Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018 (Day 2)


The students watched videos about story boarding and shot types.  We also discussed shot types in the categories of camera framing (establishing shots, long shots, medium shots, close-ups), camera movements (zooming, panning, dolly shots, tracking, tilting), and composition (bird's eye view, high angle, neutral, low, worm's view).  Students had a few minutes to work on their Production Processes assignment, which is now due.  If you were absent today go to Google Classroom and watch the videos.

FRENCH 10/20

The students, once again, described each other's outfits.  We did some planning for our Music Festival poems.  The students also continued working on the rough draft of their pen pal letters.


We discussed Elizabethan English and some common words used by Shakespeare.  Example:  Whither art thou eating dinner?  --> Where are you eating dinner?
and did some quick translations.  The students then signed out their copies of Romeo and Juliet.  They also had ten minutes of silent reading time.


The students read for 10 minutes and then we started to read Romeo and Juliet.  We listened to the Prologue and Act 1, Scene 1 and started discussing them.

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