Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 (Day 1)


The students finished up their persuasive paragraph on the Bermuda Triangle.  Is it real and you chould avoid it or is it just a big hoax?  They used the sentence given in their booklet to strt their paragraph and then used the article to add three reasons why we should believe them, followed up with a concluding sentence.  Indenting the first line five spaces, writing neatly, and using correct spelling and punctuation should have been included.

After writing the students had some time to read silently and some grabbed new books. We had a quick body stretch and then started to do a self-evaluation of their note-taking skills so far.  Everyone received a rubric and first they examined their Persuasive Paragraph for CORRECT CONTENT.  They looked at the criteria and then gave themselves the percentage they thought they deserved.  Next they looked at all the notes in their notebooks to rate themselves on ORGANIZATION, STYLE, MECHANICS, and USEFULNESS. This involved deciding on if they should receive a 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2, , 1.5 or 1 overall for each topic.  These marks were strictly for the students own use.  After we finish the next section they will evaluate their work and so will I.  On the third section I will evaluate their work as a Summative mark.

If you were absent there is a rubric and a short video on Google Classroom with further instructions.  

At the end of class the students read the next article to themselves "Nessie - Nasty or Nice?" and we started to read it aloud in class.


Today we read chapter 13 and did the four questions on that short chapter.  Then we did the vocabulary for chapter 14, read chapter 14, and answered the questions.  After a break we did some work with homonyms:

and the Making it Personal questions.  We also watched a couple of videos of the Saskatchewan Rush to find out some Lacrosse facts.

If you were absent please check Google Classroom to get caught up.

Remember tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day!

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