The students read silently for ten minutes. Then we finished correcting the chapter 13 questions. We read chapter 14,finished, and corrected the questions. Then we read chapter 15 up to page 160. We'll finish up tomorrow.
The students read silently for ten minutes. Then the students completed Lesson 4 in Words are Important, parts A, B and C. We will be correcting next class - Friday, December 20th.
Still working in future tense the students gave clues to a profession.
Je vais travailler avec les animaux,
Je vais aider les gens.
Je vais marcher beaucoup.
(I am going to work with dogs. I am going to help people. I am going to walk a lot.)
Je vais être une marcheuse de chiens. (I am going to be a dog walker.)
We finished correcting our sheet from yesterday. Then the students had time to start planning their final project, where they will be in 10 years. They will create a Google Slideshow with a sentence and picture for each slide. 10 slides for all but 11s and 12s need to add more details.
Dans 2029
Je vais avoir deux enfants. (I am going to have two children.)
Je vais habiter à Montreal. (I am going to live in Montreal.)
Je vais avoir beaucoup d'argent. (I am going to have a lot of money.)
*Remember to sneak your gift in before next Friday.
Last day we discussed 10 ways to build positive and healthy relationships. Today the students were put into groups of 3. They were each given one way and they had to pick a job and then make a skit showing the way was used positively and one way it was used negatively. They green screened their skits. We'll need one more class to finish this up.
The students continued watching "October Sky." They also received their Interview questions for over the break. If you were absent the questions are also posted in Google Classroom. Make sure to interview someone over 60 over the break. We'll be using your interview information in the new year.
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