Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday, September 25, 2020 (Day 2)


Today's chapter from "The Hill" covered a lot of information.  We started with vocabulary words, several of which were items of clothing.  Then we read chapter Twelve.  We completed the comprehension questions and discussed the story so far.  We finished up by making a representation and putting in order elements of a creation legend told in the novel.  It was the story of how Kisemanito, the Great Spirit, created the earth and all the creatures on it.  


Today we discussed how to write a Persuasive Paragraph.  There is a slideshow with an explanation posted in Google Classroom.  Each paragraph should have:
a) a topic sentence - telling what you are trying to convince your readers to believe
b) the body - 3 sentences giving reasons to back up your belief
c) a conclusion sentence - restating your original idea in a new way

Here is my example:

      I believe it is important to be kind to everyone and you should too.  Kindness is free and does not cost you anything.  It makes someone else feel good about themselves, something they made or something they did.  If you are kind it makes you feel good as well.  Everyone should be kind and make the world a better place.

The students then chose a topic to write on and wrote a persuasive paragraph in their notebooks. We had some reading time and went for a walk. We just got started writing a second persuasive paragraph on the Bermuda Triangle when the bell rang. We'll finish this up on Tuesday. Everyone got a treat for helping to sanitize desks this week.

Have a great weekend!

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