The students corrected the Look-alike/Sound-alike pages for Been/Being (Practice #1 from 10 on) and Buy/By (Practice #1).
Next the class went through a Google Slideshow about Six Word Memoirs.
They then followed four steps to create their own Six Word Memoir:
a) Brainstorm as many words as they can about themselves.
b) Pick the top six words.
c) For the title add their name with an 'S at the end. Example: Miss Riddell's Six Word Memoir.
d) Put their words in the first (or second) box of the template. (The template is available on Google Classroom if they were absent.) Make sure your letters take up most of the space in your box.
e) In the second box on each row add an illustration, quotation, fact about the word opposite.
f) Lastly colour their memoir.
The students finished chapter two and completed the Making it Personal questions. They made a family crest for the character of either Jared Fredrickson or Kyle Badger. They did the definitions for the chapter three vocabulary before reading chapter three. Next they answered the questions on chapter three and then Made it Personal by writing a paragraph about what makes a good friend. Lastly they added to Jared's List of Why He Can Never-Ever Be Friends with Kyle.
* Remember tomorrow is Jersey Day and the Terry Fox Walk. Please bring a loonie!
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