Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 (Day 1)


We completed the next two sections of Flying Frisbees: Fill-Ins and Antonyms. Remember to use headings and spacing and copy carefully. If you did not receive 3s or 4s on the summative for "Hauntings or Hokum?" you have a chance to re-assess with your "Flying Frisbees." Please do on loose leaf at home and we'll attach it to your notebook when you return. All information is posted on Google Classroom. Fill-Ins - choose the best word to complete each sentence. Make sure to underline the words you add and use numbers. Be careful to copy exactly and watch out for spelling mistakes and punctuation. Antonyms are opposites. You need to leave a longer line so you can fill in the letter and word for the answer. Example: ___Q __question_____ 12. answer You will not use all the words. You may use dictionary.com to help if you are not sure of the words meanings.


We read the story "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl and did vocabulary and questions about the story.  Then we watched the video.  We'll finish up the Making it Personal questions tomorrow.

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