Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The students have finished reading Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet.  We have viewed a movie version, read aloud, and discussed key questions.  Today we played Kahoots to review major events in Acts 1 through 3.  Tomorrow we begin Act 4.


The students have finished reading Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet.  We have viewed a movie version, read aloud, and discussed key questions.  Today we played Kahoots to review major events in Acts 1 through 3. Students will do review questions on Act 2 & 3 before we start Act 4.


On Thursday the students will be putting on a Winter Carnaval for  the students at U.P.S.  Students have been learning vocabulary to use at their station and preparing in other ways.  Students will be running sessions for:  hockey, an obstacle course, a craft (ice painting), a food break, music, dancing, and a mixture of a beanbag toss, colouring, and green screening.  Students will need to meet at UPS on Thursday at 12:30 in the gym.  Tutorial students will be meeting with Mrs. Bick in room 210 for some additional Romeo and Juliet activities.


The students wrote their test on Les Monstres et Les Corps and we'll be discussing them next class.


Most students wrote a quiz on regular er, ir and re verbes (conjugated with avoir) to make them passé compose.  We'll go through it once everyone has written it.  Students are moving on to verbes conjugated with etre to make them passé compose.


Students are to finish up their Glogsters on a singer or musical group and be prepared to present them to the class next term.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2014


The students completed reading Act 2 and are starting Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet. I have one outstanding Persuasive Essay #2, 1 very late movie trailer for The Outsiders, and 1 outstanding swear essay. Please get these in as soon as possible.  No one has chosen to work on their Outsiders Final Project and submit it for re-assessment.


The students are working on passé compose using er, ir, and re verbes paired with the verb avoir.  We will be having a quiz on Monday, January 25th.


Students presented their monsters on Tuesday.  There are 4 outstanding monster assignments.  We will be having a quiz on body parts and monsters on Thursday, January 21st.


The students are continuing to read Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet. I have two outstanding Persuasive Essay #2 assignments and 2 very late final projects for The Outsiders. Please get these in as soon as possible.  No one has chosen to work on their Outsiders Final Project and submit it for re-assessment.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

French 7A

The students have been working with various body parts to create a legendary monster and describe it in French.

French 7B

Students have finished their iMovie on a Canadian trip. We started looking at the verb AVOIR (to have).

French 8A

Students have worked on describing a fellow student's hair, eyes, and clothing in French.  They also learned how to analyze a song in French.  We are about to start our final projects about a singer or band.

French 8B

Students are learning about past tense using the verb AVOIR and regular verbs ending in er, ir and re.

French 9A & 9B

The grade nine French students are planning a Winter Carnaval for the students at Unity Public School.  This will take place on the afternoon of Thursday, January 28th.  Students have been learning about winter Carnavals and their histories and activities in order to plan their event.

ELA 9A & 9B

We have completed reading Act One of Romeo and Juliet.  We watched each scene, read it aloud, discussed main events, and answered questions.  We did a final overview for Act One today.
Students also received their assessments back for their Final Projects for The Outsiders novel.  If any students are not happy with their results and wish to do more work and have their projects re-assessed they have until Tuesday, January 19th to hand in an improved version.  Those students who were absent today will have until Thursday, January 21st to hand in an improved version.

* Have a great weekend and good luck to the girl's basketball team at their tournament!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

*Ski Trip forms due Friday!

French 7B

Students had 2 classes to finish their Green Screening and start work on their iMovies.  They will have one more class to finish the iMovies.

French 7A

Students read and discussed the legend of "Le Diable et Les Loups-Garous".  We also practiced describing monsters.

French 9A & 9B

Both classes started presenting their Glogsters on a film they like in French.

French 8A

Students continued to practice describing classmate's hair, eyes, and clothing orally.  We also started practicing writing these descriptions. We also went through the "ER verbe" tests we wrote before Christmas.

French 8B

This class started presenting their Glogsters on a singer or band they like in French.


Students finished their first draft of a persuasive essay on a topic of their choice.  They received their assessments on the first persuasive essay they wrote and given a chance to edit the second essay. They also researched Shakespeare and we discussed why he is considered one of the greatest playwrights ever. Students read and discussed the prologue to "Romeo and Juliet."


The students received their assessments on the first persuasive essay they wrote and given a chance to edit the second essay.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016


I hope everyone had a good break and had lots of time for relaxing and having fun.  Only a few more weeks until the end of term.


Students started to discover what they know about Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare.  Then students researched and wrote a paragraph on why Shakespeare is considered, by many, to be the greatest playwright whoever lived.  Students had two classes today to research and submit this paragraph on Google Classroom.  I have a couple of students who still have outstanding final projects for The Outsiders, which were originally due December 4th. (Brianna, Jadyn, Dillon, Dawson J, Dawson W, Thomas W.).  Please get done ASAP.

French 7A

We shared something we did over our Christmas holidays, in French.  We also started reading and discussing the legend of "Le Diable et Les Loup-Garous."  Students will eventually be creating their own monster and describing it in French.


Students continued to work on researching a topic for their Persuasive Essay #2.  I have a couple of students who still have outstanding final projects for The Outsiders, which were originally due December 11th. (Jairo, Sebastian, Kaitlyn, Easton, Joel, Ramani).  The following students also need to finish their Persuasive Essay #1 - Sebastian, Jairo, Ramani.  Please get done ASAP.

*Ski Trip forms are due Friday.