Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019 (Day 4)


Today we watched two episodes of Degrassi - The Next Generation, which dealt with Internet Safety.  Please watch below if you were absent.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  They then had the rest of class to complete their rough draft of their Personal Narrative.  It should include:
*a real event from their life
*five senses (hearing, sight, taste, touch, and smell)
*take only minutes, hours or at most a day (a short time)
*dialogue (internal and external)
*first person narration (from their point of view)
* contain a message
Many had time to edit and start their good copy and tomorrow we will finish this up.

Overdue:  Remembrance Day Writing (Oct. 24) - Madison


The students described each others costumes orally in French.  We did some Halloween vocabulary activities and enjoyed a treat.  We finally finished watching Episode 7 of Extra en Français.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they worked in groups to write several of the following styles of poetry.  They wrote in their poetry notebooks and at the end of the week will submit some of the poems for a final assessment for this unit.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 (Day 3)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they worked in groups to write several of the following styles of poetry.  They wrote in their poetry notebooks and at the end of the week will submit some of the poems for a final assessment for this unit.

Overdues:  Sonnet (Sept 27) - Parker
          Storming Juno Video Analysis (Oct. 16) - Parker, Adam, Daylan
          Remembrance Day Poems (Oct. 24) - Taelyn, Raegan, Daylan, Weston, Parker, Gracen, Tristin

ELA 9A who missed yesterday's class - you need to finish Lesson 3 in vocabulary (Definitions, B & C) for correcting on Wednesday, November 6th


The students discussed what they were wearing today orally.  We watched everyone's past tense TikToks and then we continued watching Extra en Français Episode 7.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Monday & Tuesday, October 28 & 29 (Days 1 & 2)


The students read for 10 minutes silently at the start of each class.  On Monday we read through three more examples of Personal Narratives and completed out chart about them.  If you were absent the stories are posted on Google Classroom.  Then on Tuesday the students brainstormed an idea for their own personal narrative.  It needed to include:
*an event from their real life
*be written in first person
*include all five senses (if possible)
*dialogue (internal and external) - written correctly with indents and quotation marks
       "How are you?"  asked my mom.
       "I'm fine, " I replied.
       "I'm really not,"  I thought to myself. OR in italics  - I'm really not, I though to myself.
* A message

Students had time to brainstorm and start writing out their narrative.  Thursday there will be time to finish their rough draft.  We're editing on Friday.
Overdues:  Remembrance Day Writing (Oct 24) - Madison


Monday was our exam on passé composé.  Morgan and Brooklyn need to arrange a time to write.  Today we watched part of episode 7 of "Extra en Français, " which we'll finish tomorrow.  The students also did some French colouring for our Student Success Board.


The students read for ten minutes silently.  Then we finished discussing the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe and its internal and external rhyme scheme,  Student had time to write two stanzas either on a new topic or to add to the existing poem, following the syllables and rhyme scheme of the original.
On Tuesday the students had time to complete Lesson 3 in their vocabulary books.  Definitions and parts B & C.  We will be correcting next class so it is homework if you did not get finished.

Overdues:  Sonnet (Sept 27) - Parker
                   Storming Juno Video Analysis (Oct 16) - Parker, Daylan, Adam
                   Remembrance Day Poem (Oct 24) - Daylan, Parker, Tristin, Weston, Gracen


The students read for ten minutes silently.  Then we finished discussing the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe and its internal and external rhyme scheme,  Student had time to write two stanzas either on a new topic or to add to the existing poem, following the syllables and rhyme scheme of the original.
Overdues: Remembrance Day Poem (Oct 24) - Taelyn, Raegan


The students had time to finish their TOP 5 VIRTUES assignment.  Choosing five virtues, and then giving a personal example of when it was a positive in their life, and when it was a negative in their life.  Then we started to watch a video on the virtue of work.


The students continued doing some analysis on working and learning styles and watched the following video.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 26, 2019 (Day 6)


Today we discussed the jot notes made by students on various section of "Your Connected Life."  Marishka you are responsible for jot notes on Tips on p-18 (the second column) for next class.  At the end of class everyone had a few minutes to work on Hour of Code.


Students read for ten minutes silently.  Then we read five short examples of Personal Narratives and filled in a chart to see how well they followed the Personal Narrative criteria.  If you were absent it is posted on Google Classroom.


We corrected the second Passé Composé practice sheet.  The exam will be on Monday.  Then students had the rest of the class to complete their TikTok video.  Make sure to hashtag your video #uchsfrench and make it public.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we looked at the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. Questions are posted on Google Classroom if you were absent.

Overdue:  Sonnet - Parker
The Road Not Taken Video Analysis - Jaydon, Tristin, Emma
Storming Juno Video Analysis - Parker, Daylan, Carter, Adam, Ryder, Kyle
Remembrance Day Poem - Ryder, Taelyn, Raegan, Kylie, Kaden, Daylan, Weston, Parker, Carter, Gracen, Tristin 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019 (Day 5)


Today we finished discussing the Internet Safety jot notes.  I have posted a list of all the jot notes on Classroom.  Next the students all chose a topic from "Your Connected Life."  They then made jot notes on the shared document on their topic.  If you were absent pick a topic that does not already have a name beside it and do the jot notes on the shared document.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  They then had time to complete their Remembrance Day poems, which are due today.  They must hand in:
a) two good copies (single sided)
b) rubric
c) rough draft in notebook
If students were finished they got some extra time to work on homework or to read.
OVERDUE: Sonnet - Parker
Road Video Analysis - Kaden, Jaydon, Tristin, Emma, Addy
Storming Juno Analysis - Kaden, Adam, Parker, Daylan, Carter, Ryder, Kyle
Remembrance Day Poems ; Kaden, Daylan, Weston, Parker, Tristin, Carter, Gracen, Ryder, Taelyn, Raegan, Kylie


Today we did a final oral practice, corrected the past tense sheet dealing with food and started two practice sheets.  Tomorrow they will be doing their final TikTok so need to have any props they need here to complete the filming.  All videos need to be tagged with #uchsfrench and are due at the end of class tomorrow.  Passé Composé quiz on Monday.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  They then had time to complete their Remembrance Day poems or stories, which are due today.  They must hand in:
a) two good copies (single sided)
b) rubric
c) rough draft in notebook
If students were finished they got some extra time to work on homework or to read.
OVERDUE: Kaden, Madison, Morgan

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019 (Day 4)


Today the students had time to finish up their jot notes on five on-line privacy and safety topics using the website at:
Then we started to discuss what they found.  We'll continue discussing the results tomorrow.


The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages read last week.  They had this class to continue working on their Remembrance Day Poem or Story for the Legion.  By the end of class tomorrow they must hand in:
* 2 printed good copies (do not double side)
* rubric with brainstorming
* rough draft in your notebook
DUE:  Thursday, October 24th by the end of class


The students received feedback on their oral things they did and things they didn't do sentences.  Tomorrow we'll go through some written feedback.  The students also had a package about fall and a sheet on which to practice their use of articles partitif when using food.  We'll correct those tomorrow.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes silently.  They then had time to work on their on their Remembrance Day poems, which are due tomorrow.  
They  must hand in:
a) 2 good copies (don't double side)
b) their rubric, with brainstorming written on it
c) rough draft (in their notebook)

Overdue Summatives:  
Sonnets (Due Sept 27) - Parker, Tristin
Video Analysis (The Road not Taken) (Due Oct. 4) - Kaden, Jaydon, Tristin, Emma, Owen, Addy
Video Analysis (Storming Juno) (Due Oct. 16) - Kaden, Parker, Daylan, Carter, Adam, Tristin, Ryder, Kyle

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 (Day 3)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and tallied their minutes from last week.  Then they had the rest of the class to work on the rough draft of their Remembrance Day poem.  Last class we brainstormed various plans for poems.  They may:
a) have a rhyme scheme example:  ABAB, CDCD, and so on
b) have a partial rhyme scheme:  ABAC, DEDF, and so on
c) have a repeated phrase every 4th or 5th line or the start of every stanza, example:  War is kind
d) be free verse but still tell a story of have a message, example: write a paragraph and cut it up is a good website to help writers find rhyming words
Students will have two more classes to work on poems, which  will be due on: Thursday, October 24th.


Today everyone shared three things they did and three things they didn't do over the long weekend orally.  We discussed the article partitif for foods. We also watched a video on creating TikTok videos, which will be the final project for passé composé.  Students wrote a rough draft for their TikTok.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019 (Day 2)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they voted in the Student Vote.  Today they had time work on their Remembrance Day writing (story/poem) to:
a) finish their rough draft
b) edit (with someone who is finished their own rough draft)
c) Type out their good copy on Google Classroom
d) Print 2 copies (not double sided)
e) Hand in:  good copies, rubric, rough draft in notebook
They will have time to work on this during next Wednesday and Thursday's classes.  It will be due at the end of class on Thursday, October 24th.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they voted in the Student Vote.  They had 15 minutes to finish up part C of Lesson 2 in Words are Important for vocabulary study and we corrected.  They then had time to start the definitions for Lesson 3.
Overdue Assignments:  Sonnet - Tristin and Parker
Storming Juno Video Analysis -  Kaden, Parker, Daylan, Adam, Tristin, Emma, Carter


Today the students finished up their translations and putting of a paragraph into past tense. We corrected the latter.  The former is due Tuesday if it was not finished.  We orally discussed what was and wasn't done yesterday and played a round of "dix."


Today we reviewed all the virtues that we researched last day. If you were absent there is a list below.  Everyone chose their 5 most important virtues.  Then in Google Classroom the students started work on an assignment to identify their top 5 virtues and give a personal example when the virtue was positive and when it was negative.  We will finish this up next class.
HONESTY - This was a positive experience when my friend told me that she liked my new shirt.  It was a negative experience when I had to tell a friend that she was wrong and she got mad at me.

1. Beauty
2. Citizenship
3. Compassion
4. Creativity
5. Curiosity
6. Determination
7. Fairness
8. Friendships
9. Happiness
10. Health

11. Honesty
12. Humor
13. Justice
14. Kindness
15. Knowledge
16. Learning
17. Leadership
18. Love
19. Loyalty
20. Optimism

21. Peace
22. Pleasure
23. Popularity
24. Reputation
25. Respect
26. Responsibility
27. Security
28. Self-Respect
29. Spirituality
30. Success
31. Trustworthiness


The students watched a Powerpoint and made notes on various life experiences that make up your Career.  If you were absent the Powerpoint link is posted below and on Google Classroom.  You'll need to get the sheets from Miss Riddell.  Secondly we discussed how knowing yourself will allow you to explore many career-related experiences.  Do the chart in the handout about likes, skills, important things to you, and credentials you posses.  List one job you can see your self doing in the future. We also started to explore what we know about ourselves with an Interest Inventory.  Read the statements and circle the ones that are true to you.  We'll finish discussing this next class.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday, October 17, 2019 (Day 1)


The students received their order sheets for the Fruit Sale, which runs from today until Oct. 31st.  
The students read for ten minutes.  They had the rest of the class to finish the rough draft of their Remembrance Day poem or story for the Legion contest.  Tomorrow they should be ready to edit and start typing their good copy out on Google Classroom. It is due Thursday, October 24th.
Students need to hand in 2 printed copies, their rubric, and their rough draft in their notebook.


The students shared orally some things they did and didn't do yesterday,.  They then had time to write the paragraph for Exercise G out in passé composé and translated it into English.  English translations to be handed in tomorrow.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students received their order sheets for the Fruit Sale, which runs from today until Oct. 31st.  
The students read for ten minutes. Today we discussed various styles of poetry, which they could use to write their Remembrance Day poem.  They had time to do some brainstorming and some had time to start work on their rough draft. The final copy is due Thursday, October 24th.

Overdue Assignments:
Sonnets (Fri. Sept. 27th) - Tristin, Parker
Storming Juno Video Analysis (Oct. 16) - Kaden, Parker, Daylan, Carter, Adam, Tristin, Emma, Ryder, Kyle, Logan

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 (Day 6)

Computers 7 Blue

The students started working on Internet Safety.  They had to pick 5 topics from the following website, read about them, and write 8-10 jot notes.
This was done on Google Classroom and if they were done 3 they’ll have time to finish up next class.  Less than 3 finished and they have homework.


The students read for ten minutes.  They then had the rest of the class to work on their entry for the Legion poem and essay contest.  They may either write a story/essay of 350-500 words or a poem of 24-32 lines.  Good copies will be due on Thursday, October 24th.

Senior French

The students corrected Exercise F on passé composé using être or avoir.  Then they shared two things they did and two things they didn’t do yesterday orally in French.  We finished up with some tips for doing Exercise G.  We’ll complete this tomorrow.

ELA 9A & 9B

We continued watching “Storming Juno” and doing a critical viewing analysis.  Due at the start of class tomorrow.  
Overdue Sonnets: Parker and Tristin
Overdue Road Not Taken video analysis: Kaden, Jaydon, Tristin, Emma, Owen, Addy

Tomorrow is Green Shirt Day for Mental Health Awareness.  Plus bring a loonie if you’d like to wear a hat all day.  Proceeds to the above cause.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 (Day 5)


The students had the class to finish the two part summative on Searching the Internet.  Anyone who did not complete this in class had until 9 pm tonight to turn it in on Google Classroom.

ELA 9A & 9B 

The students read for ten minutes at the start of class.  Then they started to watch "Storming Juno" a movie about D-Day and Canadian soldiers in the Second World War. This is in preparation for writing a Remembrance Day poem to enter in the Legion contest.  If you were absent you will need to arrange a time to watch this movie after school this week.  Remembrance Day poem good copies will be due by the end of class on Thursday, October 24th
Overdue Sonnets (due Fri. Sept. 27th) - Parker and Tristin
Overdue Poetry Critical Viewing - Kaden, Jaydon, Tristin, Emma, Owen, and Addison


Today everyone shared two things they did and two things they DIDN'T do over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Example:  J'ai mangé au tarte de citrouille.
                 Je n'ai pas mangé du dinde.
                 Je suis allée au Co-op.
                 Je ne suis pas allée à Saskatoon.

The students then worked on a practice sheet using avoir and être with passé composé.


The students read for ten minutes and tallied their minutes from last week.  Then they brainstormed some ideas for their Remembrance Day writing, for fifteen minutes, and began to write.  Remembrance Day good copies will be due by the end of class on Thursday, October 24th.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019 (Day 4)


Today we went through the answers for mini-searches numbers 3 & 4.   Then the students started part one of their summative activity on searching.  We will finish it up and do part two on Tuesday.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we did four 8 minute quick writes on personal experiences with:  fear, kindness, embarrassment, and gratitude.  The students needed to think of a time in their life when each of these personal experiences happened and then write about them.  Later they will choose one of these topics (or something) new and do a complete personal narrative piece on it including all the parts we've discussed in class.
Overdue assignments:  Short Stories (due Fri. Oct. 4th) - Christian


Today we shared three detailed things that happened yesterday orally.
Example:  Je suis allée à l'école à huit heures.
J'ai mangé du poulet, du riz, de la salade et du gâteau pour le dîner.

Then we watched Episode 6 of Extra en Français.  The students made a web of five, or more, things that occurred in the episode and finished with a short 2-3 sentence summary.  If you were absent you may watch using the link below:

ELA 9A & 9B

The students finished up their CAT testing today with the Reading section.  If they missed any section of the testing Mrs. Snell will be catching them up next week.
Overdue Assignments:  Sonnets (Due Fri. Sept. 27) - Parker & Tristin

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday, October 10, 2019 (Day 3)


The students were with Mr. Bick today and they read silently for ten minutes.  Then they learned about Reversal poems which can be read both forwards and backwards but tell different stories.  The students then had time to create a reversal poem of their own.  They will have part of another class to finish this up,


The students completed two Math tests during CATs today.  They have one more tomorrow and will be finished unless they missed a day of testing.  In that case Mrs. Snell will be doing some catch up next week.


We are continuing on with Passé Composé using both Avoir and Être.  We corrected yesterday's sheet and did some oral discussion about the activities we did yesterday.  We also played several rounds of Twenty Questions.


I got to spend this class with the 8Bs as Mr. Cey was gone for football.  We read two articles about wasting food and growing GM food.  The students then had questions to complete with a partner.  Due next class.


Reminder - Phoenix and Madison please be prepared to complete your Short Story summative at lunch tomorrow in my room.
Overdue Short Story (due Fri. Oct. 4) - Jayce, Christian, Shawn and Kaden


Overdue Sonnets (due Fri. Sept. 27) - Tristin and Parker

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 (Day2)


The students read silently for ten minutes,  Then we went through the questions about the story "The Pie."  We then read two other stories and discussed how they were or were not personal narratives.
Did they include?
*a personal event in the author's life
*one day, one hour or even a few minutes (short time)
*use all senses - hearing, smelling, feeling, seeing, and tasting (if appropriate)
*dialogue (spoken and internal)
*first person narrative (I)
*clear order of events in the plot
(If you were absent the stories are posted in Google Classroom.)


The students were with Mr. Clark today and they read silently for ten minutes.  Then they learned about Reversal poems which can be read both forwards and backwards but tell different stories.  The students then had time to create a reversal poem of their own.  They will have part of another class to finish this up,


The students worked on the Math portion of their CATs today.  Thanks to everyone for being here.


The students worked with Mrs. Gartner today.  They shared some activities that they did yesterday orally in French.  They also worked to complete the Exercise E sheet, which we'll correct tomorrow.


Today we discussed virtues (a person's principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life) such as:  loyalty, health, kindness, scholarship, honesty, and so on.  The students then each received a value, which they:
* defined
* found a positive influence
* found a negative
* found a picture 
and posted these in a Google Doc.
We tried to do this in a Google sheet but had technical difficulties.    Thanks to the students for their patience.


Today was the last class time to work on the Young Worker's Readiness Certificate.  Students will now need to complete the modules and test on their own time.  When they have passed the test (with at least 75%)  they need to save and print the certificate, have mom or dad sign it, and then turn it in.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 (Day 1)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed personal narrative writing.  We read the story "The Pie" and the students answered some questions (the story and questions can be found on Classroom if you were missing) about the story.


The students continued practicing passé composé using avoir and être, focusing on the Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs. We did Exercises C and D on page 10 of the handout.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students continued on with their CAT testing.  Today we did Writing Conventions and Spelling.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019 (Day 6)


The students finished up the first 2 mini searches from last class and had time to complete the next two mini searches.  Students will receive a summative mark for mini search # 1 and #2 next class and we'll discuss the answers for mini searches #3 and #4 as well.   Out next class is on Friday and the students will be completing a Summative assessment on searching so make sure you have done all 4 mini searches before class.


The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages read over the last week. Then they completed a summative assessment on a new short story.  If you were absent you will have to complete this at another time.  Please see Miss Riddell to arrange.  


Today the students corrected a sheet on passé composé using avoir.  Then they shared what they had done over the weekend.  Finally we reviewed the Vandertramp verbs, which are conjugated using être.  If you missed please review the story here:  Dr & Mrs Vandertramp story

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages read over the last week.  Then we began CATs (Canadian Achievement Tests).  Please try to be at school each day this week as if you miss a test you will have to complete it later resulting in missed class time.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday, October 4th (Day 5)


Today we watched a video about search techniques and then the students worked on 2 mini search challenges.  We'll do some more practice on Monday before doing our summative assessment next Friday.  Several students are coming to my room at lunch today to either do or redo the kahoot on computer parts.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  They then had a few minutes to finish the film analysis from yesterday.  The videos are now posted on Google Classroom if you were absent yesterday.
Today we looked at Haiku poetry and tried our hand at writing it.  We also did some Book Spine poetry and entered it in the Saskatchewan Library contest.  If you were absent the Haiku sheet is posted on Google Classroom and you'll have to visit the library to create your own book spine poem and e-mail me a picture of it.

Overdue Sonnets (due Fri. Sept. 27th) - Kaden, Adam, Parker, Tristin, Owen


The students practiced sharing what they did yesterday orally using the passé composé. Then we continued practicing regular and irregular verbs using avoir.

ER -->  J'ai parlé avec lui.  I spoke with him.
IR -->   Tu as fini tes devoirs.  You (s) finished your homework.
RE -->  Il a attendu l'autobus.  He waited for the bus.

Some irregular verbs:

Faire -->  Il a fait du shopping.  He went shopping.
Pouvoir -->  Il n'a pas pu le question.  He couldn't do the question.
Savoir -->  Il a su la réponse.   He knew the answer.
Ouvrir -->  Il a ouvert la porte.  He opened the door.
Être -->  Il a été en retard,  He was late.
Avoir -->  Il a eu une tasse de café.  He had a cup of coffee.
Vivre -->  Il a vécu dans l"Age Moyen.  He livved in the Middle Ages.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  They then had the rest of class to:
a)  type out the good copy of their short story
b) make sure it has a title and their name and then print it out
c) hand it in with their rough draft
d) work on a second story
e) work on homework
f) read
Overdue Short Stories:  Brenna, Cassey, Quinn, Jayce, Christian, Grace, Morgan, Kaden, Shawn
* Hand in good copies and rough drafts on Monday please.


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019 (Day 4)


Today we discussed various search engines including:
*Duck Duck Go
It was interesting to see which ones presented lots of ads, summarized information, and the links given for further information.

The students completed a KWT chart on Searching the Internet, which is due tomorrow.


The students read silently for ten minutes. Then the students worked on the following:
a) finished editing their rough draft
b) typed a good copy on Google Classroom (code:  p7hL4e2)
c) printed out their good copy and handed in with their rough draft
When they were finished they could either start a new story or read.
Good copies are due by the end of class tomorrow. 


The students again shared what they did yesterday orally.  Then we started some review for passé composé using the first sheet, which are posted to Google Classroom and deals with past participles - regular and irregular.

ELA 9A & 9B

Today the students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed the poem "The Road Not Taken" which the students had analyzed yesterday.  We then watched two video versions of the poem and the students did a critical viewing assignment.  If you were absent video links to the poems are also on Google Classroom.

Version 1

Version 2

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 (Day 3)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we watched and took notes on the Literary Element of Symbolism.  If you were absent the video is posted on Google Classroom.  The students then read and annotated the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.  In partners they discussed some questions about the poem and turned in their answers.  
Sonnets were due today and if students weren't done they needed to be in my room at lunch to finish. Thanks to those who came.
The following sonnets are now overdue and students should be in my room at noon Thursday if they are not handed in prior to that time: Logan, Jaydon, Vinson, Nic M, Kaden, Weston, Parker, Daylan, Adam (Tristin and Owen need to see me when they return to class).


The students started using passé composé by discussing what they did yesterday.  We reviewed basic  passé composé using avoir as the auxiliary verb. 

Regular ER verbs --> é               regarder --> regardé    J'ai regardé la télévision.
Regular IR verbs --> i                 finir --> fini                 Tu as fini tes devoirs.
Regular RE verbs -->u                attendre --> attendu     Il a attendu l'autobus.

Irregular verbs:  Boire --> bu          Faire --> fait

We also read about Terry Fox using our reading strategies:
a) Look for words you know
b) Look at the pictures
c) Look for words that are similar to English
d) Use common sense - does it fit the topic
e) Use a dictionary