Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 (Day 4)


The students had ten minutes of silent reading and then had the rest of the class to work on their Inquiry projects.  Each student has found an Essential question on a topic related to their novel.  They are now researching multiple websites and blogging jot notes on each site as they work towards formulating an answer.


The students reviewed using Passé Composé with the verb AVOIR as the helping verb.

J'ai mangé la pizza.  I have eaten the pizza. or I ate the pizza.   ER-->É

Tu as fini tes devoirs.  You (s) have finished your homework.  IR-->I

Il a attendu l'autobus.  He has waited for the bus.  RE-->U

We also discussed some irregular verbs.

Example:  FAIRE --> FAIT              COMPRENDRE --> COMPRIS         AVOIR --> EU

Nous avons fait du gâteau.  We have made some cake.

Vous avez compris le leçon.  You (pl) have understood the lesson.

Ils ont eu un chien.  They (m) had had a dog.

We also reviewed negatives where the NE and PAS go around AVOIR.


Elle N'a PAS joué le basketball.  She had NOT played basketball.

Elles N'ont PAS vu l'arc en ciel.   They (f) have NOT seen the rainbow.


Today students had time to finish their WORD versions of their Security/Privacy Plans.  Most were moving on to their first programming task by graphing out coordinated on an x and y plane to spell out their names.  An example of  a similar project is found at this link:


The students had ten minutes of silent reading and then had the rest of the class to work on their Inquiry projects.  Each student has found an Essential question on a topic related to their novel.  They are now researching multiple websites and blogging jot notes on each site as they work towards formulating an answer. 
As today was our double class the students also had time to work on Lesson 5 in their Vocabulary booklets.  We will be correcting next Monday.

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