Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018 (Day 5)


The students watched a video about making a commercial and then had to think about the steps in Pre-Production & production including:  planning, shooting, and editing.  We'll discuss what they've discovered next class.  Students also had time to finish their MAZE game on SCRATCH, which is now due.

FRENCH 10/20

The students worked on their verb Kahoots, which we'll start playing tomorrow.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and continued work on their novels.  Tomorrow we are going to finalize our ACTIVATE plans.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud then the students had a chance to start their green screening today.  
We reviewed the following rules before starting:
1.  If you move something put it back.
2.  No shoes on the green cloth.
3.  Don't touch things in the rooms you're working in.
4.  Take the covers off the pink iPads.
5.  Shoot with the iPad held horizontally.
6. Be respectful of the others in your group while they are filming.
7.  Be careful with the iPads and return to the library when done.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday, February 27, 2018. (Day 5)


The students worked on programming for their MAZE game in SCRATCH.  We'll finish up next class.

FRENCH 10/20

The students completed summatives in both speaking and reading about the Winter Olympics.  They then had time to continue work on their verb Kahoot projects.


The students read and then continued work on their novels.  


The students read and then continued work on their novels.  We also completed lesson 7 of their vocabulary booklets.  

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, February 26, 2018 (Day 4)

*Welcome back.  I hope you had a restful week off.

French 10/20

The students discussed their viewing of the Olympic Winter Games.  Tomorrow we will have a summative oral presentation on this topic.  The students also read articles on Kaillie Humphries (bobsleigh) and Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir (ice dancing - figure skating).  Tomorrow there will be a summative reading activity as well.  The students also had some time to work on their verb Kahoot. It will include:
- 12 questions / 16 for French 20
- 4 multiple choice answers for each question
- a picture
- at least half will be sentences (about the Olympics if possible)
  example:  (jouer) Je_________ au hockey sur glace.
- make sure accents are correct
- use all the pronouns at least once (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles) 


I did several book talks and then the students had a chance to sign out a new book and read for a few minutes.  They also had some time to continue writing their novels.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then students worked on their Mon Voyage greenscreen projects finding background images.  Next day we'll begin filming so remember not to wear green.


I did several book talks and then the students had a chance to sign out a new book and read for a few minutes.  They also had some time to continue writing their novels.

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed IR verbs, had five minutes of study time, and then wrote the IR verb quiz.  *Ryder you'll have to catch up this quiz when you return.  We also started learning vocabulary for body parts.

*WEDNESDAY is PINK SHIRT DAY to promote anti-bullying.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018 (Day 3)

Computers 8

The students mostly finished up the last two projects.  They also created a maze in Scratch, which is going to be a game that we will finish after the break.  Please have your maze designed for the first day back if you did not finish in class.  I'll explain the programming after the break.

French 10/20

We continued to discuss the Olympics and read about Ivanie Blondin a speed skater. The students had a few minutes to start work on their verb KAHOOT.  It will include:
- 12 questions / 16 for French 20
- 4 multiple choice answers for each question
- a picture
- at least half will be sentences (about the Olympics if possible)
  example:  (jouer) Je_________ au hockey sur glace.
- make sure accents are correct
- use all the pronouns at least once (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles)
We will have one or two classes to work on this after break.


The students completed their vocabulary quiz for lessons 4-6.  Kaylie J be prepared to write yours at noon after the break.  Then they read and had time to work on their novels.  I will be reading all novels over the break to see the progress.  If you have missed any novel class work times please do some typing over the break.


The students  read and had time to work on their novels.  I will be reading all novels over the break to see the progress.  If you have missed any novel class work times please do some typing over the break.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday, February 15, 2018 (Day 2)


The students had  a last class to work on their Spreadsheets, which should now be complete.  A few students need to turn in their Scratch name programs as well.

FRENCH 10/20

We continued our discussion of the Winter Olympics.  Then we reviewed the verb ALLER:
Je VAIS                          Nous ALLONS
Tu VAS                          Vous ALLEZ
Il/Elle/On VA                 Ils/Elles VONT
and practiced with a sheet.  We finished class by reading about Alex Gough a Canadian luger who has won a bronze and a silver medal. 


The students read for 10 minutes before continuing work on their novels.
*Final Inquiry Blog post (due Jan. 21st ) Pierce


The students read for 10 minutes before continuing work on their novels.  Tomorrow we will be having out vocabulary quiz for lessons 4-6.
*Final Inquiry Blog post (due Jan. 21st ) Owen

*Tomorrow (Friday) all FRUIT SALE forms are due.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

We discussed the Olympics orally and then read about curlers Kaitlyn Lawes and John Morris, and slalom skier Erin Mielzynski.  We also reviewed using the verb FAIRE for winter and summer sports and activities.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed IR verbs and then did a sheet to practice.
We will be having a quiz next class, Monday, February 26th so please study over the break.


The students corrected lesson 6 in preparation for their vocabulary quiz on Friday.  It is open book quiz so if your book is not here have it here by Friday.  We also had some time to continue work on the novels.
*Pierce needs to finish his final Inquiry Blog post.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We finished planning out our storyboards for the trips, which the students will be green-screening.  They also had some time to start finding background pictures.


The students read for 10 minutes. Then they continued work on their novels.
*Ashton B & Owen are writing vocabulary quizzes at noon tomorrow.
*Owen needs to finish his Final Inquiry Blog post.

*FRUIT SALE ends FRIDAY so get out there and sell your 5 items.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 (Day 6)


The students continued work on their spreadsheet summative.  We will finish these up on Thursday.

FRENCH 10/20

Today we discussed the Olympics.  We reviewed RE verbs:

JE___S                  NOUS___ONS
TU___S                 VOUS_____EZ
IL____                   ILS____ENT
ELLE____             ELLES____ENT
*il/elle/on has no ending.

Then we read about Spencer O'Brien a First Nations' Olympian from Alert Bay, BC who competes in slopestyle snowboarding.


The students read for 10 minutes before continuing to work on their novels.  I gave out some information on how to write dialogue, including when to start a new line (for each new speaker) and how to punctuate a conversation.  Tomorrow we are correcting lesson 6 and our vocabulary quiz will be on Friday.


The students read for 10 minutes before continuing to work on their novels.  


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed ER verbs and the students wrote their ER verb quiz.  At the end of class we started story boarding a trip, which the students will greenscreen.

*Good luck to all our Curlers at District tomorrow.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018 (Day 5)


The class reviewed spreadsheet formulas for a final time.  The students then started on their final budget summative by choosing an item that they are going to pay for by creating a budget of their jobs and the money they spend in a month.  We'll continue working next class.

FRENCH 10/20

Today we discussed Les Jeux Olympiques D'Hiver.  The students shared what they enjoy watching.  We also did a reading activity about Alex Harvey, a Canadian cross-country skier.  Whe reading in French remember to:
  • look for words you know
  • look for words that are the same as English
  • use a dictionary when necessary
  • use common sense 
  • look at the pictures (if present)
The students also wrote a couple of sentences about an activity they enjoy and why.


The students read for ten minutes and then continued work on their novels.  I read over everyone's beginnings and gave some feedback.  I was very impressed with the quality of much of the writing.  Many people need to remember that when a conversation is occurring, each time a new speaker talks it is a new sentence.  I also reformatted so everyone is using a size 14 font and has a title in the header.  We are correcting lesson 6 vocabulary on Wednesday.
*Pierce still has his Final Inquiry Blog Post to finish.


The students read for ten minutes and then continued work on their novels.  I read over everyone's beginnings and gave some feedback. I was very impressed with the quality of much of the writing.   Many people need to remember that when a conversation is occurring, each time a new speaker talks it is a new sentence.  I also reformatted so everyone is using a size 14 font and has a title in the header.  As today was a double ELA the students also wrote their vocabulary quiz for lessons 4-6.
*Owen still has his Final Inquiry Blog Post to finish.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018 (Day 4)

FRENCH 10/20

The students completed their summative oral presentations on a family member.  Then they worked on their family posters, which are due Monday at the start of class if they weren't finished in class today.  


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they continued work on their novels.  Everyone needs to turn in their work so far today so I can see the progress made this week.
*Pierce needs to turn in his final Inquiry blog post ASAP.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  I postponed the ER verb quiz until next class Tuesday, February 13th and we did some further practice today.  We also discussed how GER and CER verbs are a bit different for the NOUS conjugation.

Example:    MANGER  --> Nous mangEons  (We eat)
                   COMMENCER -->  Nous commenÇons  (We start)

1.  Drop the ER to get the root, example:   JOUER --> jou
2.  Look at the pronoun, example:  JE
3.  Add the correct ending, example:  Je jouE

JE --E                    NOUS --ONS
TU--ES                  VOUS--EZ
IL--E                      ILS--ENT
ELLE--E               ELLES--ENT


The students read for ten minutes.  We had our final Inquiry presentation. Then they continued work on their novels.  Everyone needs to turn in their work so far today so I can see the progress made this week.
*Owen needs to turn in his final Inquiry blog post ASAP.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We went through the Mon Voyage Exam.Then we headed to the gym to cheer on the Senior Girl's Basketball team.

*Remember - If you sell 5 FRUIT SALE items by the end of the day on Monday you'll be entered for our next Fruit Sale prize draw.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018 (Day 3)


Today we took the team spreadsheets we created yesterday and used some formulas to calculate:

Total height of all players.   =SUM(C2:C13)
Average height of all players. =AVERAGE(C2:C13)
Lightest player. =MIN(D2:D13)
Heaviest player. =MAX(D2:D13)
Average salary. =AVERAGE(E2:E13)
Highest salary. =MAX(E2:E13)
Lowest salary. =MIN(E2:E13)
Highest salary added to lowest salary. =D4+D12
Difference between highest and lowest salary. =D12-D4
Highest salary divided by 5. =D12/5
Lowest salary doubled.  =D4*2

We also copied out Excel spreadsheet and pasted it into a Google sheet.

FRENCH 10/20

The students received formative feedback on their written paragraph about a family member and we reviewed possessives:

Possessive               Feminine     Masculine      Plural

MY                          MA              MON             MES
YOUR (S)               TA                TON              TES
HIS/HERS/ITS        SA               SON              SES
OUR                        NOTRE       NOTRE         NOS
YOUR (PL)             VOTRE       VOTRE         VOS
THEIR                     LEUR          LEUR           LEURS

The students also started posters of 5 people in their families.  They must include: name, realtionship, hair and eyes, age, birthday, where they live, a like, and something they do (profession),  We'll do summative family member orals tomorrow and finish up the family posters.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had time to work on their novels.  Using Google Classroom each student has a document called My Novel.  They are working in that document.  They can put a novel title in the header (if they have one or just my novel) and their name.  They should type Chapter One and then follow their plot diagram.  Each new chapter should start on a new page.
Today was a double ELA day and the students also had time to work on Lesson 6 in their vocabulary booklets.  We will have a test on lessons 4-6 on Friday, February 16th so make sure those lessons are caught up if you have fallen behind. We will correct lesson 6 on Tuesday.


The students read for ten minutes.  We have two remaining Inquiry presentations. Then they had time to work on their novels.  Using Google Classroom each student has a document called My Novel.  They are working in that document.  They can put a novel title in the header (if they have one or just my novel) and their name.  They should type Chapter One and then follow their plot diagram.  Each new chapter should start on a new page.

*Overdue Final Inquiry Blog Posts:  Alijah, Pierce, Preston, Owen, Miquiella

*Missing Presentation:  Ashton B.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018 (Day 2)


Today we set up a spreadsheet for practice use.  Everyone became the owner of a sport's team and chose a team name, players, coaches and mascots.  We recorded the players' heights, weights, and points scored and everyone got paid.  Next day we'll use our data to do some calculations.

FRENCH 10/20

The students shared about yet another member of their family.  Today we included birthday's --> le # mois.  Students also wrote a paragraph about a family member for some formative feedback.  We also corrected the IR verb sheet.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We had the final Inquiry presentations.  The students had the rest of the class to work on their novels.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We will have one final Inquiry presentation tomorrow.  The students had the rest of the class to work on their novels.

*Fruit Sale continues.

*Smoothies at the Booth tomorrow morning from 8:15-8:45 for $2.50.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

The students spoke about another family member in class. Today we included hair and eyes, age, where they live, a like, and something that they do.  We finished correcting ER verbs and introduced a review of IR verbs.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We watched a few Mon Voyage videos from last year to review for our quiz on Province and Territory names in French and a reading activity about two trips.
Then we introduced IR verbs and started a practice sheet.

                                FINIR (To finish)
1. Drop the IR to get the root FINIR -->FIN
2. Look at the pronoun
3. Add the ending.

JE finIS  (I finish)                              NOUS finISSONS  (We finish)
TU finIS (You (s) finish)                   VOUS finISSEZ (You (pl) finish)
IL finIT  (He finishes)                        ILS finISSENT  (They (m) finish)
ELLE finIT (She finishes)                 ELLES finISSENT (They (f) finish)
ON finIT (one finishes)


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we we had more presentations before we looked at how some novels began.  The students will see a last few presentations tomorrow and then will begin to write their novels.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed ER verbs and corrected our practice sheet.  The students will have a quiz on ER verbs on Friday, February 9th.  Don't forget to study.


The students read for 10 minutes.  We looked at how some novels began.  The students then began to write their novels using a doc on Google Classroom.

*Please sell some Fruit.  Anyone with 5 sales by next Monday will be entered in a  prize draw.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018 (Day 6)


We have relocated to Room 100 so the tech set-up is a bit different and the projector took awhile to figure out but we are now good to go.  Today's class was an introduction to Spreadsheets focusing on Excel.  The students learned some formulas including:

=SUM(B2:B7) which will total a column or row
=AVG (B2:B7) which will average a row or column

Addition                =B2+D2    or      =B2+4
Subtraction            = B2-D2    or      =B2-4
Multiplication       =B2*D2    or      =B2*3
Division                =B2/D2     or      =B2/2

FRENCH 10/20

The students orally shared a description of another family member with the class.  Today we included:  name and relationship, hair and eyes, age, one like, and something the person does.
We went through the first 17 answers on our ER verb sheet.  Plus we discussed various family vocabulary words in French.  The students also played the number game until the bell.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we continued with Inquiry presentations.  On Monday the following people will be presenting:  Jayden, Brooklyn, Kaylie J, Piper, Ashton S, Averie and Blaise.  If you have not published your final blog post please do so ASAP as it is now overdue.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we continued with Inquiry presentations.  I believe we only have Ashton B. left to present.  If you have not published your final blog post please do so ASAP as it is now overdue.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for our new topic of Ta Classe.  Then we reviewed ER verbs and did a practice sheet.  Next week we will go over the answers and do some more practice before having a quiz on Friday, February 9th.

*The students received forms for the second Fruit Sale.  Remember if you sell 3 items before Tuesday you will be entered in a draw for $30 in Booth Bucks.

*NO SCHOOL Monday due to a PD Day. Enjoy your long weekend!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018 (Day 5)


The students wrote their Science and Social Finals during class time this morning.

FRENCH 10/20

Everyone shared a French description of one member of their family. We included name and relationship, hair and eye colour, age, and one or more things they like or do.


Ma soeur s'appelle Cara.
Elle a les cheveux bruns, frisés et moyens.
Elle a les cheveux bleus.
Elle a quarante-huit ans.
Elle a un fils, s'appelle Keiran.
Elle aime jouer au soccer.

We then reviewed the verbs AVOIR (to have) and ÊTRE (to be).  * In French you use avoir for age (J'ai ____ ans. I have ___ years.), temperature (J'ai froid. --> I have cold.), and thirst or hunger (J'ai faim.  I have hunger.).

We also reviewed ER verbs, remembering the nous verions of GER and CER verbs are different.
JOUER (to play)

Je jouE (I play)                 Nous jouONS (We play)  *Nous mangEONS.  * Nous commenÇONS.
Tu jouES (You (s) play)   Vous jouEZ (You (pl) play)
Il jouE (He plays)             Ils jouENT (They (m) play)
Elle jouE (She plays)        Elles jouENT (They (f) play)
On jouE (One plays)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then the students started doing their oral presentations on their Inquiry projects.  They spoke about their topic and why they chose it.  Their Essential Question and the answer they found.  Three other interesting facts they learned.
During their presentations the students were to:  be loud and clear, keep eye contact with the audience, know their topic, have a plan, make it interesting, stay on topic, be respectful, and have fun.
We will finish presentations tomorrow:  Austin, Jayden, Brooklyn, Kaylie J, Pierce, James, Piper, Ainsley, Nolan, Emily, Ashton S, Monica, Averie, and Blaise.

The following need to publish their final blog post:  Alijah, Austin, Jayden, Kaylie J, Pierce, James, Nolan, Emily, Ashton S, Averie and Blaise.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then the students started doing their oral presentations on their Inquiry projects.  They spoke about their topic and why they chose it.  Their Essential Question and the answer they found.  Three other interesting facts they learned.
During their presentations the students were to:  be loud and clear, keep eye contact with the audience, know their topic, have a plan, make it interesting, stay on topic, be respectful, and have fun.
We will finish presentations tomorrow:  Ashton B, Andrew, Jarrett, Preston, Owen, Aryanna, Zion, Trevor, Garin, Adam, Miquiella, and Shae.

The following need to publish their final blog post: Ashton B, Preston, Owen, Zion, Miquiella, and Paige T.

We had a second class today where students corrected Lesson 6 in vocabulary.  We will have our quiz on lessons 4-6 on Monday, February 12th so make sure all your notes are up to date.