Monday, November 5, 2018

Monday, November 5, 2018 (Day 6)


The students reviewed Impartfait verbs.  Then we continued reading the Animal Stories about Remembrance Day.  We finished the introduction and the story about poppies by Bonfire Jr.  We discussed where they used imparfait and passé composé.  We also saw the use of future tense.


We finished our pen pal letter rough drafts and started to type our good copies.  We'll finish up next class.

ELA 9B & 9A

The students read for 10 minutes.  They then had the class to finish editing their news article rough drafts and then type a good copy on Google Classroom.  The rough draft, rubric and a good copy must be done for the start of class tomorrow. Students also had an opportunity to sign out "The Outsiders" as well.


The students had their last class to  complete the Young Workers Readiness Course and take the test for their certificate.  They must receive 75% to pass.  The test can be re-taken until they achieve this mark or higher.  Students must print a copy of their certificate and then have it signed by a parent before turning it in.  When students completed the course they had time to work on a poster about what they learned.


The students continued work on a poem or a short story to enter in a contest.

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