Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday, September 12 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20/30

The students reviewed "ER" verbs.  We discussed Préférer (to prefer) as the accents change:
JE préfèrE
TU préfèrES
IL/ELLE/ON préfèrE
NOUS préférONS
VOUS préférEZ
The students then practiced using sentences with the first verb being conjugated and the second verb as an infinitive.

J'aime faire du ski alpin. (I like to do/go downhill skiing.)
Tu adores lire.  (You (s) adore to read.)
Mon père  préfère faire de la chasse. (My dad prefers to do/go hunting.)
Nous n'aimons pas jouer au football. (We don't like to play football.)
Aimez-vous jouer au basketball?  (Do you (pl) like to play basketball?)
Mes oncles aiment regarder la télévision.  (My uncles like to watch tv.)
Mes tantes adorent écouter de la musique.  (My aunts adore listening to music.)


The students continued with their review.  We did numbers upto 1000, days of the week, months of the year and how to say our birthdays.
Mon anniversaire est le _____ (#) __________ (mois).


The class read for 10 minutes and then we started our first Vocabulary lesson.  We are using a program called Words Are Important.  The students worked together to define the words in a way that made sense to them and then matched the words to appropriate sentences.


Today we had our first Lock Down Drill and then the students learned their first session, which will begin tomorrow and continue for the next two weeks.  The rest of the time was available for study or reading.

*Tomorrow's SPIRIT DAY is JERSEY DAY.  We are also having our TERRY FOX WALK/RUN (please bring a loonie or a toonie) and our CHILI COOK OFF ( $3 for a bowl or $5 for a taste of all the chilis and a vote.)

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