sports.  They then had time to finish up their iMovies and upload them to YouTube.  We'll be watching the videos next class so if you did not finish your green-screening or your video then you need to take a noon hour or after school time to get finished up.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We continued Music Poster presentations. Shea, Kaden, Tristin, Kristen, and Logan's posters are now overdue. They must be done for next class Monday, March 11th.
We also introduced past tense using avoir:

pronoun + Avoir conjugated + past participle

ER --> É   jouer --> joué

Je joue au basketball. PRESENT - I play basketball.
J'ai joué au basketball. PAST I have played basketball.

IR --> I  finir --> fini

Je finis mes devoirs. PRESENT - I finish my homework.
J'ai fini mes devoirs.  PAST - I finished my homework.

RE --> U   attendre --> attendu

J'attends l'autobus.  PRESENT - I wait for the bus.
J'ai attendu.              PAST - I waited for the bus.

We played a Kahoot to practice.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019 (Day 3)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we started presenting out French Music posters to the class and listening to a minute of various artist's songs.  If you are not done make sure to be finished for next class.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and we continued reading Act Three of Romeo and Juliet.


Today we discussed various types of maps.  The students completed a cloze activity and we started to work with a Weather Map.


The 7, 8, and 9 classes learned their Snolymic teams and started planning their team name and signing up for events. Snolympics will be the afternoon of Friday, March 14th.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday, March 4, 2019 (Day 2)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we introduced IR verbs and started to practice using them. 
Overdue Mon Voyage Videos:  Shawn, Kaden, Jenai, and Darrian


The students finished up their Border Riddles sheet and then we corrected.  We also discussed political maps and abbreviations for the provinces.
Province                   Abbreviation       Postal Abbreviation
British Columbia     B.C.                     BC
Alberta                     Alta.                    AB
Saskatchewan          Sask.                   SK      
Manitoba                 Man.                   MB
Ontario                     Ont.                    ON
Quebec                     Que.                   QC
New Brunswick       N.B,                    NB
Nova Scotia             N.S.                     NS
Prince Edward Island   P.E.I.               PE
and Labrador            N.L.                    NL
Nunavut                    Nvt.                    NU
Northwest Territories  N.W.T.             NT
Yukon                       Y.T.                     YT

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had ten minutes of silent reading time and then we started to read Act Three of "Romeo and Juliet."  In the first scene Mercutio and Tybalt have both died and Romeo has been banished from Verona.


Today was the student's last day to work on their Career Slide Show.  It is now due.  Other overdue assignments include:
Young Workers Readiness Certificate signed and returned:  Addison, Owen, Tristin, and Kristin
Interview Paragraphs:  Owen, Denise, Charlie, Jaydon, Addison, Tristin, and Kyle

Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday, March 1, 2019 (Day 1)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for our new topic of sports.  Then we started to watch the finished Mon Voyage movies.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we started presentations of the Music Posters. Students presented and then answered 3 questions about their poster.


The students read for ten minutes.  We finished Lesson 2 in our vocabulary booklet.  We will correct next day 1.  Welcome to our new student Mercedez!
If you missed class on Wednesday or Thursday I will be playing ACT TWO at lunch on Monday and Tuesday in my room at lunch.  


The students did a map of all of Canada, labeling the provinces and capital cities.  Then they did Border Riddles using their map as a reference.