Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2108 (Day 6)


The students began using future tense, which involves using the verb aller and an infinitive.  Example: Demain, je vais manger de la pizza.  (Tomorrow, I am going to eat some pizza.)
They also played a board game based on all the Remembrance Day stories we've read over the last week.


The students received a new Chaise Chaud on numbers.  We went through the answers to the questions and they had time to practice.  Next day three students will be in the Chaise Chaud.  Please have your envelope and any thing you wish to send ready for next French class for your pen pal.  
The students  also reviewed ER verbs.
a) remove the ER to get the root parler--> parl
b) look at the pronoun
c) add the correct ending
Je parle
Tu parles
Il/Elle/On parle
Nous parlons   *remember manger --> mangeons  & commencer --> commençons
Vous parlez
Ils/Elles parlent

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for 10 minutes then we corrected the questions on Chapter One of "The Outsiders." We started to read Chapter 2.


The students discussed the term well-being, which is the state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous.  The students brainstormed basic needs such as:  food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, education, feelings of belonging.  Then the students did a jigsaw activity where they recorded how different roles and activities effected their Emotional, Mental, Physical, and Economic Well-being.  Then we discussed as a whole group.

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