Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018 (Day 2)


The students continued practicing using future tense by combining aller and the infinitive of a verb.


Je vais aller au parc.  I am going to go to the park.

Tu ne vas pas finir tes devoirs. You(s) are not going to finish your homework.

Va-t-il avoir un livre?  Is he going to have a book?


The students received their new Chaise Chaud sheets, which are about numbers.  Then they finished up their pen pal letters.  Finally, we reviewed how to conjugate ER verbs. 

a) Drop the ending (er) to get the root, parler --> parl
b) Look at the pronoun
c) Add the correct ending

JE parlE (I talk)
TU parlES (You (s) talk)
IL parlE (He talks)
ELLE parlE (She talks)
ON parlE (One talks)
NOUS parlONS (We talk)
VOUS parlEZ (You (pl) talk)
ILS parlENT (They (m) talk)
ELLES parlENT (They (f) talk)


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we finished reading chapter 2.  The students received questions to work on for Chapter 2.  These questions are due for the start of class on Tuesday.  If you were absent make sure you get the sheets on Monday and get prepared for class on Tuesday.  Remember there are links to a paper copy and a recorded copy of "The Outsiders" on Google Classroom.  I'll also post the Chapter 2 questions there and the answers to Chapter 1's questions.


They had Driver's Ed instead of ELA today.


We met for Creative Writing but then went to the gym to hear the Rock Band perform.


The students started their new Chaise Chaud sheets, which are about numbers.  Then they finished up their pen pal letters.  Finally, we reviewed how to conjugate ER verbs. 

a) Drop the ending (er) to get the root, parler --> parl
b) Look at the pronoun
c) Add the correct ending

JE parlE (I talk)
TU parlES (You (s) talk)
IL parlE (He talks)
ELLE parlE (She talks)
ON parlE (One talks)
NOUS parlONS (We talk)
VOUS parlEZ (You (pl) talk)
ILS parlENT (They (m) talk)
ELLES parlENT (They (f) talk)

Then we corrected the sheet they had started last day.

*Next week is a SPIRIT WEEK - Monday is Cozy Day!

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