Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019 (Day 1)


The students read silently for ten minutes in class as part of their daily 20 minutes of reading.  The students then had 10 minutes to study the terms we've been discussing during our short story readings such as:  character, setting, conflict, inciting incident. climax, resolution, and so on.  Then they wrote a short quiz on short story terms.  If you were absent be prepared to write this quiz on Wednesday at noon.  The students had the remainder of class to work on their own short stories.  A rough draft should be completed for Monday's class.


The students had this class to continue working on their Book Talk video.  Videos will be due at the end of class on Monday.  Anyone who was finished had a chance to practice their French using the DuoLingo app and Free Rice.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes in class as part of their daily 20 minutes of reading.  The students received their mark back on their Bio poem and then the students continued to work on their sonnet.  When they had a rough draft they had someone read it over and then started their good copy on the sheet provided.  Rough drafts and good copies are to be handed in by the end of class OR first thing Monday.
a) have 14 lines
b) each line has 10 syllables/beats
c) the lines follow the following rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
d) put a title at the top

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