The rest of the students finished presenting their fashion shows. The students completed a survey on what they like about French to help me with my Professional Learning. We started to discuss our plans for Crêpes on Tuesday and la Carnaval on the last day of exams at UPS.
The students did two self-reflections. The first dealt with identifying personal achievements, interests, and characteristics and the people, places, times, or events that helped shape them. Overall we discovered family members, teachers/coaches, and peers were the largest influences and the students felt this would continue beyond grade 8.
The students also did a personal profile of their achievements, interests, skills, ways of being smart, learning styles, characteristics, and things they like to do. We'll use this profile further next class.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for 10 minutes. Then they had time to continue working on their final projects for "The Outsiders." Those who are starting their Fakebook pages need to follow these steps to get set-up:
a) got to
b) type in a conversation with 4 replies
c) add a name at the top of the page
d) SAVE the page
e) this will prompt you for a password and a recovery e-mail (use your livingsky ones)
f) you will get a link, which you must SAVE
g) I suggest you e-mail your link and password to yourself
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students completed a close activity about various musical things. We also listened to several songs and identified the titles, singers, and genres.
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