Today we corrected the Fill-Ins sections and reviewed synonyms using the video below:
Synonyms are words that sound and look different but have almost the same meaning.
For example: grin and smile are synonyms that both mean a happy expression
warm and hot are synonyms that both mean a higher temperature
Today you will be given a word and asked to find the best synonym from a list of words. There may be a couple that fit but you need to look for the best one.
Some strategies to decide what will work best are:
1. Make up a sentence that both words will fit in and that makes sense
2. Use www.thesaurus.com and look up the synonyms for the given word
3. Look back at the original article for clues
When you are making your notes in your book remember to use a heading, the date, and number the choices. Make sure to include the letter and the word of the best synonym.
We also discussed the "Construct a Paragraph" section and decided the sentences should go in the following order: 3, 6, 1, 5, 2, 4. Students wrote a heading and copied the sentences into a paragraph, which was indented.
Students also started the Summarizing section. They chose three of the five to do. Then they read over the paragraph(s) and wrote the most important information down in one sentence. This is homework for tomorrow.
We started by finishing up the Making it Personal section from Chapter 17. Then we did the vocabulary words for chapter 18 before reading the chapter, answering the chapter questions, and completing the Making it Personal paragraph. After a break we started the vocabulary for chapter 19, read chapter 19, answered the questions and did the Making it Personal on edible plants and bugs.
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