The students did the vocabulary words for Chapter Six, read the chapter, answered the chapter questions, and did the Making it Personal section. We had a short break. Then we did the vocabulary words for Chapter Seven, read the chapter, answered the chapter questions, and added to Jared's List of why he and Kyle will never be friends. If you were absent listen to the chapters on Google Classroom. There are copies of the questions to print out and complete. At the end of class we made a list out all the words we could think of from the letters in Wesakechak and played hangman.
The students used their second notes book to start learning to take notes correctly. Today we focused on vocabulary from "The Bermuda Triangle" story that we read on Friday. We used to search up our vocabulary words. We also looked at them in the sentences they appeared in to find the best definition, which we then wrote in our own words.
a) Always start with a heading. Today we used: The Bermuda Triangle as our top heading. We wrote it behind the margin on the top of the page. We also underlined it. Then we left a blank line and wrote a second heading and the date: Vocabulary - Sept. 21
b) We started our definition of the vocabulary by numbering them. We wrote the number either right before or right after the margin.
c) Spacing is important and today we left a line between each definition.
d) Out vocabulary words looked like this:
1. inexplicable (adjective) - unexplained
blank line
2. derelict (adjective) - abandoned, left behind
blank line
3. frigate (noun) - an old sailing ship with cannons
10. disorient (verb) - to lose one's way, to be confused
Some student had time to read their novels or just relax for a few minutes.
*Eight students borrowed notebooks and need to bring three more for their school supplies (one to replace the borrowed one).
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