The students had time to continue working on their NAME programs in Scratch. Most are close to finishing. Because everyone worked so well, Monday's class will be a finish up class for the following assignments:
Privacy & Security Plan (Mackenzie)
Track & Field WORD Poster
Name Program in Scratch
FRENCH 10/20
The students continued to work with Imparfait. Today we went through several examples where Imparfait is used versus Passé Composé.
- set the scene - an event
- habits (every day, each - (one day, suddenly, right away,
morning, in gerneral, immediately, first of all, finally)
usually, long ago,
always, often, rarely)
-definite time period - indefinite period (before, when
(from 1988-1989, he was a child)
during one year, between
16 to 17 years old)
We corrected the rest of the last sheet and now are working on a story to add context.
The students silently read for 10 minutes and then we read and discussed Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 5.
The students watched Act 3 of the Baz Luhrman version of Romeo and Juliet, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Then they silently read for 10 minutes. As today was a double English the students also had time to complete Lesson 10 in their vocabulary booklets. If you were absent the vocabulary is homework and we'll meet at lunch on Monday to watch the video.
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