FRENCH 10/20
The students discussed things they did when they were 5 years old. Quand j'avais cinq ans, je . . . Then we practiced our poems for the Music Festival without papers. Next we finished reviewing Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs, which use être when conjugated and add e and s so that the verb agrees with the pronoun.
Example: She went to the store. --> Elle est allée au magasin.
He went to the store. --> Il est allé au magasin.
You (plural) went to the store. --> Vous êtes allé(e)s au magasin.
They (f) went to the store. --> Elles sont allées au magasin.
The students practised their poems for Music Festival with out papers. We discussed some common issues in their novels:
Conversations - start a new line and indent for each new speaker, use quotation marks for all spoken words. Example:
"Hi," said James.
"Hi. How are you?" Jarrett asked.
"I'm great," replied James.
Adam interrupted, " Did you hear what happened to Lola?"
"No! What happened?" demanded James.
Watch contractions:
I'm a good writer.
We're going to the ski hill. vs They were going skiing.
Their house was blue. It was located over there. They're building a new house.
I went to school. The light was too bright. I'm leaving at two.
Make sure to use a consistent tense. Most stories should be in present tense unless they are remembering something.
The students had time to proofread and continue to work on their novels.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then I introduced the RE verb family.
1. Remove the RE vendre--> vend
2. Look at the pronoun
3. Add the proper ending.
VENDRE (to sell)
JE vendS NOUS vendONS
TU vendS VOUS vendEZ
IL vend ILS vendENT
ON vend
The students then did some practice sentences and we corrected most of them.
The students practised their poems for Music Festival with out papers. We discussed some common issues in their novels:
Conversations - start a new line and indent for each new speaker, use quotation marks for all spoken words. Example:
"Hi," said James.
"Hi. How are you?" Jarrett asked.
"I'm great," replied James.
Adam interrupted, " Did you hear what happened to Lola?"
"No! What happened?" demanded James.
Watch contractions:
I'm a good writer.
We're going to the ski hill. vs They were going skiing.
Their house was blue. It was located over there. They're building a new house.
I went to school. The light was too bright. I'm leaving at two.
Make sure to use a consistent tense. Most stories should be in present tense unless they are remembering something.
The students had time to proofread and continue to work on their novels.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then they had this class to work on creating their monster. Monsters are due next class. Some students also had time to start writing sentences to describe their monsters after getting back their formative monster sentences.
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