Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019 (Day 4)

Wow!  What a busy first few days.  We are now getting into routine and the work is beginning.

Computers 7B

Today we had our first class and went through some rules about the care and feeding of our computers.  The students will be using laptops, Chromebooks, and iPads this year.  In computers we will be using Google Classroom and working mostly with the laptops in lab 104.  Check here or on Facebook to see what we are doing.  Today we got almost everyone logged in, just a few more sheets that the office needs to go through to enable accounts.


The students are starting each class with 10 minutes of silent reading.  We have calculated our reading goal for the week, based on reading ten minutes in class and ten minutes at home, each day.  That is twenty minutes on the weekend.  Today the students set some learning goals for improvement and started to write about themselves.  I'm looking to some reading this weekend,


We have started with the theme of family.  The students have talked about several members of their families in French and written about one as a formative assessment.  We have also reviewed the verbs Avoir, Être, and ER verbs.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students are starting each class with 10 minutes of silent reading.  We have calculated our reading goal for the week, based on reading ten minutes in class and ten minutes at home, each day.  That is twenty minutes on the weekend.  The students have set some learning goals for improvement. We discussed what a poem is and the 9A students started to brainstorm their first poem about themselves.


We met once and discussed course outlines.  This class only meets once every six days so attendance is important.  Next class we will start working on our Young Workers Readiness Certificate so students will need headphones.


This class of 30 went through the class outline for our first class and started making a pennant about themselves.  This class only meets once every six days so attendance is important. 

HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND and REMEMBER NEXT WEEK IS A SPIRIT WEEK with activities and dress up days all week!

MONDAY - Cozy Day (Pjs or other cozy clothing)
TUESDAY - Tropical Day, Gr 12 Telemiracle BBQ at lunch ($5 for a hamburger and a pop) & a Car Show 
WEDNESDAY - Wacky Footwear Day (Crocs, Dawgs, socks, slippers), BYOBanana and a loonie to make a banana split or an icecream sundae, Lunch on the Lawn with games
THURSDAY - Jersey Day, Terry Fox Walk (bring a loonie to donate), Chili Cook Off (enter a team or bring $3 for a bowl or $5 to taste them all and get a vote)
FRIDAY - Freaky Friday Day (wear your wackiest clothing or hair), Dodgeball at Lunch in the gym

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