Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018 (Day 4)


The students wrote their Past Tense exams today.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed how to write a news article.  We read the attached example and then students started on their own news article based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding."  Rough drafts should be done for tomorrow when we'll edit and type a good copy on Google Classroom.  Final copies are due Monday, November 5th.  You will need to hand in your rough draft, rubric, and a printed good copy.

Write a news article based on the story. 
Remember most articles are short, factual reports about people and events. 
The first line is called the lead and includes: who, where, when, and what. 
Then the next paragraphs explain the how and why. 
As your article continues Include three quotes from other characters involved in the story (the drunk, Angela, Freddy, the old lady, Laura, the cop) to bring the article to life for your readers. 
Remember quotes should be written with quotation marks: Freddy Brown stated, "I was walking home with my girlfriend Angela when we entered the alley off 33rd Ave."
Make sure to write a conclusion for your article.
Make sure to include a catchy headline.
You will have to think of names or last names for the characters. We know the story is set in New York City. You decide what street.

If you need it for reference the story can be found at:on-the-sidewalk-bleeding.pdf


Three students were in our first Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed être for our quiz next class (Tuesday, November 6th.)

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