Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tuesday, October 6, 2020 (Day 2)



Today we did the vocabulary for chapters 20 and 21.  Then we read chapters 19-21, did the questions, did Making it Personal, and a section on Idioms.  See the videos below for what an idiom is and some examples.  We also completed the vocabulary for chapter 22 and read part of the chapter.  Please check Google Classroom for the reading and work that you missed.


We started by correcting our summaries from yesterday. Then we moved onto the paragraph section.

You will need to choose either 1 or 2 (from Nessie- Nasty or Nice? in your Mysteries Booklet) and then write a persuasive paragraph to convince your reader of the side you chose. The assignment is posted on Google Classroom. Write your assignment in your mystery notebook or on a piece of loose leaf paper if you don't have your notebook. Next we corrected all of our notes about Nessie. We used the same rubric as last time. It can be found on Google Classroom as well. Miss Riddell took in the notebooks and rubrics and will mark them as well, so you can see how your marking compares to hers. The next mystery article we do will be a summative on Note Taking.

We then did one new Look-Alike/Sound-Alike for Fine and Find.  After some reading time we corrected and then went on a short walk outside before Math class.

If you were absent please check Google Classroom for all the information that you missed.

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