The students continued working on their Scratch coding to write out their name. It was due at the end of class but a few people will need to finish up tomorrow. If you haven't confirmed your e-mail for scratch it will not let you share. When you are done please post the share link to Google Classroom.
The 9A class started Driver's Ed today. If you do not have your SGI Customer number you need it by Friday or you will be removed from the class. If you are removed from the class you will need to take the Driver's Ed course through SGI, which costs $700.
The students did another practice sheet on using reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. If a verb is reflexive someone is doing something to themselves.
Example: Je me lave. I wash myself.
If they are doing the action to something or someone else it is non-reflexive.
Example: Je lave le chien, I wash the dog.
Then we had a rousing game of Un à Dix and Silent Muffin.
The students read silently for ten minutes. Then we corrected the questions for Chapter Two for "Bifocal". If you were absent the answers may be found on Google Classroom. Chapter 2 Q & A
We then read chapter 3, discussed it and the students did the questions for chapter three. If you were absent information can be found on Google Classroom.
The students read silently for ten minutes. Great reading material for your ten minutes at home is your Driver's Ed manual. Then we corrected the questions for Chapter One of "The Outsiders." You can find the answers on Google Classroom. We also played a Kahoot about chapter one.
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