Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 (Day 3)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  They then had a final class to complete their project for "The Outsiders."  They also signed out a copy of Romeo and Juliet and returned their copy of "The Outsiders" if they were done their projects. Rough drafts must be turned in and projects posted to Google Classroom:
Missing Projects ELA 9B:  Ethan, Jarret, Sharri, Denim, and James
Missing Projects ELA 9A:  Kyra, Xander, Zya, Braden, Quinn


The students finished up their profiles and picked out three items that appeared more than once in their chart.  We discussed some possible careers based on these items.  The students then did an evaluation of how important various values are to them (example:  beauty, compassion, money, family, adventure, and so on).  The students learned that values don't usually change so they should keep in mind their top five when thinking of a future job.  Lastly, the students started to predict (using:  where what, how, who, and why) their lives in ten years.  We'll finish this up next class and choose a job to research and present.


One student was in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed how to describe hair, eyes, noes, mouths, and height.  We also reviewed clothing vocabulary and described Bart of the Simpsons.

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