Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019 (Day 2)


The students read for ten minutes and tallied their pages for the past week.  Then we discussed how to edit a piece of writing looking at:
a) message
b) organisation
c) mechanics
The students then had a chance to edit their short story, with a partner, before starting a good copy on Google Classroom.  To join the ELA 8A google classroom they need to use the sign up code:  p7hL4e2


The students read for ten minutes and tallied their pages for the past week.   We then finished the definitions for Lesson 2 Vocabulary.  The students worked alone or in partners to complete parts B & C, writing out the sentences and inserting the correct word.
If they finished they had time to complete their Sonnets, which are now overdue, or silent read if they were finished.
Overdue Sonnets: Kaden, Weston, Parker, Daylan, Carter, Jaydon, Gracen, Adam, Bronson, Tristin


The students had today to finish up their Book Talk videos and post them to YouTube.  Finished video urls then need to be posted to the Google Classroom.  Students who were finished had time to earn Free Rice and use Duolingo.


Today we discussed self-esteem and how to improve it.  If you were absent you may view the video we watched below and access the slideshow you missed on Google Classroom.  We also practiced giving compliments to both classmates and strangers.


We had an assembly to recognize residential school survivors and to reinforce reconciliation,  anti-racism, and anti-bullying in general.  Thanks to everyone for their respectful attention.

Careers 8B

Today students continued to work on their Young Workers Readiness Certificate.  If you were absent try to complete one module at home.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019 (Day 1)


The students read silently for ten minutes in class as part of their daily 20 minutes of reading.  The students then had 10 minutes to study the terms we've been discussing during our short story readings such as:  character, setting, conflict, inciting incident. climax, resolution, and so on.  Then they wrote a short quiz on short story terms.  If you were absent be prepared to write this quiz on Wednesday at noon.  The students had the remainder of class to work on their own short stories.  A rough draft should be completed for Monday's class.


The students had this class to continue working on their Book Talk video.  Videos will be due at the end of class on Monday.  Anyone who was finished had a chance to practice their French using the DuoLingo app and Free Rice.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes in class as part of their daily 20 minutes of reading.  The students received their mark back on their Bio poem and then the students continued to work on their sonnet.  When they had a rough draft they had someone read it over and then started their good copy on the sheet provided.  Rough drafts and good copies are to be handed in by the end of class OR first thing Monday.
a) have 14 lines
b) each line has 10 syllables/beats
c) the lines follow the following rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
d) put a title at the top

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wednesday & Thursday, September 25 & 26th (Day 5 & 6)


On Thursday we discussed what students had discovered on "How the Internet Works?"  The students worked on an assignment investigating and comparing four different search engines.  Several students need to complete previous assignments.  Today they had some work time to get caught up.


The students start each class with ten minutes of silent reading.  They had the rest of the class on Wednesday to work on their story.  Some students have had time to start a second story.  On Thursday we read "Lose Now, Pay Later" and discussed it before having some more writing time.  By the end of class on Wednesday, October 2nd students should have their rough draft finished.


The students are working on a Book Trailer video in French. They have made a plan, are finding pictures and will use iMovie to assemble their trailer.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students start each class with ten minutes of silent reading.  Together we followed the steps to write a sonnet:
a) Brainstorm words and ideas related to your topic
b) Find rhyming words for the list of words and topics
c) Think of a theme and start writing
Sonnets must have:
a) 14 lines
b) a rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
c) 10 syllables in each line
The students now all have a topic on which they are writing and Good Copies will be due at the end of class on Friday.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 (Day 4)


The students watched two videos about what the Internet is and how searching the Internet works.  They then had to do some research on definitions involving the Internet, browsers, search engines and so on.  If you were absent and missed the summative Kahoot on Computer parts you need to make arrangements to complete this.  Also, students who have not completed their research on a computer part need to complete than assignment on Google Classroom and turn it in ASAP.


The students read for ten minutes and totaled their pages read last week.  Then we read another short story "Amigo Brothers" and we discussed it.  Please read on Google Classroom or from the link below.  Students also got ten minutes time to work on their own short stories.


Today students planned out their book talks and some had a chance to start collecting photos to put into their presentations.  We have the iPads booked for the next few classes.

ELA 9A & 9B

Today the students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed the questions for "Seven Ages of Man."  I collected question number 7.  We then watched the following prezi on what makes up a sonnet.
Finally we went through how to write  a sonnet, which MUST have 14 lines in ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme, with each line being 10 syllables.
1. Get your topic and brainstorm everything you know about that topic
2.  Find words that rhyme with your brainstorming ideas
3. Think of a theme
4. Write the first line and change so it has 10 syllables or beats
5.  Follow the rhyme scheme using your brainstorming list

Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019 (Day 2)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read and discussed "The Fun They Had." The students then had time to work on their own short stories.


The students had time to read for ten minutes.  Then we corrected parts B & C of Lesson 1 Vocabulary.  Then we started definitions for Lesson 2.  If you were absent we made it to phenomenon.


We watched some samples of previous French Book Talks.  Then we did some oral practice of plot outlines. On Monday we will finish up plot outline sharing and start a final storyboard for our Book Talk videos.


Today we got everyone logged on to Google Classroom.  Everyone present finished the first assignment on 5 self image items, which are things they see when they look at themselves.
We finished the pennants about ourselves and we did notes on the six dimensions of self-image.
If you were absent see Miss Riddell for what you missed.


Today we continued working on the Young Workers Readiness Certificate Course.  We will continue doing this for the next two classes.  Remember to bring earbuds or headphones to class.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019 (Day 1)


The students read for ten minutes.  We read and discussed the story "The Necklace" by Guy De Maupassant.  This author started the story with a description of the main character and her circumstances. This is contrast to the last two stories, which were started with a description of the setting and theme, and a conversation.  Students had time to continue work on their own short story.


Today the students planned out the basics of the plot of their book.  This was based on: 
*introducing the book
*introducing the main character
*introducing the setting
*what is the problem
* three events in the book
*one part the reader liked
I have e-mailed sheets to those that were absent with an outline and my example.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  We discussed answering questions fully as they received formative evaluations on their first assignments.  Then we went through tthe answers for the Compare and Contrast of "Breakeven" and "Sonnet 30."  Questions 8 & 9 should be handed in.
Finally the students read and annotated "The Seven Ages of Man," which we'll discuss further on Monday.

ELA 9A we will be correcting Vocabulary Lesson 1, parts B & C, tomorrow.  Make sure it is complete and here.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 (Day 6)


Today we started off with a Summative kahoot to evaluate what we learned about computer hardware.  If you were absent you'll need to arrange a time to see Miss Riddell to complete this.  Then we continued working with Google Docs.  Today we:
  • added pictures to our table
  • added an extra column to our table
  • made a list with bulleted points
  • made a list with numbered points
  • attached our Google Doc from our drive to the Classroom assignment and turned it in


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read the story "All Summer in a Day." If  you were absent you can find a copy on Google Classroom or below.  We looked at how both the story "The Hockey Sweater" and today started.  Then the students had time to start writing the story that they planned out yesterday.


The students shared a third character, from a book they enjoyed, orally in French with the class.  Then they had time to write a description out which included:
  • the book
  • the character
  • hair and eyes
  • 3 adjectives
  • one other fact
These will be marked as formative assessments.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then they finished annotating the poem "Sonnet 30" by Spencer.  We discussed this poem and then in partners the students had time to work through the compare and contrast questions, which are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 (Day 5)


The students finished discussing and making notes on various parts of the computer.  Then the students got to find the parts in actual disassembled computers, thank-you Mr. Whyte. We then started discussing how to use Google Documents and started a practice document.

ELA 9B & 9A

The students read for ten minutes.  We discussed the contrast and comparison questions for "Stereo Hearts" and "A Red, Red Rose."  The students handed their questions in for the last two.  We then started to read and annotate "Break Even."


The students received a list of common adjectives. They then described a favourite book character orally.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed the comprehension questions for "The Hockey Sweater."  The students then had time to start a story of their own by deciding on characters and planning out the three main parts:

a) an inciting incident / conflict
b) the climax / most exciting part / the highest point of conflict
c) the resolution / resolving the conflict

They then had time to start writing their story.  Everyone got a good start.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday, September 16 (Day 4)


The students had some time to finish their research into a computer part.  Then we started to discuss the results and make some notes.  We'll finish up tomorrow.


The students read for ten minutes and tallied their pages read for the last week.  Then we watched a video of the story "The Hockey Sweater."  We finished our notes on the story and the students then worked in pairs to complete 5 comprehension questions, which we will discuss tomorrow. A letter about our reading program was also sent home with each student.  It is also found on my teacher page at Miss Riddell's UCHS Page


Today we started a new topic on books and reading.  The students shared a book they liked and described  main character.  We went through some useful vocabulary for this theme.


The students read for ten minutes and tallied the number of pages read over the last seven days.  They then compared and contrasted the song and poem we discussed last week. We will go over this tomorrow.   A letter about our reading program was also sent home with each student.  It is also found on my teacher page at Miss Riddell's UCHS Page


The students read for ten minutes and tallied the number of pages read over the last seven days.  They discussed the poem "A Red, Red Rose" and then compared and contrasted the song and poem we discussed last week.  We will go over this tomorrow.  A letter about our reading program was also sent home with each student.  It is also found on my teacher page at Miss Riddell's UCHS Page

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday, September 13 (Day 3)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we jumped into reading our first poems, which were actually a song and a poem.  The students read and annotated the lyrics to "Stereo Hearts" and we discussed this work.  Then they read and annotated "A Red, Red Rose," which one class discussed and the other will finish up on Monday. 

BIO poems which were due Thursday and are now overdue:  
9A - Ashley, Adam, Jaydon, Dahlia, Tristin
9B - Logan , Kaybree, Kyle
Some look like they just need a selfie or to just be turned in on Classroom.  You'll be in my room at lunch on Monday if you don't get them finished up this weekend.


Today the students finished reviewing the RE verbs. They then had the remainder of the class to complete their Ma Famille summative poster, which includes:
a) one female and one male family member and themselves
b) grade 10 should include: relationship, age, birthday, one like, and one other
c) grade 11 should include: relationship, age, birthday, one like, and two others
d) grade 12 should include: relationship, age, birthday, one like, and three others
e) include a picture of each of your people
Due at the end of class today or first thing Monday.

Remember Monday is an early dismissal day with classes ending at 2:15 pm.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019 (Day 2)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we read the story "The Hockey Sweater" by Roch Carrier. Next using the terms and devices we've been studying we started to analyze the story.  We'll finish it on Monday.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had time to complete Parts B & C of Lesson One vocabulary in Words Are Important.  Many also had time to complete their Bio Poem, which is due today, and some had time to silent read as well.


The students reviewed RE verbs and then started work on a poster which is to include:
a) one female and one male family member and themselves
b) grade 10 should include: relationship, age, birthday, one like, and one other
c) grade 11 should include: relationship, age, birthday, one like, and two others
d) grade 12 should include: relationship, age, birthday, one like, and three others
e) include a picture of each of your people
Due at the end of class Friday


Today we discussed self-image and what makes it positive or negative.  The students watched a video of someone who has a great self-image, Nick Vujicic.  Almost everyone signed into Google Classroom and then the students wrote down 5 ways they see themselves in a document.  


Today the students started working through the on-line course for the Young Workers Readiness certificate.  This will take us the next 3-4 classes.  Once students have completed all the modules they will take an on-line test, which they must score at least 75% on before they receive their certificate.  The certificate will then be signed by a parent/guardian and kept as part of their career portfolio.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wednesday, September 11 (Day 1)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we went through some literary elements including:
Foreshadowing / Flashbacks
The videos discussing these elements can be found on Google Classroom.  Tomorrow are going to have a small quiz on the Short Story terms we have discussed over the last few classes.


The students did their first summative oral presentation on a family member.  Then we continued our review of IR verbs.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we went through How to Read a Poem.  If you were absent you can find the presentation on Classroom.  We also discussed various terms relevant to poems.
Bio Poems are due tomorrow, September 12, typed out on Classroom.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday, September 10 (Day 6)


Today we discussed the KWT charts from yesterday and students started to research a computer item such as a CPU, GPU, HDD, PSU or motherboard.  We'll finish this up next class next day 4.


Today after silent reading the students took some notes on various parts of Short Stories (characters, plot, setting, conflict, theme/topic, and 6 types of conflict.)


The students did a final formative practice by presenting a family member in French. Tomorrow we will have summative presentations.  We also started to review IR verbs and some irregular ones.


The students read for ten minutes and then started their first vocabulary lesson.  Students worked together with Mr. Ehnisz to develop definitions using  Then on their own they used the words in a variety of sentences.  We'll finish up lesson one on Thursday.

WARRIOR TIME - Photography

We looked over some of the pictures people have taken since yesterday and discussed what worked and what didn't.


The students read for ten minutes and then got signed into the computers and signed up for Google Classroom.  They then had time to continue work on their Bio Poems and if done put a good copy on Google Classroom.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Monday, September 9 (Day 5)


Today we got everyone logged on and we signed up for Google Classroom.  Then students completed a KTW chart on What they KNOW, What the THINK they Know, and What they WANT to know about computers.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they looked at several examples of Bio Poems before brainstorming some ideas for their own Bio Poem.  All students started on a good handwritten copy of their poem.


The students practiced introducing a new member of their family in French.  Then we continued reviewing ER verbs. We'll do another oral practice tomorrow and have our first Summative on Wednesday.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they broke into partners to discuss and add to charts about Short Story Elements.


Today my photography session started.  We discussed some basics of the Canon Ti cameras they will be using and some of the many Spirit Week Events that they can take pictures of this week.  We also learned about the Rule of Third.


The students silently read for ten minutes.  Then they signed on to the computer system.  This year your password must have a capital, a letter, a number, and a symbol and must be at least 8 characters long.  It can not contain your name.  After this the students logged onto Google Classroom and completed a good copy of their Bio Poem.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019 (Day 4)

Wow!  What a busy first few days.  We are now getting into routine and the work is beginning.

Computers 7B

Today we had our first class and went through some rules about the care and feeding of our computers.  The students will be using laptops, Chromebooks, and iPads this year.  In computers we will be using Google Classroom and working mostly with the laptops in lab 104.  Check here or on Facebook to see what we are doing.  Today we got almost everyone logged in, just a few more sheets that the office needs to go through to enable accounts.


The students are starting each class with 10 minutes of silent reading.  We have calculated our reading goal for the week, based on reading ten minutes in class and ten minutes at home, each day.  That is twenty minutes on the weekend.  Today the students set some learning goals for improvement and started to write about themselves.  I'm looking to some reading this weekend,


We have started with the theme of family.  The students have talked about several members of their families in French and written about one as a formative assessment.  We have also reviewed the verbs Avoir, Être, and ER verbs.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students are starting each class with 10 minutes of silent reading.  We have calculated our reading goal for the week, based on reading ten minutes in class and ten minutes at home, each day.  That is twenty minutes on the weekend.  The students have set some learning goals for improvement. We discussed what a poem is and the 9A students started to brainstorm their first poem about themselves.


We met once and discussed course outlines.  This class only meets once every six days so attendance is important.  Next class we will start working on our Young Workers Readiness Certificate so students will need headphones.


This class of 30 went through the class outline for our first class and started making a pennant about themselves.  This class only meets once every six days so attendance is important. 

HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND and REMEMBER NEXT WEEK IS A SPIRIT WEEK with activities and dress up days all week!

MONDAY - Cozy Day (Pjs or other cozy clothing)
TUESDAY - Tropical Day, Gr 12 Telemiracle BBQ at lunch ($5 for a hamburger and a pop) & a Car Show 
WEDNESDAY - Wacky Footwear Day (Crocs, Dawgs, socks, slippers), BYOBanana and a loonie to make a banana split or an icecream sundae, Lunch on the Lawn with games
THURSDAY - Jersey Day, Terry Fox Walk (bring a loonie to donate), Chili Cook Off (enter a team or bring $3 for a bowl or $5 to taste them all and get a vote)
FRIDAY - Freaky Friday Day (wear your wackiest clothing or hair), Dodgeball at Lunch in the gym