We finished reviewing the verbs used with Être:
Devenu (became)
Revenu (came back)
Monté (climbed up)
Rentré (came back / rentered)
Sorti (exited)
Venu (came)
Allé (went)
Né (born)
Descendu (went down)
Entré (entered)
Retourné (returned)
Tombé (fell)
Resté (stayed)
Arrivé (arrived)
Mort (died)
Parti (left)
Then we did a practice with PARTIR and played a rousing game of FRUIT BASKET UPSET.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then they had time to finish writing and posting 3 avoir sentences and 3 être sentences on Google Classroom. They also had time to either finish overdue Colour Poems, use DuoLingo, and win some Free Rice.
OVERDUES: Colour Poem - Shea
Avoir/Être sentences - Tristin
The students read for ten minutes. Then we discussed plagiarism. Unfortunately several students copied Sonnets directly off the Internet and will be facing further consequences. The students then had time to complete the rough drafts of their Remembrance Day poems. Poems need to be edited by 4 people before being typed out on Google Classroom and handed in for the Legion to pick up. They are due by the end of class tomorrow.
The students had this class to continue working through the Young Workers Readiness Certificate Course. We should be finishing up in the next two classes. When they are done and have passed with at least 70% they will be bringing a certificate home to be signed by a parent or guardian.
The students received their Fruit Sale order forms today. Sales will run until November 2nd. Each student should sell 5 items at least. Current sessions for Warrior time will continue for an extra week. So next Wednesday we will be signing up for new sessions.
The students read for ten minutes. Then we discussed plagiarism. Unfortunately several students copied Sonnets directly off the Internet and will be facing further consequences. We read through several examples of poetry from the wars. Students were given their rubric and time to brainstorm. On Friday they will be writing a rough draft, which must be finished for class on Tuesday. These poems will be submitted to the Legion contest.
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