The students practiced reading their lines for their green-screen presentations. They then found pictures to use for their backgrounds. They used the CC Creative Commons site to find their pictures.
Everyone has a specific iPad, which they will need for the next few classes. Students also made a slide in Pic Collage for the start and the end of their video.
The students continued learning about maps. Today we covered:
TITLE - maps have a title
ORIENTATION - how the map is drawn on the paper, usually North is at the top
DATE - when was the map created, has the area changed if it is an older map
AUTHOR - who made the map
LEGEND - a table that explains the pictures on the map
SCALE - a tool, which explains distance
INDEX - a directory showing all the places on the map and how to find them using the grid lines
GRID - lines that are put horizontally and vertically through the map to help locate places
Symbols - a drawing on a map that represents something on the ground
Ratio - to show the scale, example: 1cm = 1 km may read 1:100
Compass Rose - shows the cardinal directions (North, East, South, West) NEVER EAT SOGGY NOODLES
Latitude - invisible lines that run horizontally around the earth
- are all equally spaced apart
- the EQUATOR goes around the middle of the earth like a belt
Longitude - invisible lines that run vertically from pole to pole
- are closer together at the poles
- the PRIME MERIDIAN runs through Greenwich, England and is zero for longitude
Locations on earth can be described by Latitude and Longitude coordinates:
Example: Unity is 52 26.418 N, -109 09.109 W
The first number is degrees and the second number is minutes and the third number is seconds.
52 degrees 26 minutes and 418 seconds NORTH
TIME ZONES are different because the earth spins and rotates around the sun, so some parts are in day (facing the sun) and some parts are in night (facing away from the sun.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students re-calibrated their Reading Goals by reading for ten minutes, counting the pages and multiplying by 14.
Today we looked at Shakespearean language and the students had a change to trade some Shakespearean insults or flatteries.
Thou art a disgusting, lily-livered maggot-pie.
Thou art an angelic, honey-tongued goddess.
If you were absent be sure to watch the powerpoint on Google Classroom and complete the definitions sheet.
Today we discussed rooming and hotels. You can watch the following slide show to see what we discussed.
Today the students finished predicting where they will be and what they will be doing in ten years. They also looked at what their dreams would be if they won $10 million dollars. They chose a career to research for next class. We also watch the following video about career choices:
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