FRENCH 10/20
We continued with more Imparfait practice. I took in questions 8, 9 and 10 of exercise M. Please hand those in if you were absent.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then the students had 5 minutes to study before our test. Students then completed their tests on body parts and monsters. Finally we brainstormed some attributes of a friend, as friends is the theme of our next unit.
The students watched Act 3 of the David Leveaux version of Romeo and Juliet, starring Orlando Bloom and Condola Rashad. Tomorrow they will be writing a paragraph to compare it to the Baz Luhrman version we watched last class and correcting lesson 10 of our vocabulary booklet.
Five students were in the Chaise Chaud as we finished up the Chiffres theme. Then students had time to put their monsters on a poster and write 10 sentences describing their monster's body parts. They also had time to start practicing presenting their monsters using the question:
Combien de ________ a ton monstre?
and answering:
Il/Elle a _____ ___________. OR Il/Elle n'a pas de ___________.
(#) (body part)
The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we corrected our Lesson 10 vocabulary practice. Finally the students had time to write a good paragraph choosing their favourite version for Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet and backing up their choice with 3 well explained reasons. If not finished they are due at the start of class tomorrow. Those who missed the David Levreaux version may watch it at lunch on Friday and then do their paragraph.
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