The students had this class to finish up the following:
Internet Security/ Privacy Plan - Mackenzie
Track & Field Poster in Word - Kyra, Kendra, Braedon, Ethan, Taylor, Danae, Mackenzie
Name in Scratch - Kyra, Braedon, Quinn, Taylor, Danae, Mackenzie
These are now homework for those not done.
FRENCH 10/20
We continued practicing with the imparfait versus passé composé. Tomorrow we'll correct the exercise M sheet.
We watched Act II of the Baz Luhrman version of Romeo and Juliet, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes and then had some reading time.
We watched Act II of the David Leveaux version of Romeo and Juliet, starring Orlando Bloom and Condola Rashad.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. They then had the class to create a drawing of a monster, which is due next class.
*ELA 9 - If you missed the Baz Luhrman version of Romeo and Juliet I will be showing at lunch tomorrow (Tuesday). Bring your lunch, a pencil and your sheet to my room at the bell.
*French 7A - You have your quiz on body parts and monsters tomorrow, so please study!
The students had time to continue working on their NAME programs in Scratch. Most are close to finishing. Because everyone worked so well, Monday's class will be a finish up class for the following assignments:
Privacy & Security Plan (Mackenzie)
Track & Field WORD Poster
Name Program in Scratch
FRENCH 10/20
The students continued to work with Imparfait. Today we went through several examples where Imparfait is used versus Passé Composé.
- set the scene - an event
- habits (every day, each - (one day, suddenly, right away,
morning, in gerneral, immediately, first of all, finally)
usually, long ago,
always, often, rarely)
-definite time period - indefinite period (before, when
(from 1988-1989, he was a child)
during one year, between
16 to 17 years old)
We corrected the rest of the last sheet and now are working on a story to add context.
The students silently read for 10 minutes and then we read and discussed Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 5.
The students watched Act 3 of the Baz Luhrman version of Romeo and Juliet, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Then they silently read for 10 minutes. As today was a double English the students also had time to complete Lesson 10 in their vocabulary booklets. If you were absent the vocabulary is homework and we'll meet at lunch on Monday to watch the video.
*Best of luck to our Badminton players and our archers this weekend!
The students continued working on when to use Imparfait vs Passé Composé. We finished the sheet with Exercise L. If you were absent I can correct your sheet when you return.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read silently for 10 minutes. We went through the last vocabulary quiz. Then they had the remainder of the class to work on their novels.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students finished a formative writing assessment. (If you were absent please hand "Diavlo" into Miss Riddell ASAP. Then we practiced body part vocabulary by doing a Kahoot. The students also had time to start designing their own monster. Remember to bring colouring utensils next class.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we completed monster presentations. The students also reviewed for their exam on body parts by playing a kahoot. The exam will be on Tuesday, May 1st.
The students finished graphing the points to spell out their name. Most also started to program their name in Scratch. Here is an example of what finished projects should look like: UCHS Program
FRENCH 10/20
The students received their passé composé quizzes back and several other summative assessments. Then we continued working with Imparfait. I gave each student a booklet of many verbs to help when they conjugate Imparfait. We continued with a sheet where students had to determine if
PASSÉ COMPOSÉ (definite time, done only once, interrupts another action) should be used or
IMPARFAIT (habitual action, indefinite time, ongoing, an action interrupted by another.)
The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we read Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 3 and 4. We also corrected the discussion questions for these scenes. It was a double ELA day so the students had time to complete Lesson 10 in their vocabulary books.
The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we read Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 5. We also corrected the discussion questions for scenes 4 & 5. I did two book talks on "12 Strong" and "Midnight Sun."
We continued working with Imparfait. The students practiced conjugating imparfait using the following steps:
1. conjugate the present tense nous form example: ALLER --> nous allons
2. remove the "ons" to get the root --> ALL
3. add the correct ending for the pronoun --> J'allAIS
The students read silently for 10 minutes and then we continued reading Romeo & Juliet. We finished reading and discussing to the end of Act III, Scene 2.
The students read silently for 10 minutes and then we continued reading Romeo & Juliet. We finished reading and discussing to the end of Act III, Scene 4.
We started discussing the use of Imparfait today. Please watch the following video if you were absent.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we began presenting our monsters using the following question and answer format.
Combien de _______________ a ton monstre?
Mon monstre a _________ ______________.
-OR- Mon monstre n'a pas de _____________.
The students read and then we acted out, read, and discussed Romeo & Juliet Act 3, Scene 1. We'll correct the questions tomorrow.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed body parts with a Memory Game. Finally we described one monster together and the students described a second monster on their own as a formative task. Please bring your markers or pencil crayons next class.
The students read silently and then we read and discussed Romeo & Juliet Act 3, Scenes 2 & 3. We'll do the questions tomorrow.
The students are putting their searching and word skills to use today by doing the following assignment on Word and Google Classroom, which will be due next class (Tuesday).
1. Research a Track and Field event on the Internet.
2. Find out: a) How do you do this event? (instructions) b) What is the Canadian Record for this event? c) Who holds the record? d) What is the World Record for this event? e) Who holds the record? f) One interesting fact about this event.
3. Make your poster in a WORD document and be sure to include: a) the information you found above (credit your sources) b) a title c) 3-4 pictures (use Creative Commons pictures) d) YOUR NAME
4. Turn in your poster by attaching it to the assignment on Google Classroom
FRENCH 10/20
The students discussed this past week's events in French and then they did their Passé Composé quiz. If you were absent you will be writing this quiz Tuesday at noon. We also read an article on 5 Famous French Women and their accomplishments.
The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we finished watching the Carlei version of Act II of Romeo and Juliet. The students then wrote a paragraph choosing their favourite version (either the recorded play from Stratford or the Carlei movie version) and explaining why they chose it, giving at least three examples and explanations from the two films. They focused on the differences of a play versus a movie for this comparison.
The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we re-enacted Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene 1.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we read and discussed a French Canadian legend, involving werewolves and a flying canoe. The students also described a werewolf using their body vocabulary.
*Grade 9's - Remember you are receiving a slice of pizza and a pop at lunch on Monday as your prize for Activate. Also, if you have not written your vocabulary quiz you need to complete it Tuesday at noon in my room. Bring a pencil and your lunch.
*Ainsley, Lola, and Nolan need to get their pizza and come to my room on Monday at noon to watch the Carlei version so they can write their paragraphs.
The students shared and discussed what they know about Word and where to find and use many features. If you did not finish your assignment it should now be done and turned in on Google Classroom.
FRENCH 10/20
The students discussed, in French, yesterday's activities. Points to watch out for:
*Don't forget the article in sentences
example: J'ai fait MES devoirs. (my) J'ai fait LES devoirs. (the)
*When going to a town or city it is always to using à
example: Je suis allée à Saskatoon.
*When discussing amounts of food de la, du, and des are the best articles as they denote "some" food not a specific amount
example: J'ai mangé DU poulet. (I ate SOME chicken.)
J'ai mangé une poulet. (I ate ONE chicken.)
We also practiced using avoir and être with passé composé for our QUIZ tomorrow.
The students read for 10 minutes and then had time to continue work on their novels. Anyone who missed our Vocabulary quiz for lessons 7-9 will complete this at lunch on Tuesday.
The students did their vocabulary quiz for lessons 7-9. They read silently and they had time to work on their novels. Anyone who missed our Vocabulary quiz for lessons 7-9 will complete this at lunch on Tuesday.
*SLC 's tonight from 4 - 8 pm. See you there!
*ACTIVATE Prizes! Grade 9's you will receive your pizza and pop prize MONDAY at lunch. Available in the Home Ec room. Congratulations on projects well done!
The students performed their two poems at the Music Festival and received marks of 85% on both and a Certificate of Honor! Excellent work. Then we continued practicing passé composé, focusing on regular and irregular verbs conjugated with avoir for our Quiz on Friday.
Ex: être (to be) J'ai été
prendre (to take) Tu as pris
avoir (to have) Il a eu
vouloir (to wish or want) Elle a voulu
devoir (to have to, must) Nous avons dÛ
faire (to do or make) Vous avez fait
The 9A class did a great job of their poems at Music Festival. They received a Certificate of Merit for their work. The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we watched the rest of the Stratford version of Romeo and Juliet and started the Carlei version. Students will finish watching the Carlei version on Friday. Tomorrow we will have some novel work time.
The students started a new Chaise Chaud on numbers. Then we reviewed body part vocabulary and did a crossword to practice.
The 9B class did a great job of their poems at Music Festival. They received a Certificate of Honor for their work. The students read silently for 10 minutes. Then we watched the Carlei version of Romeo and Juliet and wrote a paragraph comparing the play (Stratford version) to the movie (Carlei version). Tomorrow the students will be doing their vocabulary quiz for lessons 7-9 and work on their novels.
The students started a new Chaise Chaud on birthdays. They then had time to practice, asking and answering questions about their monster's body parts, in preparation for presentations next day.
Combien de ___________ a ton monstre?
Mon monstre a ________ ________________. -or- Mon monstre n'a pas de ____________.
*Remember SLC's are tomorrow night 4- 8 pm. Come show your parents what you know, pick up your report cards, and grade 9's choose your courses for grade 10.
We discussed what you may find when you "Google" yourself or search your name on another search engine. It is a good idea to search yourself regularly to maintain a positive Digital Footprint. Then the students had time to work on an assignment showing what they know how to use on Microsoft Word. For each item they needed to tell where they found it, what it does and then give an example. We'll finish this up next class.
FRENCH 10/20
The students discussed, in French, what they did yesterday. Then we practiced our poems for Music Festival, which is tomorrow. Lastly, we reviewed passé composé with avoir and être. We corrected a sheet and we will have a quiz on Friday, April 20th.
The students practiced their poems for tomorrow. Then we did our vocabulary quiz for lessons 7-9 and had some silent reading time. In our second ELA class we read, finished reading and discussing Act 2, Scene 5 & 6. We also started watching a Stratford version of Act 2.
The students practiced their poems for tomorrow. Then we started watching a Stratford version of Act 2 starring Megan Follows.
*For Music Festival tomorrow. Please dress nicely (no ripped jeans, sweats or pajama pants.) Leave your phone in your locker. Relax and smile!
a) finish and submit their Personal Security/Privacy Plan
b) complete a digital footprint activity
*Both are due next class!
FRENCH 10/20
We practiced our poems in preparation for Wednesday. Then we discussed, in French, our weekends and continued working with passé composé using both avoir and être as auxiliary verbs. We'll correct the practice sheet tomorrow.
The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. The students are performing Wednesday morning and should be dressed nicely (no ripped jeans or sweats or pajama pants please). Then we finished reading Act 2, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet and discussed the questions and answers for that scene.
The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. The students are performing Wednesday morning and should be dressed nicely (no ripped jeans or sweats or pajama pants please). Then we finished reading Act 2, Scene 5 & 6 of Romeo and Juliet and discussed the questions and answers for those scenes.
*Check out my Facebook page if you'd like to see a few of our poems in action.
The students discussed, in French, some activities they did this past week. We practiced our poems for Music Festival and continued reviewing Dr & Mrs. Vandertramp passé composé verbs.
Seven students were in the Chaise Chaud as we finished this topic up before Report Cards. Then the students had time to complete their summative task by creating a monster and labeling it with 10 sentences describing its many body parts. If you were absent your monster will be due next class, Wednesday, April 18th. Come see me if I have your monster picture.
The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. We corrected Lesson 9 in their Vocabulary booklets and had some silent reading time, although the silent was questionable.
The students reviewed RE verbs before we had our quiz. Then we did some more practice of the vocabulary for various body parts and some new notes. If you were absent please make arrangements to write your test at a lunch next week.
The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. We finished Act 2, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet and had some silent reading time.
*Good luck to our badminton players, dancers, and archers who are competing in various locations this weekend. Safe travels everyone!
The students had this class to work on their Personal Internet Privacy and Security Plans. Thy will get part of next class to finish these up.
French 10/20
The students had a discussion, in French, of activities they did when they were 10 years old. Then we practiced our poems for Music Festival and continued working with passé composé. We corrected a sheet using Aller (went) and started work on one using a variety of Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs.
The students practiced their Music Festival poems. Then we read and discussed Act 2, Scene 3 and started to read Act 4.
The students watched part of a movie called "Fed Up" about the United States relationship to junk food. They will be starting a summative assessment when they complete the movie tomorrow.
The students practiced their Music Festival poems. Then we read and discussed Act 2, Scene 3 and started to read Act 4.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed RE verbs for our quiz tomorrow. We corrected our practice sheet and played a Kahoot. We will have our RE verb quiz tomorrow.
*Congratulations to the grade 9's who all won a pizza and drink lunch, date to be determined, for their ACTIVATE project. The project was planning and running a Buddy Lunch for the grade 6's.
The students played a Kahoot to review their knowledge of Internet Privacy & Security. The students will be doing their own personal Privacy & Security plan and will have next class to work on it.
FRENCH 10/20
The students shared, in French, what they did yesterday with Mr. Herrick. They also practiced their Music Festival poems. The students also watched Episode 3 of Extra en Français and did a summative activity.
The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. We will be performing on Wednesday, April 18th at UPS in the morning. The students also had time to continue work on their novels.
The students spent periods 4 & 5 in the gym enjoying our celebration of this year's Activate programs. Jordan Hus of the Saskatchewan Roughriders attended and also did a presentation.
The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. We will be performing on Wednesday, April 18th at UPS in the morning. The students also had time to continue work on their novels.
The students discussed things they did when they were 5 years old. Quand j'avais cinq ans, je . . . Then we practiced our poems for the Music Festival without papers. Next we finished reviewing Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs, which use être when conjugated and add e and s so that the verb agrees with the pronoun.
Example: She went to the store. --> Elle est allée au magasin.
He went to the store. --> Il est allé au magasin.
You (plural) went to the store. --> Vous êtes allé(e)s au magasin.
They (f) went to the store. --> Elles sont allées au magasin.
The students practised their poems for Music Festival with out papers. We discussed some common issues in their novels:
Conversations - start a new line and indent for each new speaker, use quotation marks for all spoken words. Example:
"Hi," said James.
"Hi. How are you?" Jarrett asked.
"I'm great," replied James.
Adam interrupted, " Did you hear what happened to Lola?"
"No! What happened?" demanded James.
Watch contractions:
I'm a good writer.
We're going to the ski hill. vs They were going skiing.
Their house was blue. It was located over there. They're building a new house.
I went to school. The light was too bright. I'm leaving at two.
Make sure to use a consistent tense. Most stories should be in present tense unless they are remembering something.
The students had time to proofread and continue to work on their novels.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then I introduced the RE verb family.
1. Remove the RE vendre--> vend
2. Look at the pronoun
3. Add the proper ending.
VENDRE (to sell)
JE vendS NOUS vendONS
TU vendS VOUS vendEZ
IL vend ILS vendENT
ON vend
The students then did some practice sentences and we corrected most of them.
The students practised their poems for Music Festival with out papers. We discussed some common issues in their novels:
Conversations - start a new line and indent for each new speaker, use quotation marks for all spoken words. Example:
"Hi," said James.
"Hi. How are you?" Jarrett asked.
"I'm great," replied James.
Adam interrupted, " Did you hear what happened to Lola?"
"No! What happened?" demanded James.
Watch contractions:
I'm a good writer.
We're going to the ski hill. vs They were going skiing.
Their house was blue. It was located over there. They're building a new house.
I went to school. The light was too bright. I'm leaving at two.
Make sure to use a consistent tense. Most stories should be in present tense unless they are remembering something.
The students had time to proofread and continue to work on their novels.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then they had this class to work on creating their monster. Monsters are due next class. Some students also had time to start writing sentences to describe their monsters after getting back their formative monster sentences.
*Tomorrow is ACTIVATE DAY! As a part of tomorrow, Saskatchewan Roughrider Jorgen Hus and the Red Cross will be giving a presentation before our Activate Day festivities! Jorgen Hus will be available for autographs during the noon hour, starting at 12pm, so bring your Rider gear to get it signed!
The students discussed their jot notes on Privacy and Security on the Internet and added to them. They will be using this information to create a personal privacy and security plan. If you were absent make sure your jot notes are complete.
FRENCH 10/20
The students orally shared what they did on their break in French. Then we practiced our poems for Music Festival, remember no papers for tomorrow. The students also watched a slideshow to review the verbs using être for passé composé. DR & MRS VANDERTRAMP
We practiced our poems for Music Festival, remember no papers for tomorrow, before discussing, and finishing reading, Romeo & Juliet Act 2's Prologue and Scene 1 & 2. As this was our double ELA day we also completed Lesson 9 of the vocabulary booklet. We will be correcting this on Wednesday so make sure your are done for then.
We practiced our poems for Music Festival, remember no papers for tomorrow, before discussing, and finishing reading, Romeo & Juliet Act 2's Prologue and Scene 1 & 2.
*Tomorrow we are having a Hat Day for $1. All proceeds will go to Humboldt and will be matched by a local business.