Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016

*No School Monday due to a PD Day.

Day 6

French 9A

The students wrote their Vandertramp passé composé quizzes this morning.  The students then watched Episode 2 of Extra en Francais and did a question sheet.



The students worked to prepare jot notes for a 1-3 minute presentation on a career that interests them.  The presentations will be on Tuesday.  Be prepared to turn in your jot notes.  Students should include the following points:
      ·        what interests you about this career

·        what qualities you have that would make this career a good fit for you

·        what skills you have that would make this career a good fit for you

·        education or training required for this career

·        a few of the activities you would do in this career

·        potential benefits of this career

·        potential difficulties with this career

French 8A

The students continued to present their Famous French Canadians and receive formative assessment.  They will have one more class of presentations and then a chance to edit their work before a summative assessment takes  place.


The students silent read and then watched the following video and wrote a paragraph on the message of the paragraph and how they felt about it.  If you were absent this is homework.

French 10/20/30

The students finished presenting their stories and will get a chance next week to make corrections before I mark them.  We also watched Episode 3 of Extra en Francais and completed a summary of the episode. Please do if you were absent.
Here is a video just for Shaynah:

*Enjoy your long weekend!





Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Day 5

French 7B

The students practiced orally using er verbs, watched most of the rest of the Mon Ami(e) videos, and played a Kahoot about er verbs.  On Wednesday, May 4th the students will be having a summative exam on er verbs and friends.


The students did oral presentations on a career that interests them.  Many need to smile when they are speaking and many need to be better, more respectful listeners.

French 8B

Today was the students last day to work on their Famous French Canadians Slide show.  Next class they will start presenting them orally.


The students edited and polished their finals drafts for the Common Assessment Writing.  If they did not hand in by the end of class it is homework and must be done first thing tomorrow morning (turn it in on Google Classroom and hand in a paper copy.)

French 10/20/30

The students, who had done their homework, presented their story using passé composé and imparfait.  The rest of the class will present tomorrow. Formative feedback was given and tomorrow students will have a chance to make improvements before the summative evaluation takes place.

*Tonight from 5:30-9:00 students have Student Led Conferences (for grades 101-2) and the Career Fair (for all interested students).  Teachers will also be available should you wish to see them.  There will be lots of useful information so we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 4

French 7A

The students played Two Truths and A Lie using common "er" verbs.  They watched more "Mon Ami(e)" videos and they played a Kahoot to practice using "er" verbs.

Je _____ e
Tu ____ es
Il _____ e
Elle ___ e
On ____ e
Nous ____ ons * manger or commencer --> eons
Vous ____ ez
Ils ______ ent
Elles ____ ent

French 9B

The students finished the chart about adding an extra e (if the pronoun is feminine) or s (if the pronoun is plural).  The students then did a sheet practicing using the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertamp verbs in passé composé with etre as the auxiliary verb.  Next class the students have a test on passé composé verbs.

French 8A

The students started presenting their slideshows on Famous French Canadians.  We discussed mistakes (formative assessment) and students will have a chance to correct and re-submit their presentations before a summative mark is given.


The students made jot notes on a career that interested them.  Next class we'll start short oral presentations on this information.


The students had this class to finish their rough drafts of the Common Assessment Writing pieces.  The rough drafts must be finished before tomorrow as we are editing in class tomorrow and finishing up final copies.

French 10/20/30

Students practiced asking questions and continued work on their Imparfait vs Passé Composé slide show stories.  Stories are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day 3

French 9A

The students practiced passé composé using both avoir and etre orally and practiced writing the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs using etre and additional e and/or s.  Next class (Friday) there will be a quiz on Passé Composé.


Students worked on their Common Assessment Writing pieces.  Today we reviewed tips for editing and students edited their own work as well as having at least one classmate edit as well.  Good copies were printed out and turned in on Google Classroom. Anyone not finished needs to turn in their good copy by the end of the day tomorrow.

French 8A

The students had time to complete their Famous French Canadian slideshow in Google Classroom.  Each presentation needs to have:
a) a title slide
b) information slides for each sentence, including a picture
c) a final slide with sources

Slideshows are due and need to be turned into Google Classroom by the end of today.

French 8B

The students had time to work on their Famous French Canadian slideshow in Google Classroom.  Each presentation needs to have:
a) a title slide
b) information slides for each sentence, including a picture
c) a final slide with sources

Slide shows are due by the end of class on Thursday, May 5th.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced asking and answering questions in French.  They then worked on their Google Slideshows for their passé composé vs imparfait stories in Google Classroom.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Day 2


The students had two classes to work on their Common Assessment Writing piece.  Students should complete their rough draft tomorrow as we will begin editing then.

French 7A

The students practiced using "er" verbs such as: regarder, aimer, adorer, preferer, jouer, manger, and chanter in 2 Truths and a Lie today.  We also watched some of their "Mon Ami(e)" videos and discussed where corrections could be made.  We will be having a quiz on correcting these common mistakes in a few classes.

French 7B

The students practiced using "er" verbs such as: regarder, aimer, adorer, preferer, jouer, manger, and chanter in 2 Truths and a Lie today.  We also watched some of their "Mon Ami(e)" videos and discussed where corrections could be made.  We will be having a quiz on correcting these common mistakes in a few classes.  Two students need to finish their videos, which are now overdue.


The students had one class to work on their Common Assessment Writing piece.  Students will have one more class to work on their rough drafts before we begin editing.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced asking and answering questions about their weekend activities:
WHERE * Où est-ce que tu es allé(e)?
WHEN   * Quand est-ce que tu es retourné(e)?
WHO      *Qui est-ce que tu as visité?
WHAT    *Qu'est-ce que tu as fait?
DID         * Est-ce que tu as mangé du poulet?
HOW       * Comment ca va?
WHY       * Pourquoi est-ce que tu es allé(e) a Wilkie?
WHICH   * Quelle nourriture est-ce que tu as préféré?

The students also worked on taking their story in passé composé and adding in imparfait where appropriate. (ie:  state of being, habitual action, setting the scene, certain adverbs, and indefinite periods of time)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

French 9B

The students discussed the past tense verbs that are conjugated with "etre", also known as the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs.  They all have to do with coming or going and each letter of Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp starts one of them.  These verbs are not only conjugated with "etre" for passé composé but also agree with the pronoun so often have an extra e or s at the end.

Ex:  PARTIR - to leave --> past participle PARTI
       Je suis parti(e).
       Tu es parti(e).
       Il est parti.
       Elle est partie.
       Nous sommes parti(e)s.
       Vous etes parti (e)(s).
       Ils sont partis.
       Elles sont parties.

French 7B

The students worked on their Mon Ami(e) videos.  This was the last class time to work on them and they are now homework.  Bring your iPad to Miss Riddell when you are finished.


The students had two classes to finish their planning outline and start writing their Common Assessment piece of writing.  We'll have at least two more classes next week to finish this up.

French 10/20/30

The students orally discussed a past trip using passé composé and imparfait.  They also signed up for Google Classroom and learned how to use slides to create a slide show.  Next week they will be creating a slide show of their past tense story, from last week, after incorporating imparfait into the story where it is appropriate.

*Monday is an alternate day with early dismissal at 2:15pm.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016


*Friday - Role Model / Teacher Day

French 9A

The students practiced using passé composé orally.  We completed the x-word on Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs.  We also completed a chart showing when to add an "e" or an "s" so the verb agrees with the pronoun.  Students then completed some sentences using etre and Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs.


The students deconstructed a mentor writing piece into paragraphs, topics, subtopics, details, and personal connections.  I gave an example of a plan for a piece of writing.  The students brainstormed various events, issues, and trends for topics and then chose one and started planning their Common Assessment Writing piece.

French 8A

The students practices using passé composé orally and then continued work on their Famous French Canadian slideshows.  We'll have one more class to work on these slideshows.


The students started writing their piece for the Common Writing Assessment using a Google Classroom document.

French 10/20/30

The students described a trip they have taken using passé composé to describe where they went, how they got there, where they stayed and three activities they did.  Then we finished correcting the story using passé composé and imparfait. We finished up the class with the numbers race game where they almost beat their best time of 2:23 and then we played 10,20,30 you're out at 100 en francais, of course.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


*THURSDAY - 80's & 90's DAY


The students uploaded their "Mon Ami(e)" videos to their school web page.  We also discussed the video we watched last class "Chez Mimi."


The students reviewed "er", "ir", "re" and some irregular verbs that are conjugated with AVOIR to put them into passé composé.


The students finished up researching their Famous French Canadian.  They are converting their research to sentences using passé composé.  Then they are creating a slideshow in Google Classroom to share their information.  They are also adding photos to their presentations.  This is a summative task for writing.


The students finished preparing for Student Led Conferences, which will be held from 4-8 pm today.

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students continued discussing past events orally.  They also discussed where it is appropriate to use imparfait vs passé composé and did a sheet to practice this concept.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016


The students are preparing to begin their Common Writing Assessment for the School Division, and for their ELA course.  We examined some different mentor texts and de-constructed them to see how a great piece of writing is put together.

French 7A

The students played 2 Truths and 1 Lie using statements about things they like or don't like. We then watched the first episode of Chez Mimi and the students had a sheet to do about the video.  See Miss Riddell for the sheet if you were absent.
*Mon Ami(e) videos are due tomorrow.  Please hand in to Miss Riddell before the end of the day.


French 7B

The students played 2 Truths and 1 Lie using statements about things they like or don't like. They then started work on their "Mon Ami(e)" iMovies.


The students silently read and then we discussed a mentor text for the Common Writing Assessment that students will be completing this month for both the School Division and ELA .

French 10/20/30

The students started to conjugate verbs in the IMPARFAIT tense which is used in place of passé compose in certain situations. We also tried to play the number card game with interesting results.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Music Festival

Great work by all three groups.  Grade 9A got a first place, with a mark of 86; grade 9B got a second place, with a mark of 85; and the Senior French Class got a first place, with a mark of 85.  Thanks to all the students for their hard work and good effort.


The students silent read today and finished typing their goal paragraphs in preparation for Student Led Conferences next Tuesday, April 19th from 4 to 8 pm.  We also started discussing what students will need to work on to complete their Common Writing Assessments for the School Division, which will be due by the end of April.

French 10/20/30

The students celebrated their Music Festival win and then practiced passé composé using Deux Vérités et Une Mesonge.  We also watched Episode 2 of Extra en Français.  Students wrote a short summary of the episode to hand in.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

French 7B

The students wrote their "er" verb quiz and planned out a friend video.  If you were absent see Miss R for a time to get caught up.


The students practiced for Music Festival.  Remember to dress up for our performance, which will be first thing Wednesday morning at the Public School. Students also uploaded their Book Trailer videos to their webpages.

French 8B

The students practiced passé compose with Deux Verities et Une Mensonge. They also chose a Famous French Canadian, about whom they are going to write a short report.


The students practiced for Music Festival.  Remember to dress up for our performance, which will be first thing Wednesday morning at the Public School. Students also uploaded their Book Trailer videos to their webpages.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced for Music Festival.  Remember to dress up for our performance, which will be first thing Wednesday morning at the Public School. Students also started writing a short story in passé compose.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016

*Everyone busy with Drama and badminton this weekend - Have fun!

French 7A

We practiced using Elle/Il aime (She/he likes) and Elle/Il n'aime pas (she/he doesn't like) about someone else in the class.  Then we checked to see if we were correct.  The students had time to finish their iMovie on a friend (it is now homework for those who are not done) and we also did a sheet practicing the "er" verb "commander" to order and practicing the names of different types of fruit.

French 9B

We played Deux Vérités et Un Mensonge (2 truths and a lie), using passé composé and events from yesterday.  We also did a sheet on irregular verbs that use avoir for passé composé.

French 8A

The students played Deux Vérités et Un Mensonge (2 truths and a lie), using passé composé and events from yesterday.  We finished correcting a sheet using both verbs with avoir and etre for passé composé.  Students are to choose a Famous French Canadian about whom they can write a short report.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival and typed out their goals paragraph and a second paragraph describing how they are meeting, or not meeting, their goal.  They printed out good copies for their Student Led Conference binders.


The students practices their poems for Music Festival, finished correcting the Capitalization sheet, and then completed MUGs #7 and #8.

French 10/20/30

The students played Deux Vérités et Un Mensonge (2 truths and a lie), using passé composé and events from yesterday.  They practiced their poems for Music Festival. We also corrected a sheet on irregular verbs that use avoir for passé composé.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

French 9A

The students spoke about yesterday using passé compose.  They also completed a sheet, which practiced irregular verbs that are conjugated with avoir.

lire --> lu
comprendre --> compris
pouvoir --> pu
faire --> fait

French 8A

The students spoke about yesterday using passé compose.  They also watched some additional Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp videos and then started  a sheet using etre or avoir to create passé compose verb sentences.

French 8B

The students spoke about yesterday using passé compose.  They also watched the ompleted Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp videos and then started  a sheet using etre or avoir to create passé compose verb sentences. There are 2 groups that need to complete their videos and get them to me for uploading.


The students silent read, practiced their Music Festival poems, and completed MUG worksheets on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
The poems are coming along.

French 10/20/30

The students shared events using passé compose and practiced their Music Festival poems.  they also completed a sheet using the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs and Etre. We discussed some of the irregular verbs that can be used with avoir and played the number racing game.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


The students silent read, practiced their poems for Music Festival, did two grammar sheets (MUG#6 and capitalization), and had an intruder alert practice.

French 7A

The students worked on their iMovies about a friend.  They will have one more class to finish these up.

French 7B

We had a PEP RALLY during this class.  Students need to remember to study for their "ER" verb quiz on Monday, April 11th.


The students silent read, practiced their poems for Music Festival, and did a grammar sheet on capitalization.

French 10/20/30

The students continued to discuss activities in past tense, practiced their poems for the Music Festival, and worked on a sheet to practice using Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs with Etre and their correct endings (e) (s).

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

French 9B

The students discussed their break in French using past tense and then we started reviewing writing in past tense.  We focused on regular ER, IR, and RE verbs that are conjugated with AVOIR.

French 7B

The students discussed orally one thing they like (J'aime) and one thing they don't like (Je n'aime pas).  It is amazing how many don't like their siblings.  We also practiced conjugating the "er" verbs:
aimer (to like), adorer (to love or adore), and preferer (to prefer).  There will be a test on "er" verbes on Monday, April 11th.  Students need to study the verbs and vocabulary from the sheets we completed during class.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  We are going to try them without paper copies tomorrow so know your lines please.  We also worked on MUG #5 and 6 to practice using grammar, punctuation, and spelling correctly.  The students also watched some more finished Book Trailers.  All Book Trailers are due by Thursday, April 7th at 3:30.  This includes anyone who needs to make corrections, add credits, and then re-submit.

French 10/20/30

The students discussed yesterday in past tense.  They practiced their poems for the Music Festival next Wednesday, April 13th. They also completed the chart of Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs, which are conjugated using ETRE.

*PEP Rally in period 3 tomorrow.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

Welcome back!  I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Break.  :)

French 9A

We finished orally presenting dream bedrooms.  Thomas W. still owes me 6 position sentences about his room.  Students also spoke about their Easter holidays and we started reviewing past tense using avoir as the auxiliary verb.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  We will be performing at Unity Public School on Wednesday, April 13th starting at 9:15 am should you wish to watch.
Students also watched some of the finished Book Trailers.  If your Book Trailer needs to be updated or finished it must be completed by Thursday this week.

French 8A

The students practiced oraly telling about things they did over the break.  We watched almost at the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp videos.  Then students tried to write out all the verbs from the videos and discovered some didn't pay very close attention.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  We will be performing at Unity Public School on Wednesday, April 13th starting at 9:15 am should you wish to watch. Students also completed MUG #6 in preparation for the Division Writing Activity they will complete later this month.

French 10/20/30

The students discussed their vacations orally.  We planned out our poems for Music Festival.  Students will be performing Wednesday, April 13th starting at approximately 9:30 am if you wish to watch.  We also started reviewing the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs.