Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019 (Day 6)


The students picked partners and are creating a fashion show as themselves or characters.  Each person must present their partner in a two minute oral that includes:
where they're from
their job
3 hobbies/skills
physical description
clothing (at least 5 items)

Students may add music, dance, song to liven up their presentation.  They will have tomorrow to prepare and we'll start presenting on Monday.


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we read an article about Celine Dion in French.  Lastly we listened to some songs and students tried to identify the title, the singer and the genre.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had a chance to decide on which final project they will complete for "The Outsiders."  Choices included:
a) Recast the main characters with current teenage actors and then make a new trailer for the movie.
b) Create a soundtrack for the movie using 6 events/characters and choosing songs to portray them.  Plus create a playlist on /YouTube of the songs.
c) Choose 6 events and create a "Fakebook" page with posts about those 6 vents and replies from various characters.
*Each choice requires a rough draft and must include 12 quotes from the novel.  Quotes can be any lines in the novel, not just those that characters said.
Due date: Friday, January 25th.


Those students who had completed their assigned interview over the holidays had time to work on a Summative  Assessment, sharing what they learned.  This is due next class so those who weren't prepared need to:
a) do their interview
b) do their assessment on Google Classroom
Students also had time to finish up their Young Workers Readiness Course and the poster about what they learned.

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