Well we were off to a confusing start as the new sections were supposed to start today but we had 2 subs and unclear instructions so the Red Section will start Computers Monday and some extra IA time today. The Yellow Section got some bonus computer time and the Blues started Home Ec.
FRENCH 10/20
We had an enormous class of 4 as everyone else was headed off for Basketball. Go Warriors! The people in class finished up the rough drafts of their pen pal letters and had time to work on other subjects.
The students read for 10 minutes. We corrected Lesson 8 in our vocabulary booklets. Then we listened to and corrected Act 1, Scene 2 and started listening to Scene 3.
The students had a work period to work on their 15 minute presentations on a Social Issue. Some chose to use their time more effectively than others.
The students read for 10 minutes. Then we listened to Romeo & Juliet Act 1, Scene 2 & 3 & 4 and discussed and corrected Scene 2 & 3.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We discussed the video they watched last class "Chez Mimi." Then we started practicing the IR verbs.
FINIR - to play
a) drop the IR FINIR--> FIN
b) look at the pronoun
c) add the proper ending
JE finIS (I finish) NOUS finISSONS (We finish)
TU finIS (You (s) finish) VOUSfinISSEZ (You (pl) finish)
IL finIT (He finish) ILS finISSENT (They (m) finish)
ELLE finIT (She finish) ELLES finISSENT (They (f) finish)
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