Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday, May 31, 2018 (Day 2)


Students started to work on the summative assessment for production processes.  Check Google Classroom for the specifics if you were absent.  We will finish it up tomorrow.

FRENCH 10/20

Today we discussed how to describe the layout of a house or room using position words.  Students practiced drawing from an oral description and describing various rooms to a partner for them to draw. 

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes. Then they had time to design a cover for the novel they are writing.  The novel cover was designed using PicCollage and then e-mailed to Miss Riddell for printing.  It must contain the title of your novel, your name, and a relevant picture.  If you were absent please get this done ASAP.  The students also started planning a Book Talk about their novel.  We will be completing these over the next few classes using the green screen app on the iPads.  See Miss Riddell for a planning sheet if you were absent.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

The students finished recording room and furniture vocabulary for our current theme on houses.  They then worked on some sheets to practice this vocabulary.


The students reviewed and practiced the clothing vocabulary, their colours, and ER verbs with a kahoot.  We also had a few people model and we practiced describing their outfits.


Five students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed and practiced the clothing vocabulary, their colours, and ER verbs with a kahoot.  We also had a few people model and we practiced describing their outfits.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018 (Day 6)


The students went through all the pre-production, production, and post-production information that they had collected on movies/films, tv/webisodes and music/radio.  We collated all this information into one document and discussed it in preparation for next classes' summative assignment.

FRENCH 10/20

The students did a final oral assessment for Passé Composé and Imparfait.  We also went through their exams on the same topic.  Students wishing to re-assess need to complete the review sheet for tomorrow's class and then will re-assess on either Thursday, May 31st at lunch or Tuesday, June 5th at lunch.
We also started reviewing room and furniture vocabulary for our next theme.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students corrected Lesson 12 and then wrote their Exam for Lessons 10-12.  Some had extra time to read.  The following students have overdue assignments:
R & J Pre-Writing (due Mar 12) - Austin & Ashton S.
R & J Act I Film Comparison (due Mar 29) - Austin, Ashton S. & Jayden
R & J Act II Film Comparison (due Apr 20) - Austin & Nolan
R & J Act III Film Comparison (Due May 2) - Austin, Ashton S., Micheal, Miquiella, Trevor
R & J Act IV&V Film Comparison (Due May 22) - Ethan, Preston, Zion, Miquiella, Austin, Torrence, Emily, Ashton S, Averie
Final Romeo and Juliet Essays are due today!  Remember to hand in your printed copy with a title page, body, and bibliography on separate sheets and hand in your planning sheet!

Author last name, first name. (Year of Publication.) Title, publisher, place of publication.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed and practiced clothing vocabulary as a part of our Friends theme.

*GRADE 9 STUDENTS: Please remember to take your Interview questions with you to Take Your Kids to Work Day, AND try to take a selfie or photo, while you are there, to share with the class.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018 (Day 5)


The students had time to finish up their research on two of each of the following:  pre-production, production, and post-production for film/movies, tv/webisodes or radio/music.  We'll discuss tomorrow.

FRENCH 10/20

The students discussed their weekend orally.  Then they had a class to research room and furniture vocabulary for a "La Maison" theme.


The students had time to:
a) share their essays for editing with 3 people using Google Classroom
b) edit three people's essays, using comments in Google Classroom
c) make changes to their essay
d) create a title page, their essay, and a bibliography on a single page
e) turn in their essay on Google Classroom
f) print their essay
g) hand in their essay and planning sheet
h) work on their novels
i) silent read

*Tomorrow we will be writing out Vocabulary 10-11-12 exam.  Make sure you have these lessons done as it is an open book quiz.


The students had a double ELA class so they had time to read silent and work on their essay.  Then they had time to: 
a) share their essays for editing with 3 people using Google Classroom
b) edit three people's essays, using comments in Google Classroom
c) make changes to their essay
d) create a title page, their essay, and a bibliography (on a single page)
e) turn in their essay on Google Classroom
f) print their essay
g) hand in their essay and planning sheet
h) work on their novels
i) silent read

*Tomorrow we will be writing out Vocabulary 10-11-12 exam.  Make sure you have these lessons done as it is an open book quiz.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday, May 25, 2018 (Day 4)

FRENCH 10/20

The students completed their Imparfait/Passé Composé exam and we worked on using both tenses orally.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and then continued working on their final Romeo and Juliet essays. Rough drafts should be done for Monday on Google Classroom as we will edit them in class.

Missing/Overdue Assignments:
Pre-Writing for R & J Due March 12th - Austin and Ashton S.
Act 1 Film Comparison Due March 29th - Ashton S., Austin, Jayden
Act II Film Comparison Due April 20th - Nolan, Austin
Act III Film Comparison Due May 2 - Micheal, Trevor, Miquiella, Austin, Ashton S.
Act V & F Film Comparison Due May 22 - Makayla, Austin, Torrence, Jessica, Reece, Emily, Ashton S, Averie, Jayden, Mark, Ethan, Preston, Aryanna. Zion, Trevor, Abby, Miquiella, Shae


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We finished up our self-portraits.  Everyone used a dictionary to find vocabulary for clothing.


We finished up our self-portraits.  Everyone used a dictionary to find vocabulary for clothing. We went through the vocabulary and played part of a Kahoot to practice.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018 (Day 3)


The students discussed what they discovered happened during planning, shooting and editing of the Old Spice commercial.  Then they were put into pairs and started to research two phases from pre-production, production, and post-production for either movies/film, tv/webisodes or radio/music.  Monday they will have another work period to complete their research.

FRENCH 10/20

We discussed yesterday's activities using past tense and then we did another activity to practice for our Imparfait/Passé Composé quiz.  Remember Imparfait is used for:
a) être, avoir, pouvoir, and vouloir
b) habitual actions (every morning, each day, always, often, rarely)
c) in general, usually, in the past, another time, during, since)
d) indefinite period of time (before, when I was a child, all of his/her life)
e) incomplete action (don't know if or when it ended)
f) background action (imp) to an interruption (pc)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for 10 minutes and then had time to continue work on:
a) Film Comparisons for Act 4 & 5 of Romeo and Juliet (due yesterday)
b) Final Romeo and Juliet Essay (due Monday, May 28th)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 (Day 2)


The students watched a video on the making of an Old Spice commercial and then they thought about the steps needed before filming, during filming, and after filming.  After coming up with components on their own then they worked in pairs to add to their ideas.  We'll discuss as whole group next class.
Students also had some time to finish other assignments and explore in Scratch as well.

FRENCH 10/20

The students discussed when they were 5 using passé composé and imparfait.  Then they practiced using the  two sentences by conjugating verbs in a story about a car accident.  We finished class with a couple of number games.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students who were present read for ten minutes and then had time to:
1.  Complete their Act 4 & 5 Film Comparisons (due today)
2.  Work on their Romeo and Juliet Final Essay (due Monday, May 28th)

*If you missed watching Act 4 & 5 of Romeo and Juliet last week I will be showing the Zeffirelli version at lunch on Friday and the DiCaprio version at lunch on Monday.

*GOOD LUCK to all our T & F athletes at Districts!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

The students discussed their weekends using passé composé and imparfait.  Then we watched the last presentation before the students had time to make changes and corrections to their presentations, which are now due. On Friday we will have our exam on passé composé and imparfait.


Five students were in the Chaise Chaud as we finished up our theme of birthdays.  Then students had time to finsh their self-portraits and describe themselves writing sentecnes in French.
J'ai un visage ovale.  J'ai les cheveux courts, ondulés, et bruns.  J'ai les petits yeux verts.  J'ai un nez moyen.  J'ai une moyenne bouche.

The students also had time to start researching clothing vocabulary.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students had 10 minutes of silent reading.  Then they had work time on analyzing the final three video versions, which we watched of Act IV & V of Romeo and Juliet. The assignment is posted on Google Classroom.  The students also had time to start planning their final essay on Romeo and Juliet, which will explore who they feel is most responsible for the deaths of the main characters.  This assignment is also posted on Google Classroom, including the planning sheet.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we continued to finish the notes on face descriptions such as hair, eyes, nose, and mouth.  Students had time to start a self-portrait and write sentences to describe their facial features as a formative task.

* Good luck to all our T & F athletes competing at Districts on Wednesday and Thursday.  Make sure to check the blog or FB page for what you missed and stay caught up please.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018 (Day 6)

Computers 8

The students had a final class to work on their Spreadsheet Budget assignment.  Next week we will be starting to work on production processes for film making.

French 10/20

The students continued presenting their Famous French People and receiving formative feedback.  We'll finish this up next week and submit a summative copy.  We also played 20 questions.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes silently and then we watched the Baz Luhrman version of Act 4 & 5.  Next week students will complete a final summative paragraph comparing the 3 versions we watched for this last section.  If students missed viewing any versions they need to arrange a time at lunch or after-school to view them next week.  Part of the scenes can be viewed below.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we brainstormed qualities of a friend and started working with words to physically describe a person.

*NO SCHOOL Friday (due to PD) and Monday (due to the Victoria Day Holiday). Enjoy your extra-long weekend!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday, May 6, 2018 (Day 5)


The students had time to work on their Spreadsheet Budget assignment.   They will have time to finish this up tomorrow.

FRENCH 10/20

We continued with Famous French People presentations with formative feedback.


The students watched Act 4 & 5 of the Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet before we headed to watch the Mock Accident organized by SADD.  Part of the video can be seen below.


The students read silently for 10 minutes and then we watched Act 4 & 5 of the Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet.  Part of the video can be seen above.  As it was a double ELA day we also completed Lesson 12 of our vocabulary booklet. We'll correct next week.

*Tomorrow is "We Are Silent" Day where students may choose to remain silent between classes and at noon in support of those around the world who have no voice.  If you do not wish to be silent but wish to support this initiative you can do so by wearing blue.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018 (Day 3)


We practiced using spreadsheet formulae.
=SUM(D2:D15)  - this will add up all the values in the column from D2 to D15
=AVG(D2:D15) - this will average all the values in the column from D2 to D15
=D2+D3 or  =D2+5  - this will add 2 cells or a cell and a number
=D2-D4  or  =D2-3   - this will subtract 2 cells or a cell and a number
=D2*3  or  =D2*D4  - this will multiply a cell by a number or another cell
=D2/3  or  =D2/D4  - this will divide a cell by a number or another cell
=MIN(D2:D14)  - this will find the smallest number in a column
=MAX(D2:D14)  - this will find the largest number in a column

If you were absent there is now a summative activity in Google Classroom on Spreadsheets.

FRENCH 10/20

The students continued presenting their Famous French People to the class and getting some formative feedback.


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then they had time to complete Lesson 12 in their Vocabulary duotangs.  As today was a double ELA day we also corrected the story intensity graph for Romeo and Juliet and the crossword.  Then we watched Act 4 & 5 of the Carlei version.  If you were absent we'll have to arrange a lunch or after school to watch the video (about 35 minutes).


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected the last few bits of the Romeo and Juliet and the crossword.  Then we watched Act 4 & 5 of the Carlei version.  If you were absent we'll have to arrange a lunch or after school to watch the video (about 35 minutes).

*Junior T & F tomorrow.  Be prepared for a hot day - sunscreen, hats, water.  Go to your period 1 class for attendance and then to the gym.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018 (Day 2)


The students started to learn about Spreadsheets and their uses.  We started to make a spreadsheet about a Sport's Team we now own.  We'll finish practicing making formulae next class.

FRENCH 10/20

We continued practicing an action (in imparfait), which is interrupted by an action (in passé composé).
Example:  Je dormais quand le téléphone a sonné.
(I was sleeping when the telephone rang.)

The students started to present their Famous People with lots of formative feedback from myself and the class.


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  We finished correcting Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3.  We corrected the vocabulary from Lesson 11.  The students worked on a story plot for the Romeo and Juliet play and a character crossword, which we'll correct next day.


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  We finished correcting Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3.  We corrected the vocabulary from Lesson 11.  The students worked on a story plot for the Romeo and Juliet play and a character crossword, which we corrected most of this class.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thursday, May 10, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

We once again practiced past actions which are interrupted.
Example: Je faisais du shopping quand j'ai perdu mon sac à main.
                 I was shopping (imparfait) when I lost (pc) my purse.

The students had the rest of the class to work on their presentations on their Famous French people.  We'll start formative presentations tomorrow.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we continued notes on physical descriptions.  The student practiced drawing people's faces and then drew a portrait of themselves and started to write sentences describing themselves in French.


The students read silently for 10 minutes then we continued with Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3.  The students had time to work on the questions for this scene and we will correct next class.


We played a Kahoot to review body parts before our quiz. Then the students wrote their quiz.  Everyone had time to do some DuoLingo or Wordaments on the iPads after. 


The students read silently for 10 minutes then we continued with Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3.  The students had time to work on the questions for this scene and we corrected them.  Students received a crossword and a story graph to complete as well.

*Tomorrow is Hat Day, PJ Day and House Colour Day.  There are lots of ways to show some spirit!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 (Day 6)


This was the last day to complete the Maze program and do any other catch-up required.

FRENCH 10/20

The students continued practicing orally with Imparfait and PC.  They had this class and will have tomorrow's class to complete their presentation on a Famous French Person.


The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we corrected Romeo and Juliet Act 4, Scenes 4 & 5.  Then we read, discussed and correct Act 5, Scenes 1 & 2. We read Scene 3 up to page 121.


The students read silently for 10 minutes. We read and discussed Romeo and Juliet Act 5, Scenes 2. We read Scene 3 up to page 127.


Three people were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we practiced presenting our monsters and we finished up the monster presentations.  We did a bit of a Kahoot in preparation for writing a test on Body Parts tomorrow.  Please study tonight!

*Tomorrow's Spirit Day is Tacky Tourist Thursday!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 (Day 5)


The students had time to continue working on their maze game and finishing up other assignments.

FRENCH 10/20

The students continued orally using Imparfait and Passé Composé to show an interrupted action.
Example:  Hier soir, je marchais avec mon chien quand j'ai vu une fleur.
                 Yesterday evening I was walking when I saw a flower.


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then they correct Act 4, Scene 3 questions for Romeo and Juliet.  They continued and read Scene 4 & 5 and the questions are to be answered for next class.


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then they read Act 4, Scene 5  of Romeo and Juliet.  They did the questions, which are to be answered for next class.  As this was a double ELA day so they also completed Vocabulary Lesson 11.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018 (Day 4)

FRENCH 10/20 

The students practiced using Imparfait and Passé Composé in an oral sentence, when describing an interrupted action.
Example:  Hier soir, j'étais fatiguée, amis j'ai visité avec mes amies.
Yesterday I was tired (imparfait) but I visited my friends (passé composé - interruption).

The students had the rest of the class to work on researching and starting to prepare their presentation in Google slides.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students took a Tell Them From Me type survey and then had time to work on their novels.  If you have now watched both versions of Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, your paragraph is due Tuesday.


The students started a new Chaise Chaud on Les Anniversaires (Birthdays).  Then they had time to practice asking and questions about their monsters before we started presentations.  We'll finish up presentations next class.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we worked on some vocabulary using parts of the head to describe someone's appearance. For example: face shape, hair colour, hair length, and eye colour.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018 (Day 3)


The students had some time to work on their Word Version of their Security/Privacy Internet Plan, finish their Track and Field poster in Word, and finish their name program in Scratch.  These are all now due.  
I am missing the following:
Track & Field Poster (due Apr 24) - Taylor & Mackenzie
Name in Scratch (Apr 30) - Mackenzie
Internet Security/Privacy Plan (May 3) - Maryana, Quinn, Aiden, Hunter, Mackenzie, Jenna

Many students also started to create a maze in Scratch for their next programming project.

FRENCH 10/20

We discussed the last three Imparfait vs Passé Composé questions.  Then the students chose a famous French person to research and present on using their skills in Imparfait and Passé Composé.  We started to research.


The students read silently for ten minutes. Then we read Romeo and Juliet, Act 4, Scenes 1-3.  We corrected scenes 1 and 2 and will correct 3 on Tuesday.  As this was a double ELA day the students also completed Lesson 11 in their vocabulary booklets and some had time to work on their novels.


The students read silently for ten minutes. Then we corrected Act 4, Scenes 1.  Next we read Romeo and Juliet,  Act 4, Scenes 2 - 4, discussed, and corrected.  Then we read up to page 111 of Scene 5.

*ELA 9 - If you missed watching the Orlando Bloom version of Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet I will be playing it in my room at lunch tomorrow (Friday).  Bring your lunch, your sheet and a pencil.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 (Day 2)


The students took their Security/Privacy Plan for using the Internet and put it into a Word document showing their Word skills.  This will be due at the end of class on Thursday.  Some students had time to add to their plan for a re-assessment and to complete work on their Track & Field Poster and their Name program in Scratch.  

FRENCH 10/20

The students did some oral practice using passé composé.  They then watched Episode 4 of Extra en Français and did a summative activity.


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected our Lesson 10 vocabulary practice.  Finally the students had time to write a good paragraph choosing their favourite version for Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet and backing up their choice with 3 well explained reasons. If not finished they are due at the start of class tomorrow.  Those who missed the David Levreaux version may watch it at lunch on Friday and then do their paragraph.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they read Act V, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet and had time to complete the questions about this scene.  We'll correct tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

We continued with more Imparfait practice.  I took in questions 8, 9 and 10 of exercise M.  Please hand those in if you were absent.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students had 5 minutes to study before our test.  Students then completed their tests on body parts and monsters.  Finally we brainstormed some attributes of a friend, as friends is the theme of our next unit.


The students watched Act 3 of the David Leveaux version of Romeo and Juliet, starring Orlando Bloom and Condola Rashad.  Tomorrow they will be writing a paragraph to compare it to the Baz Luhrman version we watched last class and correcting lesson 10 of our vocabulary booklet.


Five students were in the Chaise Chaud as we finished up the Chiffres theme.  Then students had time to put their monsters on a poster and write 10 sentences describing their monster's body parts.  They also had time to start practicing presenting their monsters using the question:
Combien de ________ a ton monstre?
and answering:
Il/Elle a _____ ___________.  OR Il/Elle n'a pas de ___________.
               (#)       (body part)


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then we corrected our Lesson 10 vocabulary practice.  Finally the students had time to write a good paragraph choosing their favourite version for Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet and backing up their choice with 3 well explained reasons. If not finished they are due at the start of class tomorrow.  Those who missed the David Levreaux version may watch it at lunch on Friday and then do their paragraph.